Environmental Management Plan

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1 Environmental Management Plan 1. OBJECTIVE The objective of Environmental Management Plan (EMP) is to formulate which will: Mitigate adverse impacts on various environmental components, which have been identified during the rapid environmental impact assessment study. Protect environmental resources where possible. Enhance the value of environmental components where possible. EMP also includes a monitoring plan to enable evaluation of the success or failure of environmental management and to carry out reorientation of the plan if found necessary. It is emphasized that many of the protective and enhancement can be implemented by adopting suitable planning and design criteria for construction of the project. The following have been suggested after discussion with project proponent. 2. LAND ENVIRONMENT 2.1. Traffic Management Construction Phase The proposed site is in a developed area. There are existing access roads to the site. Internal road layout for traffic management within site has been designed. Special care will be taken during transportation of construction material like cement, sand, aggregate etc. as considerable quantities of such material would be transported from various material suppliers. The material will be sourced from the nearest available government approved contractor. Since road transport is unavoidable, such movement will be during non- peak hours as far as possible. Operation Phase The impact on land environment during operation phase will be due to movement of vehicles of users and visitors to the site. Precautions that will be taken to minimize impacts of traffic will be as follows: Development will be as per local guidelines for residential development. There will be minimum amount of cutting and filling. Earthwork will be primarily for creation of foundation and basement. Part of this will be used onsite as filling material and remaining will be disposed outside the site. Adequate provisions will be made through provision of internal roads for smooth vehicle entry and exit. Approach road (external road) and internal roads for onsite traffic movement will be planned as per project development. 2.2 Solid Waste Management Please refer Annexure III for details on Solid Waste Management The salient features of the proposed solid waste management strategy are as follows:

2 Construction stage During construction stage, labour camp for about 15 labourers would be provided with solid waste management facilities. Solid waste generated from labour camp would be segregated and collected in separate bins for non-biodegradable and biodegradable waste. Non-biodegradable waste will be disposed by selling to scrap dealers (recyclable) and to existing authorized agency (inert and non recyclables). Biodegradable waste will be treated on site in vermin-composting pits and compost will be used for landscaping on site. Demolition waste and construction waste would be generated which would include debris, concrete, steel and other metals, bricks, pallets, packaging and paper products, railings, door and window casings, fixtures, tiles, furnishings etc. For waste generated during the construction phase, gross segregation of the wastes into roadwork materials, structural building material etc. would be made. Additional segregation to facilitate reuse/ recycling would be made. Material wastes like bricks, cement etc. will be used as fill material and concrete would be recycled and reused at the site. Adequate facilities for the storage of these waste materials would be made on site. Operation stage Management of solid waste generated during the operation phase would include collection, transportation and disposal in a manner so as to cause minimal environmental impact. It will be made mandatory for waste to be segregated right at the source of waste generation. There would be manual collection & storage of biodegradable waste; and reusable and recyclable waste would be manually collected and stored in closed rooms at ambient temperatures. Biodegradable waste from residential buildings and club house would be transferred to mechanical composting units within the site for disposal. Compost from the same will be used for landscaping. Reusable and recyclable waste will be disposed by selling to scrap dealers and private contractor for resale. Non-degradable waste will be transferred to municipal solid waste management system. 3. AIR POLLUTION Construction Phase: a) Mobile source emissions: 1. Transportation of raw materials required for construction will be carried out during non-peak hours. 2. Idling of delivery trucks or other equipment will not be permitted during unloading or when not in active use. 3. To minimize dust emissions due to trucks carrying cement, gravel, sand to site, ready mix concrete carried in enclosed container will be used which is a better option as compared to on site batch mixing. 4. Dust covers will be provided on trucks used for transportation of materials prone to fugitive dust emissions. 5. Covering scaffolding equipment and cleaning of vehicles to be carried out to reduce dust and vapor emissions.

3 b) For stationary source emissions: 1. Most of the machinery related to construction will be located close to construction area for ease of handling. Machinery such as conveyers and mixers will be screened with sheets of suitable material to reduce transport of suspended particulate matter and noise. 2. All stationary construction equipment will be located as far away as possible from sensitive receptor locations in order to allow maximum dispersion of emitted pollutants. 3. Areas prone to fugitive dust emissions due to activities such as excavation, grading sites and routes of delivery vehicles across patches of exposed earth, will be frequently water sprinkled to prevent re-entrainment of dust. 4. Hosing down road surfaces especially if they are unfinished surfaces will be carried out to help to prevent fugitive dust emissions. 5. Other to be taken will include appropriate containment around bulk storage tanks and materials stores to prevent spillages. 6. Apart from these, equipment/ machines and vehicles will be always kept in good state of repair to minimize emissions. Construction areas will be enclosed, wherever possible. Operation Phase 1. Plantation along the roadside will help to reduce effects of air/ noise pollution. A row of trees will be planted along the plot periphery to screen the site from air/ noise pollution. 2. Regular maintenance and upkeep of the internal road within project will ensure smooth traffic flow and will help to reduce air pollution. 3. As per the project analysis, the impact of proposed project would be positive when proper traffic flow is maintained. The entrance/ exit to the site will be maintained so that there are no obstructions to traffic flow. 4. NOISE POLLUTION Construction Phase 1. Contract specifications for construction work will specify use of noise generating equipmentgenerating noise of not greater than 90 db (A). 2. Construction specifications will also stipulate levels of maximum noise generation in various zones based on CPCB Noise Standards. 3. High noise generating construction activities like, compacting etc. will be carried out only during daytime. 4. Workers working near high noise construction machinery will be provided with ear muffs/ earplugs. 5. Provision of temporary barricading around site will be carried out. Operation Phase During operation phase, it is important to maintain the noise levels within the plot for the safety and better health of laborers. Various precautions to be taken to maintain acceptable noise level within the project area are as under: 1. Buffer in form of wall or tree plantation will be provided along the main roads.

4 2. Smooth flow of traffic will be ensured on the internal road to avoid idling of vehicles. 5. WATER ENVIRONMENT Construction Phase: 1. Construction area will be isolated and care will be taken to divert the run-off to storm water drainage, so possibility of pollution from construction run-off is prevented. Also, subsurface work will be carried out only during non-monsoon period. 2. Precaution will be taken to ascertain that no waste material like cement, paint and solid material like iron rods and any other material is dumped into storm water system. 3. No accumulation of stagnant water will be allowed to prevent breeding of mosquitoes. 4. Labour camps will be provided with septic tank and soak pit arrangement for waste water treatment. Operation Phase: 1. A well-engineered storm water drainage system will be provided as a part of this development. 2. Due to proposed Rain Water Harvesting there will be a positive impact on ground water regime due to proposed project in the operation phase. Rain water from the roof will be transferred to separate Rain Water Tank via network of chambers/ piping. Before entering the tank, it will pass through coarse filtration. This water will be transferred to main UG tank by suitably filtering it. 6. GUIDELINES FOR BIO-AESTHETIC MANAGEMENT At present there are no existing trees on site. As part of the proposed development, a well designed landscape plan is proposed. Trees will be 1 tree for 100 sq.m. of plot area. 6.1 Species Recommended for Plantation The basic thrust for plantation will be on ecological value followed by aesthetic value of the tree. Local species which support local biodiversity will be planted within the green areas. List of suggested trees species Sr. No. Scientific Name Common/ Local Name Family Habit 1. ArtocarpusheterophyllusLamk Jackfruit Moraceae Tree 2. Grewiamicrocos L. Hasale Tiliaceae Shrub 3. Lagerstroemia speciosa Pride of India, Queen's Crepe (Crape) Myrtle Lythraceae Tree 4. MoringaoleferaLamk Drum Stick tree Moraceae Tree 5. Pavettaindica L. -- Rubiaceae Shrub 6. Tinosporacordifolia Guduchi Menispermaceae Climber 7. Vitextrifolia L. Nirgudi Verbenaceae Shrub 8. Erythrinaindica Coral tree Fabaceae Tree 9. Magniferaindica Mango Anacardiaceae Tree 10. Saracaindica Sita Ashok Caesalpiniaceae Tree 11. Cocosnucifera Coconut Palmae Tree

5 Other native species which are fruit/ flower bearing and have large canopy size will be selected. Trees will be planted to form a row along road and plot to form a screen to reduce impact of air/ noise pollution on the plot occupants. 7. SOCIO-ECONOMIC ENVIRONMENT The proposal pertains to the construction of residential development. The proposed development would also provide direct and indirect employment during construction phase. Public Health & Safety: Public health & safety will be the priority of the project. Personal protective equipment (ear plugs, hand gloves etc) will be provided to the laborers at site. Provision of sanitation facilities will be done. During the construction activity proper intimation will be given so that there are no chances of accidents caused due to negligence. Training will be imparted to ensure that the machines are operated as per safety norms and there are no occupational hazards. Below are given some of the adopted: Construction Phase: The health and safety of the workers during the construction activity will be ensured by: 1. Proper instructions about personnel safety will be given to allthe labor working on the site by project manager before commencement of work. 2. Laborers will also be guided about the to be taken during emergency and accident like fire etc. 3. Safety equipment like gloves, helmet, ear plugs etc. which will be made mandatory to use for all labor on site. 4. Proper sanitation and water supply facilities will be provided to the labor during construction phase. 5. Insurance cover will be provided to the workers working at site. Operation Phase: During operation phase, precautions will be taken to ensure the health and safety of the local residents and the users of commercial building. Fire fighting system comprising of fire extinguishers, horse reels, alarm hooters with manual call point will be provided in the residential buildings. Fire water tanks with storage capacity as recommended will be provided. Maintenance of the systems will be carried out regularly to ensure proper functioning during emergencies. Periodic inspection and maintenance of all water storage tanks will be carried out at regular intervals to prevent outbreak of waterborne diseases. Other fire fighting involves the following: CO 2 Fire extinguisher near main panel and Electrical Panel of each building. ABC type Fire extinguishers at each floor level of all the buildings. Manual Call Point and Hooter at each floor level of all the buildings. Hose Reels are provided at each floor level of all the buildings. Alarm shall be provided in the security to alert all the occupants in case of fire.

6 OTHER DETAILS Evacuation drill will be conducted & evacuation time will be determined. Drill will be conducted once in six months so that evacuation time will be reduced. Assembly points shall be ear marked. 8. ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT PLAN ORGANIZATION & IMPLEMENTATION During construction phase, contractors as well as site-in-charge will be responsible for implementing all the recommended. Planting of trees on open spaces and road-side will be initiated during construction phase itself. In operational phase, the work will be continued along with post-monitoring of planted area. An officer should be appointed by the project proponents to ensure monitoring and inspection during construction period as explained above. Following are the to be undertaken during construction & operational phase respectively with the agency responsible for implementation.

7 Sr. Affected No. Environmental Parameters 1. Land Environment Mitigation Measures during Construction Phase Likely adverse Traffic congestion Generation of solid waste and debris Aesthetically unpleasant Health problems of laborers impact Temporary Proper monitoring of vehicles at the entry and exit points. Facilitate the parking arrangement for the smooth flow of vehicles and thereby mitigate the impacts on the environment. Maximum construction activity to be done during the daytime. Segregation to facilitate reuse/ recycling construction and demolition wastes and material waste like bricks, cement etc. Reuse of excavated material on site premises. Proper disposal methods to be followed. All the bio degradable waste should be collected in a covered shed with proper storage so as to avoid foul odour and littering on the site. This will be treated in proposed OWC on site. Non biodegradable waste will be segregated into recyclable and inert and sold off to authorized recyclers and to authorized waste disposal site respectively. Training will be imparted onsite and instructions given to workers by the officer at site to prevent any accidents during the construction activity. Temporary accommodation (labour camp) with arrangement for basic sanitation with septic tank and soak pit arrangement will be provided. Implementing Agency Contractor

8 Sr. Affected No. Environmental Parameters Likely adverse 2. Air Quality Increase in air pollution (Increase in levels of NOx, SPM, Dust hazards) Risks of accidents impact Local workers will be deputed as far as possible. Significant Material transport during non but peak hours of the day. Local Temporary laborers deployed from the vicinity in order to reduce the movement of vehicles outside the state. Encourage receipt of materials during non peak traffic hours. Minimize obstruction of through traffic lanes from construction equipment or activities to the greatest extent feasible. Train workers to handle construction materials and debris during construction and dismantlement to reduce fugitive emissions. Idling of the trucks and dumpers on the access roads will not be allowed. Raw materials will be procured from the nearest material supplier. Material will be brought in batches so that there is no sudden increase of traffic volume at one particular time. Use dust abatement techniques on unpaved, unvegetated surfaces to minimize airborne dust and during earthmoving activities, prior to clearing, excavating, backfilling, compacting, or grading, and during blasting Use of dust covers over construction material during transportation. Implementing Agency Project manager & Contractor

9 Sr. Affected No. Environmental Parameters Likely adverse impact 3. Noise Quality Increase in Significant noise levels but causing temporary nuisance to surroundings. 4. Water Environment 5. Socio- Economic Environment Increase in turbidity and suspended solids due to soil erosion Increase in air pollution due to dust, noise levels causing nuisance to surroundings Significant and temporary Moderate and temporary Stabilization of dust prone areas by sprinkling water Prohibition for use of equipment emitting noise of greater than 90 db (A) for 8 hour operation Prohibition of noise causing construction activities during night time and general holidays. Provide workers on heavy machinery with ear muffs/ ear plugs. Provision of temporary barricading around site Construction work to be carried out before monsoons. Spillages to be collected at a separate location to prevent mixing of groundwater and particulates from the construction activity. Channelizing the proper flow of oils, paints and other solvents into the Oil and Grease Trap. Construction materials to be stored in enclosures. No accumulation of stagnant water and facilities to prevent soil erosion by providing bunds. Best Management practices in accordance to specifications and plans to be followed. Implementing Agency Contractor Contractor Temporary barricades will be Contractor erected around the periphery to ensure dust and noise during construction phase, thus there will be no impact in surrounding

10 Sr. Affected No. Environmental Parameters Likely adverse impact Stabilization of dust prone areas by sprinkling water. Implementing Agency Mitigation Measures during Operation Phase Sr. Affected No. Environment al Parameters Land Environmen t Water Environmen t Likely adverse Increased solid waste generation in area Aesthetically unpleasant Reduced percolation due to increased paved areas Impact Significa nt and Tempora ry Significa nt and permane nt Waste management practices like waste segregation of solid waste at source, recycling and reuse, composting etc. to be adopted. Collecting and monitoring the waste generated on a monthly basis. Organic waste converter should be maintained well so as to facilitate the generation of manure. Maintain a register with the details on waste generated. Disposal to be done only through authorized agency. Covering the sheds where the dry waste will be stored temporarily so as to prevent any scavenging by birds. Green buffer zones will be generated Regular maintenance of storm water drains. Blockage of natural drains/ storm water drains to be Implementin g agency Project Proponent Project Proponent

11 Sr. Affected No. Environment al Parameters Noise Environmen t Air Environmen t Likely adverse Waste water generation Disturbance due to noise generating activities and increased vehicular traffic Dust emissions with an increase in SOx, NOx and Particulate matter Impact Significa nt and permane nt Significa nt and temporar y avoided and cleaning & maintenance to be carried out regularly. Rain water harvesting to recharge ground water Incorporate appropriate landscape design elements in order to facilitate ground water infiltration Sewage treatment plant to recycle domestic sewage and reuse it for toilet flushing, gardeningetc. Effective implementation of traffic management plan to avoid traffic congestion and blocking of access roads. Buffer in form of wall or tree plantation will be provided along the main roads. Smooth flow of traffic will be ensured on the internal road to avoid idling of vehicles. Plantation along the roadside will help to reduce effects of air/ noise pollution. Regular maintenance and upkeep of the internal road within project will ensure smooth traffic flow and will help to reduce air pollution. Implementin g agency Project Proponent

12 Sr. Affected No. Environment al Parameters 5. Public Health and Safety Likely adverse Health problems due to increased traffic. Danger to life from accidents/ emergency situations or natural disasters. Impact Moderat e and Permane nt Maintenance of road side plantation to prevent air/ noise pollution within site. Adequate parking facility. Fire fighting provisions within the plot and buildings. Implementin g agency Project Proponent