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1 Destraificaion is recommended by The Carbon Trust* AIRIUS IN HORTICULTURE Save 20-50% on heating & cooling costs with Airius - The world leaders in Destratification technology Web: Tel: 00 (+44)

2 Horticultural Environmental management in the horticultural industry can be an expensive and complicated activity. If conditions are not strictly controlled in buildings such as Greenhouses and Garden Centres, plants and produce can fall victim to disease and damage, as well as slow or stunted growth. The Airius destratification system optimises heating and cooling systems by ensuring set temperatures are achieved, circulated and balanced throughout the space. This redcues heating and cooling costs by up to 50%, improves plant growth and maximises growing space. Features & Benefits Improves control over temperature regulated environments 40%+ reduction in heating costs 30%+ reduction in cooling costs 35%+ reduction in carbon emissions Rapid ROI - Usually months Maintains balanced temps for plant racking Stores heat in concrete floors, walkways etc. Condensation reduced or eliminated Can be custom painted to match environment Significantly reduced HVAC maintenance costs Works alongside ALL types of HVAC systems Minimal running costs (from 6/pa) Eligible for carbon reducing grants/loans Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed efficitur, turpis euismod ultrices hendrerit, dolor ipsum dignissim purus, a maximus leo massa ac neque. Integer eu odio molestie, tempus turpis ut, aliquam arcu. Vivamus ultricies dignissim feugiat. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Integer molestie, est ut feugiat lobortis, lacus orci consectetur velit, eu feugiat est magna sed nisl. Maecenas a risus vitae nisl mattis cursus eu quis arcu. Praesent a libero eget purus facilisis ullamcorper. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Maecenas sem odio, condimentum non tempor ut, consectetur vel urna. Vestibulum magna libero, maximus quis tortor quis, convallis faucibus lacus. Suspendisse et nisl laoreet, convallis mi at, maximus lorem. Maecenas commodo urna pulvinar velit rutrum laoreet. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Aliquam erat volutpat.

3 Installation Images The Airius System reduced our energy costs by 26% and paid for itself in one winter season. "The Airius System reduced our energy costs by 26% and paid for itself in one winter season. The units increased the air circulation throughout the planting benches, eliminated non-productive cold corners and increased our winter plant growth. As you predicted, our concrete floors and walkways became a heat storage bank, supplying free heat during the night. As a result of installing your system, the consistent temperature increased our winter plant growth in ways we had never seen before. Calla Lilies bloomed 25% more than in previous winter months and our philodendron showed exceptional growth. The Airius system helped us grow healthier plants. We ve now installed the system throughout our greenhouses." Kelly Grummons - Chief Horticulturalist

4 Selected Client List

5 CONTACT US Get in touch! Airius Europe, Africa, Middle-East & Asia Holwell Farm Cranborne, Dorset BH21 5QP - UK Tel: (00) Fax: (00) Web: Airius Americas 811 South Sherman Street Longmont, Colorado USA Tel: (00) Fax: (00) Web: Airius Oceania 2/14 Brandon St. Suffolk Park NSW 2481 Australia Tel: (00) Web: For more case studies, demonstration videos, client lists, testimonials and product information visit us at: USA and foreign Patents granted to AIRIUS LLC, USA, further patents pending. AIRIUS & AIRIUS SYSTEMS is the copyright property of AIRIUS LLC, USA. All material issued by, or emanating from, Airius Europe Ltd is the Copyright property of Airius Europe Ltd, UK. V2.0