Introduc)on of TPE Programme and Poten)al Collabora)on with GEWEX

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1 Introduc)on of TPE Programme and Poten)al Collabora)on with GEWEX Provided by Prof. Ailikun Director of TPE IPO Ins)tute of Atmospheric Physics Chinese Academy of Sciences 29 Sep. 2016

2 The Third Pole region covers 5 million km2 in area with an eleva7on higher than 4000m by average

3 The Third Pole Region Ø Water tower of Asia with strong downstream impacts, but one of the most water scarcity areas in the world Ø Significantly influenced by global warming Ø Crucial glacier retrea)ng, snow and permafrost mel)ng Ø Richest area with natural biodiversity but rapid ecosystem degrada)on in recent decades Ø Most disaster-prone (climate and non-climate) area in the world Ø Poorest area in the world Ø Rapid economic development in recent decades

4 To Understand the Earth System Interac7on in TPE Region Cryosphere Biosphere Atmosphere Multisphere interactions Lithosphere Hydrosphere Anthrosphere ü Earth is a dynamic complex system and Third Pole is a key region which triggers or influences many regional evolu)on processes of the earth system ü TPE programme focuses on the third pole and all its interconnec)ons with other areas or processes of the earth system. ü The overarching objec)ve of TPE is to obtain a system understanding of the evolu)on of third pole and of its impact on the dynamics of the earth system: past - present - future.

5 Key Scien7fic Ques7ons for TPE Programme ü What are the key earth system processes and their interac)ons among mul)-spheres in Pan-TP region? ü What are the impacts of global environment change to Pan-Third Pole environment? And what are the feedbacks? ü How to protect and safeguard the livelihood local people, and how to support government/people approaching to the UN SDGs?

6 Objec7ves of TPE TPE programme provides an important plagorm to enhancing the interna7onal collabora7on. Water in the Third Pole is proposed to be the most important objec7ve, and we focus on clarifying the cryospheric melt dominant processes and consequences, and proposing measures to mi7gate or adapt to hazardous consequences. (TPE Science Plan 2011)

7 TPE SSC Co-chairs: T. Yao, L. Thompson, V. Mosbrugger Glacier/permafrost/snow dynamics and water resources Mul7-sphere (Glacier-landatmosphere-hydrosphere) interac7ons Land use/cover changes and ecosystem Mountain hazards and risk assessment Mountain urbaniza7on, air pollu7on and human health Research Themes TPE IPO Capacity Building Global Network Regional and Educa7on Centers (China, Nepal, Sri Lanka, Burma, Center Asia) Global Offices (Beijing, Kathmandu, Ohio, Stockholm) Paleo-environment Adapta7on strategies for mountain sustainability Master/PhD courses Young Scien7sts Trainings TPE Data Center Structure of TPE programme

8 Worldwide TPE Scientific Network Research and Education Centers TPE Offices Sweden Central Asia Nepal Myanmar Sri Lanka US Beijing Germany Kathmandu

9 国内台站国际台站研究断面强化研究区影响研究区观测冰川珠峰七一冰川纳木错加德满都藏东南伊斯兰堡阿里 I II III IV V 年楚河年楚河林芝拉萨西大滩冰川纳木那尼冰川墓孜塔格冰川达雄冰川帕隆 10 号冰川抗物热冰川冷龙岭 4 号冰川雪宝顶冰川郎塘冰川古仁河口冰川古里雅冰川羌塘羌塘 1 号冰川阿尼玛卿冰川梅里雪山冰川贡嘎山冰川三江源三江源唐古拉冰川塔里木河塔里木河墓士塔格巴托拉帕米尔冰川墓士塔格冰川扎当冰川杜尚别费德钦科冰川双湖纳木错扎当冰川加德满都 TPE Glacier/snow observation networks

10 TPE multi-sphere observation netwo MAWORS Tianshuihai NADORS NewD66 D110 Shuanghu Naimona Nyi Gaize MS3478 Xixiabangma Airborne flight region SMTMS network Multi-sphere site Radio-sonde network D105 Amdo NAMORS Multi-sphere station D66 Naqu Maqu MS3608 SETS QOMS Sejilashan

11 Some Thinking on Future collaboration with GEWEX/WCRP Collabora)ng issues: 1. Glacier/permafrost/snow dynamics and water resources 2. Mul7-sphere (Glacierland-atmospherehydrosphere) interac7ons 3. Land use/cover changes and ecosystem Collabora)ng objec)ves Ø To understand the mechanism of water resource and water cycle changes in TPE region Ø To support the local and regional sustainability by understanding the waterfood-energy nexus in TPE region

12 Poten)al Joint ac)vity (To be discussed with SSC) 1. Exchange informa)on (web link, newsle[er, mee)ng announcement) 2. Exchange visitors 3. Joint workshops/conferences 4. Joint projects 5. Trainings 6. Joint publica)ons 7. TBD