Capacity-building on Development of NAMAs in a MRV manner in the Waste Sector in Vietnam

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1 Capacity-building on Development of NAMAs in a MRV manner in the Waste Sector in Vietnam November 26, 2012 Dr. Huynh Thi Lan Huong, Director, Climate Change Research Center, Vietnam Institute of Meteorology, Hydrology and Environment (IMHEN) Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment, Vietnam Mr. Makoto Kato, Principal Researcher Overseas Environmental Cooperation Center (OECC) Ministry of Environment, Japan

2 Outline 1. Background of capacity-building cooperation 2. Implementation Framework 3. Steps for GHG Quantification and consideration on MRV 4. Achievements, lesson learned and challenges 5. Way Forward

3 1. Background of capacity-building cooperation At COP17 in Doha, the MONRE, Vietnam, supported by other ministries, and the MOEJ generally agreed to launch capacity-building on NAMAs in a MRVable manner; February 2012, Workshop on NAMAs in a MRVable manner was held in Hanoi, Vietnam, and experts discussed key issues in the Vietnam s context and decided to choose waste as the target sector for the fiscal year 2012; July 2012, an inter-ministerial WG on NAMA/MRV in the waste sector has been established;

4 [ Cooperative framework for activities] (as of 7 th August, 2012) 2. Implementation Framework Working Group on NAMAs in a MRV manner in the Waste Sector MONRE MOEJ Designation/ Advice Recommendation NAMA Working Group MONRE MOC MPI VEA ISPONRE MOEJ JICA and others.. base study/ secretariat function Secretariat IMHEN & OECC Recommendation Designation/ Advice/ Finance Vietnamese Organizations IMHEN (NAMA & Reference scenarios, Pre-study, etc) Japan NAMA Support Team (base study/ secretariat function) ICD (support) WENID- VEA (support) Vietnamese Consultant (support) Technical Advices/ training / Finance OECC (Secretariat & Support) Consultant Experts 4

5 Schedule Study tour to Japan Overall WS Env Tech WS July Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Act 1. Identify BL and NAMA scenario in waste sector Act 2. Draft Guideline for NAMA selection in waste sector Act 3. Draft a Guideline for MRV of NAMAs in waste sector Act 4. Draft a Modality for Institutional Arragement for NAMA implementation in waste sector Act 5. Collection information on technology to be employed in waste sector Side event COP18

6 Steps for NAMAs Design (1) Collection of Info on relevant policies and strategies Collect and analyze relevant policy documents of development, climate change and related sector (3) Quantification GHG emissions of BAU Quantify GHG emissions based on (2) data, and a) Identify the calculation formulas b) Calculate respective emission in BAU c) Aggregate respective emissions (5) Quantification GHG emission reduction by NAMAs Quantify GHG emissions with (4)NAMAs assumptions a) Set the calculation formulas b) Calculation c) Aggregate potential with reduction by NAMAs Source: OECC 2012 (2) Collection data for BAU in the sector Collect data for calculating BAU emission with bottom-up approach (eg. List all individual landfills, and collect respective waste volumes ) (4) Examination and selection of NAMAs options Select possible NAMAs options and technologies based on (1) policies and mitigation strategies and additional consideration. Low-carbon technology survey Examination MRV methods Capacity-buildings in Vietnam for NAMAs implication

7 3. Steps for GHG Quantification and consideration on MRV Quantifying GHG Emissions Reduction Climate Change Sectoral Strategy Vietnam s Waste Sector Strategy Others *Extract data and make fact sheets Fig 1. Waste Strategy in BAU and NAMAs BAU NAMAs Fig 2. GHG Emissions in BAU and NAMAs BAU NAMAs - XXX t-waste X,XXX t-waste X,XXX t-waste XXX t-co2e X,XXX t-co2e X,XXX t-co2e Activity1: Data and Info. collection Activity2: GHG Emissions Calculation Activity3: Identify Mitigation Actions - XX Semi aerobic LFs - XX Incineration boilers

8 Baseline Emissions Formula BE y = f (1- f ) GWP CH4 (1-Ox) Frac DOC MCF A f å å j,t ϕ 1 Model correction factor f 0 Methane captured factor (IPCC default) GWP CH4 25 Global Warming Potential of methane (IPCC AR4) y t=y 0 j BL DOC j (1- e -k j ) e -k j (y-t) Ox 0 Oxidization factor of methane (IPCC defaul) 16/ CH 4 /C molecular ratio Frac 0.5 Fraction of methane in SWDS gas (IPCC default) DOC f 0.5 Fraction of degradable organic carbon (DOC) decomposable (IPCC default) MCF 0.8 Methane correction factor for "unmanaged deep >5m" SWDS (IPCC default) A BL j,t Baseline annual amount of organic wastes of type j in year t. A BL j,t = A t * %A j DOC j j k j (1 e kj ) y 0 y DOC content of waste type j (table) Waste type Methane generation rate of waste type j (table) Constant for calculation of geometric series over t Start year of the targeted waste disposal Target year considered amount of organic wastes decay curve of degradable wastes

9 CH4 Emissions at BAU (preliminary calculation/ all LF CH4 aggregated ) Based on aggregated waste amount in Vietnam, based on NIES and JICA data

10 CH4 Emissions at BAU (tco 2 e/yr) 90,000 80,000 Total 2015 input 2016 input 70,000 60,000 50,000 40,000 30,000 20,000 10,000 0 BAU CH4 emissions is an important basis for establishing a mitigation strategy and taking mitigation actions accordingly input 2018 input 2019 input 2020 input 2021 input 2022 input 2023 input 2024 input 2025 input 2026 input 2027 input 2028 input 2029 input 2030 input Source: Climate Experts

11 Generated Waste Waste reductionrelated reduction Landfilling Recycling Landfilling Energy Recovery Recycling Landfilling Energy Recovery Recycling Landfilling Energy Recovery Recycling (incl. compos ng) Treatment technologyrelated reduction Source: Climate Experts Now Future

12 GHG Emission (tco2e) 12,000,000 Preliminary Comparison between BAU and NAMA (with semi-aerobic LFs) 10,000,000 8,000,000 6,000,000 系列 1 系列 2 4,000,000 2,000,

13 Think pieces for the Relationship between NAMA Overall Plan and respective NAMAs with different finances (and associated MRV requirements) financial options MRV Requirements NAMAs Overall Plan Sectoral Plan (Energy Supply) Sectoral Plan (Transport) ODA CDM BOCM M:? R:? V:? M: CDM methodologies R: Monitoring Report V: Verification by DOE M: BOCM methodologies R: Monitoring Report V: Third-party Verification MRV at aggregated level. M:? R:? V:? Sectoral Plan (Waste Managem ent) National Budget GCF and others M:? R:? V:? M:? R:? V:?

14 4. Achievements, lessons learned and challenges Achievements and Lessons: General steps/approaches for NAMA development have been sorted out; Preliminary GHG quantification for BAU and NAMA have been done. Challenges: How to build upon the existing data collection and reporting system

15 5. Way Forward <Near Term Actions> Accuracy of breakdown of activity data (ie waste volume in respective landfills) should be improved. The secretariat will draft the implementation plan, including MRV at individual entity/project level, and MRV at policy level <Longer Term Actions> Reporting system of the waste-related data should be strengthened. MRV at policy level need to be self-reviewed by the Government of Vietnam.

16 Thank you!