Update on the Draft EIR on the Proposed Airport Master Plan

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2 Update on the Draft EIR on the Proposed Airport Master Plan 1. Summary of Process to Date (Slides 3-4) 2. Proposed Project (Slides 5-8) 3. EIR Alternative (Slides 9-10) 4. Comparison of Differences between Proposed Project and Alternative (Slides 11-16) 5. Next Steps (Slide 17) 2

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4 What s been happening? (December 2015 December 2017) Notice of Preparation for EIR (December 2015) 100% complete Public and agency scoping workshop (February 2016) 100% complete Selection of environmental consultant team/notice to Proceed (July 2016) 100% complete Development of EIR website (found through the Airport/District webpage)(fall 2016) 100% complete Independent marketing and land use analysis of north side (Spring 2017) 100% complete Development of project details for impact analysis (Fall 2016 Fall 2017) 95% complete ü Up to 15% preliminary engineering airside/landside, north side/south side ü Development of a grading strategy ü Preliminary building layouts for aircraft rescue and firefighting (ARFF) building and commercial terminal Evaluation of alternatives (California Environmental Quality Act [CEQA] Guidelines Section ) (Fall 2017-Early Spring 2018) 90% complete Biological and cultural resource surveys (Spring 2017 Spring 2018) 90% complete Vehicular traffic analysis (Fall 2017 Early Spring 2018) 75% complete Funding strategy meetings with Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) - ongoing Coordination meetings with the cities of Monterey and Del Rey Oaks and community stakeholders - ongoing 4

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6 Proposed Project Refinements Based on responses to an EIR Notice of Preparation (NOP), a Draft EIR in preparation may be revised or expanded. CEQA Guidelines Section (a)(4) In addition, preliminary engineering to define the project details for impact analysis may require adjustments to the project. Comments received in response to the NOP and preliminary engineering resulted in minor adjustments to the proposed project as addressed in the Initial Study: Increased depth of the terminal apron to accommodate aircraft movement and closure of the adjacent segment of Taxiway K to meet FAA standards Selection of a site for the temporary ARFF facility Identification of the final site and dimensions for a permanent ARFF Designation of an alignment for a north side road Closure of a portion of existing Airport Road to prevent through-airport traffic 6

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9 EIR Alternatives (CEQA Guidelines [f]) The Rule of Reason The EIR must set forth only those alternatives necessary to permit a reasoned choice. ØCEQA Guidelines, Section (a) The lead agency is responsible for selecting a range of project alternatives for examination and must publicly disclose its reasoning for selecting those alternatives. ØCEQA Guidelines, Section (e)(2) If the environmentally superior alternative is the no project alternative, the EIR shall also identify an environmentally superior alternative among the other alternatives. 9

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11 COMPARISON OF DIFFERENCES BETWEEN PROPOSED PROJECT AND ALTERNATIVE Short- and Intermediate-term Projects Proposed Project 1. Safety Enhancement Project for Taxiway A Relocation and Associated Building Relocations 2. Land Acquisition 3. Highway 68 Frontage Loop Road 4. North side Road Environmentally Superior Alternative 1 1. Safety Enhancement Project for Taxiway A Relocation and Associated Building Relocations, including north side road 2. Land Acquisition 3. Highway 68 Frontage Cul-de-Sac 1 This is a preliminary determination. The final determination of the Environmentally Superior Alternative will occur once all impact analysis is complete. 11

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15 Long-term Projects All future projects are the same under Proposed Project and Environmentally Superior Alternative: Perimeter Fence Improvements Phase 2 North Side General Aviation (GA) Development Airport Maintenance Building and Yard Taxiway B Extension and Geometry Improvements for Taxiways K and L Property Rights Acquisition for Runway 28 Runway Protection Zones (RPZs) Future GA (small aircraft) Hangar Redevelopment Future Non-Aeronautical Development Highway 68 frontage Old Industrial Area North Side Reserve Addressed at a programmatic level per CEQA Guidelines 15168: A program EIR is an EIR which may be prepared on a series of actions that can be characterized as one large project and are related either: (1)Geographically, (2)A logical parts in the chain of contemplated actions CEQA Guidelines 15168(a)(1)(2) Subsequent activities in the program must be examined in the light of the program EIR to determine whether an additional environmental document must be prepared. CEQA Guidelines 15168(c) 15

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17 EIR Next Steps ü Finish Draft EIR traffic analysis (Early Spring 2018) ü Complete air quality and greenhouse gas modeling (Early Spring 2018) ü Finish project-specific cultural and biological field work (Spring 2018) ü Provide Public Review Draft EIR for official review and comment (Early Summer 2018) ü Prepare responses to comments (Summer 2018) ü Present Final EIR to Board for review and certification (Late Summer 2018) ü Board considers adoption of Airport Master Plan (Late Summer 2018) Public Involvement q Small Group Presentations q Website Updates q Press Releases q Open Public Information Workshop q Board Meetings 17

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