Habitats Regulations Assessment Screening (Stage 1) of the Greater Manchester Minerals DPD: Preferred Approach. September 2010

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1 Habitats Regulations Screening (Stage 1) of the Greater Manchester Minerals DPD: Preferred Approach September 2010

2 Prepared by The Greater Manchester Ecology Unit Ryecroft Hall Manchester Road Audenshaw Manchester For: Urban Vision September 2010

3 TABLE OF CONTENTS 1 Introduction 4 2 Brief Description of the Plan 5 3 Identification of European designated sites concerned 6 4 Screening Opinion 6 5 Consideration of In Combination Effects with Other Plans and Proposals 22 6 Summary of Screening Opinion 22 7 Screening Opinion - Overall Conclusions and Recommendations 23 For Further Screening / Appropriate Figure 1: Location of s 25 Figure 2: Map Showing Location of European Sites within Greater Manchester 28 and in Close Proximity to the County References 29 APPENDIX 1: Minerals Planning Status in Neighbouring Sub-Regions 30 APPENDIX 2: List of Other Plans and Projects Considered within the 32

4 HABITATS REGULATIONS ASSESSMENT SCREENING (STAGE 1) OF THE GREATER MANCHESTER MINERALS DPD: PREFERRED APPROACH 1 INTRODUCTION 1.1 Article 6(3) of the European Habitats Directive dealing with the conservation of European protected sites states that: Any plan or project not directly connected with or necessary to the management of the site but likely to have a significant effect thereon, either individually or in combination with other plans and projects, shall be subject to assessment of its implications for the site in view of the site s conservation objectives. In light of the conclusions of the assessment of the implications for the site and subject to the provisions of paragraph 4, the competent national authorities shall agree to the plan or project only after ascertained that it will not adversely affect the integrity of the site concerned and, if appropriate, after having obtained the opinion of the general public. 1.2 Under the terms of amendments made to the Habitats Directive in 2007 the following relevant land-use plans are considered to require a Habitats Regulation : The Regional Spatial Strategy under Part 1 of the 2004 Planning Act. A Local Development Document as provided for in Part 2 of the 2004 Planning Act other than a statement of community involvement. 1.3 The Greater Manchester Minerals DPD (hereafter referred to as the Plan ) is considered to be a Local Development Document (a Plan ) that falls under Part IV, 85A-(2) of the 2007 Habitats Regulations Amendments and therefore is required to be subject to a Habitats Regulations (to be taken at least through the screening stage (Stage 1). 1.4 European protected sites (the Natura 2000 Network ) are of exceptional importance for the conservation of important species and natural habitats within the European Union. The purpose of Habitats Regulation (HRA) of land use plans is to ensure that protection of the integrity of European protected sites is an integral part of the planning process at a regional and local level. The network of European protected sites comprises Special Protection Areas (SPAs), Special Areas of Conservation (s) and Ramsar sites. Government guidance advises that potential SPAs (pspa), candidate s (c) and potential Ramsar (pramsar) sites are also included in HRAs. 1.5 Habitats Regulation s can be seen as having a number of discrete stages - Stage 1 - Screening Stage 2 Appropriate Stage 3 of Alternatives Stage 4 where no alternatives are available 1.6 This document forms part of the Stage 1 of the Habitats Regulation (HRA) process and contributes to the fulfilment of the Council s statutory duty as regards Article 6(3). It is a screening opinion concerned with reaching an opinion as to whether the Plan needs to go forward for further, more detailed of impacts. 1.7 It is noted that the Plan being assessed is still at the development stage and further assessments may be required as the Plan develops further. There is no statutory guidance on what stage of Plan production to prepare an HRA but Natural England recommends that HRA begins at an early stage and if necessary continues through all the stages of plan production. HRA Methodologies are at a relatively early stage of development and examples of Best Practice have not yet emerged. As Best Practice emerges the methodology undertaken for this HRA may develop. 4

5 1.8 The Greater Manchester Ecology Unit (GMEU), as the specialist ecological adviser to Greater Manchester local planning authorities, has prepared this Screening Opinion. Natural England and the JNCC were consulted for information on the conservation objectives and favourable condition tables for the European Sites concerned (the information is summarised below). GMEU ecologists, who are familiar with the European sites concerned and their special interest, reviewed the ecological information for the site. The key vulnerabilities and sensitivities of the European sites concerned are well understood by GMEU allowing for an informed assessment of the possible effects of the Plan, and any specific aims, objectives and policies contained in the Plan. 1.9 This report looks at the Preferred Approach Report and: Identifies by a screening process any European site that could potentially be affected by the operations covered by the Minerals Plan. Identifies sites that will require further as part of the ongoing HRA of Greater Manchester s Minerals Plan. Identifies Policy Directions that will require further as part of the ongoing HRA of Greater Manchester s Minerals Plan and makes recommendations, where necessary, on changes to the wording of future policies. 2 BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE PLAN 2.1 The Plan being assessed is the Greater Manchester Minerals DPD: Preferred Approach. The Plan will provide a sound, sub-regional, planning policy framework that provides a clear guide to minerals operators and the public about: The locations where mineral extraction may take place The safeguarding of sensitive environmental features and of mineral resources with potential for future extraction and All aspects of environmental and resource protection including the sustainable transportation of minerals. Production of the Plan will take place over three years, the timetable for which is found in the main report. There are a number of stages that must be undertaken before the final document is adopted by each local authority. 2.2 The Preferred Approach Report is a consultation document that outlines the preferred approach to minerals planning in Greater Manchester. The Plan includes details of site specific allocations, preferred areas for future mineral development and areas of search. Policy Directions are also included within the Plan. Further iterations will arise following the consultation process with more refined policies and potential changes to the allocations and areas. An opinion is being sought at this stage of Plan development to ensure that the requirements to meet the terms of the Regulations regarding HRA can be properly planned for and addressed. 2.3 Identifying Future Aggregate Resources Three potential (site specific allocations) s of extension to existing quarries have been nominated for consideration through the Minerals Plan. These are: of extension to Fletcher Bank Quarry, Bury - proposed extension to existing gritstone quarry (M3). of extension to Pilkington Quarry - proposed extension to existing sandstone quarry (M1). of extension to Pilkington Quarry (Land between Pilkington and Montcliffe Quarries) - proposed extension to existing sandstone quarry (M2). 5

6 These areas are shown on Figure 1, which for ease of production is found at the rear of this document. It should be noted that none of these sites lies on or directly adjacent to any or SPA, therefore no direct land take of a European Site is proposed. In addition the sites are all over 5km from any European Site. 2.4 Areas of Search The Plan includes areas of search for different minerals types. These currently exclude areas within European Sites and are assessed under Policy Direction 2 in Table 4.2 below. 2.5 Minerals Safeguarding Areas The Plan sets out how Greater Manchester s minerals resource will be protected from other forms of development through the designation of Minerals Safeguarding Areas. There is however, no presumption that resources identified through Minerals Safeguarding Areas will actually be worked for minerals. This issue is assessed under Policy Direction 4 in Table 4.2 below 2.6 Policy Directions The emerging Policy Directions of the Minerals Plan have been considered in preparing this. The details of these Policy Directions can be found elsewhere in the Plan documentation. The results of this assessment can be found in Section 4. 3 IDENTIFICATION OF EUROPEAN DESIGNATED SITES CONCERNED 3.1 The initial iteration of the HRA (Habitats Regulations Screening (Stage 1) of the Greater Manchester Minerals Plan (Issues & Options) March 2010) identified by a screening process designated sites having the potential to be affected by mineral operations within Greater Manchester. Details of the screening criteria can be found in this document, which should be read along side the current HRA. 3.2 Summary Results of Screening of Sites From the screening process the following European designated sites have been identified as having the potential to be affected by mineral operations within Greater Manchester: Manchester Mosses Rixton Clay Pits Rochdale Canal South Pennine Moors South Pennine Moors Phase 1 & 2 SPAs The nature conservation importance of these screened in European designated sites is described in section 4 of the March 2010 document. 4 SCREENING OPINION 4.1 The Screening Criteria In carrying out this screening process the has considered the main possible sources of effects on the European sites arising from the Plan, possible pathways to the European sites and the effects on possible sensitive receptors in the European sites. Where (Buisson 2009): The source is the direct or indirect changes (land take, emissions to air or water, hydrological changes) potentially occurring as a result of the development at an identified site. 6

7 The pathway is the route or mechanism by which any likely significant effect would manifest in the environment and would reach the receptor. The receptor is the European Site and more specifically the qualifying features and conservation objectives for the site. Only if there is an identifiable source, a pathway and a receptor is there likely to be a significant effect. Possible sources and pathways for (unmitigated) effects arising from minerals operations in the identified Sites/Areas and used in the screening of European sites are therefore considered to be: Land take Localised air pollution including dust and odour Noise Light spill Human presence/disturbance Emissions to water (surface or ground water) containing pollutants Ground water depression or flow interception Decrease in surface water run-off e.g. through interception in a void Shading (Rochdale Canal only) 4.2 It should be noted that in this section and in Section 4 of the Report it is the broad principles of mineral operations that are being assessed, rather than the detail of any proposed development, since these details are not yet available. Details of possible sources, pathways and receptors for impacts are not available for assessment at this stage of Plan production. The results of the screening are shown in Tables 4.1 for Preferred Areas 4.3 Table 4.2 shows the results of the screening for the Policy Directions. 4.4 Each of the Sites, Areas and Policy Directions has been assessed to determine whether it is: Unlikely to have an effect on a European Site Could have a potential positive effect on a European Site on a European Site Would be likely to have a significant effect on a European Site Only sites or policies with potential negative effects or significant effects have been screened in. 7

8 TABLE 4.1 SCREENING SUMMARY TABLES PREFERRED AREAS FLETCHER BANK QUARRY, BURY European Site Damaging Impact Likely significant effects of minerals operation (Fletcher Bank Quarry) Screening Land take None Manchester Localised air pollution Highly unlikely No atmospheric pathways and any pollutants are likely to Mosses have dispersed prior to reaching. Noise Highly unlikely site is too distant from the for any direct effect Light spill Highly unlikely site is too distant from the for any direct effect Human presence/disturbance Highly unlikely site is too distant from the for any direct effect Emissions to water containing Highly unlikely - No hydrological pathways between and land within pollutants Groundwater depression or flow interception Highly unlikely - No hydrological pathways between and land within Decrease in surface water Highly unlikely - No hydrological pathways between and land within runoff Land take None Rixton Clay Pits Localised air pollution Highly unlikely No atmospheric pathways and any pollutants are likely to have dispersed prior to reaching. Noise Highly unlikely site is too distant from the for any direct effect Light spill Highly unlikely site is too distant from the for any direct effect Human presence/disturbance Highly unlikely site is too distant from the for any direct effect Emissions to water containing Highly unlikely - No hydrological pathways between and land within pollutants Groundwater depression or flow interception Highly unlikely - No hydrological pathways between and land within Decrease in surface water runoff Highly unlikely - No hydrological pathways between and land within 8

9 European Site Damaging Impact Likely significant effects of minerals operation (Fletcher Bank Quarry) Screening Land take None Rochdale Canal Localised air pollution Highly unlikely No atmospheric pathways and any pollutants are likely to have dispersed prior to reaching. Noise Highly unlikely site is too distant from the for any direct effect Light spill Highly unlikely site is too distant from the for any direct effect Human presence/disturbance Highly unlikely site is too distant from the for any direct effect Emissions to water containing Highly unlikely - No hydrological pathways between and land within pollutants Groundwater depression or flow interception Highly unlikely - No hydrological pathways between and land within Decrease in surface water Highly unlikely - No hydrological pathways between and land within runoff Shading Highly unlikely site is too distant from the for any direct effect Land take None South Pennine Localised air pollution Highly unlikely No atmospheric pathways and any pollutants are likely to Moors have dispersed prior to reaching. Noise Highly unlikely site is too distant from the for any direct effect Light spill Highly unlikely site is too distant from the for any direct effect Human presence/disturbance Highly unlikely site is too distant from the for any direct effect Emissions to water containing Highly unlikely - No hydrological pathways between and land within pollutants Groundwater depression or flow interception Highly unlikely - No hydrological pathways between and land within Decrease in surface water runoff Highly unlikely - No hydrological pathways between and land within 9

10 European Site Damaging Impact Likely significant effects of minerals operation (Fletcher Bank Quarry) Screening Land take None South Pennine Moors Phase 1 & 2 SPAs Localised air pollution Highly unlikely No atmospheric pathways and any pollutants are likely to have dispersed prior to reaching. Noise Highly unlikely site is too distant from the for any direct effect Light spill Highly unlikely site is too distant from the for any direct effect Human presence/disturbance Highly unlikely site is too distant from the for any direct effect Emissions to water containing Highly unlikely - No hydrological pathways between and land within pollutants Groundwater depression or flow interception Highly unlikely - No hydrological pathways between and land within Decrease in surface water Highly unlikely - No hydrological pathways between SPAs and land within runoff PILKINGTON QUARRY European Site Damaging Impact Likely significant effects of minerals operation (Pilkington Quarry) Screening Land take None Manchester Localised air pollution Highly unlikely No atmospheric pathways and any pollutants are likely to Mosses have dispersed prior to reaching. Noise Highly unlikely site is too distant from the for any direct effect Light spill Highly unlikely site is too distant from the for any direct effect Human presence/disturbance Highly unlikely site is too distant from the for any direct effect Emissions to water containing Highly unlikely - No hydrological pathways between and land within pollutants Groundwater depression or flow interception Highly unlikely - No hydrological pathways between and land within Decrease in surface water runoff Highly unlikely - No hydrological pathways between and land within 10

11 European Site Damaging Impact Likely significant effects of minerals operation (Pilkington Quarry) Screening Land take None Rixton Clay Pits Localised air pollution Highly unlikely No atmospheric pathways and any pollutants are likely to have dispersed prior to reaching. Noise Highly unlikely site is too distant from the for any direct effect Light spill Highly unlikely site is too distant from the for any direct effect Human presence/disturbance Highly unlikely site is too distant from the for any direct effect Emissions to water containing Highly unlikely - No hydrological pathways between and land within pollutants Groundwater depression or flow interception Highly unlikely - No hydrological pathways between and land within Decrease in surface water Highly unlikely - No hydrological pathways between and land within runoff Land take None Rochdale Canal Localised air pollution Highly unlikely No atmospheric pathways and any pollutants are likely to have dispersed prior to reaching. Noise Highly unlikely site is too distant from the for any direct effect Light spill Highly unlikely site is too distant from the for any direct effect Human presence/disturbance Highly unlikely site is too distant from the for any direct effect Emissions to water containing Highly unlikely - No hydrological pathways between and land within pollutants Groundwater depression or flow interception Highly unlikely - No hydrological pathways between and land within Decrease in surface water Highly unlikely - No hydrological pathways between and land within runoff Shading Highly unlikely site is too distant from the for any direct effect 11

12 European Site Damaging Impact Likely significant effects of minerals operation (Pilkington Quarry) Screening Land take None South Pennine Localised air pollution Highly unlikely No atmospheric pathways and any pollutants are likely to Moors have dispersed prior to reaching. Noise Highly unlikely site is too distant from the for any direct effect Light spill Highly unlikely site is too distant from the for any direct effect Human presence/disturbance Highly unlikely site is too distant from the for any direct effect Emissions to water containing Highly unlikely - No hydrological pathways between and land within pollutants Groundwater depression or flow interception Highly unlikely - No hydrological pathways between and land within Decrease in surface water Highly unlikely - No hydrological pathways between and land within runoff Land take None South Pennine Moors Phase 1 & 2 SPAs Localised air pollution Highly unlikely No atmospheric pathways and any pollutants are likely to have dispersed prior to reaching. Noise Highly unlikely site is too distant from the for any direct effect Light spill Highly unlikely site is too distant from the for any direct effect Human presence/disturbance Highly unlikely site is too distant from the for any direct effect Emissions to water containing Highly unlikely - No hydrological pathways between and land within pollutants Groundwater depression or flow interception Highly unlikely - No hydrological pathways between and land within Decrease in surface water Highly unlikely - No hydrological pathways between SPAs and land within runoff 12

13 LAND BETWEEN PILKINGTON & MONTCLIFFE QUARRIES European Site Damaging Impact Likely significant effects of minerals operation (Land between Pilkington & Montcliffe Quarries) Screening Land take None Manchester Localised air pollution Highly unlikely No atmospheric pathways and any pollutants are likely to Mosses have dispersed prior to reaching. Noise Highly unlikely site is too distant from the for any direct effect Light spill Highly unlikely site is too distant from the for any direct effect Human presence/disturbance Highly unlikely site is too distant from the for any direct effect Emissions to water containing Highly unlikely - No hydrological pathways between and land within pollutants Groundwater depression or flow interception Highly unlikely - No hydrological pathways between and land within Decrease in surface water Highly unlikely - No hydrological pathways between and land within runoff Land take None Rixton Clay Pits Localised air pollution Highly unlikely No atmospheric pathways and any pollutants are likely to have dispersed prior to reaching. Noise Highly unlikely site is too distant from the for any direct effect Light spill Highly unlikely site is too distant from the for any direct effect Human presence/disturbance Highly unlikely site is too distant from the for any direct effect Emissions to water containing Highly unlikely - No hydrological pathways between and land within pollutants Groundwater depression or flow interception Highly unlikely - No hydrological pathways between and land within Decrease in surface water Highly unlikely - No hydrological pathways between and land within runoff 13

14 European Site Damaging Impact Likely significant effects of minerals operation (Land between Pilkington & Montcliffe Quarries) Screening Land take None Rochdale Canal Localised air pollution Highly unlikely No atmospheric pathways and any pollutants are likely to have dispersed prior to reaching. Noise Highly unlikely site is too distant from the for any direct effect Light spill Highly unlikely site is too distant from the for any direct effect Human presence/disturbance Highly unlikely site is too distant from the for any direct effect Emissions to water containing Highly unlikely - No hydrological pathways between and land within pollutants Groundwater depression or flow interception Highly unlikely - No hydrological pathways between and land within Decrease in surface water Highly unlikely - No hydrological pathways between and land within runoff Shading Highly unlikely site is too distant from the for any direct effect Land take None South Pennine Localised air pollution Highly unlikely No atmospheric pathways and any pollutants are likely to Moors have dispersed prior to reaching. Noise Highly unlikely site is too distant from the for any direct effect Light spill Highly unlikely site is too distant from the for any direct effect Human presence/disturbance Highly unlikely site is too distant from the for any direct effect Emissions to water containing Highly unlikely - No hydrological pathways between and land within pollutants Groundwater depression or flow interception Highly unlikely - No hydrological pathways between and land within Decrease in surface water Highly unlikely - No hydrological pathways between and land within runoff 14

15 European Site Damaging Impact Likely significant effects of minerals operation (Land between Pilkington & Montcliffe Quarries) Screening Land take None South Pennine Localised air pollution Highly unlikely No atmospheric pathways and any pollutants are likely to Moors Phase 1 & 2 SPAs Noise have dispersed prior to reaching. Highly unlikely site is too distant from the for any direct effect Light spill Highly unlikely site is too distant from the for any direct effect Human presence/disturbance Highly unlikely site is too distant from the for any direct effect Emissions to water containing Highly unlikely - No hydrological pathways between and land within pollutants Groundwater depression or flow interception Highly unlikely - No hydrological pathways between and land within Decrease in surface water runoff Highly unlikely - No hydrological pathways between SPAs and land within 15

16 TABLE 4.2 SCREENING SUMMARY TABLES - POLICY DIRECTIONS POLICY DIRECTION 1 ALLOCATIONS FOR PRIMARY AGGREGATE EXTRACTION European Site Potential for Effect Likely effects of Policy Direction 1 Screening Manchester Mosses Unlikely to have a negative effect on The current proposed allocations under this policy direction (see Table 4.1) are the highly unlikely to have a significant effect on the Rixton Clay Pits Unlikely to have a negative effect on The current proposed allocations under this policy direction (see Table 4.1) are the highly unlikely to have a significant effect on the Rochdale Canal Unlikely to have a negative effect on The current proposed allocations under this policy direction (see Table 4.1) are the highly unlikely to have a significant effect on the South Pennine Moors Unlikely to have a negative effect on The current proposed allocations under this policy direction (see Table 4.1) are the highly unlikely to have a significant effect on the South Pennine Moors Phase 1 & 2 SPAs Unlikely to have a negative effect on the The current proposed allocations under this policy direction (see Table 4.1) are highly unlikely to have a significant effect on the SPAs POLICY DIRECTION 2 AREAS OF SEARCH FOR AGGREGATES European Site Potential for Effect Likely effects of Policy Direction 2 Screening Manchester Mosses Applications for gravel extraction could potentially impact on this, dependent on the strength of the final policy wording Rixton Clay Pits Rochdale Canal South Pennine Moors South Pennine Moors Phase 1 & 2 SPAs Applications for gravel extraction could potentially impact on this, dependent on the strength of the final policy wording. Such impacts are likely to be restrict to air pollution only Applications for sand and sandstone extraction could potentially impact on this, dependent on the strength of the final policy wording Applications for sand and sandstone extraction could potentially impact on this, dependent on the strength of the final policy wording Applications for sand and sandstone extraction could potentially impact on this, dependent on the strength of the final policy wording 16

17 POLICY DIRECTION 3 UNCONVENTIONAL GAS RESOURCES European Site Potential for Effect Likely effects of Policy Direction 3 Screening Manchester Mosses Proposals for unconventional gas resources exploration and appraisals and production wells could adversely effect the, dependent on the strength of the final policy wording Rixton Clay Pits Rochdale Canal South Pennine Moors South Pennine Moors Phase 1 & 2 SPAs POLICY DIRECTION 4 MINERALS SAFEGUARDING AREAS Proposals for unconventional gas resources exploration and appraisals and production wells could adversely effect the, dependent on the strength of the final policy wording Proposals for unconventional gas resources exploration and appraisals and production wells could adversely effect the, dependent on the strength of the final policy wording Proposals for unconventional gas resources exploration and appraisals and production wells could adversely effect the, dependent on the strength of the final policy wording Proposals for unconventional gas resources exploration and appraisals and production wells could adversely effect the SPAs, dependent on the strength of the final policy wording European Site Potential for Effect Likely effects of Policy Direction 4 Screening Manchester Mosses Although the text of the Plan states that there is no presumption that resources identified through Minerals Safeguarding areas will actually be worked for minerals and the purpose of safeguarding areas is only to protect mineral resources from other forms of development, the wording of the Policy Direction is currently in conflict with protection given to the Rixton Clay Pits Rochdale Canal Although the text of the Plan states that there is no presumption that resources identified through Minerals Safeguarding areas will actually be worked for minerals and the purpose of safeguarding areas is only to protect mineral resources from other forms of development, the wording of the Policy Direction is currently in conflict with protection given to the Although the text of the Plan states that there is no presumption that resources identified through Minerals Safeguarding areas will actually be worked for minerals and the purpose of safeguarding areas is only to protect mineral resources from other forms of development, the wording of the Policy Direction is currently in conflict with protection given to the 17

18 European Site Potential for Effect Likely effects of Policy Direction 4 Screening South Pennine Moors Although the text of the Plan states that there is no presumption that resources identified through Minerals Safeguarding areas will actually be worked for minerals and the purpose of safeguarding areas is only to protect mineral resources from other forms of development, the wording of the Policy Direction is currently in conflict with protection given to the South Pennine Moors Phase 1 & 2 SPAs Although the text of the Plan states that there is no presumption that resources identified through Minerals Safeguarding areas will actually be worked for minerals and the purpose of safeguarding areas is only to protect mineral resources from other forms of development, the wording of the Policy Direction is currently in conflict with protection given to the SPAs POLICY DIRECTION 5 UNALLOCATED SITES European Site Potential for Effect Likely effects of Policy Direction 5 Screening Manchester Mosses Applications for minerals development outside allocations within the Minerals Plan could adversely effect the, dependent on the strength of the final policy wording Rixton Clay Pits Rochdale Canal South Pennine Moors South Pennine Moors Phase 1 & 2 SPAs Applications for minerals development outside allocations within the Minerals Plan could adversely effect the, dependent on the strength of the final policy wording Applications for minerals development outside allocations within the Minerals Plan could adversely effect the, dependent on the strength of the final policy wording Applications for minerals development outside allocations within the Minerals Plan could adversely effect the, dependent on the strength of the final policy wording Applications for minerals development outside allocations within the Minerals Plan could adversely effect the SPA, dependent on the strength of the final policy wording 18

19 POLICY DIRECTION 6 SUSTAINABLE TRANSPORT OF MINERALS European Site Potential for Effect Likely effects of Policy Direction 6 Screening Manchester Mosses Could have a potential positive effect on the European site Proposals for sustainable transportation of minerals are encouraged under this policy direction, thereby potentially reducing atmospheric pollution from road traffic. Where such transportation methods are not available or unviable, the direction requires impact of the generated traffic to not have an unacceptable impact on the environment... Rixton Clay Pits Rochdale Canal South Pennine Moors South Pennine Moors Phase 1 & 2 SPAs Could have a potential positive effect on the European site Could have a potential positive effect on the European site Could have a potential positive effect on the European site Could have a potential positive effect on the European site Proposals for sustainable transportation of minerals are encouraged under this policy direction, thereby potentially reducing atmospheric pollution from road traffic. Where such transportation methods are not available or unviable, the direction requires impact of the generated traffic to not have an unacceptable impact on the environment... Proposals for sustainable transportation of minerals are encouraged under this policy direction, thereby potentially reducing atmospheric pollution from road traffic. Where such transportation methods are not available or unviable, the direction requires impact of the generated traffic to not have an unacceptable impact on the environment... Proposals for sustainable transportation of minerals are encouraged under this policy direction, thereby potentially reducing atmospheric pollution from road traffic. Where such transportation methods are not available or unviable, the direction requires impact of the generated traffic to not have an unacceptable impact on the environment... Proposals for sustainable transportation of minerals are encouraged under this policy direction, thereby potentially reducing atmospheric pollution from road traffic. Where such transportation methods are not available or unviable, the direction requires impact of the generated traffic to not have an unacceptable impact on the environment... 19

20 POLICY DIRECTION 7 REWORKING OF COLLIERY SPOIL TIPS European Site Potential for Effect Likely effects of Policy Direction 7 Screening Manchester Mosses Reworking of colliery spoil tips could potentially affect the, dependent on the location of any tip. Rixton Clay Pits Reworking of colliery spoil tips could potentially affect the, dependent on the location of any tip. Rochdale Canal Reworking of colliery spoil tips could potentially affect the, dependent on the location of any tip. South Pennine Moors Reworking of colliery spoil tips could potentially affect the, dependent on the location of any tip. South Pennine Moors Phase 1 & 2 SPAs Reworking of colliery spoil tips could potentially affect the SPA, dependent on the location of any tip. POLICY DIRECTION 8 PROTECTING MINERALS PLAN ALLOCATIONS & EXISTING MINERALS INFRASTRUCTURE European Site Potential for Effect Likely effects of Policy Direction 8 Screening Manchester Mosses There is a potential conflict between the protection of allocations and existing minerals infrastructure and activities on or near the that would require planning permission (e.g. restoration works to adjacent land that would benefit the such as rewetting mossland) Rixton Clay Pits Rochdale Canal South Pennine Moors South Pennine Moors Phase 1 & 2 SPAs Unlikely to have a negative effect on the It is considered unlikely that any works requiring planning permission at Rixton Clay Pits would conflict with any minerals allocations or existing infrastructure in Greater Manchester There is a potential between the protection of allocations and existing minerals infrastructure and activities on or near the that would require planning permission (e.g. works to wharves on canal) There is a potential conflict between the protection of allocations and existing minerals infrastructure and activities on or near the that would require planning permission There is a potential conflict between the protection of allocations and existing minerals infrastructure and activities on or near the that would require planning permission 20

21 POLICY DIRECTION 9 - RESTORATION & AFTERCARE European Site Potential for Effect Likely effects of Policy Direction 9 Screening Manchester Mosses Could have a potential negative or The impact of any restoration & aftercare scheme near the is dependent on positive effect the details of individual schemes and in particular the proposed final landuse of the site (e.g. forestry or agriculture). This impact may be positive or negative. Rixton Clay Pits Rochdale Canal South Pennine Moors South Pennine Moors Phase 1 & 2 SPAs Could have a potential negative or positive effect Could have a potential negative or positive effect Could have a potential negative or positive effect Could have a potential negative or positive effect The impact of any restoration & aftercare scheme near the is dependent on the details of individual schemes and in particular the proposed final landuse of the site (e.g. forestry or agriculture). This impact may be positive or negative. The impact of any restoration & aftercare scheme near the is dependent on the details of individual schemes and in particular the proposed final landuse of the site (e.g. forestry or agriculture). This impact may be positive or negative. The impact of any restoration & aftercare scheme near the is dependent on the details of individual schemes and in particular the proposed final landuse of the site (e.g. forestry or agriculture). This impact may be positive or negative. The impact of any restoration & aftercare scheme near the SPAs is dependent on the details of individual schemes and in particular the proposed final landuse of the site (e.g. forestry or agriculture). This impact may be positive or negative. 21

22 5 Consideration of In Combination Effects with Other Plans and Proposals 5.1 The Habitats Regulation must consider the likely significant effect of the Plan in relation to other proposals and plans current or planned within the relevant administrative area, other administrative authorities and prepared by other statutory organisations (e.g. Environment Agency, United Utilities) and in combination with the identified effects of those Plans. 5.2 It can be considered that this will fall into two categories: those effects associated with regional strategic plans and proposals and those related to more localised in-combination effects, either with adjacent Authorities or geographically localised plans from other statutory agencies. 5.3 The evidence base for the North West Regional Spatial Strategy considered the incombination effects of the Region s Projects and Plans at a strategic level (Entec January 2007) and therefore such regionally strategic plans are not considered further in this. 5.4 Any Minerals Planning in the neighbouring sub-regions to Greater Manchester have also been considered. These are listed in Appendix 1. No potential in combination effects have been identified. 5.5 As regards the emerging Core Strategies and other Development Plan Documents of Greater Manchester authorities, those ready for initial have been screened by GMEU. These are listed in Appendix 2. Salford City Council s LDF has the potential to have a significant effect on the Manchester Mosses. However, the LDF is still at an early stage with no information available as yet to any potential impacts on the. 5.6 The HRA of Wigan Council s LDF has identified potential site allocations that could have a significant effect on the Manchester Mosses. In addition Manchester and Oldham LDFs have been assessed as potentially having an effect on the Rochdale Canal. However, these s concluded that providing mitigating plans, policies and strategies are adopted and implemented appropriately through the development management process, development within the sites identified could proceed without harm being caused to the special interest of the. It was not considered justifiable to restrict development per se in any of the identified areas. At this stage it is therefore considered that there will be no identifiable in-combination effects with the Greater Manchester Minerals DPD for Core Strategies within Greater Manchester. 5.7 Given the nature of the Manchester Mosses, all plans and proposals in Warrington MBC area also need to be considered. Warrington s LDF is still at an early stage, with Issues and options yet to go out for consultation. A number of Supplementary Planning Documents have been produced, which are listed in Appendix 2. However none of these were found to have a significant effect on the. 5.8 This will be updated and amended as necessary as further Plans come forward for to take into account possible in-combination effects arising. 6 SUMMARY OF THE SCREENING OPINION 6.1 s None of the identified s have been identified as likely to have an impact on any European Site. These areas have therefore been screen out of the 22

23 6.2 Policy Directions A number of the Policy Directions have been identified as potentially having a damaging effects one or more European Site. These policy directions are listed below Table 6.1 Policy Direction by POLICY DIRECTION 2 Areas Of Search For Aggregates 3 Unconventional Gas Resources 4 Minerals Safeguarding Areas 5 Unallocated Sites 7 Reworking Of Colliery Spoil Tips 8 Protecting Minerals Plan Allocations & Existing Minerals Infrastructure 9 - Restoration & Aftercare EUROPEAN SITE Manchester Mosses Rixton Clay Pits Rochdale Canal South Pennine Moors South Pennine Moors Phase 1 & 2 SPAs Manchester Mosses Rixton Clay Pits Rochdale Canal South Pennine Moors South Pennine Moors Phase 1 & 2 SPAs Manchester Mosses Rixton Clay Pits Rochdale Canal South Pennine Moors South Pennine Moors Phase 1 & 2 SPAs Manchester Mosses Rixton Clay Pits Rochdale Canal South Pennine Moors South Pennine Moors Phase 1 & 2 SPAs Manchester Mosses Rixton Clay Pits Rochdale Canal South Pennine Moors South Pennine Moors Phase 1 & 2 SPAs Manchester Mosses Rochdale Canal South Pennine Moors South Pennine Moors Phase 1 & 2 SPAs Manchester Mosses Rixton Clay Pits Rochdale Canal South Pennine Moors South Pennine Moors Phase 1 & 2 SPAs 7 SCREENING OPINION - OVERALL CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS FOR FURTHER SCREENING / APPROPRIATE ASSESSMENT 7.1 Previous screening of European sites established that five European Sites are potentially being impacted by this Plan. 7.2 None of the currently identified s of Extension have been identified as likely to have a significant effect on any European Site. Should any new areas or any Specific Sites be brought forward in future iterations of the plan, it is recommended that these be subject to further. 23

24 7.3 A number of Policy Directions have been identified as potentially having a damaging effects one or more European Site. However, many of these have been included because at this stage of the Plan there is insufficient detail to screen them out and a precautionary approach has therefore been taken. It is therefore recommended that the full plan policies, once developed are included within the. 7.4 of Policy Direction 8 has identified a potential conflict between the protection of mineral allocations and existing minerals infrastructure and activities on or near European Sites that would require planning permission. PPS 9 states that development proposals where the principal objective is to conserve or enhance biodiversity and geological conservation interests should be permitted. It is recommended that the wording of the final policy or justification include measures to mitigate for this conflict. 7.5 Policy Direction 4 has been included due to the current wording of the Direction. The current wording planning permission will be granted... implies that permission can be granted on any site regardless of the impact on any European Site. It is recommended that the wording be changed to planning permission should only be granted In-combination effects will also need to be reconsidered as discussed above. 24

25 FIGURE 1: LOCATION OF PREFERRED AREAS M3 Fletcher Bank Potential Extension Scale 1:30,000 EXISITNG QUARRY PROPOSED EXTENSION Crown Copyright. All Rights Reserved. Tameside MBC Licence No LA ,

26 M1 Pilkington Quarry Potential Extension Scale 1:20,000 EXISTING QUARRY PROPOSED EXTENSION Crown Copyright. All Rights Reserved. Tameside MBC Licence No LA ,

27 M2 Land between Montcliffe and Pilkington Quarries Scale 1: 15,000 PROPOSED EXTENSION Crown Copyright. All Rights Reserved. Tameside MBC Licence No LA ,


29 REFERENCES Buisson RSK (2009). Cambridge & Peterborough Minerals & Waste LDF Habitats Regulation Full of the Core Strategy DPD Submission Plans (RPS) DCLG (2006) Department for Communities and Local Government. Planning for the protection of European Sites: Appropriate. Available on-line from DCLG EC (1992) European Council. Council Directive 92/43/EEC on the conservation of natural habitats and of wild flora and fauna Available on-line from EU ENTEC (2007) Habitats Regulations of the North West Regional Spatial Strategy. NWRA web-site. JNCC (2006) Joint Nature Conservation Committee Rochdale Canal standard Natura 2000 data form Available on-line from JNCC JNCC (2006) Joint Nature Conservation Committee South Pennine Moors standard Natura 2000 data form Available on-line from JNCC JNCC (2006) Joint Nature Conservation Committee Manchester Mosses standard Natura 2000 data form Available on-line from JNCC JNCC (2006) Joint Nature Conservation Committee Rixton Clay Pits Natura 2000 data form Available on-line from JNCC North West Regional Assembly (2008) Adopted North West Regional Spatial Strategy Scott Wilson et al Scott Wilson, levett-therivel, Treweek Environmental Consultants and Land Use Consultants Appropriate of Plans. Available from Scott Wilson (2007). AA of St. Helens Core Strategy Preferred Options DPD (Draft) Scott Wilson 2008, HRA Screening of the Greater Manchester Joint Waste Development Plan Document (draft report) Surrey County Council (2008). Habitat Regulations of Surrey Minerals Plan (Draft) Conservation (Natural Habitats &c) (Amendment) Regulations 1997 Natural England (2007) Conservation Objectives: Astley & Bedford Moss Consultation Draft. Available from Natural England 29

30 APPENDIX 1: MINERALS PLANNING STATUS IN NEIGHBOURING SUB-REGIONS SUB-REGION MINERALS PLANNING STATUS HRA STATUS IN COMBINATION EFFECT Derbyshire Joint Minerals plan currently under In production Not known at this stage review Merseyside No joint plan minerals being Not applicable Not applicable considered through district LDFs. St Helens Core Strategy considered in Appendix 2. Remaining authorities LDFs not available as yet Cheshire West Minerals being considered through HRA produced on Core Strategy Issues None identified Core Strategy & Options. European Sites potentially affected by plans in Greater Manchester screened out of assessment. Cheshire East Minerals being considered through In production Not known at this stage Lancashire Warrington Core Strategy Joint Lancashire Minerals and Waste Development Framework Core Strategy Development Plan Document - adopted February 2009 Minerals being considered through Core Strategy. Study has been commissioned to identify the minerals resource in borough to support Core Strategy. HRA included within Sustainability Report. Only one European Site potentially affected by plans in Greater Manchester was screened into the Lancashire plan: the South Pennine Moors. Potential risk identified from Increasing dust, sediment and noise result from processing on-site construction and demolition waste in urban areas but Potential effects are likely to be minor. Protection against these effects is provided by Policies CS5 and CS9. Not available as yet None Identified Not known at this stage 30

31 SUB-REGION MINERALS PLANNING STATUS HRA STATUS IN COMBINATION EFFECT Peak District National Park Minerals being considered through Core Strategy The Pre-submission version of the Strategy is currently out for consultation HRA produced. Minerals polices within Strategy assess as adverse effect on [European] site[s] unlikely. Overall it is concluded that It should be entirely possible to avoid and mitigate any adverse impacts on N2K Sites as a result of the Core Strategy, either alone or in combination with other plans or projects. None identified 31

32 APPENDIX 2 LIST OF OTHER PLANS AND PROJECTS CONSIDERED WITHIN THE ASSESSMENT Plans Assessed under the Terms of the Habitats Regulations by GMEU District Plan Outcome of Rochdale MBC SPD Energy and New Development No effect on European Sites Rochdale MBC SPD provision of Recreational Open Space in New Housing No effect on European Sites Developments Rochdale MBC SPD Development of East Central Rochdale No effect on European Sites Rochdale MBC SPD Biodiversity and Development No effect on European Sites Rochdale MBC SPD Affordable Housing No effect on European Sites Manchester CC SPD Providing for Housing Choice No effect on European Sites Manchester CC LDF Core Strategy (Proposed Option) Potential Effect on Rochdale Canal Bolton MBC LDF Core Strategy Issues and Options No effect on European Sites Bolton MBC LDF Core Strategy (Publication Document) No effect on European Sites Trafford MBC LDF Core Strategy Issues and Options No effect on European Sites Trafford MBC LDF Core Strategy (Preferred Option) Potential Effect on Manchester Mosses Bury MBC LDF Core Strategy Issues and Options No effect on European Sites Oldham MBC LDF Broad Locations for Preferred Options Potential Effects on Rochdale Canal Wigan MBC LDF Core Strategy Preferred Options Potential Effects on Manchester Mosses Salford CC LDF Draft Core Strategy No identified effect on European Sites at this stage further assessment may be needed at a later stage 32

33 Plans Assessed under the Terms of the Habitats Regulations by other bodies District Plan Outcome of Warrington MBC SPD Managing the Housing Supply No effect on European Sites Warrington MBC SPD Affordable Housing No effect on European Sites Warrington MBC SPD Travel Plans No effect on European Sites Warrington MBC SPD Planning Obligations No effect on European Sites Warrington MBC SPD Landscape Design Guide for new development No effect on European Sites Warrington MBC SPD Open Space & Recreation Provision No effect on European Sites Warrington MBC SPD Bridge Street Area No effect on European Sites Rochdale MBC LDF Draft Core Strategy Potential effect on Rochdale Canal St Helens MBC LDF Core Strategy Preferred Options DPD European Sites potentially effected by mineral operations in Greater Manchester screened out of assessment 33