Presentation Presentation from the Water Pavilion at the IUCN World Conservation Congress, Barcelona 2008 The Author(s), all rights reserved

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1 Presentation Presentation from the Water Pavilion at the IUCN World Conservation Congress, Barcelona 2008 The Author(s), all rights reserved INTERNATIONAL UNION FOR CONSERVATION OF NATURE

2 The Restoration and Economic Development of Zarqa River Basin Eng.Mufleh Al Abbadi /IUCN Jordan IUCN World Conservation Congress from 05 th 15 th October 2008.

3 Jordan Overview Jordan is considered to be one of the 10 poorest countries worldwide in water resources renewable water resources are dropping drastically to an annual per capita share of 160 m3 in recent years, compared to 3600 m3/cap/a in is among the lowest in the world. High competition of scarce resources for agriculture, industry and households.

4 Jordan Overview More than 80% of the area of Jordan is indicated as desert receiving rainfall of less than 100 mm/a. population growth rate of about 2.9% ( ), the 9th highest in the world. Treated Wastewater is becoming a resource for agriculture gradually replacing freshwater. There are only three river basins in Jordan: Yarmouk River, Jordan River and Zarqa River

5 Factors causing such decrease steep population growth. sudden influx of refugees due to political instability in the region. Competition between demand sectors on limited fresh water quantities is ever increasing The expanding population and the climatic and topographical conditions of the country have caused enormous pressure on the limited water resources (NWMP2004).

6 Jordan Overview Jordan water Resources: Surface water,ground water and Treated wastewater. Renewable water resources are estimated at about 780 million m 3 per year, consisting of approximately: 505 MCM from surface water 275 MCM from the ground water Current water use already exceeds the renewable freshwater resources by more than 20%. Over abstraction from renewable ground water resources stands up to 150 MCM and up to 73 MCM (52 % of the non renewable water resources) from nonrenewable water resources.

7 Zarqa River Restoration Project Zarqa River Basin

8 Zarqa River Basin description 3,900 Km 2 area, c.a. 300 mm/year annual rainfall annual stream flow about 63 MCM Zarqa River is perennial with: summer monthly flows of 2 to 3 MCM; winter monthly flows of 5 to >8 MCM

9 Main sources of water/zarqa River Rainwater around 300 mm/year Groundwater springs. Partially treated domestic wastewater. Runoff from domestic sewer pipes.

10 River Flow Withdrawals for water supply from aquifers in the upper Amman Zarqa groundwater basin have reduced the natural baseflow of the Zarqa River The flow characteristics have been further modified by the discharge to the river of treated domestic and industrial wastewater that compose nearly all of summer flow and substantially degrade the water quality.

11 Three main problems are associated with Zarqa River: 1 Decrease of Natural Flow. 2 Pollution by Industrial wastewater. 3 Pollution by partially treated domestic wastewater.

12 Socio economic aspects River watercourse length is 70 KM passes through 4 governorates 65% of Jordanian total population and more than 90% of the small medium industries are concentrated in this area About 10,000 donums are used for agriculture in the Watershed. = 2380 Ha

13 State of Environment in Zarqa Basin All environmental components are at risk in the Amman Zarqa Basin: High air pollution due to the surrounding industrial areas (thermal power plants, oil refinery, industrial stack emissions). Over pumping of groundwater for agriculture, drinking and industrial uses. Surface and groundwater resources pollution caused by wastewater from partially operated treatment plants.

14 Environment increasing risks Solid waste management is a big challenge in a heavily populated and industrialized region. Poverty and degraded livelihood conditions magnified the environmental impacts.

15 Zarqa River Basin Restoration Long Term Goal: restoration of the river basin economic development Purpose: to test and demonstrate a systemic and participatory approach for planning, development and management of the watershed/river basin at the intermediate and local level through by good analysis and planning contributing to more effective and economically sound water resource management and improving rural livelihoods and environmental and water security promoting increased participation and representation of stakeholders, mainly endusers of the planning and decision making processes.

16 Constrains to improved water management Lack of : unclear governance of the water basin Difficulties in the enforcement of water legislations and policies nonexistence of inter stakeholder agreement limited knowledge on socio economic consequences information on water and environmental flows in the basin (interaction of ground water with surface water, etc) awareness on water conservation and management experience / knowledge with systematic approaches applied to water resource management

17 Project beneficiaries From the local Communities within the river basin, farmers, CBOs, industries. Trough the intermediate To the top Industries and local government institutions. National government institutions Best Practice for Other river basin in the region or in other areas.

18 Physical Problems Tree for ZRR Health risk (w ater service pollution) Hydraulic risk Water supply (because ground water depletion) Loss of recreation & la nd sca pe Loss of estate value Ecosystem in bad condition Poor Biota, Flora, fauna, vegetation an d biodiversity In ad e q uate Water regime Poor water quality Modification GW Morphology (w ork s) Water retained in S yria Reduction of natural flow High p ollu tion Lo a d Excessive Abstraction of water Un proper domestic use (drin kin g with to ilet) Un proper irrig atio n (surface) & crop choice Insufficient/ expected WW collection and treatment Sew erage in th e river W ild disposal of liquid and solid Areas not covered by collection Obsolete ind ustria l p rocesses Urban development

19 Zarqa Gov. water use *2007 MOWI GW safely yield = MCM/yr 80.1 for domestic Actual use = for Industrial Deficit = 79.8MCM/yr 62.9 for Agr. Around 70% from the local water resources transferring out to AMMAN

20 Governance InstitutionalConsolidat ion process 4 Capacity Building 5 PWPC + DST 3 3 or 4 pilot sites for testing approach 2 Planning + SDCA + Long Term strategy development 1 Pilot projects on the ground 7 Technical studies on selected information 6 Long term strategic plan for Zarqa river restoration & management

21 Project components Increasing the influence of stakeholders on the planning and decision making process for water resources management Water resources, environmental and socio economic assessments Development and endorsement of a master plan for the watershed/river restoration Development of system analysis tools (PMC + IWMIS) to support restoration master plans Development and implementation of different pilot projects to test solutions for river Basin restoration Empowerment of local communities, private sector, NGOs and government agencies Documenting the learning process and sharing information and knowledge at local, regional and national level

22 Expected Results 1. An effective River Contract i.ethe organizational structure and operational tools for Zarqa River Basin Master Plan implementation 3. Enabling the implementation of similar activities in the other areas of the region and country. 2. Empowering stakeholders GOs, NGOs, private sector, CBOs and end users in the water resource planning and management processes 4.Development of economic and social issues in the river basin due to the improved environment.

23 Zarqa River Restoration project 3 years project, estimated budget = 2.8 million Euro. Donor Project Goal Fund Spanish Agency for International Cooperation Capacity Building for Restoration of Zarqa River To strengthen the institutional capacity of the MoE in the domain of river restoration and integrated water management. Euro The U.S. Trade and Development Agency (USTDA) Zarqa River Basin Wastewater and Solid Waste Treatment Project to assess and identify the main communities, land uses and sources of pollution affecting the Zarqa River Basin $ UNDP Adaptation to Climate Change in Zarqa River Basin to mainstream and strengthen water governance processes in river basin management.