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1 Qatar Univ Si J (1995), 15 (1): CHEMICAL STABILIZATION OF BAUI SAND DUNES IN IRAQ 1 EFFECT OF SOME SOIL STABILIZERS ON THE INFILTRATION RATE OF SAND By University of Mosul, Mosul - Iraq Jlr-J4 4:l-)I L, : \! Jo )I ; J w,_p rji l::!-o,;u -,,, l!j, (Z,t, Z,Y) I a J, rlj 1:-:SJI Jl::!il,Jb 41;) ',Y'}Al-351'-:-1, J(Yrf;:J,t,Y,,\1",H) RB-50!lli_,!ril)l JI,SI JJ, (Z,,,, Z,o, Z Y'Y') 35- oot9 JI,SI JJ, (Yr/r:J,,,,o,,t Ula:lt:la)l JI Je; r:f_; Jw (Yf rj Yo, Y, Wo, 'o } ,;W:UIJ J::=All» J 4iL,;,H Je)l J r:f_; Jw t;l l=ll Ji -lij IJ' (Yr/rl t, Y) J=!lrJI )1_,11 J=!l; )lo e r:frji Jw )1);1 uj, )1;1 e Yo )J' JI,SIJ(Z,,,)J'IIJI(Yf/r:J ' ',,o)j,!lu,si ;:j WI JlAIJI I,,WJ Je)l J IJ' JI,SI IJ' (Yf/ (U'-/r-,Yo) rji \Al Jrt- Jil )lj )1_,11 olij' J=!lrJI Key Words: Bitumen, Erosion, Fixation, Infiltration rate, Sand dunes, Stabilizers ABSTRACT In this study, the effet of soil hemial stabilizers inluding polyvinyl aloholl25,000 (PYA) (02% and 04%); ferquata resin emulsion RB-50 (FE) (014, 018, 02 and 04 lm- 2 ); bitumen emulsion AI-55 (BE) (03, 04, 05 and 10 lm- 2 ); aquapol resin (Aql) (033% and 066%) and aquapol resin (Aq2) (150, 175, 200 and 250 gm m- 2 ) on the infiltration rate of Baiji dunes sand was investigated The results indiated that, both PV A onentrations inreased the infiltration rate; whereas, the remaining hemials redued it The redutions in the infiltration rate aused by F E (02 and 04 m- 2 ); B E (05 and 10 1m- 2 ); Aql (066%); and Aq2 (250 gm m- 2 ) rendered the samples impermeable While, the infiltration rates under the remaining onentrations of these hemials were in exess of the minimum aeptable rate of 025 em hr - 1 INTRODUCTION Sand dunes at Baiji site (entral Iraq) form one of the most important fields in Iraq They over more than 220,000 donums (I Iraqi donum = 2500 m 2 ), with large expenses of urrently ative dunes Moreover, they represent a typial example of dune formations in the rest of Iraq The instability of the surfae layer of the sand dunes renders sand vulnerable to losses through wind and water erosion Sine vegetation over is effetive in stabilizing the aeolian sand dunes, soil hemial stabilizers in the form of 109

2 Chemial stabilization of Baiji sand dunes emulsions or solutions have been used to stabilize the soil struture and hene prevent or slow down water erosion or wind erosion while the vegetation over is being established [1,2] Despite of being a major produer of oil, using of oil produts and other hemial materials for the fixation of sand dunes in Iraq is still very limited [3,4] Thus, it is important to arry out some more tests on the effet of various soil hemial onditioners and oil minerals on the stabilization of Iraqi sand dunes The effetiveness of any hemial mulh as sand dune stabilizer an be assessed on the following riteria: permeability, non-toxiity to seeds or seedlings, ability to produe stable aggregates, and prolonged resistane to both wind and water erosion These properties were tested in Druridge Bay (UK) for 12 hemial materials by means of extensive laboratory, greenhouse, wind tunnel and field trials [1] From the results of these hemials, PYA, F E, B E Aq 1, and Aq2 were seleted for the present study that aims at finding out the effet of these 5 hemials on the Infiltration rate of Baiji sand dunes MATERIALS AND METHODS This study was onduted using air-dry samples obtained from the surfae 30 em of Baiji sand dunes The hemial and physial harateristis of the sand are given in Table 1 The stabilizers used were : PV A (02% and 04%); F E (02 and 04 I m ); B E (05 and 10 1m ); Aq 1 (033% and 066%) and Aq2 (200 and 250 gm m) [5] All (%) were on the basis of air-dry sand Preliminary experiments showed that these treatment reated differently with the Baiji sand in omparison with the Druridge Bay sand, and apart from PV A, they rendered the samples impermeable or at best drastially redued the infiltration rate As a onsequene the experiment was repeated using lower onentrations of the hemials: - FE 014 and 018 1m, - BE 03 and 04 1 m, - Aq I 033% and 050% Table 1 Some hemial and physial harateristis of Baiji sand dunes Charater EC (mmhos I em) ph Alkaline- Earth Carbonates ( 0 h ) Gypsum (meq I 100 gms soil) Organi Matter(%) Sand (Coarse, Medim and Fine)(%) Silt (Coarse, Medium and Fine) ('X) Clay ('Yo) Texture CEC (meq I 100 gms soil) Soluble Ions (meq I 100 gms soil) Na+ K+ a+2 Mg+2 Cl- C03 HC03- Total N (%) Available P (mg I 100 gms soil) S A R (meq I 1)" Exhangeable Cations (meql100 gms) Na+ K+ Ca+2 + Mg+2 E S P (%) "" Bulk Density (gm I m3) Sand Partiles Density (gm I m3) Porosity(%) Value ; 165; ; 03; Sandy SAR(SOOiumA!mrptirnRaoo)=Na+ /((Ca+2 + Mg+2)/2)1/2 "'ESP (EJ<dlangwbleSoliumPen:ent)=(Na+ /CEC}x1<HYo CEC =CatirnFxdlangeCapadty(ITRj /1m!,'In" 'oil) ll 0

3 - Aq2 150; 175; 200 and 225 gm m all hemials were prepared or diluted with water to obtain the stated onentrations [when applied at a rate of 60 1 m- 2 ] and eah treatment was tested in tripliate The experiment involved adding these hemials to 65 gm of air-d9' sand in glass leahing olumns of surfae area 3465 em, these then plaed in a leahing rak and water added at the top Control samples using untreated Baiji sand were inluded Input water volumes as a funtion of time were measured The data were later used for the alulation of the infiltration rates using the proedure desribed by Mihael [6] RESULTS AND DISCUSSION The results indiate, as in the ase of Druridge Bay dunes sand [1], the appliation of PVA as surfae mulh inreased the infiltration rate of Baiji sand when ompred with the ontrol (Fig 1 ), its effet inreased as the hemial onentration inreased The remaining hemials, FE (140 and 180 m1 m- 2 ); BE (03 and 04 1 m- 2 ); Aq1 (033% and 050%) and Aq2 (150; 175; 200 and 225 gm m) redued the infiltration rate of the sand in proportion to their onentrations (Figures 2-5) The inrease in the infiltration rates with PV A treatments, onfirms the results obtained by [7 and 8], and may be due to the prodution of a stable surfae layer with large number of maropores Redution in the infiltration rates in the sand samples treated with BE, FE, Aq1 and Aq2 hemial materials (Figures 2-5) may be due to the hydrophobi harater of the sand surfaes treated with these hemials [9 and 10] Gabriels [8) suggests that the infiltration rate an be bloked by a high ontat angle, espeially when small aggregates are treated with a waterproofing material The high ontat angle auses water repelleny and prevents water entering the pores between the small aggregates Similar infiltration tests arried out by Control A '! PVA 02% 0 PVA 04% a ro u fj) Gl 7ll I'D 0 40!l) S ro -I 10 ""' D P-o r 0 -oo-o-o-o-o- o- -o- o -o- -o- - o,, 4- t -A- 4, IJ -II 11-& A IJ - IJ- - t- - - II \-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o--o--o--o--o----o Time (Min) Fig 1 Effet of PA V on the Inf Rate ofbaiji Dunes Sand Al-Debagi [11] on two Iraqi soils (sandy lay loam and layey) treated with bitumen emulsions and rude oil, showed lose agreement with the angle values determined by Gabriels [9] The redution in the infiltration rates ould be due to the filling and bloking of some pores between sand partiles in the treated layer by the hemial materials [12] The infiltration rate in both ontrol and treated sand samples was redued with the time The rate of redution was greatest at the start of the test and dereased with time The time taken to reah a steady state varied with various hemial treatments, but in all ases it was less than 12 minutes The initial rapid redution in infiltration has been attributed by Mihael [6] to three possible auses First, the anteedent soil moisture ontent has a onsiderable effet on the initial rate and total amount of infiltration (both derease as the soil moisture ontent rises) Seond, transfer of the fine partiles from the surfae layer results in the logging of pores in the lower layers, and the reorientation of partiles with in the sand olumn, thus reduing water movement [3, 14 and 6] Third, the expansion of 2: 1 lattie lay minerals and any humus present will rapidly redue water movement !l) q o Sontrol $o oo 70 Ql t1j g: m 4J 0 - :Jl 1-; aj -10 '1,1 a a 100 C:aJ "' a (J $o ;oaj -I -""' 10 A ' ' \ \',, F :40 nl,-z F E 180 I 1" 2 'b',o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o--o--o--o--o--o '8:A a 4 4- II -A- A- A A A - - A 0 --o-o--o- O - o- -o- -a lfi a:j E5 3:J :Jj 411 Fig 2: Effet of FE on the Inf Rate of Baiji Dunes Sand a m E5 :D :J5 Time (min) Fig 3: Effet of BE on the Inf Rate of Baiji Dunes Sand o Centro! A BE ),3 ; 1 -z at 'i o-o-o-o-o-o-o--o--o--o--o--o 0,- A-A A- A-a A-,a-& A-- A--- A o o --o--o-o- o -----o--o 111

4 Chemial stabilization of Baiji sand dunes < em a u 70 Gl Sl '\ 40 -: J) 1-< -m -""' 10 o Cn:r:i A 'Ql ),:3% Aqt 050% !l B 10 l!i 20 2l :Jl :J5 40 4l Fig 4: Effet of Aql on the Inf Rate ofbaiji Dunes Sand lid '-o i'l) GJ!l ro 40 -l) as Zm ;;:: 10 0 Cntrol \ A Aqi 150 fl a- 2 a Aq2 175 :m,-, ;It Aq2 200 :m Aq2 225 :m a :J'l :JS 40 4l Time (min) Fig 5: Effet of BE on the Inf Rate of Baiji Dunes Sand Whilst the results from Baiji sand experiments are in agreement with those of Druridge Bay sand experiments [5], the atual infiltration rates of all Druridge Bay samples were muh higher than those of Baiji sand samples This was almost ertainly due to the oarser sand partiles of Druridge Bay sand in omparison with those of Baiji sand With the redued onentrations of the hemial used, the effet of the stabilizers an be ranked as fows : PV A 04% > PV A 02% > Control > BE 03 1m > Aq2 150 gm m > Aq2 175 gm m > BE 04 I M > Aq2 200 gm m > FE 140 m1 T > Aq2 225 gm m > Aq1 033% > FE 180 ml m- > Aql 050% It is worth mentioning that, all the results of Baiji sands treated with these onentrations were in exess of the minimum aeptable infiltration rate of 025 em hr-1 [15] CONCLUSIONS f The appliation of PV A inreased the infiltration rate as ompared with the ontrol The rate of inrease was related to the onentation of PV A applied 2 FE; BE; Aql and Aq2, redued the infiltration rate of the sand In all these ases, inreased hemial onentration aused a furjher derease in infiltration rates 3 FE; BE; Aq1 and Aq2 onentrations, that were used suessfuly with Druridge Bay sand, either rendered Baiji samples impermeable or drastially redued their infiltration rate 4 The inreases or dereases in infiltration rates differ with various hemials However, all the results were in exess of the minimum aeptable rate of 025 em hr- REFERENCES [1] Armbrust, D V, and JD Dikerson, 1971 Temporary wind erosion ontrol : Cost and effetiveness of 34 ommerial materials, J Soil Water Conserv, 26: [2] Lenvain, J, M De Boodt, and Surwardjo, 1976 An effetive way in fighting soil erosion: Promoting growth of young trees through plantpit treatment with soil onditioners, Med Fa Landbouww Rijksuniv Gent, 41 : [3] AI-Kuraishi, AMF, 1988 Study of some aspets of sand dunes stabilization in baiji by various materials and methods M S Thesis, Dept of Soil, College of Agri, Univ of Baghdad, Iraq [4] Al-Rawi, A A S, 1984 evaluation of some oil derivatives in sand dunes fixation First Arab Seminar on sand dune fixation and desertifiation ontrol Baghdad, Iraq (142 Ot 1984) [5] Ahmed, NB, 1990 The Stabilization of aeolian sand dunes Ph D Thesis, Faulty Si, Durham Univ, UK [6] Mihael AM, 1978 Irrigation, Theory and Pratie Vikas Publishing House PVT Ltd, New Delhi, India [7] Helalia, AM and J Letey, 1988 Cationi polymer effets on infiltration rates with a rainfall simulator Spil Si, So Am J, 52:24750 [8] Helalia, AM; J Letey, and RC Graham, 1988 Crust formation and lay migration effets on in- C filtration rate, Soil Si So Am J, 52: [9] Gabriels, D, 1972 Response of different soil onditioners to soils Med Fa Landbouww Rijksuniv Gent 37: [Ia] Gabriels, D and M De Boodt, 1975 Erosion redution fators for hemially treated soils: a laboratory experiment In: Soil Conditioner Soil Si- 112

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