Air Quality update. Davide Minotti. Air and Environment Quality Defra. IAPSC Conference, 4th December 2003

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1 Air Quality update Davide Minotti Air and Environment Quality Defra IAPSC Conference, 4th December 2003

2 Outline Local Air Quality Management National level International level Funding

3 LAQM 1 st Round LAs with AQMAs: Stage 4 reports received: England 86 London 30 Scotland 3 Wales 4 Total 123 England 78 London 29 Scotland 3 Wales 2 Total 112

4 AQMAs KEY An Air Quality Management Area has been declared by this Local Authority Review completed. No Air Quality Management Area has been declared by this Local Authority The Local Authority has not completed the review and assessment process The Local Authority has completed the review and assessment process and is evaluating the need for an Air Quality Management Area

5 Action Plans Draft Plans received from LAs: England 37 London 23 Scotland 1 Wales 2 Total 62 LAs

6 Action Plans Action plans need to assess contribution of measures towards meeting objectives Timescale should be more specific to allow for reporting and benchmarking in progress reports

7 Evaluation of Action Planning We will seek views from LAs on Action Planning: Effectiveness Liaisons and interactions Report will be published in 2004

8 LAQM 2 nd Round USA submitted: England 263 or 82% London 1 or 3% Scotland 29 or 91% Wales 15 or 68% Total 302 or 81% (excluding London)

9 LAQM 2 nd Round Ministers in England will write to LAs that have been slow in providing USAs, stressing the importance of: planning ahead Deliver USA asap Names will be made public

10 LAQM 2 nd Round LAs going on to Detailed Assessment: England 126 or 54% London 0 Scotland 18 or 62% Wales 7 or 50% Total 151 or 55%

11 DAs by pollutants LAs CO 1,3-but Pb Benzene SO2 PM10 NO2

12 LAQM 2 nd Round Look at example of good practice on our websites Look at FAQs for new guidance as these are updated often Information on domestic smoke control (including maps, approved fuels and appliances) will shortly be made available on the web

13 Annual Progress Report Final guidance will be published before Christmas Minimum requirements: Available monitoring data Log new large developments Checklists will be provided

14 ODPM Freedom & Flexibility Consultation paper is out now! Excellent LAs will not need to produce Air Quality Action Plans (AQAP) or Local Transport Plans (LTP) For Non Excellent AQAP can be integrated into LTP, if relevant, but requirement for AQAP remains New LTP Guidance (integrating air quality) will issue in mid 2004

15 National Policies update Industrial policies Transport policies Work on science

16 LCPD Estimated to cut 950,000 tonnes of NOx and 700,000 tonnes of SO2 Draft National Plan delivered to Commission Government will continues further assessment of two options for implementation No final decision has been made.

17 Solvent Emission Directive It will bring new processes under environmental controls (i.e. dry cleaners) Consultation concluded in October Currently considering responses Implementing Regulations expected by winter 2003/4

18 Possible new Euro Standards Discussion in Europe on possible new Euro standards (Euro V and Euro VI) Focus on NOx and, in particular, PM10 reductions (diesels) Government currently considering cost and benefits but recognises that further action on reducing vehicle emissions is needed

19 Other transport policies Road charging for lorry user by nd Progress report (May 2003) said the charge should reflect costs of climate change, air pollution, road maintenance, safety, traffic congestion and noise. Feasibility study for all road user charging to report in 2004

20 Other transport policies Review of 10 Year Transport Plan by summer 2004 Aviation White paper to issue by end 2003 Government considering benefits and practicalities of Water Diesel Emulsions

21 Air Quality Expert Group Has finalised work on NO2 report to be published later this year Begun work on Particles Key issues to consider: achievement of current and proposed objectives and LV? How does UK source apportionment compares with other MS s work? Ultrafines: what have we learnt from measurements? Are inventories complete?

22 Expert Panel on Air Quality Currently looking at a number of substances for the Environment Agency Begun with halogens and halides Producing a response to CAFÉ Particles working group paper

23 WHO s advice World Health Organisation provided advice to Clean Air for Europe: Particles review of previous guidance is needed develop guidance for PM2.5 Ozone review of previous guidance is needed Nitrogen Dioxide review of previous guidance not justified emphasized importance of NO2 as precursor of other pollutants

24 Clean Air For Europe - Particles CAFÉ particles working group (co-chaired by UK) presented its paper to stakeholders It recommended the use of PM 2.5 rather than PM 10 as the principal metric for assessing exposure to particulate matter. However, it recognised the continuing need to reduce the concentration of the coarse fraction.

25 Funding Supplementary Credit Approvals (SCA) Local Public Service Agreements (LPSA)

26 SCA 2003/2004 This year Defra has increased air quality SCA provision from 2.5m to 4.2m Still some funds available for this financial year therefore.. bid if you can spend by end of March 2004! SCA can be granted also if LA does not borrow

27 Future of SCA LAs will have freedom to decide to borrow for capital investment up to their prudential limits But Defra will continue to provide assistance to support LAs capital expenditure on air quality in future years.

28 Future of SCA ODPM consulted LAs in the summer on what form of support for their capital expenditure in future, either: revenue grants to support borrowing, or capital grants ODPM are now considering responses and should make an announcement shortly Defra will write to authorities with details of the arrangements for 2004/05 allocations

29 Local Public Service Agreements LPSA set out commitment from upper tier authorities to deliver a dozen targets specified and agreed with central Government, generally over a period of three years Central Government commits to reward such achievement typically with a grant of around 0,75 millions for each target (depending on size of LAs) There are additional funding if upper-tiers work with districts

30 Local Public Service Agreements Second round of LPSAs will start in 2004 Defra is keen for LAs to consider signing up to LPSA target on air quality (or a wider area target) Defra wrote to all LAs If you are interested in finding out more: 1. Visit ODPM site on LPSA 2. Contact LPSA lead in your authority 3. Contact me

31 Summary Local Air Quality Management National level International level Funding