Water threats at river basin scale

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1 WFD Lille 2010 Water threats at river basin scale Igor Liska ICPDR Perception of water threats Waters in the Community are under increasing pressure from the continuous growth in demand for sufficient quantities of good quality water for all purposes (WFD I(4)); Between 1998 and 2004, Europe suffered over 100 major damaging floods, including the catastrophic floods along the Danube and Elbe rivers in summer 2002 (EFD website); Water resources are vulnerable and can be strongly affected by climate change (UN/ECE Guide, 2009). Threats to Water quantity: Floods Droughts Water quality: Organic pollution Nutrient pollution Pollution by hazardous substances Accident pollution Hydromorphological alterations Base sketch Danube River Basin 10% of Europe 83 mil inhabitants 19 countries Most international river basin in the world Danube River Protection Convention igned 29. June 1994; Entry into force 22. October 1998; Permanent ecretariat since 1 October 1999; A legal frame for co-operation to assure the protection of water and ecological resources and their sustainable use in the Danube River Basin; ICPDR has been established to implement the objectives and provisions and to achieve the goals of the Danube River Protection Convention.

2 ICPDR Contracting Parties Organisational structure under DRPC Germany Austria Czech Republic lovakia Hungary lovenia Croatia European Union Bosnia & Herzegovina erbia Montenegro Romania Bulgaria Rep. of Moldova Ukraine Tisza RBM LEGEND ICPDR tw G AEW Monitoring Assessm ent Groundwater Pressures AP Measures Flood risk Flood Hydromorphology RBMP Coordination ervice support and Guidance Task Group ad hoc EG ad hoc GI and Info ad hoc PP Comm. NOTE Further Task Groups may be created according to the needs Mandate & Report Info exchange Floods Danube River Basin suffered from massive floods in 2002, 2005 and 2006; Each year devastating regional floods occur in Danube countries endangering lives and causing human tragedy as well as heavy economic losses. ICPDR response to floods Action Programme on ustainable Flood Protection in the Danube River Basin adopted in 2004: Improvement of flood forecasting and early flood warning systems; Preparation and coordination of flood action plans in sub-basins; Common approach in flood risk mapping; Exchange of expert knowledge. ICPDR response to floods 17 flood action plans for the subbasins in the Danube catchment area prepared in 2009 based on 45 national plans; ub-basin plans contain hundreds of measures the Danube countries are going to take to keep their citizens safe against the flood danger; Preparation process strengthened international cooperation.

3 Reference scenario Baseline scenario 1 Baseline scenario 2 Baseline scenario 3 Reference scenario Baseline scenario 1 Baseline scenario 2 Baseline scenario 3 Flood protection under ICPDR future plans Joint implementation of the EU Floods Directive in the Danube River Basin; EU project Floodrisk ( 6.5 mil) developing joint flood risk maps for the Danube and defining a common methodology; Cooperation with EC JRC on Improving Danube Flood Alert ystem. Floods impact of climate change Relative change in 100-year return level of river discharge between scenario ( ) and control period ( ) for the 3.9ºC (left) and 2.5ºC (right) scenarios (PEETA project) Droughts Europe is considered as having adequate water resources, but water scarcity is an increasingly frequent phenomenon; EU report on Drought Management Plans (2007); DMPs: drought early warning system based on hydrological indicators; drought stages scale; program of mitigation measures to be applied under drought conditions; should include cross-border coordination in transboundary basins; Droughts Droughts are not the WMI in 1 st DRBMP, will be investigated in next cycles (also in connection to climate changes); Drought management is part of the WFD Art. 5 Analysis of the Tisza River Basin (2007) and will be part of RBMP therein. The Tisza Analysis: Lists the most commonly used indicators; Provides overview of droughts in the riparian countries; Reviews groundwater depletion; Reference ituation: Organic pollution 6,224 agglomerations > 2,000 PE in the DRB: 2,000 10,000 PE: 4,969 agglomerations > 10,000 PE: 1,255 agglomerations Many agglomerations without wastewater treatment or sewerage connection; No wastewater collection: more than 2,900 aggl. = 12.6% of the generated load. Emissions (t/a) Organic pollution - scenarios BOD5 and COD emissions different scenarios: Reference situation Baseline cenario-uwwt 2015 Midterm cenario-uwwt (beyond 2015) Vision cenario-uwwt (beyond 2015) BOD 5 emissions Refit UWWT B UWWT MT UWWT V UWWT Emissions (t/a) COD emissions Refit UWWT B UWWT MT UWWT V UWWT

4 Monday, 26th April, 4.45 pm Achievement of WFD environmental objectives on the basin-wide scale by 2015 not ensured Nutrient pollution Pollution by hazardous substances Overall Baseline cenario Nutrients 2015 considers most likely developments in different sectors (urban wastewater, agriculture, atmospheric deposition) by Pollution by hazardous substances Emission data based on EPER (EU M) and ICPDR Emission Inventory data; Lack of knowledge on sources, pathways and losses of hazardous substances on the basin-wide scale; Accident pollution Principal International Alert Centres in the Danube River Basin UA 4 Brno 1 2 München K Wien 6 Budapest H 7 LEGEND Kilometers 10 BIH Bucuresti 13 R 11 N Beograd arajevo 12 ofija Cities ( Million Inhabitants) 0 15 RO Towns ( Inhabitants) ub-river Basins 8 HR 1: Upper Danube (D,A) 2: Inn (A,D) 3: Austrian Danube (A) 4: Morava (CZ,A,K) 5: Váh - Hron (K,CZ,H) 6. Pannonian Central Danube(A,K,H,HR,R) 7: Drava - Mura (A,LO,HR,H) 8: ava (LO,HR,BIH,R) 9: Tisa (K,UA,RO,H,R) 10: Banat - Eastern erbia (R,RO) 11: Velika Morava (R,BG) 12: Mizia - Dobr udzha( BG) 13: Muntenia (R0) 14: Prut - iret ( UA,MD,RO) 15: Delta - Liman (MD,UA,RO) cale: 1: Zagreb ub-river Basins 50 9 Danube River Basin Metropolis ( > 1 Million Inhabitants) 14 LO Border Ljubljana Chisinau I MD A 3 5 Bratislava CH More detailed monitoring data on hazardous substances are needed; EU IPPC and other EU Directives are key instruments for reduction of emissions of hazardous substances; Further measures are needed. PL CZ D BG

5 Hydromorphological alterations HMO components in DRBMP River and habitat continuity interruption Disconnection of adjacent wetlands/floodplains Hydrological alterations Future infrastructure projects Key drivers Hydropower generation Navigation Flood protection Water supply Hydromorphological alterations Future infrastructure projects Future Infrastructure Projects can impact and deteriorate the water status; 112 Future Infrastructure Projects reported; 70 of them in Danube River; 57% dedicated to navigation; 28% to flood protection; Rest: hydropower generation, water supply and other purposes; 25 projects are subject to WFD Article 4(7) in EU M. WHAT? Integration of flood risk management and river basin management; Priority & emerging substances monitoring, impacts, distribution pathways, reduction policies; Quality & quantity of sediments; Invasive species & ecological status assessment; Etc... Conclusions Integrated RBM requires to consider all relevant threats to water and their interrelation; EU legislation provides a good basis for managing water threats; Implementation of water protection policies requires cooperation with all stakeholders; Public participation is an important prerequisite for a successful implementation; Impacts of climate change to be taken into account. WHAT? Integration of flood risk management and river basin management; Priority & emerging substances monitoring, impacts, distribution pathways, reduction policies; Quality & quantity of sediments; Invasive species & ecological status assessment; Etc...

6 WHAT? Integration of flood risk management and river basin management; Priority & emerging substances monitoring, impacts, distribution pathways, reduction policies; Quality & quantity of sediments; Invasive species & ecological status assessment; Etc...