Water Quality in Six Lakes in Lake County, Illinois based on Land Use and Lake Origin

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1 Wter Qulity in Six Lkes in Lke County, Illinois bsed on Lnd Use nd Lke Origin By: Dnielle An Undergrdute Thesis Submitted in Prtil Fulfillment of the Requirements for Degrees of Bchelor of Arts-Environmentl Science Bchelor of Arts-Geogrphy 1

2 Abstrct Wter is one of the most importnt resources on erth, but the qulity of our world s wter is deteriorting rpidly. Lnd use hs tremendous negtive effects on the qulity of our wter. Lnd use cn increse sedimenttion, nd dd excessive mounts of nutrients leding to n lge choked lke. However, lke origin my hve even greter impcts on wter qulity becuse humns re creting their own lkes, which my impct the chemicl blnce of the lke. Six lkes in Lke County, IL were chosen with three different types of lke origins (glcil lkes, borrow pits, nd impoundments) nd two ctegories of lnd use (developed nd undeveloped) were mesured for wter qulity. Lkes in developed wtersheds were expected to hve poor wter qulity compred to lkes in undeveloped wtersheds nd glcil lkes were expected to hve better wter qulity compred to mn-mde lkes. Contrry to my hypothesis, lke origin hd greter significnce to wter qulity when compred to lnd use. This ws indicted by the significnce of lke origin in five of out six wter qulity prmeters. Also glcil lkes did not hve better wter qulity compred to mn-mde lkes. These outcomes could be explined by differences in the wtershed between different lkes. Introduction Wter is one of the most importnt resources on erth, covering 70 percent of the erth s surfce. Though it is necessry for ll life, much of the wter on erth is either stored in icecps or in sline ocens so only bout three percent is vilble to us s freshwter. Of this, freshwter lkes contin lrge mount of the vilble freshwter on erth (Perry, nd Vnderklein, 2002). The Gret Lkes in the United Sttes re the lrgest source of freshwter on erth, however they only contin 18 percent of the world s supply (Pielou, 1998). This smll percentge is used for mny things such s domestic uses, industril uses, griculture, irrigtion, nd trnsporttion. Wter lso hs n ecologicl significnce. Aqutic plnts nd nimls need fresh wter to survive nd reproduce. This directly ffects us nd our resources tht we depend on. Wter is resource tht we use on dily bsis, nd tht we tke for grnted. Creless use of wter hs led us down n unforgiving pth tht will sooner or lter become mjor problem. In fct, there re mny plces on erth where people re running out of wter. This problem is even occurring in our own county. Georgi is in terrible drought nd drsticlly looking to conserve nd protect the little wter resource they hve left. This dilemm hs forced mny cities to crete their own lkes. By creting their own reservoir they constntly hve supply of freshwter. At this point mny cities believe tht they hve fixed the problem; however, how lke origin ffects wter qulity is unknown. 2

3 Lnd use is n extremely importnt issue for ny lke both mn-mde nd nturl lkes. Wht we do with the lnd round our lkes hs n enormous impct on the wter qulity. Lnd use round the lke such s incresing urbniztion nd industriliztion hs direct impct on our wter qulity. (Khn, nd Ansri, 2005). Humn modifictions of lnd use nd lke origin hve lrge impcts on wter qulity. Therefore, it is necessry to closely monitor the qulity of our wter to protect our precious source of freshwter. Lnd Use Lnd use hs very strong reltionship with wter qulity (Dzurik, 2003) however; lke origin is not lwys incorported in wter qulity studies. Mny prmeters of wter qulity re directly effected by nerby lnd use chnges. Every lnd use chnge hs gret potentil to lter the wter qulity of the lke (Perry, nd Vnderklein, 2002). Undeveloped wtersheds hve nturl lndscpes consisting of forests, grsslnds, nd wetlnds. When these nturl res exist round lkes there is reltively smll impct on the lke s wter qulity. These nturl res typiclly help filter out ny pollutnts before they enter the lke. In contrst, developed wtersheds, typiclly consist of urbnized, industril, nd griculturl res, tht cn cuse mny problems to the lkes wter qulity nd the overll qutic ecosystem. These lnd use res re considered to be non-point sources of pollution. Non-point source pollution is defined when runoff wters pick up pollution nd deposit them into nerby lkes (EPA, 2006), nd the three different types of development hve different pollutnts ssocite with them tht ffect wter qulity differently. Agriculture Agriculturl lnd hs numerous negtive impcts on lke. It is estimted to be one of the min cuse of nthropogenic degrded lkes, totling 56 percent of ll degrded lkes in the United Sttes (Perry, nd Vnderklein, 2002). Agriculture impcts mny wter qulity prmeters. Runoff sends soil into lkes leving suspended soil 3

4 prticles in the lke cusing high turbidity. In fct, bout hlf of the sediment tht enters lkes origintes from griculturl res (Dzurik, 2003). Frmers tend to use lot of nutrient rich pesticides nd fertilizers to protect their crop; however, mny of these nutrients end up running off into nerby lkes. Mjor nutrients in fertilizers tht re typiclly used on griculturl lnds re phosphorus, nitrogen, nd potssium. These nutrients re then wshed off into qutic ecosystems creting excessive plnt growth (Khn, nd Ansri, 2005). In ddition, these pesticides nd fertilizers re extremely soluble in wter nd they cn even become toxic to qutic orgnisms. Agriculture runoff lso crries crop residue. Crop residues re the remnnts of the lst crop tht remins on the griculture lnd to protect the soil from erosion. At first glnce this sounds like this would be positive; however, these remnnts cn be crried into lkes by strong storms. Once in the lke the crop residues fll to the bottom nd begin to decy. This cuses n increse in the demnd for oxygen, nd possibly noxic conditions. Urbn Development Urbn development lso hs profound impcts on wter qulity. Both domestic nd industril sewge cuses mny problems to qutic ecosystems. Storm wter runoff is non-point source of pollution. During rin events, wter showers cities nd clens wy ll dirt, debris, nd pollutnts. All the debris wshes stright into the nerby lkes. Another problem with urbn development nd wter qulity is fertilizer. Mny individuls household hve mnicured lwns, where they use fertilizers to keep their lwn green. Nutrients from the fertilizers run off into the lke cusing n increse of nutrients, which leds to nd lgl blooms. The more development, the more impervious surfces this ll leds to more urbn runoff. Lke Origin Another spect tht ffects wter qulity is lke origin. There re mny physicl, chemicl, nd biologicl differences between nturl lkes nd mn-mde lkes. The deepest spot in nturl lkes or glcil lkes occurs in the center of the lke. However, in 4

5 mn-mde lkes this does not occur. In borrow pits the deepest point generlly vries between lkes bsed on why the lke ws creted. There re few min wys tht lkes re creted. One of the min wys tht lkes re creted nturlly in the Midwestern region is through glcition. Glciers scoured out the bedrock nd creted lrge bsins, which lter formed lkes. Glciers lso dropped sediment tht dmned vlleys nd rivers, which led to glcil reservoirs. Other glcil lkes re kettle lkes. These lkes re creted by lrge piece of the glcier breking off leving depression. This depression then fills in with the melting ice creting lke. Humns hve lso creted vriety of lkes. By creting brriers, which re similr to the geologicl brriers tht the glciers creted. Humn creted borrow pits by creting lrge bsins when mining for grvel. These lrge bsins fill up either with rinwter or when bedrock scouring reches the wter tble. Since these lkes re previously mined for grvel there is no nturl wtershed to collect nutrients from. Another wy humns crete lkes is by dmming strem or river. This cuses loclized flooding, creting lke in the low lying res clled n impoundment. The wter is retined behind the dm preventing wter to flow downstrem nd keeping the re flooded. Erly impoundments were creted to help with irrigting crops or to control floods. Tody however, impoundments re used to crete lrge reservoirs for wter storge or to crete hydroelectric power (Bxter, 1977). One of the most fmous impoundments in the United Sttes is Lke Med. The Colordo River ws dmmed to crete lrge reservoir of wter nd to crete hydroelectric power for the nerby city of Ls Vegs. However, these lkes re not similr to nturlly creted lkes, typiclly hving different shpe when compred to nturl lkes. These lkes usully hve more of longitudinl profile. This occurs becuse the re tht is being flooded is the strem or river which is now feeding the lke (Bxter, 1977). In impoundments the deepest point in the lke occurs just upstrem of the dm. Sedimenttion in impoundments is usully comes from eroded mteril in the reservoir nd/or from the lkes prent river or strem. The sedimenttion lod of the lke lrgely depends on the lnd use surrounding the lke. 5

6 Impoundments hve interesting physicl nd chemicl limnologicl spects s well. The wter in impoundments generlly hs reltively short retention time in the lke (Bxter, 1977). The wter leving the lke is typiclly different from the wter tht is flowing into it, in regrd to temperture, nd dissolved nutrients (Bxter, 1977). This cuses the wter to become strtified into horizontl lyers. The top lyer, epilimnion typiclly hs high flow, nd then there is trnsition zone, the thermocline, followed by stgnnt zone which is typiclly the hypolimnion. Wter nturlly drins t the level where the outflow is locted, which cn cuse turbidity currents, becuse they usully crry high lod of sediment. Chemicl chrcteristics of the lke re determined by the chemicl inflows nd the precipittion. However, impoundments re ffected in more wys thn this. Impoundment cn hve increse leching due to recent flooding tht is cused by the cretion of lke (Bxter, 1977). Flooding lso cuses other problems. If vegettion is not removed before the time of creting the lke, newly submerged vegettion will begn to decompose cusing noxic conditions. Due to the stgnnt wter t the bottom of the lke; nutrients cn begn to ccumulte. Wter Qulity Both lnd use nd lke origin cn hve lrge impcts on the lkes wter qulity. Wter qulity is n importnt mesurement becuse it cn tell us mny things bout the body of wter. For instnce, these mesurements cn tell us if the wter is sfe to drink or if it is sfe to swim in. This gives us the knowledge to know if the wter if sfe to use or to relize tht the wter is polluted nd mngement prctices need to chnge. Wter qulity is mesured using combintion of physicl, chemicl, nd biologicl prmeters. By mesuring the wter qulity in lkes ffected by vrying levels of lnd use nd lke origins we re ble to determine whether lnd use or lke origin hs n impct on the wter qulity. Physicl Prmeters Physicl chrcteristics of wter qulity re totl suspended solids, turbidity, nd temperture. These physicl chrcteristics re importnt to chrcteristics to mesure 6

7 becuse they cn impct other mesurements of wter qulity. These chrcteristics cn determine the depth of light penetrtion, the growth of photosynthetic plnts, the therml strtifiction, nd oxygen levels in the lke. Turbidity is mesurement of the suspended prticles in the wter tht sctter nd bsorb light, giving the wter murky or turbid ppernce (Dzurik, 2003). Silt, cly, orgnic mtter, nd microscopic orgnisms re some of the min cuses for turbid wter, nd the presence of these tends to increse fter recent rin event where there ws lot of erosion. Highly turbid wter reduces light penetrtion cusing decrese in photosynthesis of qutic plnts. Another physicl chrcteristic to mesure in wter qulity is temperture. Temperture determines the mount oxygen tht is dissolved in the wter. It lso determines the survivbility of orgnisms nd when they cn reproduce. Lkes thermlly strtify due to the reltionship between temperture nd wter density reltionship, which shifts sesonlly. Temperture cn lso ffect mny of the orgnisms tht re present in the lke. Aqutic orgnisms need oxygen to survive nd oxygen levels re determined, the temperture of the lke. Temperture is very importnt spect of wter qulity becuse it ffects mny chemicl nd biologicl processes. Chemicl Prmeters Chemicl chrcteristics of wter qulity include dissolved gsses, dissolved nutrients, nd ph. The most importnt chemicl prmeter of wter qulity is dissolved oxygen. Dissolved oxygen is linked to mny other spects of wter qulity, nd is essentil for ll qutic life. The most bundnt form of oxygen in wter is O2: this is lso the most importnt form of oxygen becuse it vilble to ll qutic orgnisms. Typiclly the higher concentrtion of dissolved oxygen the higher the qulity of wter is for ll living orgnisms. Dissolved oxygen is directly relted to the temperture of the wter, n increses in wter temperture dissolved oxygen decreses. Another chemicl chrcteristic of wter qulity is dissolved nutrients. Two min dissolved nutrients tht re typiclly found in lkes re nitrogen nd phosphorus. Nitrogen nd phosphorus re usully present in low quntities in lkes (Khn, nd Ansri, 2005). 7

8 Nitrogen is lso common element tht is contined in living cells. All proteins nd enzymes contin nitrogen, which mke nitrogen necessry for ll biochemicl rections (Horne, nd Goldmn, 1994) therefore nitrogen influences the diversity nd bundnce of qutic orgnisms. Nitrogen is present in mny forms nitrogen gs, nitrte, mmoni, nitrite, nd ure (Horne, nd Goldmn, 1994). The most common form of nitrogen is nitrogen gs, which dissolves in wter, however most qutic orgnism cnnot use nitrogen gs. Blue-green lge nd bcteri fixing nitrogen re the only orgnisms tht re ble to use nitrogen gs. These orgnisms re importnt to the nitrogen fixtion process where nitrogen gs is converted to usble sources of nitrogen. Other forms of nitrogen tht cn be used by mny qutic orgnisms re nitrte nd mmoni, which cn be limiting nutrients if there re not sufficient mounts in the qutic ecosystem. Ammoni is fvored for plnt growth, lthough mmoni cn become toxic with high ph levels (Horne, nd Goldmn, 1994). Nitrte is nother form of nitrogen tht is used for growth, nd this is the most biologiclly vilble form for nitrogen. However, if nitrte is limited it my become limiting fctor in growth. The concentrtion nd the supply of nitrte re connected with lnd-use prctices (Horne, nd Goldmn, 1994). Ammoni is nother form of nitrogen tht tends to be wste product of mny orgnisms, which is extremely soluble in wter. When mmoni oxides it forms nitrte, which cn be used by mny qutic orgnisms. Phosphorus is nother dissolved nutrient tht is very importnt to qutic ecosystems becuse it is necessry for ll living things, which is why it cn be limiting fctor in plnt growth (Khn, nd Ansri, 2005). There re mny forms of phosphorus tht re present in qutic ecosystems. Totl phosphorus is mesurement of both dissolved nd soluble phosphorus nd is usully one of the min mesurements for phosphorus becuse tends to remin more stble thn other forms of phosphorus (Dodson, 2005). Soluble rective phosphorus (SRP) is mesurement of both orgnic nd inorgnic phosphorus tht is dissolved in the wter nd vilble to qutic plnts (Dodson, 2005) (Khn, nd Ansri, 2005). SRP tends to be higher during mixing events (Dodson, 2005). There re other forms of phosphorus however these re the min forms tht re vilble to qutic orgnisms. Phosphorus cn be dded to the qutic ecosystem through mny reserves. One of the min sources of phosphorus to qutic 8

9 ecosystems is through wethering rocks (Khn, nd Ansri, 2005). Phosphorus is component of igneous rocks nd mny minerls. The tmosphere cn lso hold minute mount of phosphorus. Atmosphere deposition from prticulte mtter cn increse phosphorus mount in lkes. Soil is nother importnt sink of phosphorus. Surrounding wtersheds cn hold substntil mount of phosphorus especilly in tody s world. The excessive use of fertilizers gretly increses the mount of phosphorus in lkes (Dodson, 2005). Another importnt source of phosphorus is in sewge. Humn sewge contins lot of phosphorus (Khn, nd Ansri, 2005). There re lso no biologicl processes tht will increse the mount of phosphorus in qutic ecosystems like nitrogen. Phosphorus occurs in the lest mount in qutic ecosystems reltive to the needs of qutic plnts. Therefore phosphorus is truly the min limiting fctor for growth in qutic ecosystems. The mount of phosphorus is directly relted to the lgl biomss in the lke (Dodson, 2005). Phosphorus regulrly cycles through the qutic ecosystem, entering the qutic ecosystem through rock wethering, through tmosphere deposition, nd through groundwter nd runoff. Phosphorus then wshes into nerby strems nd into lkes then the phosphorus is quickly tken up nd used to crete qutic life. Eventully, the qutic life dies nd then flls to the bottom of the lke where the phosphorus turns into sediment nd then decomposes. Phosphorus cn mix bck into the wter through mixing events, thus strting the phosphorus cycle over gin (Khn, nd Ansri, 2005). Another importnt environmentl spect of lke wter qulity is the ph. The definition of ph is the hydrogen ion concentrtion (Dodson, 2005), which is bsed off of scle from zero to fourteen. Generlly, lkes tht re locted in the temperte regions nturlly hve ph between seven nd nine (Dodson, 2005), which llow most orgnisms to survive. However, extremes ph levels re usully unlivble for most qutic orgnisms. Specilized bcteri nd fungus cn live in the extreme ph environments (Dodson, 2005). However these extreme ph levels typiclly decrese the bundnce of qutic orgnisms. Chnges in ph levels cn ffect other nutrients in lkes. Phosphte, mmoni, iron, nd metls cn ffect the ph. Ammoni cn be toxic with elevted ph levels becuse mmonium hydroxide forms (Horne, nd Goldmn, 1994). Biologicl Prmeters 9

10 Biologicl chrcteristics cn be extremely importnt fctor which will give us informtion on the overll qulity of the wter. Biologicl indictors of wter qulity re usully mesured in biotic index. A biotic index is list of the overll biodiversity tht exists in the lke. It cn be clculted for qutic plnt species, qutic orgnisms or both. High diversity is usully decent indictor for good wter qulity becuse it shows tht there re enough nutrients for mny orgnisms to survive in the qutic ecosystem. As I mentioned bove humn modifictions of lnd nd lke origin hve lrge impcts on wter qulity. In this study, chemicl nd physicl chrcteristics of wter qulity will be tested bsed on dt tht hs been collect from six lkes locted in Lke County, Illinois. Wter qulity (mesured by bsic wter chemistry) is expected to be greter in undeveloped wtersheds compred to developed wtersheds, nd greter in glcil lkes compred to mn-mde lkes. Methods nd Mterils Study Sites Six study lkes locted in Lke County, Illinois were chosen to be nlyzed (Tble 1). Within these six lkes three lke origins were chosen, including glcil, impoundments, nd borrow pits. Two lkes were selected from ech origin; one lke is locted in n undeveloped wtershed nd the other in developed wtershed. Wter Qulity Smpling Methods Wter smples were tken by the Lke Mngement Unit locted within the Lke County Helth Deprtment. Ech lke ws visited monthly My through July to mesure the levels of mmoni, totl phosphorus, soluble rective phosphorus, totl suspended solids, nd dissolved oxygen. Lke Mngement employees used Globl Positioning Systems (GPS) nd depth meters to trvel to the deepest point in the lke using county bots. The bot ws stbilized using two nchors one in the front of the bot nd one in the bck. On Site Assessment of Wter Qulity Prmeters Lke Mngement employees collected wter qulity prmeters using YSI 6600 Sonde nd Hydrolb DtSondes technology. YSI 6600 nd the Hydrolb 10

11 DtSondes re wter qulity sondes with multiple probes tht re used to tke reding on wter qulity prmeters. These sondes mesured dissolved oxygen, ph, conductivity, temperture, nd pr (mesurement of light penetrtion). These prmeters were tken every foot until the bottom for lkes tht were 15 feet deep or less. For lkes greter thn 15 feet deep mesurements were tken the every foot for the first four feet nd then every two feet there fter until the bottom of the lke ws reched. Collection of Lke Wter Smples nd Lbortory Anlysis Wter smples were tken using horizontl Vn Dorn. Vn Dorn is typicl instrument tht is used to collect wter smples. Wter smples were collect three feet below the surfce of the wter, nd nother smple ws tken three bove the bottom of the lke. Approximtely, three liters of wter for ech wter smple tht ws collected. Smples were immeditely plce in cooler full of ice until they rrived t the Lke County Helth Deprtment. Smples were then plced into refrigertion until Lke County Helth Deprtment Lb Technicins were ble to nlysis them. Lb Technicins exmined wter smple for Totl Kjeldhl Nitrogen, Ammoni Nitrogen, Nitrte + Nitrite Nitrogen, Nitrte Nitrogen, Totl Phosphorus, Soluble Rective Phosphorus, nd Totl Suspended Soils. All smples except nitrte nitrogen under went regulr testing procedures defined by the Eighteenth Edition of Stndrd Methods, (eds. Americn Public Helth Assocition, Americn Wter Works Assocition, nd Wter Pollution Control Federtion, 1992). Nitrte nitrogen under went methods from the Fourteenth Edition of Stndrd Methods. Sttisticl Anlysis The levels of mmoni, totl phosphorus, soluble rective phosphorus, totl suspended solids, nd dissolved oxygen ws nlyzed seprtely using ANOVA (SPSS verison15.0). Independent vrible included depth, lnd use, nd lke origin. Significnt responses were further exmined using post hoc comprisons. 11

12 Tble 1. Individul Lke Descriptions Wooster Lke Hstings Lke Lke Miner Lke Crin Sint Mry s Lke Countryside Lke Origin Glcil Glcil Borrow Pit Borrow Pit Impoundment Impoundment Creted in.. Glcition Glcition N/A Wtershed Fox River Des Plines Des Plines Des Plines Des Plines Des Plines Wtershed 4,657 Acres 1438 Acres N/A N/A Acres 1780 Acres Are Wtershed Developed Undeveloped Developed Undeveloped Developed Undeveloped Development Wtershed Lnd Use Agriculture, Forest, nd Grsslnd Public nd Privte Open Spce with Single Fmily Homes N/A N/A Single Fmily Homes, Public nd Privte Open Spces, Forest, Grsslnd, nd Agriculture Single Fmily, Forests, nd Grsslnds Elevtion 742 Feet N/A 644 Feet 655 Feet 714 Feet 785 Feet Mximum 28 Feet 26.8 Feet 22 Feet 24 Feet 18 Feet 10 Feet Depth Historiclly Historiclly 24 Feet 30 Feet Surfce Are 98.5 Acres 76.5 Acres 77.8 Acres 23.2 Acres Acres Acres Nerest Fox Lke, nd Lke Vill Libertyville Gurnee Mundelein nd Mundelein Municiplity Round Lke Libertyville Ownership Villge of Round Lke County Lke Miner Lke County Privte Privte Lke Forest Preserve Conservtion Forest Preserve Historiclly Uses Access Fishing Swimming, nd Boting No Public Access Fishing, YMCA members only No Public Access Assocition Boting, nd Swimming No Public Access N/A No Public Access Fishing, nd Nonmotorized Boting No Public Access Fishing, No Wke Boting, Swimming No Public Access 12

13 Results Lnd use, nd lke origin, hve n importnt role in determining wter qulity prmeters (Tble 2). Depth lso plyed n importnt role becuse more nutrients re present in deeper depths. Wter tempertures were lso ffected by depth. Ech lke s temperture remined reltively constnt from zero depth to round eight feet deep. Averge tempertures rnged from 20 C to 23 C. In deep depths tempertures begn to decrese. From eight feet to 26 feet lke thermoclines becme present. After ech lke reched their thermocline wter tempertures begn to rpidly decrese (Figure 1). Lnd use is importnt for three wter qulity prmeters: totl suspended solids, ph, nd totl phosphorus. Lnd use ws importnt t both depths for totl suspended solids with (P=0.039) in shllow depths nd (P=0.011) in deep depths (Figure 2). Developed wtersheds hd higher concentrtions of totl suspended solids for both depths. Lnd use is lso importnt in both depths for ph. Developed wtersheds hd higher ph vlues thn undeveloped in shllow depth (P=0.014) (Figure 3). However, ph is greter in undeveloped wtersheds compred to developed wtersheds in deep depths (P<0.001) (Figure 3). Lnd use ws importnt in only deep depths for totl phosphorus where developed wtersheds hd greter concentrtion thn undeveloped wtersheds (P=0.058) (Figure 4). Lnd use did hve significnt impct on wter qulity prmeters especilly in developed wtersheds. Lke origin ws significnt in five out of the six wter qulity prmeters: totl suspended solids, ph, totl phosphorus, mmoni, nd soluble rective phosphorus. Lke origin influences totl suspended solids t both depths, (P=0.027) in shllow depths nd (P=0.015) in deep depths (Figure 2). At shllow depths, Borrow Pits re less thn Impoundments (P=0.027) (Figure 2). In deep depths, Glcil Lkes hve less totl suspended solids thn Impoundments (P=0.020) (Figure 2). Lke origin influenced ph t both depths. At shllow depths, (P=0.015) where Borrow Pits re greter thn Impoundments (P=0.013) (Figure 3). In deep depths, (P=0.002) Glcil Lkes re less thn Borrow Pits (P=0.002) (Figure 3). Lke origin influenced totl phosphorus t both depths, in shllow (P<0.001) nd in deep depths (P<0.001). At shllow depths Borrow Pits re less thn Glcil Lkes (P<0.001), which re greter thn Impoundments (P<0.001), nd Impoundment re greter thn Borrow Pits (P=0.009) (Figure 4). At deep 13

14 depths, Borrow Pits re less thn Glcil Lkes (P<0.001), which were greter thn Impoundments (P=0.003) (Figure 4). Lke origin only influenced mmoni nd soluble rective phosphorus in deep depths. In deep depths mmoni (P<0.001) Borrow Pits re less thn Glcil Lkes (P=0.001), which re greter thn Impoundment (P=0.002) (Figure 5). Lke origin is importnt to soluble rective phosphorus in deep depths (P=0.006) where Borrow Pits re less thn Glcil Lkes (P=0.011) nd greter thn impoundments (P=0.016) (Figure 6). Lke origin hs significnt influences on mny wter qulity prmeters. Lnd use nd lke origin interctions were significnt in three out of the six wter qulity prmeters: totl suspended solids, ph, nd totl phosphorus. This interction ws importnt t both depths for totl suspended solids nd ph. The lnd use nd lke origin interction for totl suspended solids ws importnt in shllow depths (P=0.004) nd in deep depths (P=0.012) (Figure 2). The interction for ph ws lso importnt t shllow depths (P=0.021) nd t deep depths (P=0.018) (Figure 3). This interction ws only importnt t shllow depths for totl phosphorus (P=0.002) (Figure 4). The interction of lnd use nd lke origin does influence wter qulity prmeters. Lnd use, lke origin nd the interction re significnt for two wter qulity prmeters: totl suspended solids (Figure 2), nd ph (Figure 3). However, dissolved oxygen ws not significnt for lnd use, lke origin, or the interction between the two (Figure 7). Overll, both lnd use nd lke origin did hve importnt roles in influencing wter qulity prmeters. However, lke origin hd significnt influences in more wter qulity prmeters thn lnd use. 14

15 Tble 2. Wter Qulity Prmeters nd Significnt Vlues Bsed on ANOVA s with Fctors of Lnd Use, nd Lke Origin Lnd Use Lke Origin Lnd Use* Lke Origin Wter Qulity Prmeter Totl Suspended Solids Shllow P=0.039 P=0.027 P=0.004 Deep P=0.011 P=0.015 P=0.012 ph Shllow P=0.014 P=0.015 P=0.021 Deep P<0.001 P=0.002 P=0.018 Totl Phosphorus Shllow P=0.296 P<0.001 P=0.002 Deep P=0.058 P<0.001 P=0.625 Ammoni Shllow P=0.337 P=0.397 P=0.397 Deep P=0.479 P<0.001 P=0.873 Soluble Rective Phosphorus Shllow P=0.337 P=0.397 P=0.397 Deep P=0.855 P=0.006 P=0.975 Dissolved Oxygen Shllow P=0.493 P=0.270 P=0.619 Deep P=0.205 P=0.820 P=

16 Temperture Celsuis Figure 1. Averge Temperture Dt in the Wter Column Wooster Lke Hstings Lke Lke Miner Lke Crin Sint Mry's Lke Countyside Lke Depth Feet 16

17 Totl Suspended Solids (mg/l) Totl Suspended Solids (mg/l) Figure 2. Totl Suspended Solids Levels (mg/l) in Developed nd Undeveloped Wtersheds of different Lke Origins in Shllow (A.) nd Deep (B.) Depths (Plese note the different scles t different depths. Letters denote significnt differences between lke origins t α=0.05.) 15 A. Shllow Depths Developed Undeveloped 10 b b 5 0 Glcil Borrow Pit Impoundment B. Deep Depths Developed Undeveloped b b Glcil Borrow Pit Impoundment 17

18 ph ph Figure 3. Levels of ph in Developed nd Undeveloped Wtersheds of different Lke Origins in Shllow (A.) nd Deep (B.) Depths (Plese note the different scles t different depths. Letters denote significnt differences between lke origins t α=0.05.) A. Shllow Depths Developed Undeveloped b b Glcil Borrow Pit Impoundment 8.5 B. Deep Depths Developed Undeveloped b 8 b Glcil Borrow Pit Impoundment 18

19 Totl Phosphorus (mg/l) Totl Phosphorus (mg/l) Figure 4. Totl Phosphorus Levels (mg/l) in Developed nd Undeveloped Wtersheds of different Lke Origins in Shllow (A.) nd Deep (B.) Depths (Plese note the different scles t different depths. Letters denote significnt differences between lke origins t α=0.05.) 0.1 A. Shllow Depths Developed Undeveloped 0.08 b 0.06 c Glcil Borrow Pit Impoundment 0.5 B. Deep Depths Developed Undeveloped 0.4 b Glcil Borrow Pit Impoundment 19

20 Ammoni (mg/l) Ammoni (mg/l) Figure 5. Ammoni Levels (mg/l) in Developed nd Undeveloped Wtersheds of different Lke Origins in Shllow (A.) nd Deep (B.) Depths (Plese note the different scles t different depths. Letters denote significnt differences between lke origins t α=0.05.) 0.2 A. Shllow Depths Developed Undeveloped Glcil Borrow Pit Impoundment b B. Deep Depths Developed Undeveloped Glcil Borrow Pit Impoundment 20

21 Soluble Rective Phosphorus (mg/l) Soluble Rective Phosphorus (mg/l) Figure 6. Soluble Rective Phosphorus Levels (mg/l) in Developed nd Undeveloped Wtersheds of different Lke Origins in Shllow (A.) nd Deep (B.) Depths (Plese note the different scles t different depths. Letters denote significnt differences between lke origins t α=0.05.) 0.01 A. Shllow Depths Developed Undeveloped Glcil Borrow Pit Impoundment B. Deep Depths Developed Undeveloped b Glcil Borrow Pit Impoundment 21

22 Dissolved Oxygen (mg/l) Dissolved Oxygen (mg/l) Figure 7. Dissolved Oxygen Levels (mg/l) in Developed nd Undeveloped Wtersheds of different Lke Origins in Shllow (A.) nd Deep (B.) Depths (Plese note the different scles t different depths. Letters denote significnt differences between lke origins t α=0.05.) 2.5 A. Shllow Depths Developed Undeveloped Glcil Borrow Pit Impoundment 2.5 B. Deep Depths Developed Undeveloped Glcil Borrow Pit Impoundment 22

23 Discussion My hypothesis tht wter qulity would be greter in undeveloped wtersheds compred to developed wtersheds ws only prtilly supported by my results since lnd use only incresed totl suspended solids, nd totl phosphorus, hd vrible influences on ph nd did not ffect other wter qulity prmeters. One mechnism tht would influence these prmeters nd not the other is the mount of runoff tht would be found in developed wtersheds. Runoff from developed res collects sediments nd nutrient, crries them to nerby lke, nd then deposits the sediment nd nutrients into the lke. Developed wtershed or urbn res usully hve higher mounts of totl suspended solids nd totl phosphorus due to the sprse mounts of nturl ground cover nd little buffer zones. Nturl res such s forests typiclly keep the soil intct. Buffer zones lso keep the soil intct, collect solids nd filter nutrients. However, when forests nd buffer zones re removed for development the soil becomes exposed nd runs off fter rin events. Turbidity typiclly increses fter rin events cusing wter clrity to decrese. The level of ph cn be ffected by runoff when the wter collects chemicls tht cn chnge the ph levels. Totl phosphorus cn lso increse fter rin events becuse nutrients in fertilizers runoff into lkes, dding excessive mount of totl phosphorus, which increses qutic plnt life. When plnts nd nimls die the phosphorus returns to the sediments in the bottom of the lke. This is the reson why there re higher mount of totl phosphorus in deep depths. Runoff in developed wtersheds cn gretly lter the physicl nd chemicl composition of lke. Developed wtersheds lso crete cid rin which directly impcts the ph of lke. When cid rin occurs the ph level cn decrese grdully over time. A slight decrese in ph over n extended period of time cn drsticlly impct the qutic life in the lke. My second hypothesis tht wter qulity will be greter in glcil lkes compred to mn-mde lkes ws lso not entirely supported by my results. Lke origin ws significntly different in five out of the six wter qulity prmeters. However, these prmeters didn t lwys differ in the expected direction. 23

24 Glcil lkes were expected to hve better wter qulity becuse nturl lkes would hve greter bility to ssimilte wter qulity nutrients. However, glcil lkes hd more totl phosphorus nd mmoni which re often considered pollutnts t deep depths. According to converstion with the Lke County Helth Deprtment, Lke Mngement Unit employee Leonrd Dne, glcil lkes in the Lke County re normlly hve less nutrients thn impoundments, but more nutrients thn borrow pits. One possible reson is tht mn mde lkes re creted therefore they do not hve nturl wtershed tht collects nutrients nd pollution. For exmple, borrow pits re usully creted by excvting mteril from certin re. This could possibly explin why glcil lkes hd higher nutrient levels. Wtersheds were one of the min prmeters tht were tken into ccount in this study. However, s stted bove in the methods ll of the lkes were not included in the sme wtershed. Five out of the six lkes were included in the Des Plines River Wtershed. Wooster Lke ws the only lke tht ws prt of the Fox River Wtershed. The two wtersheds re locted reltively close to one nother however, they re not the sme. The differences within these wtersheds could ffect the wter qulity of the lkes. There could be different geologicl differences between the wtersheds, which would llow more or less nutrients to enter the lkes compred to the other wtershed. One of the wtersheds could hve more development thn the other. These differences between the wtersheds could hve drmtic impcts on the wter qulity. The size of the wtershed could lso hve ffected my results. The size of ech wtershed vried from 1,780 cres for Countryside Lke to 4,657 cres for Wooster Lke. The size of the wtershed could possibly be relted to the mount of runoff ech lke receives. Lkes in smller wtersheds in theory would received less runoff nd probbly hve better wter qulity. Lkes in lrger wtersheds would receive more runoff nd therefore hve poorer wter qulity. Therefore the size of the wtershed could hve impcts on the lkes wter qulity. Unfortuntely, two out of the six lkes wtershed re ws not vilble. As consequence the mount of runoff ws unknown. Lnd use within the wtershed ws lso something tht vried considerbly between lkes. The definitions of developed nd undeveloped wtersheds were not bsolute. All wtersheds hd chrcteristics of both lnd uses. Wooster Lke ws prt 24

25 of developed wtershed however, it lso hd forested res nd grsslnds. Both Hstings Lke nd Countryside Lke were considered to be prt of n undeveloped wtershed however, these wtersheds hd single fmily homes in them. Consequently, most of the lkes hd both lnd uses present within the lke s individul wtershed. Generlly, the lkes were clssified with the key lnd use tht ws present however; mjority of the lkes lso hd the other lnd use present. Wter qulity prmeters were mesured t two depths within ech lke. One mesurement ws tken three feet below the surfce of the wter, nd the other mesurement ws tken three feet bove the bottom of the lke. This ws stndrd procedure tht ws completed for every lke tht ws smpled. However, this methods ws imperfect becuse ws not consistent depth tht ws compred between lkes. The deepest depth tht ws mesured rnged from six feet to twenty five feet depending on which lke ws being smpled. This mkes it difficult to compre dt. Dt tht is collected t six feet is not necessrily comprble to the dt tht ws collected in nother lke t twenty five feet. This inconsistency continues within ech lke. The deep depth mesurements for ech lke were not lwys mesured t the sme depth ech month. Ech month during smpling crew members would serch for the deepest point in the lke. Trying to find the exct spot tht ws smpled the month before is not n esy tsk. Therefore, the deep depths re not lwys consistent depths even though mesurements were not lwys exct they were tken t very similr depths. In future studies, depth should be considered n importnt spect of the project, nd it should be mesured s consistently s possible. Wter smpling should be completed throughout the wter column t similr depths within ech lke. Therefore, more ccurte depths cn be mesured between the lkes. Wter smpling yer were lso not consistent between lkes. A mjority of the lkes were smpled in the summer of 2007 however, two lkes were not smpled during this yer. In order to complete this study with these lkes dt from 2005 nd 2006 hd to be used. Hstings Lke s dt ws collected during the summer of 2005, nd Sint Mry s Lke s dt ws collected in the summer of Both of these lkes were smpled in similr sesons s the other lkes, but just not in the sme yer. 25

26 The lke wter could hve lso been effect by sesonlity. The smpling begn in My nd ws completed in July. The lkes were just strting to wrm up nd mjority of them probbly recently undergone lke turnover. Lke turnover would hve redistributed lke nutrients from the lke bottoms relesing nutrients tht were once trpped in lke sediments. This phenomenon could hve rised nutrient levels nd cuse the dt to be slightly higher thn norml lke nutrient levels. Generl meteorologicl conditions lso plyed n importnt role in determining lke levels. Recent rins rised lke levels instntneously, nd over longer periods of time. Runoff of nerby towns nd strems could tke dys or even weeks to completely drin into the lkes. Hot nd dry summer typiclly lower lkes levels. During the summer of 2007 hevy rinfll led to incresed lke levels. This meteorologicl event occurred towrd the middle of the summer. Therefore, it is unknown of how much of this rinfll ffected lke levels, since this study only included months, My through July. Generl wether ptterns were lso unknown for yers other thn Rinfll tht occurred within 48 hours of smpling ws noted. However, ctul rinfll mount ws not noted. Therefore, it is unknown how much the lke ws ffected by meteorologicl conditions. The length of time tht the study ws conducted my hve impcted the outcome of the results. Due to the short period of time tht the study ws conducted the result my only represent short term trends tht occurred during tht yer. These short term trends could possibly be impcted by locl meteorology nd sesonlity which would hve direct impcts on these lkes. Mny wter qulity studies hve shown tht lnd use is very importnt nd is directly connected wter qulity prmeters. However, very few studies look t the origin of the lke s n importnt fctor tht could determine levels of wter qulity prmeters. This study exmined both lnd use nd lke origin nd hs found tht both re importnt in determine mount of nutrients in the lke. Further studies of wter qulity would involve long term smpling methods tht would tke plce over multiple yers. These studies will llow us to confirm if lke origin truly hs more of n impct on wter qulity thn lnd use. 26

27 Bibliogrphy Adm, M., Brnt, C. L., Colwell, M., Mrencik, J., Pfister, M. (2002) Summry Report of Lke Miner. Lke County Helth Deprtment, Environmentl Helth Services, Lkes Mngement Unit. Adm, M., Brnt, C. L., Colwell, M., Mrencik, J., Pfister, M. (2001) Summry Report of Lke Crin. Lke County Helth Deprtment, Environmentl Helth Services, Lkes Mngement Unit. Bxter, M. R. (1977). Environmentl Effects of Dms nd Impoundments. Annul Review of Ecology nd Systemtics. 8, Dne, L., Adm, M., Keseley, S., Orr, A. (2006) Summry Report of Countryside Lke. Lke County Helth Deprtment, Environmentl Helth Services, Lkes Mngement Unit. Dne, L., Adm, M., Keseley, S., Orr, A (2005) Summry Report of St. Mry s Lke. Lke County Helth Deprtment, Environmentl Helth Services, Lkes Mngement Unit. Dodson, S. (2005) Limnology. New York, New York: McGrw-Hill Dzurik, A. A. (2003) Wter Resource Plnning. New York: Rowmn & Littlefield Publishers Inc. Horne, J. A., Goldmn, R. G. (1994). Limnology. New York, New York: McGrw-Hill. Keseley, S., Adm, M., Dne, L., Orr, A. (2006) Summry Report of Wooster Lke. Lke County Helth Deprtment, Environmentl Helth Services, Lkes Mngement Unit. 27

28 Khn, F. A., Ansri, A. A., (Dec 1, 2005). Eutrophiction: n ecologicl vision. The Botnicl Review. 71, 4, p449(34). Orr, A., Adm, M., Dne, L., Keseley, S. (2006) Summry Report of Hstings Lke. Lke County Helth Deprtment, Environmentl Helth Services, Lkes Mngement Unit. Perry, J., Vnderklein, E. (2002). Wter Qulity Mngement of Nturl Resource. Cmbridge, Msschusetts: Blckwell Science Pielou, C. E. (1998). Fresh Wter. The University of Chicgo Press. Chicgo. Wht is Nonpoint Source (NPS) Pollution?. Retrieved November 20, 2007, from Environmentl Protection Agency Web site: 28

29 Appendix Prmeter Method Temperture Hydrolb DtSonde 4 or YSI 6600 Sonde Dissolved oxygen Hydrolb DtSonde 4 or YSI 6600 Sonde Nitrte nd Nitrite nitrogen USEPA rev. 2.0 EPA-600/R-93/100 Detection Limit = 0.05 mg/l Ammoni nitrogen SM 18 th ed. Electrode method, #4500 NH 3 -F Detection Limit = 0.1 mg/l Totl Kjeldhl nitrogen SM 18 th ed, 4500-N org C Semi-Micro Kjeldhl, plus 4500 NH 3 -F Detection Limit = 0.5 mg/l ph Hydrolb DtSonde 4, or YSI 6600 Sonde Electrometric method Totl solids SM 18 th ed, Method #2540B Totl suspended solids SM 18 th ed, Method #2540D Detection Limit = 0.5 mg/l Chloride SM 18 th ed, Method #4500C1-D Totl voltile solids Alklinity Conductivity Totl phosphorus Soluble rective phosphorus Clrity Color Photosynthetic Active Rdition (PAR) SM 18 th ed, Method #2540E, from totl solids SM 18 th ed, Method #2320B, ptentiometric titrtion curve method Hydrolb DtSonde 4 or YSI 6600 Sonde SM 18 th ed, Methods #4500-P B 5 nd #4500-P E Detection Limit = 0.01 mg/l SM 18 th ed, Methods #4500-P B 1 nd #4500-P E Detection Limit = mg/l Secchi disk Illinois EPA Volunteer Lke Monitoring Color Chrt Hydrolb DtSonde 4 or YSI 6600 Sonde, LI-COR 192 Sphericl Sensor 29