UN University s approach to Integra4ng Knowledge in Global Water Educa4on

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1 UN University s approach to Integra4ng Knowledge in Global Water Educa4on Srikantha Herath Ins.tute for Sustainability and Peace United na.ons University 13th March, 2012

2 UNU- Ins4tute for Sustainability and Peace To Address Sustainability Challenge

3 UNU- Ins4tute for Sustainability and Peace To Address Sustainability Challenge To take a holis.c approach to problem solving by integra.ng knowledge and methods from different disciplines. Sustainability Science: Concerned with sustainability of earth system and focuses on applica6on of knowledge

4 UNU- Ins4tute for Sustainability and Peace To Address Sustainability Challenge To take a holis.c approach to problem solving by integra.ng knowledge and methods from different disciplines. Sustainability Science: Concerned with sustainability of earth system and focuses on applica6on of knowledge Established in January 2009, integra.ng Environment, Peace and Development programs

5 UNU- Ins4tute for Sustainability and Peace To Address Sustainability Challenge To take a holis.c approach to problem solving by integra.ng knowledge and methods from different disciplines. Sustainability Science: Concerned with sustainability of earth system and focuses on applica6on of knowledge Established in January 2009, integra.ng Environment, Peace and Development programs To seek integrated solu6ons

6 Capacity Development Needs Emphasis on developing local capacity Address local condi.ons (physical and social characteris.cs, management, maintenance, etc.) Transfer of advances in knowledge and technology Methodologies, tools, Data Promo.ng networks to u.lize exis.ng capacity and knowledge Resource sharing Ins.tu.onal networks

7 Target groups Researchers / Post graduate Customizing global knowledge to suit local condi.ons supported by global experiences New educa.on programs to strengthen higher educa.on Professional / Prac..oners Introducing new methods, tools, standards Training programs: for many and in short.me Administra.ve / Local governments Over view of technology and science Deliver key messages

8 UNU Example Programme Flow from Research to Implementa4on Issue in Developing countries - small number of researchers in business enterprise. Research to implementa.on flow is slow. End- to- end on flood risk: Weather forecas.ng through downscaling Inunda.on modeling Risk assessment Par.cipants- research/prac.ce Universi.es (faculty, post docs) Professionals from agencies

9 Na4onal Workshop - Ex. Sri Lanka Participated by all major departments/agencies dealing with floods/water resources and the academic community Sr. govt. professionals 28, Private sector 2, University 5 Promote data and prac.cal needs flow from professionals to universi.es Promote rapid applica.on of current research to filed problems 14

10 National Capacity Development Workshop Viet Nam, Aug, 2009 Number of Par4cipants 30 from: Na4onal Center for Hydro- Meteorological Forecas4ng, The Central CommiTee for Flood and Storm Control, Vietnam Ins4tute of Meteorology, Hydrology and Environment (IMHEN) Hanoi Water Resources Unversity, etc.

11 National Capacity Development Workshop Nepal, Sep, 2009

12 Integra4ng Educa4on, Research and Capacity Development Higher Educa.on Sector to customize global knowledge and lead development Capacity development programs for training a large number of interna.onal competent professionals and policymakers. Na.onal training programs for researchers and prac..oners Pilot Projects local Gov. & Uni. Suppor.ng Post graduate Research Training of trainers Dissemina.on of results to policy makers

13 Example 2 University Network

14 Role of Higher Educa4on in Adap4ng to Climate Change 2009 June Mul4disciplinary approach Share resources: Joint educa4on and research development Sustainability and Adapta4on: Climate and Eco Systems Change Adapta4on Research (UN- CECAR) Indian Ins4tute of Technology, INDIA BUET, BANGLADESH Ins4tute of Engineering, NEPAL University of Peradeniya, SRI LANKA Chinese Academy of Forestry, CHINA IR3S, JAPAN Keio University, JAPAN Kyoto University, JAPAN Tsinghua University, CHINA University of Tokyo, JAPAN UNU- Ins4tute for Sustainability and Peace (secretariat), JAPAN Waseda University, JAPAN Yeungnam University, KOREA Asian Ins4tute of Technology, THAILAND Chula Longkorn University, THAILAND Gadjah Mada University, INDONESIA Na4onal University of Malaysia, MALAYSIA University of Philippines, PHILIPPINES Viet Nam Na4onal University, VIET NAM Australian Na4onal University, AUSTRALIA Ritsumeikan Asia Pacific University, JAPAN

15 Training for Professionals UN and other International/ National Partners Global/Regional Initiatives & Programmes UN-CECAR Research needs Dissemination (EfSD, etc.) Structure of UN-CECAR University Network for Climate and Ecosystems Adaptation Research International Professionals Multidisciplinary exchange UNU P.G. P Data collection Information Research topics P.G Program mes P.G Program mes Knowledge sharing Community empowerment Networking at Local and national level Local Community Local Community Local Community

16 Ac4ons Joint ac.ons by UN- CECAR Curriculum Development Three Themes: Science of Climate and Ecosystems Change Adapta4on and Mi4ga4on Impacts and Vulnerabili4es BUILDING RESILIENCE TO CLIMATE CHANGE Joint Research Project Development (2 themes) Rapid Onset Changes; Floods, Cyclones Slow Onset Changes; Land degrada.on, Bio- diversity loss Needs Assessment (4 countries) Training Programs : Downscaling: Approaches and Applica4ons

17 UN- CECAR Postgraduate Courses: Building Resilience to Climate Change (1 & II) Science, Impacts and Vulnerability - I (nat. science) Approaches to adapta.on - II (social science) Taught by partner university faculty and interna.onal experts. Students nominated by member uni, credits are transferred. Open to all, no tui.on fee for member inst. Held in 2010, 2011 and 2012 ogen local support Average class size 33 provided

18 Combined with Applied Training Combined with hands on training with Remote Sensing (JAXA) GIS (AIT,Nippon Koei Co. and ESRI) applica.ons for climate change analysis: Water and Food produc.on. Special emphasis on Community Based Adapta.on Planning and Implementa.on methods (Gadjah Mada University, Indonesia)

19 Observa4ons Post graduate sector can be the engine for rapid dissemina.on and customiza.on of useful global knowledge, especially in the developing countries There is a great demand and poten.al to update knowledge dissemina.on and research through University higher educa.on networks. Financing these efforts remain the main challenge. There should be a link between development funding and capacity development. It should engage the higher educa.on sector, support na.onal programs going beyond narrow project based approaches.

20 Thank You!

21 Breakdown of researchers in Asia by sector of employment, 209 or latest Source: UNESCO, Ins. Stat. (Martin Schaaper) Business enterprise Government Higher Education Private Non Profit Business enterprise plays a major role in using research results in to applica.ons. In developing countries this sector is very small making the flow from research to implementa.on slow