Rights and Engagement of Indigenous Peoples. Workforce Safety and Health. Governance and Accountability. Economic Impact

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1 MATERIALITY MATRIX CATEGORIES: STRATEGY AND GOVERNANCE SAFETY AND HEALTH COMMUNITIES ENVIRONMENTAL STEWARDSHIP OUR PEOPLE IMPORTANCE TO STAKEHOLDERS LOW IMPORTANCE AVERAGE IMPORTANCE HIGH IMPORTANCE CRITICAL IMPORTANCE Enterprise Risk Biodiversity Diversity and Equal Opportunities Supply Chain Research and Development Rights and Engagement of Indigenous Peoples Human Rights Workforce Safety and Health Governance and Accountability Economic Impact Energy and Climate Change Waste and Hazardous Material Stakeholder Engagement Water Environmental Compliance Sustainable Benefits for Communities LOW IMPACT AVERAGE IMPACT HIGH IMPACT CRITICAL IMPACT INFLUENCE ON BUSINESS 2016 SUSTAINABILITY REPORT GOLDCORP 27

2 GOVERNANCE AND ACCOUNTABILITY Ensuring senior management is accountable for environmental, social and economic issues. Maintaining the highest ethical standards to prevent human rights violations, corruption and bribery throughout activities and supply chains. Complying with all applicable laws, regulations and company policies R&D AND INNOVATION Research and development of new technologies and processes to ensure safe, profitable and sustainable mining practices ENTERPRISE RISK MANAGEMENT Managing issues and events that could cause reputational, financial, political, operational and/or strategic impacts. Ensuring we have robust risk management processes at the site, regional and corporate levels to assess both internal and external risks that could impact us. One of the many ways we manage our external risks is through the country risk assessment exercises, which are conducted quarterly in countries where we are active SUSTAINABILITY REPORT GOLDCORP 28

3 WORKFORCE SAFETY AND HEALTH Ensuring a safe and healthy work environment for our workforce STAKEHOLDER ENGAGEMENT Ensuring stakeholders participate in early, meaningful and transparent ongoing engagement HUMAN RIGHTS Ensuring human rights are upheld through all business activities SUSTAINABILITY REPORT GOLDCORP 29

4 RIGHTS AND ENGAGEMENT OF INDIGENOUS PEOPLES Engaging early and transparently with Indigenous Peoples to build strong and collaborative relationships SUPPLY CHAIN MANAGEMENT Selecting vendors to partner with, by balancing our requirements and priorities, including ethics, anti-corruption, labour standards, local procurement and more. Every vendor relationship must meet our economic, logistical and sustainability standards ECONOMIC IMPACT Creating positive economic impacts for communities in which we operate. This includes both direct and indirect economic impacts through the tax revenues and royalty payments we direct around the world, capital expenditures made through local capacity-building, and purchase of goods and services in the communities where our mines are located SUSTAINABILITY REPORT GOLDCORP 30

5 SUSTAINABLE BENEFITS FOR COMMUNITIES Strategically investing to build partnerships and local capacity through community investment, procurement and employment activities ENERGY MANAGEMENT AND CLIMATE CHANGE Reducing energy consumption and greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. Investing in alternative energy sources for operational efficiencies and cost savings (e.g., solar, wind, etc.) ENVIRONMENTAL COMPLIANCE Ensuring the highest standards of integrity and compliance with applicable laws, regulations and company policies SUSTAINABILITY REPORT GOLDCORP 31

6 WATER MANAGEMENT Optimizing water consumption and discharge while maximizing water quality BIODIVERSITY MANAGEMENT Integrating long-term sustainable approaches to support biodiversity. Contributing to integrated approaches to land use, from development through operation and closure (e.g., alterations of landscape, vegetation removal and wildlife habitats). Actively reclaiming land and safely restoring legacy assets and dormant properties WASTE AND HAZARDOUS MATERIAL MANAGEMENT Managing the sourcing, transport, use and disposal of waste, including recycling and tailings management SUSTAINABILITY REPORT GOLDCORP 32

7 DIVERSITY AND EQUAL OPPORTUNITIES Encouraging diversity of gender, ages, cultures, backgrounds and skills throughout the Board of Directors, management team, employees, contractors, business partners and suppliers SUSTAINABILITY REPORT GOLDCORP 33