Mediterranean Action Plan on Marine Litter. Marta Ruiz (HELCOM Secretariat)

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2 Mediterranean Action Plan on Marine Litter Marta Ruiz (HELCOM Secretariat)

3 UNEP/MAP - Barcelona Convention 1975: 16 Mediterranean countries and the European Community adopted the Mediterranean Action Plan (MAP), the first-ever Regional Seas Programme under UNEP's umbrella 1976: Parties adopted the Convention for the Protection of the Mediterranean Sea Against Pollution (Barcelona Convention). 1995: Adoption of the Action Plan for the Protection of the Marine Environment and the Sustainable Development of the Coastal Areas of the Mediterranean (MAP Phase II) Amendment of the BC, renamed Convention for the Protection of the Marine Environment and the Coastal Region of the Mediterranean Source: UNEP

4 UNEP/MAP - Barcelona Convention Objectives: To assess and control marine pollution To ensure sustainable management of natural marine and coastal resources To integrate the environment in social and economic development To protect the marine environment and coastal zones through prevention and reduction of pollution, and as far as possible, elimination of pollution, whether land or sea-based To protect the natural and cultural heritage To strengthen solidarity among Mediterranean coastal States To contribute to improvement of the quality of life Currently: 22 CPs Protocols: Dumping Protocol (from ships and aircraft) (1978, incineration 1995) Prevention and Emergency Protocol (pollution from ships and emergency situations) (1976, 2002) Land-based Sources (LBS) Protocol (1980, activities 1996) Specially Protected Areas (SPA) and Biological Diversity Protocol (1986, 1995) Offshore Protocol (pollution from exploration and exploitation) (1994) Hazardous Wastes Protocol (1996) Protocol on Integrated Coastal Zone Management (ICZM) (2008)

5 Mediterranean AP on ML December 2013 as Annex I to the Decision IG.21/7: Regional Plan on Marine Litter Management in the Mediterranean in the Framework of Article 15 of the Land Based Sources Protocol Structure of the Decision: Annex I The Regional Plan Annex II Work Plan with timetable for the implementation of relevant Articles (lead authority, verification indicator, estimated cost and financial source. Annex III Potential Research Topics: Sources, distribution & composition Degradation Microlitter Modelling Impacts/effects Costs Education/sensibilisation Monitoring Social Measures Law/institutionnal Annex IV Elements for National Biennial Reports

6 Part I General provisions (5 Art.) Annex 1 Rationale for the Plan Area & scope of application Definition of terms Objectives HODs 2012: Dec. IG.20/4 on the implementation of the MAP ecosystem approach roadmap Discharges Marine litter & Litter monitoring 1. Prevent & reduce ML pollution & impact 2. Remove existent ML 3. Enhance knowledge ML 4. Management of ML in accordance with accepted standards Principles Preservation of rights to stricter provisions 1. Integration of ML in solid waste managment 2. Prevention of ML generation at source 3. Precautionary principle 4. Polluter-pays principle 5. Ecosystem-based approach 6. Public participation & stakeholder involvement 7. Sustainable consumptin & production

7 Part II Measures & operational targets (5 Art.) Land-based sources CPs to implement measures in a coherent manner to achieve GES and targets Integration of ML measures into the LBS National Action Plans 1. By 2015 update of LBS NAPs to integrate ML 2. By 2014 expert working group to update existing LBS NA guidelines 3. Contents of the LBS NAPs Legal & intitutional aspects: coordination & collaboration at regional, national & local level Prevention 1. By 2025 to base urban solid waste manag. on reduction at source 2. By 2019 waste reducing/reusing/recycling measures to reduce the fraction of plastic packaging waste that goes to landfill/ incineration 3. By 2017 to: Producers responsible for entire life-cycle of product Promotion of consumption of recycled plastic-made products Voluntary agreements with retailers and supermarkets: reduction of plastic bags consumption + selling dry food or cleaning products in bulk + refill special and reusable containers Fiscal & economic instr. to promote reduction plastic bag consumption Deposits, Return & Restoration System for expandable polystyrene boxes in the fishing sector Deposits, Return & Restoration System for beverage packaging Procedures & manufacturing methodologies to minimize the decomposition characteristics of plastic, to reduce micro-plastic 4. By 2020 adequate urban sewer, wastewater treatment plants & waste management systems

8 Part II Measures & operational targets (5 Art.) Sea -based sources Prevention 1. By 2017 explore & implement ways to charge reasonable cost for the use of PRFs or apply No-Special-Fee system 2. To provide ships with updated information on obligation arising from Annex V of MARPOL Convention 3. By 2017 explore and implement Fishing for Litter environmentally sound practices from ML caught incidentally and/or generated by fishing vessels 4. By 2017 explore and implement Gear marking to indicate ownership & reduced ghost catches through the use of environmental neutral upon degradation of nets, pots and traps concepts 5. By 2020 apply cost effective measures to prevent any ML from dredging activities 6. By 2020 to close the existing illegal dump sites on land 7. Take enforcement measures to combat dumping including littering on the beach, illegal sewage disposal in the sea, the coastal zone and rivers Removal By 2019: 1. Identify hotspots of ML & implement national programmes on their regular removal & disposal 2. National Marine Litter Cleanup Campaigns 3. Participate in International Coastal Cleanup Campaigns and Programmes 4. Apply Adopt-a-Beach 5. Apply Fishing for Litter, based on agreed guidelines and best practice 6. Charge reasonable costs for using PRFs or apply No-Special-Fee system

9 Part III Assessment (2 Art.) Assessment of ML ML Monitoring Programme 1. Assess: the state of ML, impact on marine & coastal environment & human health, socio-economic aspects of its management based on coordinated and, if possible, common agreed methodologies, national monitoring programmes and surveys 2. The Secretariat to prepare the Assessment of ML in the Mediterranean every 6 years using results of the national monitoring programmes and applied measures 3. The first Assessment of the state of ML based on the existing information to be submitted to the meeting of the CPs 2 years after entry into force of the Regional Plan (~ March 2016) 1. CPs, on the basis of the proposals of the Secretariat shall: (a) Prepare the Regional ML Monitoring Programme, as part of the integrated regional monitoring programme; (b) Establish in 2016 the Regional Data Bank on ML (c) Establish by 2014 Expert Group on Regional ML Monitoring Programme 2. CPs to design by 2017 National Monitoring Programme on ML 3. Harmonisation & consistency of National Monitoring Programmes with regional monitoring programme 4. By 2014 the Secretariat to prepare the Guidelines for the preparation of the National ML Monitoring Programmes

10 Part V Final Provisions (3 Art.) Part IV Support to Implementation (7 Art.) Research topics & scientific cooperation Specific guidelines to support & facilitate the implementation of measures Technical assistance by the Secretariat to CPs Public awareness & education activities Major groups & stakeholders participation Regional & international coop. established by the Secretariat Reporting on the implementation of the Plan each 2 years Implementation timetable: detailed in the art. Entry into force: 180 day following the day of notification by the Secretariat (~ March 2016) Enforcement of measures by CPs according with their national regulations

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