Electrons in Motion Current- the number of electrons that pass through a specific point in one second. Circuit- electric current flows through a

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2 Electrons in Motion Current- the number of electrons that pass through a specific point in one second. Circuit- electric current flows through a closed, continuous path.

3 Alternating current flows back and forth very quickly. Like a sawing log Light bulb Direct current flows in one direction

4 The reason electric charge flows from one place to another is voltage Voltage is the difference in electrical potential between two places where electrons are flowing Voltage is the push that makes electric charge move. Measured in volts (V)


6 Coal or Clean Coal Burning to produce steam. Clean Coal options Coal is washed to reduce impurities Carbon capture via steam option

7 75% of France electricity is provided by Nuclear No emissions Problems with spent radioactive material. Problems with mining uranium

8 Cleanest of all fossil fuel and requires hardly no processing. When use produces CO2 which is now branded a green house effecting gas.

9 Wind Solar Bio-mass Hydro-electric

10 Cap and Trade is not a new concept Clean Air Act of 1990 Cap and Trade was used to decrease the amount of sulfur dioxide into the atmosphere, which produced acid rain. Goals to limit the rise in global temperature to approximately 2.0 degrees Celsius (3.6 degrees Fahrenheit) above pre-industrial levels by 2050 by reducing carbon dioxide and other emissions from companies as part of a larger plan for curbing global warming. Allow for carbon alternative energy production. Company s purchase emission permit from the government for every ton of CO2 released. More efficient companies can then intern sell permits to less efficient companies to actual receive a profit for an effort to be environmentally friendly. Debate ensues on many levels of the Cap and Trade, Global Warming, and Energy Production.

11 Marcellus Shale contained an estimated resource of about 500 trillion cubic feet of natural gas

12 No one invented electricity it was discovered by many most popular of course Ben Franklin Thomas Edison helped change everyone's life -- he perfected his invention -- the electric light bulb. Prior to 1879, direct current (DC) electricity had been used in arc lights for outdoor lighting. Nikola Tesla pioneered the generation, transmission, and use of alternating current (AC) electricity, which can be transmitted over much greater distances than direct current. Tesla's inventions used electricity to bring indoor lighting to our homes and to power industrial machines.

13 Electrochemical cell (battery) changes chemical energy into electrical energy. Two types wet cell and dry cell Thermocouples a tool that uses differences in temperatuter to generate electric currents Generator create alternating current use magnets to move electrons back and forth

14 Resistance-the force opposing the flow of electrons Measured in ohms Symbol is Greek letter omega Thicker wire less resistance Longer wire more resistance Conductors low resistance Insulators-high resistance Electricity travel path with the least resistance

15 The relation ship among current, voltage, and resistance. Ohm s law state that the current in a circuit is equal to the voltage divided by the resistance. I = V/R

16 A car has a 12 Volt system. The headlights are on a 10 amp circuit. Who much resistance do they have? Your house uses 120 volts. What amount of current would flow through a 20 ohm resistor?

17 Power- the rate at which electricity does work or provides energy. The amount of electric power a device uses to do work is determined by its resistance. P = V x I Power is = Voltage x Current