the ARTICLE (for teachers)

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1 the ARTICLE (for teachers) According to a report submitted to the UN, the US will emit even more greenhouse gases than now by The United States is already one of the world's largest polluters. It releases 25% of the pollution that is responsible for global warming. What's worse, more and more scientists are concluding that global warming cannot be stopped. We can only limit how much hotter the Earth will become, and how long the higher temperatures will stay. But even if all countries were to stop their greenhouse gas emissions tomorrow, temperatures would still rise. The report is already late. It should have been submitted to the UN much earlier. Some suggest that the report took longer to put together because the administration doesn't want to tell the truth. In the future, global warming will seriously affect the US and its economy. Opponents say that the US needs to do more. Its current policy only focuses on slowing the growth rate of carbon dioxide and other gases. The administration hasn't enacted any policies that reduce emissions. Scientists are working to improve wind and solar power at present. They also want to improve power plant efficiency. The US government spends $3 billion annually to research new technology, and $2 billion on climate research. But maybe the answer to global warming is simpler. Paul Hellyer, a former Canadian defense minister from the 1960s, has asked all governments to come clean on UFOs. With alien technology, he has explained, we could find different, cleaner energy sources within a generation. Those spacecrafts have traveled great distances to visit our planet. They must be equipped with advanced engines and energy systems. UFOs have definitely crashed her, Hellyer has said. He pointed to the 1947 crash at Roswell as an example. Governments have alien technology hidden away. We could save our planet if governments released the information. Teacher's Notes: * Underlined words in red typeface are the recommended vocabulary for this lesson. Heads Up English - 1

2 WARM-UPS Select one or all of the following warm-up activities. 1: Define: What does "global warming" mean? Can you use it in a sentence? Can you give examples? 2: Brainstorm: Brainstorm with a partner(s) words and ideas associated with "global warming" for 2 minutes. Spend another 5 minutes or less discussing the words and ideas together. 3: Title: Speculate and/or discuss the contents of today's article from its title: "UFO Science to Combat Global Warming." 4: Speculate: Write in the missing words for today's article title: "UFO ( ) Could Combat ( ) ( )." Why did you choose these words for the blanks? 5: Do you agree or disagree? Why? a. Global warming is a myth. b. I don't care about global warming. It won't affect me or my generation. c. Humankind is doomed. d. The answer to global warming is solar energy, nuclear energy, and other renewable energy sources. e. If aliens are visiting Earth, they should teach us how to stop global warming. Heads Up English - 2

3 VOCABULARY Select one of the following vocabulary acquisition activities. 1: Vocabulary match: Individually or in pairs/groups, match the words in column A (from the article) with the best choice in column B. a. emit q. now b. pollute r. decide c. conclude s. year d. limit t. give off e. submit u. effective f. current v. supply g. enact w. restrain h. efficient x. achieve i. annual y. dirty j. equip z. hand in 2: Fill in the Blanks: Fill in the blank with the correct word. limit equipped efficiency polluters enacted current emit submitted annually concluding a. The US will ( ) even more greenhouse gases than now by 2020 b. The United States is already one of the world's largest ( ). c. More and more scientists are ( ) that global warming cannot be stopped. d. We can only ( ) how much hotter the Earth will become. e. The report should have been ( ) to the UN much earlier. f. The US's ( ) policy only focuses on slowing the growth rate of carbon dioxide and other gases. g. The administration hasn't ( ) any policies that reduce emissions. h. Scientists want to improve power plant ( ). i. The US government spends $3 billion ( ) to research now technology. j. They must be ( ) with advanced engines and energy systems. 3: Define: Define each word, correctly pronounce it, explain the meaning and/or usage, and offer an example sentence to the class. a. emit c. conclude e. submit g. enact i. annual b. pollute d. limit f. current h. efficient j. equip Heads Up English - 3

4 WORD RECOGNITION 1: Word Search: Find the target words (in bold). Time yourself, and see how many words you can find in three minutes. In five minutes. In ten minutes. limit equipped efficiency polluters enacted current emit submitted annually concluding L D E P Y Y P Z D L K S K F X A I Y F U C T Y E W R V E I S I D N P F F N U F E Z B I E U S L E I O I N E T E Q I I L B G G M C T N C U I R M K T T M C N D A A N L I G C L X W W I Z I K H Z L Z X E E I R J E T F D I U O Y H H Q N U F R Z T T U E P Q N K U G N T E F V E N L E T H A I C D H K Y T E D E C M T C P Y L L A U N N A C R N I U P A S Q M Y T D H S Y R O T E D M N L I M I T S O W U C D A I J O E P R G Q T P N C T P O L L U T I O N V G Y N 2: Target Word Pool: Find the target words (in bold) with their exact match. Time yourself, and see how many words you can find in three minutes. In five minutes. In ten minutes. limit equipped efficiency polluters enacted current emit submitted annually concluding conclude misconclude biannual annual concurrent enacting submitting polluting submitted pollutants pollution emitting unlimited efficient reenactment quipped annul eliminate emit inefficient currently equipped equipment concluded concluding emitted annually efficiently polluter annals limited submission aficionado enactment sublet current enacted limit efficiency emir conclusion equipping equip limiting polluters substandard currency currant emission reenacted Heads Up English - 4

5 pre- or post-comprehension 1: Word Association: Brainstorm words associated with today's topic for two minutes. Present to the class. 2: Brainstorm Questions: Brainstorm questions that you would like to ask about today's topic. Answer the questions without looking at the article. 3: True or False?: Guess (before the article) or answer (after the article) whether the sentence is true or false. If false, correct the sentence. a. The US will emit less greenhouse gases in 2020 than now. T/F b. Global warming cannot be stopped. T/F c. Global warming won't affect the US economy in the future. T/F d. Scientists are working with alien technology now to lower greenhouse gases. T/F e. According to the article, governments have UFOs hidden away. T/F 4: Questions: Answer the questions to check comprehension. a. What figure does the article give regarding the US and pollution levels? b. What would happen if all countries no longer emitted greenhouse gases? c. Why do some people think the report was late? d. What does Paul Hellyer suggest? e. Why does he think that alien technology has the answer? 5: Vocabulary: In pairs/groups, remember how the words were used in today's article. a. emit c. concluding e. submitted g. enacted i. annually b. polluters d. limit f. current h. efficiency j. equipped 6: Fragments: Remember how the fragments were used, and complete the sentence from today's article. a. According to a report submitted to the UN... b. We can only limit how much hotter the Earth will become, and... c. Some suggest that the report took longer to put together because... d. Its current policy only focuses on... e. With alien technology, he has explained, we could... Heads Up English - 5

6 post-comprehension 1: Vocabulary: Circle any additional unknown words/phrases in the article. In pairs/groups, use your dictionaries to understand the meanings. Present to the class. 2: Class Questions: Read through the article once more, and write down any questions that you would like to discuss in pairs/groups or as a class. Discuss. 3: Summarize: Work with a partner to summarize the article in your own words. 4: Discuss (part I): Talk about the following questions in pairs/groups. Remember to support your answers! a. Did you like this article? b. What was your general impression after reading this article? c. What are your opinions about global warming? d. Do you think governments are doing enough to stop global warming? Why/not? e. What do you think the environment will be like in 25 years? 50 years? 100 years? f. What can you do as an individual to reduce global warming? g. Do you think aliens are visiting our planet? If yes, why? h. Do you think governments have alien technology hidden away? Why/not? i. What do you think about Paul Hellyer's comments? j. If aliens are visiting Earth, should they help us solve our many problems? Why/not? 5: Discuss (part II): Discuss the pluses and minuses of the following solutions. Support your answers! (pluses) (minuses) nuclear energy solar & wind power alien technology??? 6: Google Search: Type "global warming" into Google news and read additional articles on this topic. Discuss or write an essay about your findings. Heads Up English - 6

7 STUDENT HANDOUT (the article) According to a report submitted to the UN, the US will emit even more greenhouse gases than now by The United States is already one of the world's largest polluters. It releases 25% of the pollution that is responsible for global warming. What's worse, more and more scientists are concluding that global warming cannot be stopped. We can only limit how much hotter the Earth will become, and how long the higher temperatures will stay. But even if all countries were to stop their greenhouse gas emissions tomorrow, temperatures would still rise. The report is already late. It should have been submitted to the UN much earlier. Some suggest that the report took longer to put together because the administration doesn't want to tell the truth. In the future, global warming will seriously affect the US and its economy. Opponents say that the US needs to do more. Its current policy only focuses on slowing the growth rate of carbon dioxide and other gases. The administration hasn't enacted any policies that reduce emissions. Scientists are working to improve wind and solar power at present. They also want to improve power plant efficiency. The US government spends $3 billion annually to research new technology, and $2 billion on climate research. But maybe the answer to global warming is simpler. Paul Hellyer, a former Canadian defense minister from the 1960s, has asked all governments to come clean on UFOs. With alien technology, he has explained, we could find different, cleaner energy sources within a generation. Those spacecrafts have traveled great distances to visit our planet. They must be equipped with advanced engines and energy systems. UFOs have definitely crashed her, Hellyer has said. He pointed to the 1947 crash at Roswell as an example. Governments have alien technology hidden away. We could save our planet if governments released the information. Notes: Heads Up English - 7

8 STUDENT HANDOUT (fill in the blank) Fill in the blank with the correct word. limit annually greenhouse polluters scientists information equipped submitted administration enacted current emit spacecrafts efficiency concluding According to a report submitted to the UN, the US will (a. ) even more greenhouse gases than now by The United States is already one of the world's largest (b. ). It releases 25% of the pollution that is responsible for global warming. What's worse, more and more scientists are (c. ) that global warming cannot be stopped. We can only (d. ) how much hotter the Earth will become, and how long the higher temperatures will stay. But even if all countries were to stop their (e. ) gas emissions tomorrow, temperatures would still rise. The report is already late. It should have been (f. ) to the UN much earlier. Some suggest that the report took longer to put together because the administration doesn't want to tell the truth. In the future, global warming will seriously affect the US and its economy. Opponents say that the US needs to do more. Its (g. ) policy only focuses on slowing the growth rate of carbon dioxide and other gases. The (h. ) hasn't (i. ) any policies that reduce emissions. (j. ) are working to improve wind and solar power at present. They also want to improve power plant (k. ). The US government spends $3 billion (l. ) to research new technology, and $2 billion on climate research. But maybe the answer to global warming is simpler. Paul Hellyer, a former Canadian defense minister from the 1960s, has asked all governments to come clean on UFOs. With alien technology, he has explained, we could find different, cleaner energy sources within a generation. Those (m. ) have traveled great distances to visit our planet. They must be (n. ) with advanced engines and energy systems. UFOs have definitely crashed her, Hellyer has said. He pointed to the 1947 crash at Roswell as an example. Governments have alien technology hidden away. We could save our planet if governments released the (o. ). Heads Up English - 8

9 STUDENT HANDOUT (extended listening) Listen and fill in the missing sentences. Compare your answers with a partner, and then listen once more. a), the US will emit even more greenhouse gases than now by The United States is already one of the world's largest polluters. It releases 25% of the pollution that is responsible for global warming. What's worse, b). We can only limit how much hotter the Earth will become, and how long the higher temperatures will stay. But even if all countries were to stop their greenhouse gas emissions tomorrow, temperatures would still rise. The report is already late. It should have been submitted to the UN much earlier. Some suggest that the report took longer to put together because the administration doesn't want to tell the truth. In the future, global warming will seriously affect the US and its economy. Opponents say that the US needs to do more. Its current policy only focuses on slowing the growth rate of carbon dioxide and other gases. The administration hasn't enacted any policies that reduce emissions. Scientists are working to improve wind and solar power at present. They also want to improve power plant efficiency. The US government spends c), and $2 billion on climate research. But maybe the answer to global warming is simpler. Paul Hellyer, a former Canadian defense minister from the 1960s, has asked all governments to come clean on UFOs. With alien technology, he has explained, d). Those spacecrafts have traveled great distances to visit our planet. They must be equipped with advanced engines and energy systems. UFOs have definitely crashed her, Hellyer has said. He pointed to the 1947 crash at Roswell as an example. Governments have alien technology hidden away. We could e). Heads Up English - 9

10 STUDENT HANDOUT (notes) Heads Up English - 10

11 ANSWER KEY Vocabulary 1. Vocabulary Match: 2. Fill in the Blanks: a. t f. q b. y g. x c. r h. y d. w i. s e. z j. v a. emit f. current b. polluters g. enacted c. concluding h. efficiency d. limit i. annually e. submitted j. equipped pre- or post-comprehension 1. True or False: 2. Fragments: a. F b. T c. F d. F e. T a. the US will emit even more greenhouse gases than now by b. how long the higher temperatures will stay. c. the administration doesn't want to tell the truth. d. slowing the growth rate of carbon dioxide and other gases. e. find different, cleaner energy sources within a generation. Student Handout 1. Fill in the Blanks a. emit i. enacted b. polluters j. Scientists c. concluding k. efficiency d. limit l. annually e. greenhouse m. spacecrafts f. submitted n. equipped g. current o. information h. administration 2. Extended Listening a. According to a report submitted to the UN b. more and more scientists are concluding that global warming cannot be stopped c. $3 billion annually to research new technology d. we could find different, cleaner energy sources within a generation e. save our planet if governments released the information Heads Up English - 11

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