APPROVED AT REGIONAL COUNCIL September 22, Moved by Councillor Paterak, Seconded by Councillor Starr;

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1 Region of Peel APPROVED AT REGIONAL COUNCIL September 22,201 1 MA-A. CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER AND CORPORATE SERVICES MA-A1. Regional Official Plan Amendment 21B (ROPA 21B) - Regional Comments on Provincial Modifications Moved by Councillor Paterak, Seconded by Councillor Starr; That the responses to the Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing Draft Decision on ROPA 21B as set out in the report of the Chief Financial Officer and Commissioner of Corporate Services, dated July 6, 201 1, titled "Regional Official Plan Amendment 21 B (ROPA 21B) - Regional Comments on Provincial Modifications", be deferred to the October 27, Regional Council meeting; And further, that staff review the request submitted by Osprey Valley Resorts and Golf Club, received September 22, 201 1, meet with Jerry Humeniuk and report back to the October 27, 2011 Regional Council meeting with a recommendation. Carried

2 REPORT Meeting Date: September 22,201 1 Regional Council DATE: July 6, REPORT TITLE: REGIONAL OFFICIAL PLAN AMENDMENT 21B (ROPA 21B) - REGIONAL COMMENTS ON PROVINCIAL MODIFICATIONS FROM: Norma Trim, Chief Financial Officer and Commissioner of Corporate Services RECOMMENDATION That the responses to the Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing Draft Decision on ROPA 21B as set out in the report of the Chief Financial Officer and Commissioner of Corporate Services, dated July 6, 2011, and titled "Regional Official Plan Amendment 21B (ROPA 21 B) - Regional Comments on Provincial Modifications" be approved; - And further, that the additional Regional modifications to ROPA 218 as outlined in the subject report in response to comments received from MHBC Planning on behalf of James Dick Construction Limited (JDCL) and Lafarge Canada Inc. be approved; And further, that the additional Regional modifications to ROPA 21B as outlined in the subject report in response to comments received from Savanta Inc, on behalf of Jerry Humeniuk and the associated owners of Osprey Valley Resorts and Golf Club be approved; And further, that a copy of the subject report be forwarded to the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing, the cities of Mississauga and Brampton, the Town of Caledon, the Conservation Authorities having jurisdiction in the Region of Peel, Savanta Inc., and MHBC Planning for their information. opted ROPA 21 B on May 13, 2010 and forwarded the Amendment to the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing for approval. As part of the provincial review of ROPA 218, the Ministry has circulated a draft decision outlining proposed provincial modifications for review and comment by the Region. In consultation with the area municipalities and working with the Province, Regional staff has drafted proposed Regional responses in reply to the provincial modifications and is recommending additional Regional modifications for consideration and endorsement by Regional Council. The Regional responses and proposed modifications will be forwarded to the Provinc upon approval by Regional Council for consideration in the final decision on th

3 - 2 - July 6, 2011 REGIONAL OFFICIAL PLAN AMENDMENT 21 B (ROPA 218) - REGIONAL COMMENTS ON PROVINCIAL MODIFICATIONS DISCUSSION I. Purpose The purpose of this report is to inform Council of the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing (MMAH) draft decision on Regional Official Plan Amendment 21 B (ROPA 21 B), which was received on November 15,201 0, and to seek Council's endorsement of Regional staff's proposed responses in reply to the Ministry. ROPA 21B was adopted by Regional Council on May 13, 2010 by By-law and submitted to MMAH on May 25, 2010 for approval. As part of the Provincial review of ROPA 21B, the Ministry is requesting comments from the Region on the draft modifications before issuing a iinal decision on the Amendment. I In addition to providing responses on the draft decision, Regional staff is also recommending further modifications to ROPA 219 to be considered by Regional Council. The additional modifications are related to comments received from MHBC Planning on behalf of Lafarge Canada Inc. and James Dick Construction Limited (JDCL), and from Savanta Inc. on behalf of Jerry Humeniuk and the associated owners of Osprey Valley Resorts and Golf Club. If endorsed by Regional Council, the additional modifications will be forwarded to MMAH with a request to be incorporated in the final decision. 2. Summary of Draft Provincial Modifications to ROPA 21 B Prior to the draft decision being released, Regional staff worked closely with area municipal staff and the Province to explain and clarify policies in ROPA 21B. These discussions led to a greater understanding of ROPA 21B by the Ministry and relatively few provincial modifications. In total, the Minister's draft decision includes 20 proposed modifications, most of which are considered to be minor or technical in nature. A copy of the draft decision is attached as Appendix I. An overview of the more substantive provincial modifications and summaries of Regional staff responses are provided below and in Appendix II. a) Woodlands Definition The draft decision proposes to modify the definition of "woodlands1' to bring the definition in line with provincial policy. Currently, the definition includes a reference to woodlands as "complex ecosystems". The Province has indicated that this reference is not consistent with the Provincial Policy Statement and that woodlands can be simple or complex ecosystems. Regional staff supports the modification to remove the reference to woodlands being complex ecosystems but recommends additional modifications to ensure there is a distinction between plantation woodlands that are regionally significant and plantation woodlands that are not regionally significant. The additional policy modifications are needed if the reference to "complex ecosystems" is removed from the definition as the Region's policy currently relies on the reference to "complex ecosystems" to identify plantations that are regionally significant. Further discussion on recommended policy modifications related to plantations is provided below.

4 - 3 - July 6, REGIONAL OFFICIAL PLAN AMENDMENT 21B (ROPA 21B) - REGIONAL COMMENTS ON PROVINCIAL MODIFICATIONS b) Woodlands Policy - Plantations Regional staff consulted extensively with the area municipalities, conservation authorities, stakeholders and members of the public to develop woodlands policies in ROPA 21 B that considered regional and local interests and that would be consistent with provincial policy. The Region's recommended policy modifications for plantations provide better policy direction for the identification of regionally significant plantation woodlands. The recommended policy modifications would: - define woodlands to include plantations; - exclude plantations planted for commercial harvest; - require that plantations be evaluated in accordance with the Greenlands System policies; and - require that plantations meet a minimum size threshold and be undergoing naturalization in the understory to be regionally significant. I Provincial and area municipal staff supports the Region's recommended revised policies for woodlands and plantations. 3. Additional Regional Modifications During the ROPA 21B process, Regional staff received requests from Lafarge Canada, JDCL, Jerry Humeniuk and Osprey Valley Resorts and Golf Club to consider further modifications to policies contained in the amendment. Since the requests were received late in the process, Regional staff recommended the modifications be considered during the Provincial review of ROPA 218 to determine if additional modifications can be supported. Regional staff is prepared to support some of the requests and recommend further modifications for endorsement by Regional Council. Copies of the written submissions from Lafarge, JDCL and Osprey Valley are included in Appendix Ill. A summary of the modifications and Regional staff recommendations are provided' below and in Appendix IV. a) Lafarge Canada and JDCL Lafarge Canada and JDCL are requesting modifications to the mineral aggregate resource policies to ensure the policies do not conflict with the Greenbelt Plan and are consistent with policies contained in the Town of Caledon Official Plan Amendment 161 (OPA 161). The Greenbelt Plan provides detailed policies for mineral aggregate resource operations in key natural heritage features and key hydrologic features, but does not permit official plans to contain policies that are more restrictive than the Greenbelt Plan with respect to mineral aggregate resource uses, except where a municipality has undertaken a comprehensive aggregate resource management study and implemented the results into its official plan. Through the Caledon Community Resources Study (CCRS) and OPA 161 process, detailed Town-wide policies for mineral aggregate resources were incorporated into the Town of Caledon Official Plan to clarify and implement provincial and regional policy direction for mineral aggregate resources at the local level. These policies confirmed the application of the Regional Official Plan's Greenlands System policies including a prohibition of new or expanding mineral resource extraction operations in Core Areas of the Greenlands System. The policies in OPA 161 are deemed to conform to the

5 - 4 - July 6, REGIONAL OFFICIAL PLAN AMENDMENT 215 (ROPA 215) - REGIONAL COMMENTS ON PROVINCIAL MODIFICATIONS Greenbelt Plan and may be more restrictive than the Greenbelt Plan with respect to mineral aggregate resource uses. JDCL and Lafarge Canada are concerned that the Region has now updated criteria for the identification of Core Areas of the Greenlands System through ROPA 21 B that would have the effect of introducing new policy that is more restrictive than OPA 161 and, consequently, more restrictive than the Greenbelt Plan policy as it relates to mineral aggregate resource uses. ROPA 21B is more restrictive than OPA 161 with respect to early successional habitat, young plantations, and the identification of Core Woodlands (e.g. the size threshold for Core woodlands has been reduced to 16 ha (39 acres) from 30 ha (74 acres)). The modifications in Appendix IV are recommended to ensure that the Regional Official Plan policies are consistent with the Greenbelt Plan, recommendations in the Caledon Community Resources Study (CCRS) and OPA 161. Regional staff recommends that the modified policy for early successional habitat and young plantations be applied Region-wide for consistency. An additional mapping refinement to the boundaries of the Core Areas of the Greenlands System on Schedule A is recommended for the JDCL lands to remove the identification of Core Areas on plantations that were determined not to be Core Woodlands during the Rockfort hearing process. Appendix V illustrates the mapping refinements for the JDCL lands. b) Osprey Valley Resorts and Golf Club Regional staff is recommending additional mapping refinements to the boundaries of the Core Areas of the Greenlands System that are located on properties associated with the Osprey Valley Golf Club. The refinements reflect recent planning approvals obtained by the owner and confirmed by the Ontario Municipal Board as well as recent woodland evaluations that have determined specific plantations are not Core Woodlands. Appendix V illustrates the mapping refinements for the Osprey Valley lands. Notwithstanding that the plantation woodlands on the JDCL and Osprey Valley lands are being removed as Core Areas of the Greenlands System, Provincial staff has advised that the plantations may qualify as "significant woodlands" to be protected in accordance with the Greenbelt Plan. The Province is in the process of finalizing technical papers and criteria for the identification of significant woodlands in the Greenbelt Natural Heritage System. Once the technical paper is finalized, the plantation woodlands would be subject to the guidelines as well as policies in the Greenbelt Plan. The status of woodlands under the Greenbelt Plan does not affect how the Region identifies regionally significant Core woodlands as Core Areas of the Greenlands System. JDCL and Osprey Valley have been advised of the Greenbelt Plan policies. 4. Consultation on Recommended Modifications Regional staff has worked collaboratively with provincial and area municipal staff on the recommended modifications in order to reach agreement on the modifications. Area municipal staff have considered the proposed modifications and are supportive of the Region's proposed response. Conservation Authority staff was also consulted on modifications related to the Greenland System policies. The recommended modifications for endorsement improve the clarity of the Regional Official Plan and ensure that it is consistent with provincial policy direction.

6 - 5 - July 6, REGIONAL OFFICIAL PLAN AMENDMENT 21B (ROPA 21 B) - REGIONAL COMMENTS ON PROVINCIAL MODIFICATIONS For review purposes, Regional staff has attached a modified version of the ROPA 21B amendment in Appendix VI highlighting the recommended modifications for endorsement. 5. Next Steps Following receipt of the Region's response on the draft decision, the Ministry will complete the provincial review of ROPA 21 B and proceed to issue a notice of decision on the Amendment. In accordance with the Planning Act, the notice will set out a 20 day appeal period within which appeals of the Amendment may be filed. Regional staff will review the final decision of the Ministry to confirm the extent to which it reflects the Region's recommended modifications. CONCLUSION Regional staff has reviewed the proposed provincial modifications to ROPA 21B and has considered additional requested modifications. Recommended modifications are outlined in this report as the Region's response to MMAH on the Draft Decision for ROPA 21 B for consideration by the Ministry when issuing its final decision on the Amendment. Norma Trim Chief Financial Officer and Commissioner of Corporate Services Approved for Submission: D. Szwarc, Chief Administrative Officer For further information regarding this report, please contact Arvin Prasad at extension 4251 or via at an/ Authored By: Mark Head c. Legislative Services IPD RC 11-10

7 Appendix I Regional Official Plan Amendment 218 (ROPA 21 B) Regional Comlhents on Provincial Modifications HA"A!-d - Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing Municipal Services Office Central Ontario Ministere des Affaires municipales 777 Bay Street, 2" Floor 777, rue Bay, 2' Btage Toronto ON M5G 2E5 Toronto ON M5G 2E5 Phone: T616phone : Fax: T616copIeur : Toll-Free: Sans frais : Novem ber 15,201 0 Mr. Arvin Prasad, M.C.I.P., R.P.P. Director, Planning Policy and Research Regional Municipality of Peel 10 Peel Centre Drive Brampton, ON L6T 4B9 Dear Mr. Prasad: Subject: Region of Peel Official Plan Amendment No. 21 B Minister's Draft Decision MMAH File Number: 21-OP B Please find enclosed a Draft Decision on Region of Peel Official Plan Amendment No. 21 B (ROPA 21 B) which was adopted by Regional Council on May 13, under By-law The intent of ROPA 21 B is to incorporate updated natural heritage and agriculture policies within the Regional Official Plan. We acknowledge the constructive feedback the Region provided provincial staff on October 15, We understand the comments provided by regional staff reflect the interests of Peel's Technical Advisory Committee (TAC) who have reviewed and discussed the working comments provided by provincial staff on September 28, We look forward to continuing this collaborative approach prior to the Minister issuing a Final Decision on ROPA 21 B. The Minister's Draft Decision includes twenty (20) modifications. A number of the modifications are either minor or technical in nature while others are more significant requiring further discussion. The more substantive issues are identified below: Provincial Policy Statement The Draft Decision modifies the definition of "Woodlands" for consistency with the Provincial Policy Statement, 2005 and adds tree species under the "Significant

8 MA- A\ -? Species" heading of Table 1. We understand Regional staff continue to work closely with provincial staff at the Ministry of Natural Resources on these matters. Greenbelt Plan Significant portions of Peel Region are subject to the policies of the Greenbelt Plan. The Minister's Draft Decision includes modifications to terms (e.g., development and site alteration) defined in the Glossary to ensure full conformity to the Greenbelt Plan. The Draft Decision also includes modifications to ensure key natural heritage features and key hydrologic features are protected as the Greenbelt Plan requires. Lake Simcoe Protection Plan The Lake Simcoe Watershed extends into Peel Region. We understand the Region intends to bring its Official Plan into conformity with the Lake Sirncoe Protection Plan (LSPP) through a separate amendment. As an interim measure, the Draft Decision includes modifications to recognize the LSPP in Peel Region. Our Ministry is taking a consistent approach with York and Durham Regions. Next Steps We encourage you to review the enclosed Draft Decision carefully. You will note that several of our modifications have been carried over from our comments dated August 21, We suggest provincial and regional staff work closely and collaboratively over the month of November to bring ROPA 21 B into greater conformity with provincial plans and policy. Thank you for your cooperation and commitment to developing an official plan that fully conforms to provincial plans and policy. Do not hesitate to contact David Sit at should you have any questions or wish to discuss any aspect of the Minister's Draft Decision. Regards, 1/ ~ttakhments: Draft Decision c.c.: Steve Strong, MNR Jackie Van de Valk, OMAFRA Page 2 of 2

9 Appendix I Regional Official Plan Amendment 21 B (ROPA 21 B) Regional Comments on Provincial Modifications July 6, HA-41-8 DRAFT DECISION With respect to Regional Official Plan Amendment No. 21B Subsection 17(34) of the Plannins Act November 15,201 0 I hereby approve all of Amendment No. 21 B to the Official Plan for the Regional Municipality of Peel, as adopted by By-law No , with the following modifications: Part B - The Amendment 1. ltem #3, on page 4, as it relates to the fourth paragraph of Section is modified by deleting the comma after (Places to Grow) and adding "and Lake Simcoe Protection Plan" after "Growth Plan for the Greater Golden Horseshoe (Places to Grow)". 2. ltem #6, on page 6, as it relates to the fourth sentence of the Fish Habitat and Wildlife Habitat description of Section 2.3 is modified by inserting ", but are not limited to," after "Fish and wildlife habitat that are afforded protection include". 3. ltem #6, on page 7, as it relates to the Woodlands description of Section 2.3, is modified by: a. deleting "complex1' from the first sentence; and b. deleting "comprising communities of trees, shrubs, ground vegetation" after the word "ecosysfems" from the first sentence, and replacing it with "comprised of treed areas, woodlots, forested areas". 4. ltem #14, on page 9, as it relates to Subsection is modified by: a. deleting "and" between "Oak Ridges Moraine Conservation Plan" and "the Greenbelt Plan" and replacing it with ","; and b. inserting ", and the Lake Simcoe Protection Plan" after "the Greenbelt Plan". 5. ltem #15, on page 9, as it relates to Subsection is modified by: a. deleting subsection (h) in its entirety and replacing it with: "accessory uses, buildings or structures;"; b. deleting the following text under subsection (i): "of adoption of Regional Official Plan Amendment 21 B" in the first sentence and replacing it with "the Regional Official Plan Amendment 21B came into effect"; c. deleting the following text under subsection (i): "date of adoption1' in the second sentence and replacing it with "Regional Official Plan Amendment 21 B came into effect"; d. adding the following new paragraph after subsection (i):

10 "Notwithstanding the above, minor development and minor site alteration are not permitted in kev natural heritage features and kev hvdroloaic features. Existing uses, buildings or structures; ex pa nsions to existing buildings or structures; and accessory uses, buildings or structures are permitted in kev natural heritage features and kev hvdroloaic features subject to Section 4.5 of the Greenbelt Plan. Further, within the Protected Countryside of the Greenbelt Plan, single dwellings are permitted on existing lots of record, provided they were zoned for such as of December 16, 2004, or where an application for an amendment to a zoning by-law is required as a condition of a severance granted prior to December 14, 2003 but which application did not proceed."; and e. deleting the following in the second last paragraph: "; and the impact to the Core Area feature is minimized and any impact to the feature or its functions that cannot be avoided is mitigated through restoration or enhancement to the greatest extent possible." and replacing it with "and there will be no negative impacts on the natural features or their ecological functions.". 6. ltem #29, on page I 1, as it relates to Subsection is amended by adding "the Lake Simcoe Protection Plan," after "Niagara Escarpment Plan,". 7. ltem #41, on page 16, as it relates to Subsection is modified by adding "agricultural" after "rural Peel including its". 8. ltem #50, on page 17, as it relates to Subsection is amended by deleting "limited in" and replacing it with "small" after the words "provided all new uses are". 9. ltem #51, on page 17, as it relates to Subsection is modified by deleting "urban" after "with the adjacent". 10. ltem #54, on page 18, as it relates to Subsection is amended by deleting it in its entirety and replacing it with the following: "Encourage greater diversity of permitted uses, including value-added industries (e.g. wineries, cideries, agricultural research institutes, feed mills and fertilizer depots) to aid the farm industry, and to maintain the cultural heritage and way of life of the farming community. Within prime agricultural areas all permitted uses must either be agriculture-related uses or secondary uses as defined by the Provincial Policy Statement." 1 I. ltem #60, on page 20, as it relates to Subsection d) is modified by: a. deleting "and" between "Oak Ridges Moraine Conservation Plan1' and "Greenbelt Plan1' and replacing it with ","; and b. inserting ", the Lake Simcoe Protection Plan" after "Greenbelt Plan".

11 MA- A\-lo 12. ltem #62, on page 20, as it relates to Subsection is modified by adding the following text after the words "Land Evaluation Area Review (LEAR) to": "identify prime agricultural areas and to help". 13. ltem #67, on page 21, regarding the Glossary definition of "development" is amended by adding the following after "a change in land use": "and by adding the following at the end of the sentence: "For lands subject to the Greenbelt Plan, development does not include the carrying out of agricultural practices on land that was being used for agricultural uses on December 16, 2004." 14. ltem #70, on page 21, as it relates to the second bullet of the "primary agricultural uses" definition under the Glossary is modified by: a. replacing "industries uses that are directly" with "industrial uses that are small scale and" and b. inserting the word "the" after the words "in close. proximity to". 15. ltem #74, on page 23, as it relates to the "site alteration" definition under the Glossary is modified by adding the following text at the end of the sentence: "For lands subject to the Greenbelt Plan, site alteration means activities such as filling, grading and excavation that would change the landform and natural vegetative characteristics of land, but does not include the following: the construction of facilities for transportation, infrastructure and utilities used by a public body; activities or works under the Drainage Act; or the carrying out of agricultural practices on land that was being used for agricultural uses on December 16, 2004". 16. ltem #78, on page 23, as it relates to the "woodlands" definition under the Glossary is modified by: a. deleting the word "complex" at the beginning of the sentence; b. deleting the words "comprising communities of trees, shrubs, ground vegetation" after the word "ecosystems" at the beginning of the sentence, and replacing it with the following: "comprised of treed areas, woodlots, forested areas"; c. deleting under sub-reference (b) "25%" and replacing it with "10%"; d. renumbering sub-reference "b)(iii)" to "b)(iv)" and inserting the following as sub-reference: "b)(iii): "500 trees measuring over 12 centimetres in diameter at breast height (1.37m), per hectare, or"; e. deleting the word "or" under sub-reference (b) in the fourth paragraph; f. removing the "." under sub-reference (c) and replacing it with "; or1' in the fourth paragraph; and g. adding the following new sub-reference (d) in the fourth paragraph: "d) do not exhibit the characteristics of a complex ecosystem comprising communities of trees, shrubs and ground vegetation that are associated with natural forest regeneration."

12 17. ltem #79, on page 25, as it relates to the "Existing lot of record" definition under the Glossary is amended by: a. deleting "of approval of" before "Regional Official Plan Amendment 21 B"; and b. adding "came into effect" at the end of the sentence. 18. ltem #79, on page 25, as it relates to the "Existing use, building or structure" definition under the Glossary is amended by: a. deleting "of approval of" before "Regional Official Plan Amendment 21 B" in the first and second sentences; and b. adding the following in the first and second sentences after the reference to "Regional Official Plan Amendment 21 B: "came into effect". 19, ltem #79, on page 26, as it relates to the "Minimum distance separation formulae" definition under the Glossary is amended by adding the following after "Province": ", and amended from time to time,". 20. ltem #82, on page 32, as it relates to Table I, is amended by adding the following under "iii) the following forest communities" under the Significant Species heading of the "Core" component: FOC 2-2 where White Cedar shares dominance with White Spruce or Balsam Fir FOC 3-1 (Hemlock) FOC 4-2 (White Cedar-Hemlock) FOC 4-3 (White Cedar-Balsam Fir) FOM 3-1 (Hardwood-Hemlock) FOM 3-2 (Sugar Maple-Hemlock) FOM 6-2 (Hemlock-Hardwood) FOM 7-1 (White Cedar-Sugar Maple) FOD 2-1 (Oak-Red Maple) FOD 2-4 (Oak-Hardwood) FOD 4-1 (Beech) FOD 5 (all dry-fresh Sugar Maple types) FOD 6 (all fresh-moist Sugar Maple types) FOD 7-3 (Black Maple) FOD 9 (all Oak-Maple-Hickory types).

13 Appendix It Regional Official PIan Amendment 21 B (ROPA 21 B) Regional Comments on Provincial Modifications July 6, 2011 Re~ional Response to the Minister's Draft Decision on Regional Official Plan Amendment No. 21 B (July 6, 2011) Paragraph -- asis is placed on the joint efforts with I Item #3, on page 4, as it relates to the fourth paragraph I Regional staff supports the addition of a reference to I the area municipalities, conservation authorities and other agencies that are required to protect the natural systems in Peel, restore poorly functioning ecosystems, and promote clean air, water and land. These efforts contribute to ecological sustainabilify and a healthy environment for the residents of the region. This is accomplished by promoting sustainable development in accordance with the policies of this Plan and through decisions that integrate social, economic, environmental and cultural considerations which affect the environment. (Adopted ROPA 21 B). One of the appropriate frameworks for these efforts is the establishment of a set of environmental policies in this Plan, to be supported and supplemented by environmental policies in the three area municipal official plans, the Greenbelt PIan (Adopted ROPA 24), Provincial Policy Statement and Growth Plan for the Greater Golden Horseshoe (Places to Grow), Niagara Escarpment Plan and the Oak Ridges Moraine Conservation Plan. ( Adopted ROPA21 B) of Section is modified by deleting the comma after (Places to Grow) and adding "and Lake Simcoe Protection Plan" after "Growth Plan for the Greater Golden Horseshoe (Places to Grow)". the Lake Simcoe Protection Plan but notes that the Regional Official Plan has not been updated to conform to the Lake Simcoe Protection Plan and that it will be amended to conform though a future amendment to the ROP. A modification to add a placeholder policy for the Lake Simcoe Protection Plan has been agreed to in response to the Province's draft decision on ROPA 24. Fish Habitat and Wildlife Habitat Fish habitat and wildlife habitat are areas of the natural environment where plants, animals, fish and other organisms derive life support functions such as cover, protection, reproductive support, food and water. These habitats may be important on a year-round or seasonal basis. In addition to providing ecological functions that support species survival and biodiversity, fish and wildlife habitat contributes to the Region's economy and quality of life through wildlife-based tourism, wildlife viewing, nature appreciation, fishing and hunting. Fish and wildlife habitat that are afforded protection include wetlands, woodlands, Item #6, on page 6, as it relates to the fourth sentence of the Fish Habitat and Wildlife Habitat description of Section 2.3 is modified by inserting ", but are not limited to," after "Fish and wildlife habitat that are afforded protection include". modification.

14 I I I I Environmentally Sensitive or Significant Areas, Areas of Natural and Scientific Interest, portions of the Niagara I I I Escarpment and the Oak Ridges Moraine, and valley and stream corridors. Woodlands Woodlands are complex ecosystems comprising communities of trees, shrubs, ground vegetation and immediate environmental conditions on which they depend. Woodlands that provide a range of ecosystem functions including: attenuating flood flows; trapping air and water borne sediment; preventing erosion and stabilizing steep slopes; providing shade for cold water fisheries; enhancing groundwater recharge areas; providing habitat; and supporting species diversity. Woodlands are important because of their scarcity in Peel and the rest of the Greater Toronto Area. In addition to their ecological functions, woodlands are valued for their economic, social, and aesthetic benefits." Direct the area municipalities, in consultation with the conservation authorities, the Province and the Niagara Escarpment Commission, to include objectives and policies in their official plans for the interpretation, protection, enhancement, proper management and stewardship of the Core Areas of the Greenlands System in Peel which conform to the intent of this Plan, consistent with provincial policy, the Niagara Escarpment Plan, the Oak Ridges Moraine Conservation Plan and the Greenbelt Plan, where applicable Prohibit development and site alteration within the Core Areas of the Greenlands System in Peel, except for: a) forest, fish and wildlife management; ltem #6, on page 7, as it relates to the Woodlands description of Section 2.3, is modified by: a. deleting "complex" from the first sentence; and b. deleting "comprising communities of trees, shrubs, ground vegetation" after the word "ecosystems" from the first sentence, and replacing it with "comprised of treed areas, woodlots, forested areas". ltem #14, on page 9, as it relates to Subsection is modified by: a. deleting "and" between "Oak Ridges Moraine Conservation Plan" and "the Greenbelt Plan" and replacing it with ","; and b. inserting ", and the Lake Simcoe Protection Plan" after "the Greenbelt Plan". ltem #15, on page 9, as it relates to Subsection is modified by: a. deleting subsection (h) in its entirety and replacing it with: "accessory uses, buildings or Regional staff supports modifications to the woodlands description, but recommends alternate wording as follows. Woodlands are 6wtpkx ecosystems comprised of.... treed areas,,,,. abiotic environmental conditions on which they depend. Woodlands #x& provide a range of ecosystem functions..." The alternate wording is consistent with further modifications to the woodlands definition that are required to be consistent with the Provincial Policy Statement. Woodlands can be simple or complex ecosystems. Regional staff does not agree with the proposed modification to add references to the Lake Simcoe Protection Plan given the directive nature of Section and prefers that this section be modified to add a reference to the Lake Simcoe Protection Plan when the Region amends the ROP to conform to the Lake Simcoe Protection Plan. It is premature to direct the area municipalities to include objectives and policies that implement the Lake Simcoe Protection Plan before the Region has incorporated detailed policies for the Lake Simcoe Protection Plan in the Regional Plan. The policies will be added through a future conformity amendment when policy requirements can be considered comprehensively and with the benefit of public consultation. Modifications a, b and c Regional staff supports proposed modifications a, b and c. The additional wording that references the exemption for existing agricultural uses is not

15 ROP Section # I b) conservation and flood or erosion control projects, I structures;"; but only if they have been demonstrated to be necessary in the public interest and after all reasonable alternatives have been considered; c) essenfial infrastrucfure exempted, pre-approved or authorized under an environmental assessment process; d) passive recreation; Adopted Policy e) minor development and minor sife alteration; f) exisfing uses, buildings or structures; 1 g) expansions to existing buildings or structures; h) uses, buildings and structures accessory to existing and permitted uses including existing agricultural uses; i) a new single residential dwelling on an existing lot of record, provided that the dwelling would have been permitted by the applicable planning legislation or zoning by-law on the date of adoption of Regional Official Plan Amendment 21 B. A new dwelling built after the date of adoption in accordance with this policy shall be deemed to be an existing building or sfructure for the purposes of the exceptions permitted in clauses g) and h) above. The above exceptions may be permitted in accordance with the policies in an approved area municipal official plan or the Niagara Escarpment Plan where applicable, in consultation with the Region, the conservation authorities, the Niagara Escarpment Commission and other relevant agencies, provided that the policies which permit such uses and activities are in conformity with the objectives and policies of this Plan. The area municipalities are directed to adopt appropriate policies to allow the exceptions subject to it being Proposed Modification b. deleting the following text under subsection (i): "of adoption of Regional Official Plan Amendment 21 B" in the first sentence and replacing it with "the Regional Official Plan Amendment 21 B came into effect": c. deleting the following text under subsection (i): "date of adoption" in the second sentence and replacing it with "Regional Official Plan Amendment 21 B came into effect"; d. adding the following new paragraph after subsection (i): "Notwithstanding the above, minor developmenf and minor sife alteration are not permitted in key nafural heritage features and key hydrologic features. Existing uses, buildings or structures; expansions to existing buildings or strucfures; and accessory uses, buildings or structures are permitted in key natural heritage feafures and key hydrologic features subject to Section 4.5 of the Greenbelt Plan. Further, within the Protected Countryside of the Greenbelt Plan, single dwellings are permitted on existing lots of record, provided they were zoned for such as of December 16,2004, or where an application for an amendment to a zoning by-law is required as a condition of a severance granted prior to December 14, 2003 but which application did not proceed."; and e. deleting the following in the second last paragraph: "; and the impact to the Core Area feature is minimized and any impact to the feature or its functions that cannot be avoided is mitigated through restoration or enhancement to the greatest extent possible." and replacing it with "and there will be no negative impacts on the natural features or their ecological functions.". required as it is understood that the exemptions would apply to all existing and permitted uses. Modification d Regional staff does not agree with the proposed modification "d" as it includes unnecessary cross references to the Greenbelt Plan which, in staff's opinion, weakens the clarity of policies for existing uses established in the ROP. Policy provides a more detailed clarification and refinement of the Greenbelt Plan's existing use policies and how these are to be implemented in the Region of Peel. The reference to the Greenbelt Plan eliminates the clarification provided in the Regional Plan. Regional staff has recommended adding new cross references that would link the existing use policies for the Protected Countryside to policy The new cross references have been proposed in response to Modification #43 in the Minister's Draft Decision for ROPA 24. Modification e Regional staff does not support the proposed modification "en. The policy wording adopted in ROPA 21 B provides more specific direction and clarity than the "no negative effects" test suggested by the Province. Ensuring no negative effects may not be possible in all circumstances (i.e., construction of a single detached dwelling on an existing lot of record and essential infrastructure). The direction in policy is to avoid or minimize impacts where possible including through the use of existing tools (e.g. Niagara Escarpment Commission permit, tree cutting by-laws, etc.). After considering Regional staffs position, MMAH agrees not to include Modification 5 e, but recommends the following additional policy at the end of : "In addition to the above policies, permitted

16 Adopted Policy Proposed Modification demonstrated that there is no reasonable alternative location outside of the Core Area and the use, development or site alteration is directed away from the Core Area feature to the greatest extent possible; and the impact to the Core Area feature is minimized and any impact to the feature or its functions that cannot be avoided is mitigated through restoration or enhancement to the greatest extent possible. When developing policies to allow the exceptions, the area municipalities shall give consideration to appropriate implementation tools and mechanisms including the existing tools and mechanisms of other agencies. exceptions within significant wetlands, significant coastal wetlands, and significant habitatsof threatened and endangered species within the Core Area of the Greenlands System, may only be considered in accordance with provincial and federal legislation and policies (e.g. Endangered Species Act)." Regional staff supports the above wording. MMAH is requesting a further modification to the definition for passive recreation as follows: "Passive recreation is characterized by low intensity outdoor pastimes, such as hiking, picnicking and bird watching, requiring minimal modification of the land surface and relatively few if any buildings structures, such as a sazebo." Regional staff supports the proposed modification. Direct the area municipalities, in consultation with the conservation authorities and the Niagara Escarpment Commission, to include objectives and policies in their official plans for the interpretation, protection, restoration, enhancement, proper management and stewardship of the Natural Areas and Corridors and Potential Natural Areas and Corridors which conform to the intent of this Plan, consistent with provincial policy, the Niagara Escarpment Plan, the Greenbelt Plan, and local considerations, where applicable To protect, manage and utilize the renewable and nonrenewable resources of Peel in an efficient manner that conserves and protects environmental features and functions, and the character of rural Peel including its social, cultural heritage, community and economic aspects. ltem #29, on page 11, as it relates to Subsection is amended by adding "the Lake Simcoe Protection Plan," after "Niagara Escarpment Plan,". ltem M I, on page 16, as it relates to Subsection is modified by adding "agricultural" after "rural Peel including its". Regional staff does not agree with the proposed modification to add references to the Lake Simcoe Protection Plan. This section will be modified to add a reference to the Lake Simcoe Protection Plan when the Region amends the ROP to conform to the Lake Simcoe Protection Plan. It is premature to direct the area municipalities to include objectives and policies that implement the Lake Simcoe Protection Plan before the Region has incorporated detailed policies for the Lake Simcoe Protection Plan in the ROP. The policies will be added through a separate conformity amendment when policy requirements can be considered comprehensively and with the benefit of public consultation. Regional staff agrees with the proposed modification.

17 Prime Agricultural Area, primary agricultural uses, and here deemed appropriate by the municipality, secondary uses and agriculture-related uses; provided all new uses are limited in scale and compatible with surrounding agricultural activity, meet the requirements of the minimum distance separation formulae, and the Oak Ridges Moraine Conservation Plan. Promote agricultural opportunities such as niche markets and community gardens of suitable scale that are compatible with the adjacent urban land uses within nearurban and urban areas to supply local markets, support health and protect the environment is amended by deleting "limited in" and replacing it with "small" after the words "provided all new uses are". Item #51, on page 17, as it relates to Subsection is modified by deleting "urban" after "with the adjacent". prefers that it not be included in the Minister's decision. The reference to secondary uses and agriculture-related uses being "limited in scale" is consistent with wording in policy of the PPS. Further, there is no reference to "small scale" in the PPS definition for secondary uses. Alternatively, Regional staff recommend the following modifications for clarity: "Direct the Town of Caledon in its official plan to allow in the Prime Agricultural Area, primary agricultural uses, and where deemed appropriate by the municipality, secondary uses and agriculture-related uses; provided all new uses are limited in scale, ar$ are compatible with, and shall not hinder surrounding agricultural activity, and meet the requirements of the minimum distance separation formulae, and the Oak Ridges Moraine Conservation Plan. Further, direct the Town of Caledon in its official plan to include criteria for secondary uses and aqriculfure-related uses as recommended bv the Province, or based on a municipal approach which achieves the same objective." For clarification, Regional staff recommends alternate wording for policy to clarify the policy direction referring to niche markets and to provide a separate policy regarding urban agriculture. The alternate wording for policy is as follows: " Promote agricultural opportunities, new crops and w w within near-urban ar$ wbw areas to supply local markets, support health and protect the environment." The policy revisions clarify what is meant by the term "niche market".

18 Adopted Policy Proposed Modification Also, in order to avoid combining the policy for nearurban agriculture and urban agriculture, ~egional staff recommends deleting the references to urban agriculture in and adding the following new policy : " Support urban agricultural uses and practices that are appropriate and compatible with adjacent urban land uses." Agriculture outside of urban areas will continue to be guided by MDS policy with respect to compatibility of permitted uses. Additional policy is not recommended as this would be duplication in the ROP. Encourage greater diversity of permitted uses, such as secondary uses and agriculture-related uses within prime agriculfural areas, and value-added industries such as wineries, cideries, agricultural research institutes, feed mills and fertilizer depots to aid the farm industry, and to maintain the cultural heritage and way of life of the farming community. ltem #54, on page 18, as it relates to Subsection is amended by deleting it in its entirety and replacing it with the following: "Encourage greater diversity of permitted uses, including value-added industries (e.g. wineries, cideries, agricultural research institutes, feed mills and fertilizer depots) to aid the farm industry, and to maintain the cultural heritage and way of life of the farming community. Within prime agriculfural areas all permitted uses must either be agriculturerelated uses or secondary uses as defined by the Provincial Policy Sfatemen f." Since circulating the draft decision, MMAH has suggested alternate wording for the last sentence as follows: "Within prime agriculfural areas all permitted uses must either be agriculture-rela fed uses or secondary uses that are in accordance with Policy of this Official Plan." Regional staff agrees with the proposed modification subject to the last sentence including the appropriate cross-reference to the ROP policy. d) the consideration of approaches contained in existing natural heritage systems within the region including the Greenlands System, Niagara Escarpment Plan, Oak ltem #60, on page 20, as it relates to Subsection d) is modified by: Regional staff agrees with the proposed modification.

19 Adopted Policy Proposed Modification Ridges Moraine Conservation Plan and Greenbelt Plan andarea municipal official plans. a. deleting "and" between "Oak Ridges Moraine Conservation Plan" and "Greenbelt Plan" and replacing it with ","; and b. inserting ", the Lake Simcoe Protection Plan" after "Greenbelt Plan". Undertake joinfly with the Town of Caledon, a Land Evaluation Area Review (LEAR) to ensure the protection of the Prime Agricultural Area for long-term use for agriculture and to undertake research with the Town to review and assess the application of the minimum distance separation (MDS) formulae in Peel. ltem #62, on page 20, as it relates to Subsection is modified by adding the following text after the words "Land Evaluation Area Review (LEAR) to": "identify prime agricultural areas and to help". Regional staff supports a modification to policy 7.6y2.17, but recommends replacing "identiffwith "review the identification of'. Glossary Development: means the creation of a new lot, a change in land use or construction of buildings and structures, requiring approval under the Planning Act but does not include activities that create or maintain infi.astructure authorized under an environmental assessment process or works subject to the Drainage Act ltem #67, on page 21, regarding the Glossary definition of "development" is amended by adding the following after "a change in land use1': "and by adding the following at the end of the sentence: "For lands subject to the Greenbelt Plan, development does not include the carrying out of agricultural practices on land that was being used for agricultural uses on December 16, 2004." Regional staff does not support the proposed modification. The Region's approach to defining terms specific to the Greenbelt Plan are indicated with underlined and italicized text in the Greenbelt policies adopted through ROPA 24. The term "development" is indicated with italics and underlining to indicate that the Greenbelt Plan should be referenced for the appropriate definition. The modification is not required. Glossary Primary agricultural uses: the growing of crops, including nurserv and horticultural crops; raising of livestock; raising of other animals for food, fur or fibre, including poultry and fish; aquaculture; apiaries; agro-forestry; made syrup production; and associated on-farm buildings and structures, including accommodation for full-time farm labour when the size and nature of the operation requires additional employment. ltem #70, on page 21, as it relates to the second bullet of the "primary agricultural uses" definition under the Glossary is modified by: a. replacing "industries uses that are directly" with "industrial uses that are small scale and" and b. inserting the word "the1' after the words "in close proximity to". Regional staff supports the proposed modifications. The wording is consistent with the definition for agriculture-related uses in the PPS. For clarity, the modification should be replaced in its entirety with the PPS definition for "agriculture-related uses". Glossary Site alteration: activities, such as grading, excavation and the placement of fill that would change the landform and natural vegetative characteristics of a site. ltem #74, on page 23, as it relates to the "site alteration" definition under the Glossary is modified by adding the following text at the end of the sentence: "For lands subject to the Greenbelt Plan, site alterafion means activities such as filling, grading and excavation that would change the landform and natural vegetative characteristics of land, but does not include the Regional staff does not support the proposed modification. The Region's approach to defining terms specific to the Greenbelt Plan are indicated with underlined and italicized text in the Greenbelt policies adopted through ROPA 24. The term "site alteration" is indicated with italics and underlining to indicate that the Greenbelt Plan should be referenced for the

20 Adopted Policy Proposed Modification following: the construction of facilities for transportation, infrastructure and utilities used by a public body; required. Glossary Woodlands: complex ecosystems comprising communities of trees, shrubs, ground vegetation and the immediate biotic and abiotic environmental conditions on which they depend. Woodlands provide environmental and economic benefits to both the private landowner and the general public, such as erosion prevention, hydrological and nutrient cycling, the provision of clean air and the long-term storage of carbon, the provision of wildlife habitat, outdoor recreational opportunities, and the sustainable harvest of a wide range of woodland products. Woodlands include treed areas, woodlots, plantations and forested areas and may also contain remnants of old growth forests. Woodlands are further defined as any area greater than 0.5 ha that has: a) a tree crown cover of over 60% of the ground, determinable from aerial photography, or b) a tree crown cover of over 25% of the ground, determinable from aerial photography, together with on-ground stem estimates of at least: 1,000 trees of any size per hectare, or trees measuring over five centimetres in diameter at breast height (1.37m), per hectare, or trees measuring over 20 centimetres in diameter at breast height (1.37m), per hectare activities or works under the Drainage Act; or the carrying out of agricultural practices on land that was being used for agricultural uses on December 16, Item #78, on page 23, as it relates to the "woodlands" definition under the Glossary is modified by: a. deleting the word "complex" at the beginning of the sentence; b. deleting the words "comprising communities of trees, shrubs, ground vegetation" after the word "ecosystems1' at the beginning of the sentence, and replacing it with the following: "comprised of treed areas, woodlots, forested areas"; c. deleting under sub-reference (b) "25%" and replacing it with "10%"; c i t - d. renumbering sub-reference "b)(iii)" to "b)(iv)" and inserting the following as sub-reference: "b)(iii): "500 trees measuring over 12 centimetres in diameter at breast height (1.37m), per hectare, or"; e. deleting the word "or" under sub-reference (b) in the fourth paragraph; f. removing the "." under sub-reference (c) and replacing it with "; or" in the fourth paragraph; and g. adding the following new sub-reference (d) in the fourth paragraph: "d) do not exhibit the characteristics of a complex ecosystem comprising communities of trees, shrubs and ground vegetation that are associated with natural forest regeneration." Regional staff supports some of the proposed modifications to the definition for woodlands to ensure the definition is consistent with the PPS and that it supports the adopted policies for woodlands in the ROP. Modifications 'ay and 'by Regional staff recommends alternate wording for modifications 'a' and 'b' as follows: "Woodlands: mqdex ecosystems wfqxkhg.. and abiotic environmental conditions on which they depend. Woodlands provide environmental and economic benefits to both the private landowner and the general public, such as erosion prevention, hydrological and nutrient cycling, the provision of clean air and the long-term storage of carbon, the provision of wildlife habitat, outdoor recreational opportunities, and the sustainable harvest of a wide range of woodland products. Woodlands ae4xeed ~RSS%& include kee$afeas, woodlots, cultural woodlands, cultural savannahs, plantations and forested areas and may also contain remnants of old growth forests." Additional modifications to the woodlands definition are recommended as follows:

21 (densities based on the Forestry Act of Ontario and, which have a minimum average width of 40 metres or more measured to crown edges. Treed portions with less than the required stocking level will be considered part of the woodland as long as the combination of all treed units in the overall connected treed area meets the required stocking level. Woodlands experiencing changes such as harvesting, blowdown or other tree mortality are still considered woodlands. Such changes are considered temporary whereby the forest still retains its long-term ecological value. Woodlands include cultural woodlands and cultural savannahs and exclude planfafions that are: a) managed for production of fruits, nuts, Christmas trees or nursery stock; b) managed for tree products with an average rotation of less than 20 years (e.g. hybrid willow or poplar); or c) established and continuously managed for the sole purpose of complete removal at rotation, as demonstrated with documentation acceptable to the Region or area municipality, without a woodland restoration objective. Additional exclusions may be considered for treed communities which are dominated by invasive non-native tree or shrub species such as buckthorn Rhamnus species) and Norway maple (Acer plantanoides) that threaten the ecological diversity of native communities, good forestry practices and environmental management. Such exceptions may be considered where native tree species comprise less than 10% of the tree crown cover and are represented by less than 100 stems of any size per hectare. I In addition to the above modification, Ministry staff recommends expanding the proposed new definition for naturalized plantations to include "...or is situated in such a way among or adjacent to natural woodlands that loss of its area or function could not be easily replicated elsewhere." M exclude plantations that are: a i) managed for production of fruits, nuts, Christmas trees or nursery stock; bii) managed for tree products with an average rotation of less than 20 years (e.g. hybrid willow or poplar); or siii) established and continuously managed for the sole purpose of complete removal at rotation, as demonstrated with documentation acceptable to the Region or area municipality, without a woodland restoration objective. Modification 'c' Regional staff does not support modification 'c' that reduces the tree crown cover threshold to 10% as the lower threshold is not consistent with recommendations in the Peel-Caledon Significant Woodlands and Significant Wildlife Habitat Study. The 25% tree crown cover threshold is an ecologically defensible threshold that distinguishes treed community types (savannah, woodland and forest) from more open habitats (open meadow, grassland) that are not considered to be woodland habitat for the purpose of the Region's woodlands policies. The MNR's Ecological Land Classification's Key to the Terrestrial Ecosites and the ELC's Community Tables both utilize the 25% threshold to identify woodland communities differently from open meadow and grassland communities. A 10% threshold would result in capturing very early successional habitat or non-woodland open habitats as woodlands and is therefore not a recommended definition for the purposes of the Region's woodlands policies. Modification 'd7 Regional staff agrees with proposed modification 'd'.

22 Modifications 'e', 'f' and 'gy Modifications 'e', 'f and 'g' are proposed to clarify the interpretation and implementation of the Region's policies for plantations and to differentiate plantation woodlands that are not Core woodlands or significant woodlands in accordance with the Region's policies. Regional staff prefers that the clarification be included as a policy in the Plan rather than through the Glossary definition for woodlands. The existing policy provides the ability to evaluate and consider the ecological value of plantations to the Regional Greenlands System and whether it is appropriate to exclude all or a portion of a plantation from the definition of Core Woodland. Regional staff does not recommend that Modification 'g' be included and further recommends that policy be deleted and replaced with the following alternate wording to clarify how regionally significant Core woodlands are to be identified: " Direct the area municipalities to define woodlands to include plantations in accordance with the definition in this Plan and to evaluate them in accordance with the criteria in Table 1 and policies in section of this Plan. Plantations shall be identified as Core woodland if they are a naturalized plantation and they meet one or more criteria for Core woodland in Table I. For the purpose of measuring woodland patch size when woodlands contain Core woodland and non- Core plantation communities, patch size shall be measured to include all contiguous woodland communities. To support policy , Regional staff recommends that a definition for "naturalized plantations" be added to the Glossary for clarification as follows: "Plantation, naturalized: a plantation or portion of a plantation that is undergoing natural regeneration in

23 the understory either through natural succession or woodland restoration. A plantation shall be considered naturalized if it contains more than 100 native trees per hectare in the understory that have attained a minimum height of I.37 metres. " The above modifications clarify the policies for the identification of Core woodlands with respect to plantations to ensure there is appropriate division of responsibilities at the regional and area municipal levels and protection of regionally significant plantations in accordance with the Core Areas policies of the ROP. Non-Core woodland plantations that are significant under the PPS would continue to be identified and protected by the area municipalities in accordance with the Greenlands System NAC and PNAC policies of the ROP. The recommended policy modifications are consistent with the interpretation and intent of the existing policy for plantations in the Regional Plan. Regional staff does not support the additional modification to the naturalized plantation definition proposed by MMAH staff. ltem #79, on page 25, as it relates to the "Existing lot of record" definition under the Glossary is amended by: Regional staff agrees with the proposed modification. Existing use, building or structure: a use, building or structure that lawfully existed on the date of approval of Regional Official Plan Amendment 21 B. For further clarity, an existing use, building or structure is interpreted to include only the currently occupied limits of the use, building or structure as it existed on the date of approval of Regional Official Plan Amendment a. deleting "of approval of' before "Regional Official Plan Amendment 21 B; and b. adding "came into effect" at the end of the sentence. ltem #79, on page 25, as it relates to the "Existing use, building or structure" definition under the Glossary is amended by: a. deleting "of approval of' before "Regional Official Plan Amendment 21 B" in the first and second sentences; and b. adding the following in the first and second sentences after the reference to "Regional Official Plan amendment 21 B": "came into effect". Regional staff agrees with the proposed modification.

24 Minimum distance separation formulae: formulae developed by the Province to separate uses so as to reduce incompatibility concerns about odour from livestock facilities. ltem #79, on page 26, as it relates to the "Minimum distance separation formulae'' definition under the Glossary is amended by adding the following after "Province": ", and amended from time to time,". Regional staff agrees with the proposed modification. Table 1, Column 7, Significant Species, Core Woodland Any woodland =P 4 ha that supports any of the following: Item #82, on page 32, as it relates to Table 1, is amended by adding the following under "iii) the following i. any GI, G2, G3, Sl, S2 or S3 plant or animal species, or forest communities" under the Significant Species community as designated by NHIC; or heading of the "Core" component: ii any species designated by COSEWIC or COSSARO as Threatened, Endangered or of Special Concern; or iii. The following forest communities: FOC 1-2, FOM 2-1, FOM 2-2, FOM 6-1, FOD 1-1, FOD 1-2, FOD 1-4, FOD 2-2, FOD 2-3 or FOD 6-2 FOC 2-2 where White Cedar shares dominance with White Spruce or Balsam Fir FOC 3-1 (Hemlock) FOC 4-2 (White Cedar-Hemlock) FOC 4-3 (White Cedar-Balsam Fir) FOM 3-1 (Hardwood-Hemlock) FOM 3-2 (Sugar Maple-Hemlock) FOM 6-2 (Hemlock-Hardwood) FOM 7-1 (White Cedar-Sugar Maple) FOD 2-1 (Oak-Red Maple) FOD 2-4 (Oak-Hardwood) FOD 4-1 (Beech) FOD 5 (all dry-fresh Sugar Maple types) FOD 6 (all fresh-moist Sugar Maple types) FOD 7-3 (Black Maple) FOD 9 (all Oak-Maple-Hickory types). In addition to the above modifications, the Ministry is recommending an additional modification to the title of the Column 7, Table 1 by adding "and Uncommon Communities" after "Significant Species". Regional staff does not support the proposed modification as the recommended additional list of forest communities is not consistent with the recommendations of the Peel-Caledon Significant Woodlands and Significant Wildlife Habitat Study. The forest community types listed in the Region's adopted policies capture forest communities that are rare or uncommon in the Region of Peel and therefore comprise forest communities that would be considered significant for the purposes of a "significant species" criterion. The majority of the additional woodland community types listed in the proposed modification are ranked by the MNR's Natural Heritage Information Centre as S4 and S5 communities which are not rare. 4 communities are "apparently secure" and are uncommon but not rare. S5 communities are secure, common, widespread and abundant in the province. Additional technical justification for the list of significant species included in Table 1 as adopted by the Region is provided in the Peel-Caledon Significant Woodlands and Significant Wildlife Habitat Study. I 1 For consistency with the Peel-Caledon Significant Woodlands and Significant Wildlife Habitat Study, the title for the Significant Species criterion in Column 7 of Table 1 should be corrected to read "Significant Species and Communities". Regional staff also recommend the following 1 corrections to Footnote #2 in Table I : 1. replace FOD 2-3 with "Dry-Fresh Hickory Deciduous Forest" 2. replace FOD 6-2 with "Fresh Sugar Maple - 12

Norma Trim, Chief Financial Officer and Commissioner of Corporate Services


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