NGSSS: SC.912.L.17.5 Population Ecology. Nothing in the world is more dangerous than sincere ignorance and conscientious stupidity. Dr. M.L.

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1 NGSSS: SC.912.L.17.5 Population Ecology BIOLOGY EOC EXAM PREPARATION #1 Populations do not continue to grow to an unlimited size. Their environment, including food and other natural resources, limits their size eventually. This limit is called the A. differential population. B. carrying capacity. C. prey maximum. D. predator limit. NGSSS: SC.912.L.17.5 Population Ecology BIOLOGY EOC EXAM PREPARATION #2 Many insects, such as mosquitoes and dragonflies, spend their juvenile stage as aquatic larvae before becoming winged and airborne adults. Most years, these insects are extremely abundant in the Arctic tundra in summer. What might account for this? A. Adult insects spend the long Arctic winter laying thousands of eggs under the ice of frozen ponds. B. Many insects migrate long distances to take advantage of good breeding areas in the tundra. C. Pools of water which make good breeding areas are plentiful in summer as the permafrost melts. D. Summer rains in the Arctic tundra replenish breeding ponds that dried up during the winter.

2 NGSSS: SC.912.L.17.5 Population Ecology BIOLOGY EOC EXAM PREPARATION #3 Many insects, such as mosquitoes and dragonflies, spend their juvenile stage as aquatic larvae before becoming winged and airborne adults. Most years, these insects are extremely abundant in the Arctic tundra in summer. What might account for this? A. Adult insects spend the long Arctic winter laying thousands of eggs under the ice of frozen ponds. B. Many insects migrate long distances to take advantage of good breeding areas in the tundra. C. Pools of water which make good breeding areas are plentiful in summer as the permafrost melts. D. Summer rains in the Arctic tundra replenish breeding ponds that dried up during the winter. NGSSS: SC.912.L.17.5 Population Ecology BIOLOGY EOC EXAM PREPARATION #4 Rainbow trout need at least 6.0 mg/l of dissolved oxygen to survive. Biologists are trying to reestablish rainbow trout in a mountain stream but the stream only has 5.5 mg/l of dissolved oxygen. Which of the following would be the most useful to encourage the development of the rainbow trout population? A. Create more bends in the stream to allow the water to slowdown. B. Cut down trees along the stream to allow more sunlight to warm the water. C. Pull out aquatic plants growing in the stream to allow oxygen to accumulate. D. Remove dams along the stream to allow the water to flow faster.

3 NGSSS: SC.912.L.17.5 Population Ecology BIOLOGY EOC EXAM PREPARATION #5 Which of the following describes how an abiotic factor can impact the population dynamics in an ecosystem? A. A parasite that invades a host can reproduce and cause a decline in the host species population. B. Organisms that compete for the same resources will keep each other from overpopulating. C. Predators will prevent herbivores from depleting the plants and other resources in an ecosystem. D. Seasonal variations in temperature can cause some of the individuals in a population to die. NGSSS: SC.912.L.17.5 Population Ecology BIOLOGY EOC EXAM PREPARATION #6 If a snake species were introduced to an ecosystem where it had no natural predators, what long-term effect do you predict the snakes would have on the population dynamics of the ecosystem? A. They would breed with native snake species, resulting in an increase in biodiversity in the ecosystem. B. They would compete with native snake species for resources, causing a decline in native snake populations and possibly extinction. C. They would form mutualistic relationships with native snakes, since they would occupy the same niche in the ecosystem. D. They would serve as a food source for predators of native snakes, causing an increase in v native snake populations.

4 NGSSS: SC.912.L.17.5 Population Ecology BIOLOGY EOC EXAM PREPARATION #7 The populations of fish and amphibians in a lake more than 100 miles downwind from a coal- fired power plant suddenly began to decline. Biologists sampled the water in the lake and found that it had a ph of 2.4. What conclusions could the biologists draw from their finding? A. Acid rain that had fallen on the lake had to have come from a pollution source close to the lake. B. Pollutants from the power plant could be making the lake water too alkaline to sup- port life. C. The ph of the lake water was normal, so the decline in fish and amphibian populations had some other cause. D. The lake water had become very acidic, which could be linked to emissions from the distant power plant. NGSSS: SC.912.L.17.5 Population Ecology BIOLOGY EOC EXAM PREPARATION #8 Two species of finches are in competition for the limited resources of an ecosystem. One species eats fruit and the second species eats seeds. If a third species of herbivore finches moves into the area, how will the ecosystem change? A. Resources will be more abundant. B. Water will become more available. C. The climate of the ecosystem will change. D. Fruit and seed resources will become less abundant.

5 NGSSS: SC.912.L.17.5 Population Ecology BIOLOGY EOC EXAM PREPARATION #9 Which environmental factor would cause the greatest decrease in the number of species of plants and animals living in some of the lakes in the United States? A. increase in dissolved oxygen levels B. global warming C. ozone destruction D. acid rain NGSSS: SC.912.L.17.5 Population Ecology BIOLOGY EOC EXAM PREPARATION #10 Zebra mussels are tiny clam-like organisms that strain plankton out of lake water. They attach to piers, boat hulls, pipes, and any other available surface. They prefer attaching to surfaces in water that is 2 to 7 feet deep but have been found at depths of 180 feet in water temperatures ranging from 7 C to 32 C. They live mainly in freshwater with salinities (salt concentrations) of 0.21 to 1.47 parts per thousand (ppt), but they can live in estuaries with salinities up to ppt. Given what is known about the diet of zebra mussels, which variables influence their fundamental niche? A. nearby boats, fish larvae, water salinity, availability of plankton B. water depth, water clarity, availability of plankton, water temperature, water salinity C. water clarity, availability of native mussel species, water temperature, water salinity D. availability of surfaces for attachment, water depth, water salinity, availability of plankton

6 NGSSS: SC.912.L.17.5 Population Ecology BIOLOGY EOC EXAM PREPARATION #11 Constance made the table below during a field investigation on ocean life. Zones Intertidal Neritic Benthic Characteristics of Several Ocean Zones Description Air, sun, and water exposure; crashing waves Water depth less than 200 m; lots of sunlight; relatively warm water Very deep water; no light; cold except near thermal vents that emit heat and chemicals Based on Constance s table, which of the following is a valid conclusion? A. Organisms in the intertidal zone must be able to withstand very cold water. B. There are no producers in the benthic zone that rely on photosynthesis. C. Organisms in the benthic zone must be able to tolerate occasional air exposure. D. The warm water and abundant sunlight in the neritic zone limits the plankton population. NGSSS: SC.912.L.17.5 Population Ecology BIOLOGY EOC EXAM PREPARATION #12 After fires destroyed 793,000 acres of aspen and pine forest in Yellowstone National Park in the unusually dry summer of 1988, biologists were able to study the long-term effects of fire on an ecosystem. The biologists found that the soil after the fire was more fertile and soon gave rise to small plants and new pine trees. What ecological process were the biologists observing? A. biodiversity B. equilibrium C. food web energy flow D. succession

7 NGSSS: SC.912.L.17.5 Population Ecology BIOLOGY EOC EXAM PREPARATION #13 Forest fires can burn down all of the trees and plants living in an area. However, new growth can spring from the decaying organic matter left behind. What is the gradual, sequential regrowth of a community of species after a forest fire? A. adaptation B. pioneer succession C. primary succession D. secondary succession NGSSS: SC.912.L.17.5 Population Ecology BIOLOGY EOC EXAM PREPARATION #14 A biologist compares how different ecosystems undergo succession. She divides the series of events that happen during primary succession and secondary succession into three different stages. Which feature might be used to distinguish secondary succession from primary succession? A. the lack of pioneer species in the second stage B. the presence of pioneer species in the final stage C. the presence of trees and large plants in the final stage D. the presence of soil and organic matter in the first stage

8 NGSSS: SC.912.L.17.9 Energy in Ecosystems BIOLOGY EOC EXAM PREPARATION #1 A team of ecologists observed feeding patterns of several populations in the desert. The energy pyramid shown below depicts the feeding patterns the ecologists observed. Which of the following best explains the difference in the amount of available energy in the trophic levels of the desert ecosystem? A. There is less energy available in the producers because their tissues are less dense than those at higher trophic levels. B. There is more energy available in the second trophic level because less energy is needed for hunting compared to the higher trophic levels. C. There is more available energy in the birds of prey because they have greater muscle mass for storing energy than organisms in lower trophic levels have. D. There is less available energy in the fourth trophic level because of the loss of energy through metabolism in each of the lower trophic levels. NGSSS: SC.912.L.17.9 Energy in Ecosystems BIOLOGY EOC EXAM PREPARATION #2 What is the function of autotrophs in the carbon cycle? A. to use oxygen to produce glucose B. to take in excess water C. to use carbon dioxide to produce glucose D. to feed on herbivores

9 NGSSS: SC.912.L.17.9 Energy in Ecosystems BIOLOGY EOC EXAM PREPARATION #3 Very rarely do ecosystems contain more than four trophic levels, because there is not enough energy to support more. In which trophic level is there the least energy available? A. producer B. primary consumer C. tertiary consumer D. secondary consumer NGSSS: SC.912.L.17.9 Energy in Ecosystems BIOLOGY EOC EXAM PREPARATION #4 Kerry drew the following food chain in her science notebook. plants grasshoppers rats owls How would the grasshoppers be classified in this food chain? A. producer B. primary consumer C. tertiary consumer D. secondary consumer

10 NGSSS: SC.912.L Human Impact on the Environment BIOLOGY EOC EXAM PREPARATION #1 Human expansion often has a negative impact on the environment. However, these effects can be minimized to achieve sustainability. Which of the following best describes an action that will help meet this goal? A. Allowing new construction only in areas that are not near fresh water supplies B. Fining companies that use nonrenewable resources to operate C. Monitoring environmental systems to learn how human activities affect them D. Growing large quantities of the same crop in a given field each year. NGSSS: SC.912.L Human Impact on the Environment BIOLOGY EOC EXAM PREPARATION #2 The choices that humans make every day affect the environment. Sometimes, our lifestyles can harm the environment rather than protect it. Which of the following would be most helpful in protecting the environment and achieving sustainability? A. Buying paper products made from harvested trees B. Buying fewer mass produced products C. Using natural gas as a fuel source instead of petroleum D. Using solar power to generate electricity

11 NGSSS: SC.912.L Human Impact on the Environment BIOLOGY EOC EXAM PREPARATION #3 The activities that take place to meet human needs can often be harmful to ecosystems. By developing sustainable practices, however, we can help protect our environment. Which of the following changes would be most helpful in reaching sustainability? A. Building more water treatment facilities B. Planting trees to replace those that are cut down by logging C. Tilling soil to improve soil fertility and increase crop production D. Using natural gas for fuel instead of burning petroleum NGSSS: SC.912.L Human Impact on the Environment BIOLOGY EOC EXAM PREPARATION #4 Before implementing any one solution to an environmental problem, scientists first analyze collected data to predict the consequences of the different possible solutions. Why is it important to perform such a risk analysis before taking action? A. It can prevent the environmental problem from ever occurring in any other unrelated area. B. It can convince the public that there is no need to waste money on follow-up investigations. C. It can help officials avoid or prepare for any negative effects associated with a plan of action. D. It can solve the environmental problem without the need of public education or political action

12 NGSSS: SC.912.L Human Impact on the Environment BIOLOGY EOC EXAM PREPARATION #5 Carbon dioxide is released when people burn fuel. It is also used by plants during photosynthesis. Why is carbon dioxide then considered an air pollutant? A. Too much carbon dioxide can lead to illness in humans. B. Carbon dioxide can cause undesirable changes in climate. C. Carbon dioxide is responsible for changes in the ozone layer. D. Carbon dioxide can mix with other gases to cause air pollution. NGSSS: SC.912.L Human Impact on the Environment BIOLOGY EOC EXAM PREPARATION #6 The construction of a new coal-burning power plant would have the greatest impact on which environmental issue? A. depletion of the ozone B. production of acid rain C. release of radiation D. increase in deforestation

13 NGSSS: SC.912.L Human Impact on the Environment BIOLOGY EOC EXAM PREPARATION #7 If worldwide deforestation is not regulated, what could most likely result? A. Acid rain could lower the ph of rivers and lakes to dangerous levels for aquatic life. B. CO2 levels in the atmosphere could increase and contribute to global warming problems. C. Plants and animals could become better adapted to living in desert conditions. D. Future generations of humans could have an excess of wood and paper products. NGSSS: SC.912.L Human Impact on the Environment BIOLOGY EOC EXAM PREPARATION #8 The tropical rain forests have been called the lungs of the planet. They take huge quantities of carbon dioxide from the atmosphere during photosynthesis and give off large quantities of oxygen. Vast tracts of tropical rain forests are being cleared for farms by people cutting down and burning the trees. Which of the following is the best hypothesis about the effect that rain forest destruction may have on atmospheric carbon dioxide levels? A. Rain forest destruction will not influence overall carbon dioxide levels, because it will affect only areas around the equator. B. Any carbon dioxide added to the atmosphere because of rain forest destruction will fall into the oceans and be used in building coral reefs. C. Cutting down rain forest trees will decrease atmospheric carbon dioxide levels, because plants give off carbon dioxide as a result of cellular respiration. D. Cutting down trees, which take carbon dioxide from the atmosphere, and burning the trees, which adds carbon dioxide to the atmosphere, will increase atmospheric carbon dioxide levels.

14 NGSSS: SC.912.L Human Impact on the Environment BIOLOGY EOC EXAM PREPARATION #9 Sustainable agriculture is farming that remains productive and profitable while still conserving natural resources. Which of the following is an example of a sustainable agriculture practice? A. preventing cattle from ever grazing on pastures B. removing all manure from pastures where cattle graze C. allowing cattle to graze over an entire pasture year round D. rotating parts of a pasture on which cattle get to graze throughout the year NGSSS: SC.912.L Human Impact on the Environment BIOLOGY EOC EXAM PREPARATION #10 The world s population exceeded 6 billion in October 1999, and the annual increase is now about 94 million people. About 260,000 people are added to the world population each day, or about 180 every minute. Which of the following is not a result of the increasing human population? A. fewer old-growth forests B. more stress on natural resources such as water C. increased carrying capacity of many ecosystems D. less undeveloped land available for animal habitats

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