Public Scoping Meeting September 24, 2008

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1 Public Scoping Meeting September 24, 2008 Santa Monica-Malibu Malibu Unified School District

2 History of Proposed Project Approved in 1998, Proposition X, a Capital Improvement Program for SMMUSD The District identified new construction needs at MMHS In 2002/2003, Measure X projects were constructed on the MMHS campus 12 new classrooms 2 science labs All weather track and athletic field Auditorium space Reconstructed faculty parking lot Approved in 2006, Measure BB provided funds for a subsequent schematic design for MMHS (the proposed project)

3 Measure BB Bond In 2006, the voters of Santa Monica and Malibu passed the Measure BB Bond A $268 million school construction and renovation bond for SMMUSD Measure BB provides funding for needed District-wide improvements and renovations Approximately 33.4 million dollars of funding allocated to improve and renovate the Malibu Middle and High School campuses

4 Project Objectives Redevelop the Malibu Middle and High Schools to create a memorable campus; Enhance the overall learning environment at the campus, including integration of sustainable design principles; Replace temporary relocatable classrooms with state-of-the-art permanent classrooms that will foster high quality instruction in a safe and sound environment; Provide for better identify for the Middle School by restructuring the campus circulation, buildings and open space; Provide enhanced athletic and recreational opportunities for both the campus and Malibu communities; Improve campus circulation, including drop-off and pick-up areas, as well as an increase in parking; Provide in new buildings and update remaining buildings with current fire and life safety systems and technology infrastructure; Remove asbestos from existing buildings; Provide a reconstructed library and administration offices that meet the District s Standards and the schools needs; and Expand the library to include computer services.

5 Components of the Proposed Project New 2-story Library Building (existing library would be demolished) New 2-story Administrative Office Building (existing Admin. Building would be demolished) Convert Building E from Middle School Classrooms to High School Classrooms (3 new science laboratories and 21 new classrooms) Remove Relocatable Classrooms New 110-space parking area with emergency access to track and field Reconfigured 57-space drop-off and pick-up areas; coordinated with Cabrillo Elementary School Resurfaced athletic field with synthetic turf, including concession stand New permanent athletic field lighting system Development of the previously-approved concrete bleachers 2 new Tennis Courts Upgraded ventilation in Competition Gym locker rooms New High School Commons (replaces 3 re-locatable classrooms) Upgraded campus sewer/septic system as necessary Upgraded fire and life safety systems Upgraded technology infrastructure








13 California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) All projects within the State of California are required to undergo environmental review to determine the environmental impacts associated with implementation of the project Informs the public and decision makers about the project and about the potential environmental impacts Identifies feasible ways to avoid or reduce potential impacts Discloses any Significant and Unavoidable Impacts Provides an opportunity for the public and local/state agencies to comment on the environmental issues

14 CEQA PROCESS: EIR Initial Study/Notice of Preparation Opportunity for Public Comment Opportunity for Public Comment Opportunity for Public Comment Initial Study/Notice of Preparation Comment Period Scoping Meeting (Optional) Draft EIR Draft EIR Comment Period State Clearinghouse Review Final EIR/Responses to Comments Review of Responses by Commenting Public Agencies Certification of Final EIR Approval of Project, Adoption of Findings, Mitigation Monitoring Plan, & Statement of Overriding Considerations (if Applicable)

15 Overview of CEQA Process Publish Notice of Preparation/Initial Study Extended 45-day public review period (9/12/08 to 10/27/08) Scoping Meeting 9/24/08 (public input) Prepare & Publish Draft EIR 45-day public review period Public Meeting (public input) Prepare & Publish Responses to Comments/Final EIR Present the Final EIR to the Board of Education for Certification District s Board adopts Findings District s Board adopts a Mitigation Measures and Monitoring Program District s Board Adopts a Statement of Overriding Considerations, if necessary District s Board adopts Project

16 Types of Impacts Identified in Initial Study No Impact: A designation of No Impact is given when no adverse changes in the environment are expected; not to be studied further in the EIR Less-than-Significant: A Less-than-Significant impact would cause no substantial adverse change in the environment; not to be studied further in the EIR Less-than-Significant Impact with Mitigation Incorporated: A Less-than- Significant Impact with Mitigation Incorporated would have a substantial adverse impact on the environment but could be reduced to a less-than-significant level with incorporation of mitigation measure(s); not to be studied further in the EIR Potentially Significant: A Potentially Significant impact may cause significant adverse effects on the environment requiring mitigation, and will be studied in an environmental impact report.

17 Initial Study Findings: No Impact The Project will have No Impact on: Agricultural Resources Mineral Resources Population and Housing Public Services These issues area will not be further studied in the EIR

18 Initial Study Findings: Less-Than-Significant with Mitigation Incorporated The proposed project will have a Less-than-Significant with Mitigation Incorporated impact on: Cultural Resources o The potential exists for archeological and/or paleontological resources to be encountered during earth moving activities. Mitigation would require monitoring of construction activities by a qualified professional archaeologist and requiring the scientific recovery and evaluation of cultural resources encountered. o Construction activities could unearth previously undiscovered human remains. Mitigation would ensure appropriate examination, treatment, and protection of human remains. This issue area will not be further studied in the EIR

19 Initial Study Findings: Potentially Significant Impacts The proposed project would have a Potentially Significant impact on: Aesthetics Air Quality Biological Resources Cultural Resources Geology and Soils Hazards and Hazardous Materials Hydrology and Water Quality Land Use and Planning Noise Recreation and Parks Transportation and Traffic Utilities and Service Systems These issue areas will be further analyzed in the EIR

20 Studies to be Prepared Air Quality Study Biological Resources Study Geotechnical and Soils Report Historic Resources Evaluation Reports Noise Study Phase I Environmental Screening Report Sewer/Septic System Capacity Study Traffic Study

21 Construction Schedule

22 Initial Study Repositories Malibu Middle and High School Library, Morning View Drive, Malibu CA Santa Monica Malibu Unified School District, th Street, Santa Monica, CA In addition, the NOP and the Initial Study are available online at the SMMUSD website (

23 Thank You