Urban Air Pollution - European Aspects

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1 Urban Air Pollution - European Aspects

2 ENVIRONMENTAL POLLUTION VOLUME 1 Editors Brian J. Alloway, Department of Soil Science, The University of Reading, U.K. Jack T. Trevors, Departm ent of Environmental Biology, University of Guelph, Ontario, Canada. Editorial Board T. Ander son, The Institute ofenvironmental and Human Health, Texas Tech University, Lubbo ck, U.S.A. T.H. Christensen, Department of Environmental Science and Engineering, Danish Technical University, Lyngby, Denmark 1. Colbeck, Institute for Environmental Research, Department ofbiological Sciences, University ofessex, Colchester, U.K. K.C. Jones, Institute ofenvironmental and Natural Sciences, Lancaster University, U.K. S. Parry, T.H. Huxley School of Environment, Earth Sciences and Engineering, Imperial College at Silwood Park, Ascot, Berks, U.K. W. Salomons, GKSS Research Center, Geesthacht, Germany

3 Urban Air Pollution European Aspects edited by Jes Fenger, Ole Hertel and Finn Palmgren National Environmental Research Institute, Roskilde, Denmark Springer-Science+Business Media, B.Y:

4 Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data Urban a Ir pollut Ion : European aspects I ed Ited by Jes Fenger. Ole Hertel. and F Inn Pa l~gren. p. c~. - - ( E n v l r o n ~ e n t al pol lut 1on) Inc ludes Index. 1. Alr--Pollut 1on--Europe. 2. Urbanlzatlon--Env 1ron~ental aspects--europe. 3. Alr--Pollutlon--Govern~ent po l lcy--europe. I. Fenger. J. (J es ) II. Her t e l. Ole. III. Pal~gren. F inn. IV. Ser Ies : Envlron~ental pollut ion (Dor dr echt. Netherlands) TD883.7.E85U ' dc ISBN ISBN (ebook) DOI / Printed on acid-free paper All Rights Reserved 1998 Springer Science+Business Media Dordrecht Originally published by Kluwer Academic Publi shers in Softcover reprint ofthe hardcover Ist edition 1998 No part of the material protected by this copyright notice may be reproduced or util ized in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording or by any information storage and retrieval system, without written permission from the copyright owner

5 TABLE OF CONTENTS I II III IV PREFACE STATEMENT OF THE PROBLEM 1 About the Book Jes Fenger, Ole Hertel, Finn Palmgren 2 History of Urban Air Pollution Peter Brimblecombe 3 Europe and its Cities Knut E. Grenskei URBAN SOURCES OF AIR POLLUTION 4 Stationary Sources Jan E. Johnsson 5 Mobile Sources Zissis Samaras, Spencer C. Sorensen 6 Emission Inventories Rainer Friedrich, Uwe-Bernd Schwarz BASIC ATMOSPHERIC PHENOMENA 7 Dynamical and Thermal Processes Knut E. Grenskei 8 Transformation of Air Pollutants RichardG. Derwent, Ole Hertel 9 Particles Helmuth Horvath AIR POLLUTION MODELLING VII Regional/Mesoscale Models 177 George Kallos 11 Urban Scale Models 197 PatriceG. Mestayer 12 Street Scale Models 223 Ruwim Berkowicz 13 Stochastic Models 253 O/fHerbarth, UweSchlink, Matthias Richter 14 Wind Tunnel Experiments 261 MichaelSchatzmann, Stylianos Rafailidis, Nijs Jan Duijm

6 vi V AIR QUALITY MEASUREMENTS Measuring Techniques 279 Ivo Allegrini 16 Monitoring Networks and Air Quality Management Systems 297 Steinar Larssen 17 Quality Assurance and Quality Control 317 Steinar Larssen, Costas Helmis VI VII IMPACTS OF URBAN AIR POLLUTION 18 Health Impacts OlfHerbarth 19 Materials Damage Johan Tidblad, Vladimir Kucera 20 Impacts on Urban Vegetation and Ecosystems Mike Ashmore 21 Reduction of Visibility Helmuth Horvath POLICIES, LEGISLATION - AND A FINAL OVERVIEW Policies to Reduce Urban Air Pollution 387 Susanne Krawack 23 Air Quality Indicators 403 Peter Wiederkehr, Seung-Joon Yoon 24 Limit Values 419 Lynne Edwards 25 Air Pollution in European Cities - an Overview 433 Laszlo Bozo. Hans Eerens, Steinar Larssen; Millan M Millan, Nicolas Moussiopoulos, Sophia Papalexiou, Zissis Samaras (Compiled and edited by the editors) 26 Summary and Conclusions 465 Jes Fenger, Ole Hertel, Finn Palmgren INDEX 471

7 VII PREFACE The present book treats the various aspects of urban air pollution with the emphasis on European cities. It is aimed at university students at graduate level, but it should also be useful for technical experts in international, governmental and municipal institutions, in private consulting companies, and in non-governmental organisations. The individual chapters are written by European experts in the various fields, only edited to give a comprehensive presentation. The viewpoints expressed by the authors are their personal ones and they do not necessarily represent the official opinion of their respective institutions. In several cases the authors received material and other information from colleagues. This is here gratefully acknowledged. The project was initiated within the COST CITAIR - Programme "Science and Research for Better Air in European Cities". COST is a framework for scientific and technical co-operation, allowing the co-ordination of national research on a European level. Many of the authors were recruited via this programme, and the workshops and collaboration, which the programme involved, provided much useful information and collaboration. The general structure and level of the book were planned at a Workshop in Copenhagen in February This workshop was financed by the Danish National Science Research Council (Ministry of Research and Information Technology) and the Danish Transport Council (Ministry of Transport). The preparation of a camera-ready manuscript from a pile of contributions requires a considerable effort in layout and redrawing of figures in order to produce a homogeneous product. The editors thank the Tuborg Foundation for providing the necessary financial means. Last, but not least, we thank our own institution, The National Environmental Research Institute (Ministry of Environment and Energy), for providing excellent working conditions - including the invaluable collaboration with the Graphic Design Centre (Beatrix Rauch, Britta Munter and Jennifer Aas) and the secretariat at the Department for Atmospheric Environment (Pernille Carlsson, Helle Rosvang Fomsgaard and Bodil Chemnitz). Roskilde, Denmark, September 1998 Jes Fenger Ole Hertel Finn Palmgren