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1 TOWN OF LADYSMITH SUSTAINABILITY INITIATIVES Updated April Named one of Canada's Greenest Employers for Completed first agreement and connection for shared infrastructure and servicing with the Stz uminus First Nation. Composting on-site at Public Works, producing soil for use in Town parks. Exploring options for expanding composting of municipal bio-solids. Participating in the Cowichan Communities Health Network. Updating the Town s Waterfront Area Plan to align with Sustainability Vision. Educating the public on our Community Water Supply system. Partnering with Regional District and neighbouring communities to promote Annual Water Restrictions in effect May 1 October 31. Making Open for Business & Development a Strategic Priority for the year Reviewing Heritage Strategic Plan to align with Sustainability Vision. Planning to develop a Master Transportation Plan (traffic study). Establishing more paved bike lanes, pedestrian sidewalk maintenance and lighting. Partnering with ICBC to install new pedestrian sidewalks. Partnering with local sports club for restoration of Holland Creek Planning to develop a municipal fleet inventory. Upgrading the Town s drinking water system to include water filtration. Constructing secondary waste water treatment plant for completion this year. Developing a Zero Waste Plan in co-operation with the CVRD. Progressing with Parks, Recreation & Culture Master Plan for completion this year. Supporting the 10% shift buy local program. Working on the Partnership for an Economically Diverse Community. Working with the Province and private company to promote opportunities for local businesses to calculate their carbon footprint and become carbon neutral. Supporting the green economy through economic development strategy. Maintaining Carbon Neutral operation. Publishing Sustainability Action Plan and Annual Progress Reports on website. Exploring alternative forms of energy with Provincial and Regional Governments. Working with CVRD on protection of wetland and watershed areas. Pursuing grants to advance implementation of more costly aspects of the Sustainability Action Plan. Participating in Regional air quality improvements including smoking and burning bylaws. Installing Solar PV Panels, low energy fixtures, reclaimed water system at sewer treatment plant. Encouraging local employment through target sector marketing. Addressing needs for next 50 years, including climate change impact to support the Water Supply study.

2 2015 Earth Day tree program and invasive species control- for a healthy green space community. Using Town property to grow food. Local food security. Extending Town s low-flush toilet rebate program - $75 reimbursed per eligible toilet replacement. Supporting and participating in a watershed roundtable with local & surrounding community members. Participating in Earth Hour, Earth Day and Blue Dot activities. Working with senior levels of government to address issues for remediating Ladysmith Harbour. Supporting home based businesses by producing a Homebased Business Guide Creating community partnerships with local organizations. Named one of Canada's Greenest Employers for Implementing shared infrastructure and servicing with the Stz uminus First Nation. On-site composting at Public Works, producing soil for use in Town parks. Adopted Davis Suzuki Foundation Blue Dot Initiative and Declaration of the Right to a Healthy Environment. Participating in the Cowichan Communities Health Network. Planning for update to Town s Waterfront Area Plan to align with Sustainability Vision. Reviewing Heritage Strategic Plan to align with Sustainability Vision. Planning to develop a Master Transportation Plan. Establishing more paved bike lanes, pedestrian sidewalk maintenance and lighting. Planning to develop a municipal fleet inventory. Upgrading the Town s drinking water system to include water filtration. Constructing secondary waste water treatment plant. Developed a Zero Waste Plan in co-operation with the CVRD. Ongoing assessment of community recreation & gap analysis. Expanded the 10% shift buy local program. Worked on the Partnership for an Economically Diverse Community. Promoted opportunities for local businesses to calculate their carbon footprint and become carbon neutral. Supported the green economy through economic development strategy. Maintained Carbon Neutral operation. Published the Sustainability Action Plan and Annual Progress Report on website. Explored alternative forms of energy with Provincial and Regional Governments. Worked with CVRD on protection of wetland and watershed areas. Pursued grants to advance implementation of more costly aspects of the Sustainability Action Plan. Participated in Regional air quality improvements including smoking and burning bylaws. Installed Solar PV Panels, low energy fixtures, reclaimed water system at sewer treatment plant. Encouraged local employment through target sector marketing.

3 2014 Water supply study established and addressing needs for next 50 years, including climate change impact. Educated the public on our Community Water Supply system. Earth Day tree program and invasive species - for a healthy green space community. Use of Town property to grow food. Local food security. Extended Town s low-flush toilet rebate program - $75 reimbursed per eligible toilet replacement. Co-hosted a social enterprise presentation with Chamber of Commerce. Lead agency in establishing a watershed management committee. Participated in Earth Day and Blue Dot activities. Named one of Canada's Greenest Employers for Featured on Shaw s go! Island for green initiatives: Signed agreement with Stz uminus First Nations to commence providing water which will lead to safer water for their community Extended Town s low-flush toilet rebate program - $75 reimbursed per eligible toilet replacement. Adopted Development Permit Area guidelines to promote energy conservation, water conservation and the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions. Hosted a local water balance model training workshop for subdivision, development and building departments. Participated in regional sustainability initiatives in watershed management, aquifer protection, invasive species management, affordable housing, etc. Worked with local logging companies to design cuts to minimize road building and impact on water courses. Reforested Gourlay-Janes Park with evergreen trees in partnership with local Girl Guides of Canada. Arranged donation of 350 sapling trees for school children to plant for Earth Day. Participated as member of regional committee to host regional Earth Day event which included a booth for the Town to profile activities at the event. Created a new garden at Spirit square for vegetable planting for the local food bank. Completed Energy upgrades to Frank Jameson Community Centre high efficiency boilers installed for main and oasis swimming pools, high efficiency boilers installed for domestic hot water at FJCC. Exterior lighting upgrades to LED, interior lighting upgrades including occupancy sensors added to various rooms, pool and gymnasium. High efficiency heat pump replaced old AHU for the second floor. Digital Control System connected to all heating and air conditioning equipment along with pool mechanical room boilers; allowing to set schedules and monitor energy usage. Energy upgrades to Aggie Hall - New gas fired heaters installed to replace 20 year old units. Energy upgrades to Public Works buildings - High efficiency boiler installed servicing entire public works building.

4 2013 Energy upgrades to Forrest Field & Aggie Sports Fields Light control system upgraded, allowing further controls for sport field lighting. On-site composting at Public Works. Installed weather station at Public Works to monitor weather and optimize water sprinkling. Actively pursued acquisition of watershed lands. Hosted Island Watershed Conference. Developed a new Zoning Bylaw that includes regulations to support energy efficiency in building design (e.g. solar panels), infill development in serviced neighbourhoods, and local food production. Sidewalk assessment completed. Named one of Canada's Greenest Employers for Launched a new Evr-Green Dual Port Level 2 Electric Vehicle Charging Station for public use. Worked with private logging company to move towards Town ownership of its watershed. Installed weather sensitive watering system to conserve water in park. Commenced a significant upgrade to the Sewage Treatment Plant. Held Public Works education day, including a water education component. Commenced water upgrade improvement. Commenced service with BC Transit. Completed Community Sustainability Implementation Plan. Shell Midden re-location at Sewage Treatment Plant protecting environment, while respecting First Nation cultural significance of site. Awarded Carbon Action Grant. Resurfaced spray park with rubber surface funded by Tire Stewardship BC. Completed tree planting at Sewage Treatment Plant Site. Bonus density provisions were used to secure energy efficient buildings as part of higher density rezoning proposals. Community amenity contributions were used to secure water and energy savings in new developments. Protected riparian areas both by covenant registration and land acquisition as part of development permit issuance and rezoning proposals. Worked on extending the Town s low-flush toilet rebate program to include washing machines. Parks, Recreation & Culture communication plan rolled out including: new Active Living Guide, E-newsletter, increased social media presence, online ALG viewer. Developing a new Zoning Bylaw that will include regulations to support energy efficiency in building design (e.g. solar panels) and infill development in serviced neighbourhoods and local food production Completed an energy audit at Frank Jameson Community Centre, in conjunction with Fortis and BC Hydro. Reduced number of print jobs by ing program receipts to patrons at Frank Jameson Community Centre and nearly 90% of staff receive deposit slips via .

5 2012 Changed format of Active Living Guide to reduce paper usage. Named one of Canada's Greenest Employers for Achieved LEED Gold Certification - Ladysmith Community Services Centre. Undertook watershed protection initiatives with private forest land owners. Commenced development of a new Zoning Bylaw with a focus on greening development. Completed a new multi-use pathway (pedestrians and cyclists) connecting neighbourhoods and job centres. Community reduced most percentage of power on Vancouver Island during Earth Hour 2012 First on Vancouver Island and third overall in BC. Partnered with the Chamber of Commerce and Ladysmith Downtown Business Association in the creation and promotion of a local 10% Shift campaign: to support a shift of ten percent of household spending to local goods and services and locally owned business. Commenced use of Tree-Free paper at City Hall. Completed Phase 2: Preliminary Site Investigation (environmental study) for Townowned development land. Adopted a Development Cost Charge Incentive Bylaw for development with low environmental impact (very low water use). Adopted density for amenity zoning where the amenity is the development of highly energy efficient buildings (EnerGuide 80). Supported upgrades to the Regional recycling depot located within the Town. Implemented Residential Cooking Oil recycling program. Extended Toilet rebate program. Low Flush Hydraulic Energy recovery feature on water supply system. Held Public Works education Day including a water education component for school children. Mayor and City Manager presented at 5 th Building Sustainable Communities Conference in Kelowna Worked with Stz uminus First Nation to develop agreements that will lead to safer water for their community. Signed agreement in Completed Liquid Waste Management Plan and commenced construction of improvements to sewer treatment plant. Worked with Community Leaders and Provincial Sustainability champions, developed monitoring and reporting indicators for Community Sustainability Implementation Plan. Applied for Tire Stewardship BC Grant to resurface spray park with recycled tire product. Director of Infrastructure Services toured Bioenergy Plants with Provincial representatives. Participated with Green Teams from Vancouver Island Health Authority to share best practices. Re-printed 10,000 tourism-related brochures on 100% FSC certified recycled paper.

6 2011 Donated approximately 300 lbs. of produce to the local food bank from Town of Ladysmith gardens Installed battery recycling containers at Town worksites. Installed low-flow toilets, self-flushing urinals, touchless (automatic on/off) and energy efficient low electronic ballast lights at Aggie Hall. Incorporated an updated Riparian Development Permit Area into the OCP to protect the natural environment, ecosystems, and biological diversity of fish bearing and non-fish bearing riparian areas. Incorporated a Sustainable Development Checklist into the Development Procedures Bylaw that aligns the Community s Vision with development projects and proposals in Ladysmith. Incorporated bicycle friendly policies into the OCP and a bicycle parking option (in place of vehicle parking) in the Zoning Bylaw for larger development proposals. Amended the Building and Plumbing Bylaw to require that new residential buildings constructed in Ladysmith be made Solar Hot Water Ready. Commenced pilot project with BigBelly solar compactors on First Avenue to reduce Greenhouse Gases and save operating expenses for garbage pick-up. Built the Ladysmith Community Services Centre building to LEED Silver standard. Assisted with the hosting of 'Climate Smart for Business' which assisted Ladysmith businesses to learn about climate change, count GHG emissions, and develop custom strategies for energy savings. Zoning Bylaw amended to permit secondary suites within single family dwellings as an element of complete community land use. New Development Cost Charge Bylaws were adopted that provide incentives to projects in Ladysmith's Downtown (as development with lower environmental impact) which supports the Ladysmith Vision. New Town website launched with resources for residents and developers about the Ladysmith Vision and sustainability practices Adopted Ladysmith Bicycle Plan to make Ladysmith an even more bike-friendly community. Implemented OCP amendments that identify GHG reduction targets and an energy vision for Ladysmith. Named a BC Solar Community and received funds to help develop and expand solar power programs. Adopted the Civic Green Building Policy which sets LEED Silver as the standard for all new municipal buildings over 465 sq. m. and incorporates sustainable building practices into all buildings under this threshold. Supported the Community Gardens on High Street to improve local food production opportunities. New water rate structure implemented to further increase conservation among residential users. Received BC Hydro grant that will result in a decrease in energy usage by 25,655 kilowatt hours, save the Town approximately $1900 a year and have a payback of approximately 40 years.

7 Celebrated the 25,000 th car free trip on the Ladysmith Trolley. Donated approximately pounds of vegetables from Town gardens to the Ladysmith Food Bank. Carried out lighting and ventilation upgrades at the Frank Jameson Community Centre to improve air quality, decrease energy costs and provide an enhanced visitor experience. Secured funding from Tree Canada for planting of trees. Completed the artificial turf playing field that does not require irrigation, pesticides, fertilizer or mowing. Published Community Sustainability Visioning Report. Commenced Ladysmith Trolley Service free public transit to reduce dependence on vehicles within the Town. Updated Official Community Plan to include Visioning input and Community Energy Plan objectives. Developed Sustainability section on Town website. Implemented Environment Commission Strategic Plan. Implemented Employee Green Team initiatives to reduce consumption and increase awareness, including growing vegetables in Town flower beds. Built partnerships with Stz'uminus First Nations on sustainability issues. Developed Tree Protection Bylaw. Facilitated Global Staff Training on waste reduction, increased staff awareness and engagement on sustainability opportunities in each department. Installed solar hot water heater at City Hall. Commenced process to revitalize Ladysmith waterfront assessment underway. Received a Canadian Institute of Planners 2009 Award for Planning Excellence for the Ladysmith Sustainability Visioning Initiative. Established an Environmental Commission made up of citizens. Community Energy Plan completed. Decided to install artificial turf field to reduce water use. Collaborated with local developers to brand Ladysmith as a destination green, including potential features such as a car sharing co-operative, mixed-use buildings, green buildings, permeable paving, geothermal heating currently working on the necessary infrastructure with the provincial government and First Nations. Worked with Province, First Nations, and Private Development to incorporate green development into the waterfront with a focus on harbour clean-up (Brownfield site). Reviewed Development Cost Charges with an objective in the policy to use Development cost charges (DCCs) as incentives/disincentives to achieve sustainability goals. Reclaimed water from water park for use in park toilets. Installed waterless urinals in Transfer Beach washrooms. Received funding and implemented improvements in watershed water quality

8 Received funding to improve wastewater treatment strategy. Fleet anti-idling program launched. Received funding and support to develop the Food Security Plan in Ladysmith Established an Employee Green Team to reduce consumption and raise staff awareness. Completed Community Sustainability Visioning Process with citizens. Introduced low flow toilet rebate. Fundraised and planned for public transit service in Town Undertook investigation of bio-diesel for fleet use. Installed ozone in community indoor pool, reducing water use with less frequent water replacement. Joined BC Hydro Turn it Off Challenge Won Community Excellence Award from UBCM for Organic Recycling program. Won FCM Award for Sustainable Communities Organic Recycling program. Purchased first Hybrid Vehicle for municipal fleet. Received funding for Ladysmith Recreation Centre Energy Savings Project. Council approved local community garden project and application for funding for a community gathering area nearby to encourage local food production. Commenced moisture monitoring and soil enhancement to further reduce water use in municipal parks. Investigated feasibility of sewage heat transfer to generate power with intent to work with BC Hydro with findings. Commenced participation in CVRD Zero Waste Initiative: Received funding from Community Action on Energy and Emissions to inventory corporate greenhouse gases and create Community Energy Plan. Received Infrastructure Planning Grant to create Community Energy Plan. Carbon Neutral Plan adopted in Climate Action Charter Commenced organic waste curb side collection. Received Recycling Council of BC Public Sector Recognition Award. Held Public awareness events with Council attending the Home Show and Staff visiting school classrooms to educate on organics collection. Implemented water metering, reducing water consumption consistently despite population growth. Water park built with holding tank to reclaim water for landscape and field irrigation. Construction of a covered reservoir-safe water supply. Established Ladysmith as an Active Community by encouraging active rather than vehicle transportation the Town won several challenges with City of Nanaimo, School Board and Library Board on walking with pedometers. Staff and Council commenced investigation into what it means to be a sustainable community (Natural Step training, Guy Dauncy, Integrated Community Sustainability Training, investigation of best practises in other communities).

9 2005 Bylaw adopted mandating low flush toilets in new buildings. Installed low flush toilet in City Hall. Held watershed awareness events and started working with CVRD to acquire lands in the watershed. Commenced use of native low-drought plantings and turf program pilot project to reduce residential and municipal water use in consultation with local contractor Completed Strategic Plan and Vision for Ladysmith. Strategic directions include Effective Land Use Planning and Community Design, Responsible Stewardship of the Environment, Safe and Healthy Community. Sybertech garbage containers added to areas that do not need a lot of attention, this stops the week to week visits and composts garbage over 2-3 months before picking up the garbage and earlier Curb side collection of recyclables implemented (first to do so in the Cowichan Valley Regional District). Municipal buildings converted from oil to natural gas heating. Outdoor burning ban implemented at higher standard than CVRD Town was first to ban outdoor burning and land clearing. Watering restrictions implemented for residents. Energy audit completed on fire hall and recreation centre and implementation of recommendations. Installed roundabout in major intersection, reducing idling and increasing safety. Pasteurized sludge for use fertilizing municipal parks. Completed Holland Creek, Stocking Lake, and Heart Lake Trails a complete trail system around our town. Implemented Green Street Program planting of trees on all municipal roads (ongoing). Bike paths established throughout the community bicycle route identified and signage installed. Completed Official Community Plan calling for the promotion of environmental stewardship, managed orderly growth and integrated approach to land management, sustainable and active transportation, riparian area protection established, call for alternative development standards that promote service, reduced water infiltration into sanitary sewer service, reduced reliance on vehicles, encouragement of complete neighbourhoods.