Yes No Comment. Have you had an energy audit done on your home? Energy audits: If yes, can you share some of the findings?

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1 ENERGY As energy costs continue to increase, energy conservation practices offer an opportunity to make wise environmental decisions that are also good for your budget. The following questions are designed to help you understand your energy usage and identify areas for improvement. Energy audits: Have you had an energy audit done on your home? If yes, can you share some of the findings? If no, do you know what organizations can offer audits if you choose to do one in the future? Monitoring energy usage: Do you currently review your energy bills in detail, and/or track your usage month to month? Do you use a monitoring device or website to track your energy usage? Heating/Air Conditioning Do you have programmable thermostats in your home? If yes, what temperature do you have it set for during Winter (Heating) Waking hours: Sleeping hours: Hours not at home: Do you have multiple heating/cooling zones in your home? If yes, do you heat/cool each zone/room according to the hours it is used? Are you participating in a power company energy management program (e.g., remote control of air conditioners or water heaters)? Lighting usage Do you use CFL bulbs in your lighting fixtures? Do you use LED bulbs in any of your lighting fixtures? Do you have indoor lighting on motion detectors? Do you have lighting on timers? Do you routinely turn-off lights when room is not in use? Appliances: Was your refrigerator made before 2001? Do you look for the ENERGY STAR certification when purchasing appliances for your home? Do you have multiple refrigerators/freezers that you could combine together? What temperature do you have your hot water heater set at? Do you remove your window-mounted air-conditioners in the winter? Electronics: Do you shut off all electronic equipment overnight or when not in use? When computers and other equipment are intentionally left on do you keep them in standby mode when not in use? Do you have electronics on that are not needed, e.g., clocks in guest Summer (Air Conditioning) Waking hours: Sleeping hours: Hours not at home:

2 rooms? Other: Are there areas of your home in need of insulation or weatherstripping i.e., around doors, and around/in between windows? Do you use/purchase renewable energy? If yes, please describe Does your House of Worship encourage you to conserve energy? If yes, please describe how Stewardship Audit Personal Questionnaire FOOD Scientists have agreed that food choices are among the most important environmental choices made by the average US/Canadian citizen. From vegetarian meals to Fair Trade coffee to organic produce, there are many ways to purchase food that both delights the palate and is good for your conscience. The following questions are designed to help you understand your food consumption and identify areas for improvement. Serving fruits and vegetables at each meal encourages members of your family to eat more healthfull. Do you eat fruits and vegetables at each meal? Do you use organic and/or local produce? If not, why not? Eating less meat is the single-biggest choice individuals can make to reduce their food carbon footprint. How often do you eat a vegetarian meal? Meat in this question includes chicken and fish. When we do choose to eat meat, choosing humanely raised, sustainably produced, and antibioticfree meat is healthier for you and the environment. When you eat meat, do you choose meat that is certified by Magen Tzedek, Certified Humane, or a similar ethical standard? When you eat meat, do you choose meat that is organic? When you eat meat, do you choose fish that has received the Marine Stewardship Council certification, or is more sustainably caught? Pesticides are harmful for human health and the environment eating organically supports sustainable agriculture. Fair trade certification ensures that workers were given living wages, and promotes sustainable production Do you use Organic, Fair-trade, bird friendly coffee? Do you use Fair-trade organic tea? Do you use Fair-trade organic chocolate? Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) is a way for consumers to buy local, seasonal food directly from the farmer, by purchasing a share of the farm at the beginning of the season and picking up a box of produce each week at a specific location. Do you take part in a CSA? Would you consider participating in or sharing a CSA? Farmers markets and farm stands provide a great venue for local farmers and artisans to sell their goods, and provide the community easy access to local and seasonal produce. Do you purchase produce, etc. from your local farmers market? If not, do you know where your nearest farmers market is located?

3 WATER Water is central to all religions, symbolizing renewal and cleansing. Life cannot exist without water. However, water shortages, drought and water contamination are very real issues facing communities throughout the world. The decisions we make each and every day determine if our water resources will remain plentiful and clean for generations to come. The following questions are designed to help you understand your water management and identify areas for improvement. Water Conservation Practices Do you have faucet-flow restrictors or aerators that are rated at 1.5 gallons per minute of less and are EPA Water Sense certified? Do you use low flow showerheads rated at 2 gpm or less and are EPA Water Sense certified? Do you have low flow toilets, or use toilet tank flow restrictors that are EPA Water Sense certified? Do you set the dishwasher on the water saver and cool dry options, when using? Do you either wash full loads of clothes or set the washer for the appropriate load size? Do you shut the water off when you do things like brush your teeth or soap up dishes? Bottled water requires a lot of energy to produce and transport, and often limits the water rights and access to water resources in communities where bottled water companies are tapping resources. Do you drink bottled water? Do you use a reusable water bottle? Do you use a filtered water system? Do you choose filtered or purified water instead of spring water if possible? The health of local watersheds is vital to maintain clean and abundant water supplies. Do you know where your rainwater goes? Do you make sure that no pollutants go into the storm drain system by monitoring what runs off your property and what you dump in the street? Do you pick up and disposed of dog wastes instead of allowing them to enter the storm drains or street gutters? Do your down spouts drain onto your property or into the street? Does your landscaping encourage water retention on your property or allow the rain water to runoff into the street? Do you know what your local watershed is? Do you know if there is a stewardship group for your local watershed? If yes, please describe.

4 WASTE In nature, what is considered waste by one animal or plant helps another to survive. By handling our waste more responsibly, we create less harm and support environmental health. The following questions are designed to help you understand your waste management practices and identify areas for improvement. Recycling at home Yes No I would like to learn more Do you know what you can recycle in your community? Do you know where you can recycle items in your community? Do you recycle plastic? Do you recycle glass? Do you recycle paper? Do you recycle batteries, printer cartridges and other misc. items? Do you recycle electronic equipment? Do you recycle/donate clothing or other reusable items? Waste reduction: Do you ever use paper plates, napkins, cups, or plastic utensils? Do you compost? Do you do double-sided printing and/or reuse paper when possible? Do you use recycled content copy paper? Do you use recycled content toilet paper? Do you use reusable napkins? Do you use reusable dish towels? Do you purchase thrift, consignment or reused clothing? Have you measured your ecological footpring on or a similar sites?

5 TOXICS REDUCTION Most chemicals used in consumer products have not been thoroughly tested for their effects on human health. Other chemicals such as those found in many common cleaning products have been shown to create negative health impacts on people. Thankfully, there are many green options that can take the place of these products without sacrificing quality or effectiveness. The following questions will help you understand your toxics management and identify areas for improvement. Pest Management Do you use a pest reduction service for your home? If yes, what service do you use? If yes, do you know what chemicals are in the pesticides they use? Do you use pest reduction products in your home that you buy at the store? If yes, what products do you use? If yes, do you know the ingredients of those products Household cleaning products Look at the labels of your cleaning products; do you see a full list of ingredients? Do you use green cleaning products? If so, what products do you use? If so, what characteristics make these products green? If not, what products do you use? Reducing dirt carried in from outdoors Do you use mats at all doors which lead outdoors? Do you and your family members remove your shoes before entering the house?

6 GROUNDS MAINTAINANCE (LANDSCAPING) The grounds surrounding your home are one of the first things that visitors see when visiting your home. What message does your landscape convey? Every decision you make on your property sets an example for the community, and has an immediate effect on the surrounding soil, water and air. The following questions are designed to help you understand your grounds maintenance practices and identify areas for improvement. Lawn Care If you have a lawn, do you use a lawn care company? Do they use natural practices such as Integrated Pest Management and applications of non-petroleum-based fertilizers? If you care for your lawn yourself, do you use any herbicides or fertilizers? Do you use water-reduction/conservation landscaping practices (i.e., rain gardens, rain water collection barrels, drip-irrigation, etc.) If yes, please describe. Promoting natural habitats Do you have birdhouses? Do you have bird feeders? Do you have a butterfly garden? Have you ever applied for National Wildlife Federation Wildlife Habitat? Do you plant native species for trees, shrubs, and ornamental plants in your yard? Do you have a vegetable/fruit garden, either in containers or on your property? Have you engaged in other sustainable landscaping such as a green roof, a community garden a rooftop garden, etc.? If so, please describe. Underground tanks (e.g., oil and septic tanks) Do you have underground tanks that may be leaking? If so, have you had remediation done?

7 TRANSPORTATION Transportation represents one of the largest negative environmental impacts we make as individuals. Driving is a habit, and changing our practices requires education and support. The following questions are designed to help you understand your transportation practices and identify areas for improvement. Transportation alternatives Do you car-pool to work, services, etc.? Do you bicycle to work? Do you bicycle places for errands? Do you walk to work? Do you walk to other places when possible? Do you combine trips? Do you commute to work by mass transit? Do you use mass transit when possible? If you answered no to the majority of the questions above, are there any tools or resources that would encourage you to do those action steps? Do you turn your car off rather than idling whenever you will be stopped for more than 10 seconds? Do you drive a hybrid or electric vehicle?