Soil depth estimation and its spatial (and temporal) distribution

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1 Curitiba, 4 8th May, rd Brazilian Soil Phyic Meeting (BSPM) Round Table 2: Modeling patial and temporal variability of oil phyical attribute Soil depth etimation and it patial (and temporal) ditribution Maato Kobiyama; Gean P. Michel Natural Diater Reearch Group - GPDEN Hydraulic Reearch Intitute - IPH Federal Univerity of Rio Grande do Sul UFRGS, Brazil 1

2 Preentation 0. Simple quetion 1. Introduction: van Genuchten (1994) New iue and challenge in. 2. Soil, phyic and oil phyic 3. State-of-art: Method for etimating the oil depth 4. Development of MEMPS 5. Cae Study: Application of MEMPS to a teep bain 6. Final conideration 2

3 0. Simple quetion Why do we need to know patial and temporal variability of oil phyical attribute? To undertand the nature of oil. To perform the computational imulation better. What are oil phyical attribute? Hydraulic conductivity, bulk denity, total poroity, etc. How about oil depth? 3

4 Vertical oil column Ditributed vertical oil column Attribute (K, ρ, etc.) I think that oil depth might be one of the important oil phyical attribute. Soil depth (attribute?) 4

5 1. Introduction: van Genuchten (1994) New iue and challenge in. van Genuchten, M.Th. (1994) New iue and challenge in oil phyic reearch. In: Tranaction of 15th World Congre of Soil Science (Acapulco, Mexico July 1994), Int. Soc. of Soil Sci. and the Mexican Soc of Soil Sci., p Soil phyic may be defined a the application of the principle of phyic to the characterization of oil propertie and the undertanding of oil procee,. Thi definition implie that oil phyic i a ubdicipline of both phyic and oil cience. Soil cience Soil phyic Phyic 5

6 van Genuchten, M.Th. (1994) New iue and challenge in oil phyic reearch. Early tudie of oil phyic (1900 to 1940) generally involved oil tructure and oil aggregation, oil pore pace, field oil water tatu, capillarity and oil water retention,., oil mechanic,.. oil alinity, diffuion, heat content, etc. Soil phyicit mut remain concerned about the phyical environment of plant... At the ame time, oil cientit/phyicit have alo a reponibility to addre oil and groundwater pollution local, regional, and global cale.. The following example illutrate the need for a more broadly defined framework of oil phyic reearch. 6

7 van Genuchten, M.Th. (1994) New iue and challenge in oil phyic reearch. 1. Soil phyic reearch can no longer be confined to the upper oil horizon between the oil urface and a depth of 2 m traditionally viewed. in the entire vadoe zone between the oil urface and the groundwater table, even if the vadoe zone i hundred of meter The focu deep of. oil phyic reearch ha gradually 2. broadened Soil phyicit from are motly increaingly agricultural becoming production participant in iue globalcale to more hydrologic comprehenive reearch.. tudie of uburface water flow 3. and Soil chemical phyicit tranport mut be intereted geared toward in media environmental other than the weathered iue. and fragmented outer layer of the earth terretrial urface uually referred to a oil. in fractured rock and other. 4. Soil phyicit mut be concerned with fluid other than water, 5. Soil phyicit mut be equally concerned with agricultural chemical (fertilizer, etc.) a well a with nonagricultural chemical, including radionuclide, etc. 7

8 2. Soil, phyic and oil phyic What i oil? Soil i the looe material compoed of weathered rock and other mineral, and alo partly decayed organic matter, that cover large part of the land urface of the Earth (Wild, 1993). Soil i the weathered and fragmented outer layer of the earth terretrial urface, formed initially through the diintegration and decompoition of rock by phyical and chemical procee and influenced ubequently by the activity and accumulated reidue of numerou pecie of microcopic and macrocopic biota (Hillel, 2003) Soil i a term undertood by almot everyone, yet the meaning of thi term may vary between different people, and oil can be defined in many way (Tan, 2009) 8

9 Different interet in the oil Soil cience i the tudy of the oil in all it ramified manifetation and facet: a a central link in the biophere, a a medium for the production of agricultural commoditie, and a a raw material for indutry and contruction. Becaue of it varied interet and concern, oil cience itelf i commonly divided into everal ubdiviion,. (Hillel, 2003) Soil Phyic, Soil Chemitry, Soil Biology,..

10 What i phyic? 10

11 Phyic i the branch of cience concerned with the propertie of matter and energy and the relationhip between them. It i baed on mathematic and traditionally include mechanic, optic, electricity and magnetim, acoutic, and heat. It can alo embrace applied field uch a geophyic and meteorology. (Collin Englih Dictionary) Phyic i the natural cience that involve the tudy of matter and it motion through pace and time, along with related concept uch a energy and force. More broadly, it i the general analyi of nature, conducted in order to undertand how the univere behave. (Wikipedia) 11

12 Phyic i the tudy of matter, energy, and the interaction between them phyic i aking fundamental quetion and trying to anwer them by oberving and experimenting. Phyicit ak really big quetion like: How did the univere begin? How will the univere change in the future? How doe the Sun keep on hining? What are the baic building block of matter? ( A general quetion i how large the univere wa in the pat, i now and will be in the future. One of the principal ubject in phyic i the UNIVERSE! 12

13 What i oil phyic? Soil phyic i the tudy of oil phyical propertie and procee. It i applied to management and prediction under natural and managed ecoytem. Soil phyic deal with the dynamic of phyical oil component and their phae a olid, liquid, and gae (Wikipedia). The oil phyic i a ubarea of Agronomy (Dourado Neto et al., 2013). Soil cience Soil phyic Phyic 13

14 Soil phyic: The branch of oil cience that deal with the tate and tranport of matter and with the tate and tranformation of energy within the oil, a well a between the oil and the adjacent domain (namely, the atmophere above and the ubtrata below). 14

15 To undertand Soil Phyic, I ued to read: Baver, L.D. et al. (1972) Soil Phyic, 4th ed. New York: Wiley. Hillel, D. (1980) Fundamental of Soil Phyic / Application of Soil Phyic. New York: Academic Pre. Campbell, G.S. (1985) Soil Phyic with BASIC..etc. And, to undertand Soil Phyic more, I am reading: There i my peronal (or profeional) diatifaction to thee book!!!! 15

16 Phyic Matter Energy Univere Soil Phyic 16

17 Phyic Matter Energy Univere Soil Phyic Water, ar, olute, oil particle. 17

18 Phyic Matter Energy Univere Soil Phyic Water, ar, olute, oil particle. Energy (calorie, radiation, temperature) 18

19 Phyic Matter Energy Univere Soil Phyic Water, ar, olute, oil particle. Energy (calorie, radiation, temperature) Pedoytem (the entire oil) 19

20 Phyic Matter Energy Univere QUESTIONS How did the univere begin? How large i the univere? How will the univere change in the future? Soil Phyic Water, ar, olute, oil particle. Energy (calorie, radiation, temperature) Pedoytem (the entire oil) QUESTIONS How did the oil begin? How large i the oil? How will the oil change in the future? Key-word: Soil Depth 20

21 For whom i Soil Phyic? For farmer For land manager For agronomit For hydrologit For meteorologit For geomorphologit For pedologit etc. To what doe Soil Phyic contribute? For agriculture For land management For agronomy For hydrological reearch For meteorological re. For geomorphic re. For pedological re. etc. What kind of information i trongly required? Soil Depth!! 21

22 My peronal (or profeional) complain to thee book 1. Soil Phyic and Soil Phyical Characteritic 2. Water Propertie in Relation to Porou Media 3. Particle Size, Shape, and Specific Surface 4. Clay, the Colloidal Component 5. Soil Structure and Aggregation 6. Water Content and Potential in the Soil 7. Water Flow in Saturated Soil 8. Water Flow in Unaturated Soil 9. Solute Movement and Soil Salinity 10. Ga Content and Compoition in the Soil 11. Ga Movement and Exchange with the Atmophere 12. Temperature and Heat Flow in the Soil 13. Stre, Strain, and Strength of Soil Bodie 14. Water Entry into Soil 15. Surface Runoff and Water Eroion 16. Reditribution and Retention of Water in Soil 17. Groundwater Drainage and Pollution 18. Evaporation from Bare Soil and Wind Eroion 19. Plant Uptake of Soil Moiture 20. Water Balance and Energy Balance in the Field 21. Irrigation and Water Ue Efficiency No oil depth!! 22

23 My peronal (or profeional) complain to thee book 1.Water 2. Potential 3. Water flow in oil 4. Soil plant atmophere relation 5. Soil Heat Flow and Temperature No oil depth!! 23

24 My peronal (or profeional) complain to thee book 1. Soil Solid Phae. 2. Water Retention in Soil. 3. Water Movement in Soil. 4. Water Flow Under Natural Condition. 5. Soil Thermal Regime. 6. Soil Aeration. 7. Chemical Tranport in Soil. Appendix A: Method of Analyzing Spatial Variation of Soil Propertie. Book on oil phyic do not deal with the oil depth (or thickne) in detail. 24

25 GERRARD, J. (1992) Soil Geomorphology: An integration of pedology and geomorphology. London: Chapman & Hall, 269p. The oil thickne and regolith at any point will depend on the relative rate of oil removal and oil formation. In thin oil, very little water i retained and weathering rate are low. In very thick oil, water move o lowly toward the weathering front that the rate of weathering i again below the potential maximum. Thu, weathering and oil formation are at a maximum at intermediate oil thickne. 25

26 Michel & Kobiyama Soil Depth Etimation: Part 1 Field Method Soil Depth Etimation: Part 2 Mathematical Method. Revita Braileira de Germorfologia (in Portuguee) (ubmitted) 26

27 Different view on the oil

28 28

29 3. State-of-art: Method for etimating the oil depth Field method Reference Geophyical Seimic Electric Electromagnetic Mathematical method Statitical Empirical Proce-baed MEMPS

30 Field method Reference Trench opening Augering Penetrometer

31 Field Method > Geophyical method Electromagnetic method Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR)


33 Field method Reference Geophyical Seimic Electric Electromagnetic Mathematical method Statitical Empirical Proce-baed MEMPS

34 Mathematical method Empirical Catani et al. (2010) WRR z z z i i K C C e c z z max max z e max max z tan max max 1 l Schulz et al. (2008) ESPL T 21 f 1 1,1 f e, He 0, f De Ae zt Saulnier et al. (1997) J Hydrol z e min min zmin tan e min i e min tan i z oil depth K C calibration parameter C e curvature index η topoequence index ψ landlide index T c Colluvium thickne H e Slope heigth D e Ditance downlope from ecarpment A e Adjutment factor z t Soil depth in hilllope toe tan min z oil depth e elevation θ lope

35 Principle for the Proce-baed model: Geomorphic Tranport Law (Dietrich et al., 2003) ρ Soil denity ρ r Rock denity e b Bedrock elevation q Soil tranport vector Geomorphic cale Ma balance between oil tranport and production (Adapted of Heimath et al., 1995)

36 z Mathematical method Proce baed model Critical oil depth propoed by Iida (1999) c0 a) For dry condition: c g co 2 co tan b) For aturated condition: z c0 Critical depth of dry oil; z c1 Critical dep.of aturated oil; ρ Soil denity; c Soil coheion; g Gravitational acceleration; θ Slope; ϕ Soil internal friction angle. z c1 co 2 g c tan tan w g tan And how about the critical depth at field condition?

37 4. Development of MEMPS Mathematical method Proce baed model MEMPS (Modelo de Etimativa da Máxima Profundidade do Solo) Idea of Iida (1999) Combination of infinite lope tability model + teady tate hydrological model. Ue of the aftey factor (FS). Maximum oil depth.

38 Infinite lope tability model FS Actualhear trength Minimum hear trength Uing Law of Mohr-Coulomb, c ( u) tan W g l p τ Shear tre; σ Normal tre; c Coheion; u Pore preure; ϕ Soil internal friction angle W Soil weight; g Gravitational acceleration; ρ Soil denity; θ Slope; l Slope length; z Soil depth; h Water table height ; p Soil thickne W in l W co l g z co in g 2 z co u g w 2 hco

39 Infinite lope tability model c ( u) tan 2 g z co in g z co u τ Shear tre; σ Normal tre; c Coheion; u Pore preure; ϕ Internal friction angle ρ Soil denity; ρ w Water denity; θ Slope; l Slope length; z Soil depth; h Water table height ; p Soil thickne 2 g hco w g z in co c ( g z co ² g w hco 2 ) tan FS Actualhear trength Minimum hear trength FS c ( g z co ² g w h co g z in co 2 ) tan

40 Q e Q Steady tate hydrological model Q a q a K i h co b h q t K in h co b Equation of ma conervation of kinematic wave Q q a Q e Inlet flow; Q Outlet flow; K Saturated hydraulic conductivity; i Hydraulic gradient; b Contour length; a Uplope area; q Steady tate recharge rate; θ Slope; z Soil depth; h Water table height qa K in hco b

41 in co in max T b b z K Q max T in b a q Q Q w z h z K b b h K w in co co in in co z K b a q z h w in co K b a q h Wetne (m/m) defined by O Loughlin (1986)

42 in tan 1 co co z h z g c FS w in tan in co. 1. co co z K b q a z g c S w tan tan co in tan co 2 w c K b a q g c z tan tan co in, min tan co 1 2 c w c K b a q z g c z co in tan ) co co ² ( 2 z g h g z g c FS w coin z K b a q z h When the ytem i at the limit equilibrium, FS i equal to 1... MEMPS (Modelo de Etimativa da Máxima Profundidade do Solo)

43 Comparion between MEMPS and Iida model (Dry condition) (Saturated con.) (MEMPS) c = 11.9 kpa q = m/day a = 300 m 3 b = 5 m ϕ = 30.5 o K = 0.38 m/day ρ = 1800 kg/m 3 ρ w = 1000 kg/m 3

44 5. Cae Study: Application of MEMPS to a teep bain Jaguar Creek bain (25 km 2 ), Rio Grande do Sul tate, Brazil

45 Natural diater occurence in the tudy area


47 Reult 47

48 Input data MEMPS TRIGRS KANAKO 2D Steady tate recharge rate (q) Soil coheion (c) Soil internal friction angle (ϕ) Saturated hydraulic conductivity (K ) Soil denity (ρ ) Uplope area (a) Contour length (b) Slope (θ) Precipitation erie (P) Soil coheion (c) Soil internal friction angle (ϕ) Saturated hydraulic conductivity (K ) Soil denity (ρ ) Saturated hydraulic diffuivity (D 0 ) Reidual water content (θ r ) Saturated water content (θ ) Soil depth (z) Initial water table depth (d) Initial infiltration rate (I ZLT ) Meaured data Etimated data Hydrograph (Q) Fluid denity (ρ f ) Sediment concentration (C) Eroion rate (δ e ) Depoition rate (δ d ) Sediment concentration on the movable bed (C * ) Manning roughne coefficient (n m ) Particle diameter (d p ) Soil denity (ρ ) Soil depth (z) 48

49 6. Final conideration What will our group do in Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil? Uing Phyic for oil formation reearch, we need to do: Development of the MEMPS Creation of a model to calculate the time variability of oil depth. Creation of Landcape Evolution Model with field obervation. 49

50 Soil thickne (m) Time (year) Soil development along time (Kobiyama et al., 2012)

51 Thank you very much! Grupo de Pequia de Deatre Naturai (GPDEN), Intituto de Peaquia Hidráulica (IPH) 51 Univeridade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS), Brazil