1. Which of the following is the best description of the role of the producer in the food chain illustrated below?

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1 5.9B Food Webs ssessment Name Date 1. Which of the following is the best description of the role of the producer in the food chain illustrated below? 3. In the final step in any food web, special organisms are the last ones to break down plants and animals to get their energy. This final step is carried out by which of the following? The Sun creates energy that is used by the animals, including the small and large fish. B The plant uses sunlight to make food energy that is passed to the small fish. C The small fish gives its energy to the plant when it breaks the plant down after eating it. D The large fish gives its energy to the plant when it decomposes and becomes part of the soil. 2. In which of the following does the arrow correctly show the flow of energy at one level in a prairie food web? Carnivores such as hawks and snakes B Decomposers, such as bacteria and fungi C Herbivores, such as buffalo and deer D Producers, such as grasses and trees 4. The food web below represents organisms in a field. What role do raccoons play in this food web? (2013 STR Q8) Prey B Producer C Decomposer D Consumer

2 5. The diets of several types of prairie animals are described in the table below. Which of the following prairie food chains is in the correct order? (2013 STR Q27) 7. Green plants are producers that begin the flow of energy between organisms in a food chain when they reproduce by generating seeds B absorb water and nutrients from soil C release oxygen into the atmosphere D make their own food using sunlight 8. The diagram shows a prairie food chain. ll of the following are consumers in this food chain EXCEPT Eagles > prairie dogs > coyotes B Wildflowers> badgers> grasshoppers C Sparrows > seeds > insects D Grasses > prairie dogs > badgers 6. type of organism is missing from the food chain shown below. Which statement about the type of organism that correctly completes this food chain is NOT true? (2011 STR Q12) snakes B birds C mosquitoes D plants 9. The diagram shows an incomplete food chain. Which of the following would best complete this food chain? It produces its own food. B It is unable to move from one place to another. C It gets its energy from the sun. D It breaks down nutrients from decaying organisms. Producer B Consumer C Decomposer D nimal

3 10. The diagram illustrates a gulf food web. Which of the following organisms provides energy for more than one other organism in the food web? 12. Decomposers like mushrooms get energy by producing their own food B eating grass, fruit, and seeds C breaking down dead organisms D absorbing carbon dioxide from the air Otter B Herring gull C Blue crab D Diamondback terrapin 11. The diagram shows a prairie food web. Which organism in the food web would be classified as a producer? 13. This is a food chain diagram. In the food chain diagram, what do the arrows represent? The life cycles of each organism B How one organism changes to another C How food is produced by many organisms D The flow of energy through an ecosystem 14. The diagram shows a pond food web. What two organisms get their energy directly from insect larvae? Deer B Squirrel C Plant seeds D Field mouse lgae and minnows B Sunfish and bass C Minnows and sunfish D Snails and snapper turtles

4 15. The prairie food web illustrated here has producers and consumers.in this food web, how many more consumers than producers are there? 17. food web for some organisms in an frican rain forest is shown below. Which organisms in this food web eat only consumers? (2015 STR, Q32) 2 B 5 C 7 D 9 Okapis B Civets C Leopards D Gorillas 18. Which table shows the correct role of each organism in the food chain below? (2014 STR, Q9) 16. freshwater ecosystem has various food webs. One of these food webs is shown below. Which organisms transfer the most energy within the food web? (2015 STR, Q17) B Bass, because they are predators in this web B Copepods, because they support two chains in this web C Crayfish, because they are at the bottom of this web D lgae, because they are the producers in this web C

5 19. In a food chain, energy does NOT flow directly from (2014 STR, Q28) producer to decomposer B producer to consumer C consumer to decomposer D consumer to producer 20. The food web below is made up of organisms that live in a forest. Which change would most likely occur if all the producers in this ecosystem were removed? (2014 STR, Q37) The mice would become the new producers. B ll the animals would either die or move away. C The number of mice would increase. D ll the animal populations would increase.