GlaxoSmithKline Wind Project Environmental Statement Non-Technical Summary

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1 GlaxoSmithKline Wind Project Environmental Statement Non-Technical Summary G8.indd greec01 Dec 2009 December 2009

2 Based upon the Ordnance Survey Map with the permission of the Controller of Her Majesty s Stationery Office. Crown Copyright. Entec UK Ltd. AL GlaxoSmithKline Wind Project Environmental Statement Non-Technical Summary Site Location 0 5km 10km 15km Scale A4 Key Site location Introduction This Non-Technical Summary (NTS) forms part of the Environmental Statement (ES) to accompany an application by GlaxoSmithKline (GSK) to construct and operate a three turbine wind project at the GlaxoSmithKline pharmaceuticals plant located approximately km southeast of Irvine. Interest in renewable energy production (such as that produced by a wind project) has arisen in response to growing concern about the rise in atmospheric levels of manmade carbon dioxide (CO 2 ) and other greenhouse gases, and the changes in global climate that this is causing. Burning fossil fuels (coal, oil and gas) is a major contributor to greenhouse gas emissions, and reducing their use and increasing the proportion of power generated from renewable energy sources is viewed as a vital part of reducing these emissions and thereby mitigating the effects of climate change. In order to meet international obligations, the UK Government and Scottish Government are committed to reducing greenhouse gas emissions. The Renewables Obligation (Scotland), which was introduced in 2002, is designed to incentivise renewable generation into the electricity generation market. Scotland has one of the best wind regimes in Europe, giving the country great potential to generate electricity from this renewable resource. In addition to contributing to emissions reductions targets, electricity generated from renewable sources will play an important role in enhancing energy security, reducing dependence on fossil fuels and development of such infrastructure will support economic growth. The Wind Project The proposed wind energy development is described in detail in the ES. A brief description of the proposal is given below: The proposed development site boundary, including internal access tracks, occupies a total area of approximately 28ha, though the wind project infrastructure occupies only a small fraction of this. The wind project site is located on the periphery of the existing GlaxoSmithKline pharmaceuticals plant at Irvine, approximately km southeast of the town centre; The site was selected following a thorough evaluation taking account of environmental and technical parameters, planning policy and wind energy development locational guidance; Three wind turbines, with a maximum height to blade tip of 126.5m, are proposed; Associated ancillary development comprising new access tracks, control building and temporary construction compound also form part of the application for planning consent;

3 GlaxoSmithKline Wind Project Environmental Statement Non-Technical Summary Vehicular access to the site will be via the A78 to Newhouse Interchange, then east along the B7080, continuing east along the unclassified road near the southern boundary of the site; The electrical output of the proposed wind project is anticipated to be 7.5MW, though the output may vary from this depending on the turbines specified and procured for the site through a competitive tendering process; A wind project of 7.5MW has the potential to generate approximately 19,700MWh of renewable energy per year; The proposed wind project is designed with an operational life of 25 years and permission is sought for this period of operation only; Construction, commissioning and site-restoration of the wind project are anticipated to take about 9 months, with potential opportunities for local workforces and companies to be involved. Environmental Impact Assessment Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) is a process by which information about the environmental effects of a project is collected, evaluated, and taken into account in its design, the decision as to whether it should be given consent, and if it is given consent, how it is subsequently to be built, operated and dismantled. The developer presents the information on the project and its environmental effects in an Environmental Statement (ES). A Non-Technical Summary (this document) is a statutory requirement of the EIA process which explains the potential environmental effects of the development in a nontechnical manner. The EIA process has been instrumental in informing the design of the wind project. The site layout has undergone a number of different iterations to ensure it was accommodated within the environmental addition the EIA has enabled identification of a range of measures, proposed within construction and operational practices, to address the potential environmental effects. Consultation A key aspect of the EIA is consultation, both to agree the scope of the assessments to be undertaken and to understand public perception of the wind project in order to help inform the design process. Organisations consulted included The Scottish Government, North Ayrshire Council, Drybridge Community Council, Scottish Natural Heritage, Scottish Environment Protection Agency, Historic Scotland and many others. A public exhibition was held at the Gailes Hotel, Irvine on 16th September 2009, at which members of the public were invited to provide their views and comment on the wind project proposal. Based upon the Ordnance Survey Map with the permission of the Controller of Her Majesty s Stationery Office. Crown Copyright. Entec UK Ltd. AL km Scale A4 Key Site boundary with turbines Construction compound Control building Site tracks and crane pads Proposed Site Layout G8.indd greec01 Dec 2009

4 Wireframe 2 GlaxoSmithKline Wind Project Environmental Statement Non-Technical Summary 1 Ardrossan Kelburn Estate Wardlaw Wood Computer Generated Wireframe view from Dundonald Castle Wireframe produced for illustrative purposes only Environmental Effects km The proposed wind project will make a low contribution in terms of cumulative visual effects when considered alongside other existing and consented wind energy developments in the area. Introduction The following sections provide a brief summary of the main findings of the EIA as set out in the technical sections within the ES (Volume 1 Main Report). Noise A noise assessment was carried out for the development and operation of the wind project. The assessment considered noise from construction, operation and decommissioning of the site. Landscape and Visual The landscape and visual study area for the proposed GSK Wind Project includes parts Wireframe of Ayrshire (where the wind project is located), Glasgow, South Lanarkshire and Argyll and Bute. The proposed wind project site is located within the Ayrshire Lowlands. 2 1 The methodology for the landscape and visual impact assessment (LVIA) follows Ardrossan standard guidelines promoted by the Landscape Institute and adopted for use by most practitioners. Consultation was conducted with representatives from North Ayrshire Council and Scottish Natural Heritage to discuss and informally agree the scope of the assessment, choice of assessment viewpoints, design options and mitigation. The assessment findings indicate that there will be no significant landscape effects on landscape character and there will not be significant indirect effects on nearby landscape designations. km There are expected to be significant visual effects on residents in the two settlements of Drybridge and Dreghorn and significant effects in relation to the views from approximately ten residential properties within km of the wind project. However, the proposed wind project is unlikely to have an adverse effect on the overall visual amenity of these properties. No significant effects are envisaged for the construction phase. The distance from the turbines and other infrastructure (such as access tracks) to neighbouring properties is sufficient to ensure that any construction or decommissioning noise effects in the local Kelburn Estate area, and particularly at residentialwardlaw properties, will be minimal. Wood Operational noise was assessed in accordance with standard guidance recommended for use by the Scottish Government. The design of the scheme is such that worst-case predictions of operational noise levels sit within noise limits, complying with guidance from the Scottish Government, based on the background noise at the surrounding properties and the expected noise of the wind turbines. Any turbine installed will be required to meet the noise limits set by the assessment. Consequently, it is concluded that the wind project will have no significant effects in relation to noise during the operational period. Ecology The ecological assessment was based on: desk studies to identify existing nature conservation features of value; and field surveys to establish the presence of any protected animals and habitats. Significant visual effects would be experienced by visitors to Dundonald Castle. Whilst there would be a notable change, taking into consideration the total visitor experience, The site comprises primarily habitats of limited nature conservation GlaxoSmithKline Windinterest, Projectsuch as Viewpoint parameters (GSK Turbines only): the wide panoramic views from this location and the nature and context of the improved grassland and arable fields, interspersed with more ecologically valuable Environmental Statement reference: E26 A 94, N64 540visualAngle of view: woodland, watercourses and standing 90 surrounding landscape, itgrid is not considered as a negative effect. significant water bodies. The site and study area provides g parameters: Turbine layout file: effect would be experienced by road users travelling along the B7080. habitat for otter, bats, badger and amphibians. Elevation: 59m AOD Figure 7.14a m Height to blade tip: 126.5m Viewing distance: A nd forestry. Distance to nearest turbine: 246m Distance to nearest Wind visibleproject turbine:from Dundonald 246m Photomontage of proposed GlaxoSmithKline Castle Direction of centre of view**: he Controller of Her Majesty s Stationery Office. Crown Copyright. Entec UK Ltd. AL Number of hubs visible*: Number of blade tips visible*: Viewpoint 4: Dundonald Castle December G01a.indd greec01 The photomontages aim to provide a realistic representation of the proposed development, based on the current information a Photomontage produced for illustrative purposes only

5 GlaxoSmithKline Wind Project Environmental Statement Non-Technical Summary The overall effects of the proposed wind project on habitat interests and protected species will not be significant. Potential impacts upon the designated features of nonstatutory nature conservation sites will be avoided through the adoption of appropriate mitigation measures. Mitigation is proposed to minimise disturbance to protected species and includes preconstruction surveys for bat roosts (where trees require to be felled), otters and badger. This will ensure that any changes, since the surveys carried out as part of the EIA, are identified. Birds The two key issues relating to birds and wind energy projects are the effects of development within the habitat which they use and the potential for collision with rotating turbine blades. Although the site and surrounding area is used on occasion by notable bird species, the relatively infrequent use and low numbers of notable birds means that no significant effects on any species are predicted as a result of constructing an operating a wind project at GlaxoSmithKline. Traffic and Transport The main transportation impacts will be associated with the movements of commercial Heavy Goods Vehicles (HGVs) to and from the site during the construction phase of the development. The maximum traffic impact associated with the construction of the wind project during months excluding concrete delivery is predicted to occur in the first month of the construction programme. During this month an average of 8 HGV movements (19 in and 19 out) are predicted to be generated on each working day. During days involving concrete deliveries (three days out of the nine month programme), it is predicted that there will be 140 HGV movements (70 in and 70 out) per day over three days. A detailed assessment of effects has been undertaken and has concluded that this additional HGV traffic would not have a significant impact on the traffic and transport related environmental effects identified, i.e. severance; driver delay; pedestrian delay; pedestrian amenity and fear and intimidation. The Historic Built Environment (Cultural Heritage) Two sites of cultural heritage interest, associated with the former Shewalton Colliery, have been identified within the proposed wind project site and are of no more than local importance. The scheme has been designed to avoid any direct effects on known features of cultural heritage, although there is the possibility that unrecorded archaeological remains may be present across the area and, as such, it is proposed that archaeological monitoring is undertaken during construction works, where necessary. A study was also undertaken to establish what effect the wind project would have on the setting of more distant cultural heritage features. No significant effects on the setting of designated features were identified as a result of the proposed wind project. Water (Hydrology) The assessment has highlighted a number of potential impacts on the water environment, mostly during wind project construction. The impacts are associated with a range of activities, including access track construction and wind turbine erection where, for example, soil or other materials can potentially enter watercourses. Mitigation measures embedded in scheme design have been proposed to reduce the likelihood of a pollution event resulting from the development. These mitigation measures have been defined for each element of the on-site development and will be undertaken in accordance with current best practice, thereby ensuring that there are no significant effects on water resources. Other Potential Impacts No significant effects in terms of infrastructure, telecommunications, television, air quality, shadow flicker and ground conditions have been identified at this stage. Uncertainty over ground conditions on site will be resolved through conducting a ground investigation prior to construction, whilst technical solutions exist to mitigate any potential effects on telemetry links in the vicinity of the site G8.indd greec01 Dec 2009

6 6 GlaxoSmithKline Wind Project Environmental Statement Non-Technical Summary Based upon the Ordnance Survey Map with the permission of the Controller of Her Majesty s Stationery Office. Crown Copyright. Entec UK Ltd. AL Key Site boundary with turbines Landscape and Visual Study Area 10km radius indicator from wind 20km radius indicator from wind 0km radius indicator from wind 5km radius indicator from wind 1 turbine may be visible 2 turbines may be visible turbines may be visible 10km 20km 0km 5km Zone of Theoretical Visibility to Blade Tip Height 0 10km 20km 0km Scale A4 Socio-Economics The development constitutes a large investment in the existing pharmaceuticals plant by GSK and also provides opportunities for indirect positive economic effects. Whilst companies bidding for the work will do so through an open tender it is anticipated that many will sub-contract to local companies employing local people. Local businesses should also benefit from increased spend by the construction workforce during the construction period. Whilst some local residents may have reservations about the proposed development, previous surveys at operational wind projects show that any concerns are rarely realised when the development becomes operational. No adverse effects on existing businesses, either in the immediate vicinity or more widely in the tourism industry are envisaged. The proposed wind project will generate up to 19,700MWh of renewable energy per year, reducing emissions of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere and contributing to the UK and Scottish Governments greenhouse gas emissions reduction targets and renewable energy generation targets which will in turn contribute to efforts to mitigate climate change. Overall it is expected that the GSK Wind Project will have a positive socioeconomic impact. Further Information Further information on the GlaxoSmithKline Wind Project EIA is contained in the ES, which can be inspected at the following locations: North Ayrshire Council Legal and Protective Services Cunninghame House Irvine KA12 8EE Printed copies of the ES (Volumes 1 and 2) can be purchased from GlaxoSmithKline for 225 per copy. All Volumes are available on a CD for a cost of 0. To obtain a copy, please contact: GlaxoSmithKline Shewalton Road Irvine KA11 5AP Tel Dreghorn Library 21 Main Street Dreghorn KA11 4AQ Dundonald Library Fullarton Avenue Dundonald KA2 9DT