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1 NOTICE OF PREPARATION DRAFT ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT To: From: (Potential Responsible, City of Perris Trustee, Federal and Local Development Services Department Agencies and nearby property 135 North D Street owners) Perris, CA CEQA LEAD AGENCY: City of Perris Planning Division 135 North D Street Perris, CA Staff Contact: Diane Sbardellati, Associate Planner Phone (951) , ext SUBJECT: DUKE WAREHOUSE AT PERRIS BOULEVARD AND MARKHAM STREET PROJECT DRAFT ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT (EIR [Case No ]; PERRIS VALLEY COMMERCE CENTER SPECIFIC PLAN AMENDMENT [Case No ]; TPM [Case No ]; and DPR ) The City of Perris is preparing a Draft Environmental Impact Report (EIR) for the Duke Warehouse at Perris Boulevard and Markham Street Project described herein. The City wants to know the views of your agency as to the scope and content of the environmental information germane to your agency's statutory responsibilities. As a responsible or trustee agency, your agency may need to use the EIR prepared by the City when considering issuance of a permit or other approval for the Project. The City also wants to know the issues of concerns to the nearby property owners. Information gathered during the NOP comment period will be used to shape and focus future analyses of environmental impacts. NOP COMMENT PERIOD: The City invites you to submit written comments describing your specific environmental concerns. If you are representing a public agency, please identify your specific areas of statutory responsibility if applicable. Written comments are desired at the earliest possible date, but due to the time limits mandated by State law, your response must be sent no later than 30 days after receipt of this notice. The NOP public comment period begins on Tuesday, August 29, 2017 and ends on Wednesday, September 27, A public scoping meeting is scheduled for the Planning Commission meeting to be held September 20, 2017 at 6:00 p.m. in the City Council Chambers of the City of Perris, located at 101 North D Street. Please send your written comments to the City staff contact identified above, and please include your name, address, and contact information in your correspondence.


3 Notice of Preparation Page 3 of 12 I. PROJECT LOCATION The approximate 55-acre Project site is located at the southeastern corner of Perris Boulevard and Markham Street, within the Perris Valley Commerce Center Specific Plan (PVCCSP) area in the City of Perris in Riverside County. The regional location and local vicinity of the Project site are shown on Figure 1 (on page 3) and Figure 4 (on page 5), respectively. The Project site is located within Section 5, Township 4 South, Range 3 West, San Bernardino Base and Meridian. The Project site encompasses Assessor s Parcel Numbers (APNs): , , , , , , , , , , , , , and and the portions of the rights-of-way of three unimproved north-south streets: Golden View Drive, Johnson Avenue, and Via Verona Street. The Project site is located approximately 1.5 miles to the southeast of March Air Reserve Base (MARB). The Project site is vacant and relatively flat, with a gentle regional slope downwards to the eastsoutheast. The site is situated at an elevation approximately 1,450 feet above mean sea level. The Project site consists of vacant land consisting of mixed tilled soils and overgrown vegetation. Vegetation types at the Project site consist primarily of ruderal and disturbed vegetation. No Riparian/Riverine areas or vernal pools are located within or adjacent to the Project site. The area surrounding the Project site is dominated by vacant land and existing and proposed logistics center warehouses as shown in the following table: Direction from Project Site North Northeast East Southeast South Southwest West Northwest Land Uses East Markham Street is the northern boundary of the Project. North of Markham Street is the Perris Circle Industrial Park. East Markham Street and the Perris Circle Industrial Park. Approved but not yet constructed industrial project (Stratford 3) and Redlands Avenue. Approved but not yet constructed industrial project (First Industrial) West Perry Street (currently unimproved) is the southern boundary of the Project. South of Perry Street is undeveloped vacant land. Intersection of Perris Boulevard/Perry Street and small commercial uses. Perris Boulevard is the western boundary of the Project. West of Perris Boulevard is TA Trucking (existing logistics warehouse). Intersection of Perris Boulevard/Markham Street and the detention basin for the existing Home Depot warehouse. The major roads that currently provide access to the Project site are Perris Boulevard, Markham Street, Perry Street, and Redlands Avenue. Interstate 215 (I-215) is west of the Project site. The interchanges closest to the Project site are Harley Knox Boulevard, which is a designated truck route, and Ramona Expressway. Trucks are prohibited from using the Ramona Expressway. The City of Perris General Plan designates the Project site as Specific Plan. The Project site is within the Perris Valley Commerce Center Specific plan (PVCCSP), which was adopted by the City of Perris on January 10, The Project site is currently zoned Business Professional Office (BPO) and Light Industrial (LI) in the PVCCSP.

4 Notice of Preparation Page 4 of 12 Figure 1: Regional Map

5 Notice of Preparation Page 5 of 12 Figure 2: Aerial Map

6 Notice of Preparation Page 6 of 12 II. PROJECT DESCRIPTION The proposed Project includes Specific Plan Amendment Case No to the Perris Valley Commerce Center Specific Plan (PVCCSP) to: (i) change the land use designation to the western 35 acres of the Project site from Business Professional Office (BPO) to Light Industrial (LI) (see Figure 3 on page 7), and (ii) amend the Circulation Plan to remove Goldenview Drive, Johnson Avenue, and Via Verona Street(see Figure 4 on page 8). The specific plan amendment is proposed to accommodate the construction of a 1,189,860-square foot (SF) building with 1,169,860 SF for warehouse distribution uses and approximately 20,000 SF of supporting office space (see Figure 5 on page 9). The building will include approximately 94 dock doors on the northside of the building and approximately 93 dock doors on the south side of the building. The Project will provide a total of 510 parking stalls for passenger vehicles consisting of approximately 498 automobile parking stalls and approximately 12 American Disabilities Actcompliant (ADA) handicapped parking stalls. The Project also includes approximately 304 trailer parking stalls. There will be approximately 306,352 SF of on-site landscaping as well as two on-site stormwater detention basins that incorporate Low Impact Design (LID) features for stormwater quality treatment and attenuation of peak runoff rates to less than existing flows. The Project applicant proposes the following street improvements: Markham Street from Perris Boulevard to Johnson Street will be improved with curb, gutter, and sidewalk on its southern side and 14 additional feet of asphalt; Perry Street along the Project site s frontage will be improved with curb, gutter, and sidewalk on its northern side and 36 feet of asphalt. Water (potable and recycled) and sewer service are provided to the Project site from the Eastern Municipal Water District (EMWD).The proposed Project will likely require the extension of a recycled water pipeline along the Project s frontage within Perry Street or Markham Street. Approximately one-half mile of 8-inch diameter domestic (potable) water pipeline will be constructed in Perry Street to connect to the terminus of an existing water pipeline. The Project applicant proposes two sanitary sewer connections to existing 10-inch diameter sanitary sewer service mains within Markham Street and Perris Boulevard, near the northeast and southwest corners of the Project site, respectively.

7 Notice of Preparation Page 7 of 12 Figure 3: Proposed Specific Plan Amendment Land Use Plan

8 Notice of Preparation Page 8 of 12 Figure 4: Proposed Specific Plan Amendment Circulation Plan

9 Notice of Preparation Page 9 of 12 Figure 5: Conceptual Site Plan

10 Notice of Preparation Page 10 of 12 III. REQUIRED PERMITS/ACTIONS The following permits and discretionary actions are required by the City of Perris to implement the proposed Project: Certification of an EIR (Case No ) with the determination that the EIR has been prepared in compliance with the requirements of CEQA; Specific Plan Amendment Case No to amend the PVCCSP to change the land use designation of the approximately 35 acres in the western portion of the site which are currently designated Business Professional Office to Light Industrial and amend the Circulation Plan to remove Goldenview Drive, Johnson Avenue, and Via Vernoa Street; Tentative Parcel Map No (Case No ) to merge fourteen existing parcels into one parcel and three lettered lots and vacate all or portions of the rights-of-way of three unimproved streets (Golden View Drive, Johnson Avenue, and Via Verona Street); and Development Plan Review (DPR No ) to allow the development of the 54.7-acre site with a 1,189,860 square foot building including a 1,169,860 square foot warehouse distribution facility and 20,000 sf for supporting offices. Other non-discretionary actions anticipated to be taken by the City at the staff level for the proposed Project include: Review and approval of all off-site infrastructure plans, including street and utility improvements pursuant to the conditions of approval; Review all on-site plans, including grading and on-site utilities; and Approval of a Preliminary Water Quality Management Plan (PWQMP) to mitigate postconstruction runoff flows. Approvals and permits that may be required by other agencies include: A National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) permit from the Regional Water Quality Control Board (RWQCB) to ensure that construction site drainage velocities are equal to or less than the pre-construction conditions and downstream water quality is not worsened; and Approval of water and sewer improvement plans by the Eastern Municipal Water District. IV. PROBABLE ENVIRONMENTAL EFFECTS OF THE PROJECT The Draft EIR shall contain a detailed Project description, a map identifying the location of the Project site and surrounding land uses, a description of the existing environmental setting, Projectspecific impacts, cumulative impacts, mitigation measures to reduce potentially significant impacts to less than significant levels, and an alternatives analysis. It is anticipated that the Draft EIR will focus on the following issues: A. Air Quality. The Project site is located within the South Coast Air Basin (Basin). Air quality in the Basin is administered by the South Coast Air Quality Management District (SCAQMD). Impacts related to the potential violation of any air quality standard,

11 Notice of Preparation Page 11 of 12 cumulatively considerable net increase of any criteria pollutant, and potential exposure to sensitive receptors to substantial pollutant concentrations will be addressed in the Draft EIR. B. Biological Resources. Site specific biological resource surveys have been prepared for the Project site to assess existing biological conditions. The results of these surveys will be discussed in the Draft EIR. The Draft EIR will also address consistency with the applicable habitat conservation plans such as the Western Riverside County Multiple Species Habitat Conservation Plan and the Stephen s Kangaroo Rat Habitat Conservation Plan. C. Cultural Resources. The proposed Project could potentially cause a substantial adverse change in the significance of an archaeological resource; indirectly destroy a unique paleontological resource, site, or unique geologic feature; or potentially disturb currently unknown human remains. In order to evaluate potential impacts to cultural resources, historical/archaeological resources report will be prepared for the Project. Impacts to cultural resources will be addressed in the forthcoming Draft EIR. D. Greenhouse Gas Emissions. The Draft EIR will evaluate the potential for the Project to generate substantial greenhouse gas emissions and/or be inconsistent with any applicable plan, policy, or regulation adopted for the purpose of reducing the emissions of greenhouse gases. E. Hydrology and Water Quality. The Draft EIR will address compliance with the established National Pollution Discharge Elimination System and water quality standards and the creation of runoff. F. Land Use and Planning. The Draft EIR will evaluate the Project s impacts with regard to conflicts with applicable land use plans, policies, or regulations. The Project s consistency with applicable habitat conservation/natural community conservation plans such as the Western Riverside County Multiple Species Habitat Conservation Plan and the Stephen s Kangaroo Rat Habitat Conservation Plan will be addressed in the Biological Resources section of the Draft EIR. G. Noise. The Draft EIR will identify existing and future noise levels in the Project vicinity and evaluate the potential impacts of the proposed Project. Noise issues to be addressed include construction noise, operational noise, exposure of people to airport noise, and noise levels in excess of noise standards. H. Tribal Cultural Resources. The proposed Project could potentially cause a substantial adverse change in the significance of a tribal cultural resource. In order to evaluate potential impacts to tribal cultural resources, a historical/archaeological resources report will be prepared for the Project and the City will engage in government-to-government consultation with Native American Tribes. Impacts to tribal cultural resources will be addressed in the forthcoming Draft EIR. I. Transportation. The Draft EIR will describe existing and future traffic conditions, and will assess J. Utilities and Service Systems. The Draft EIR will evaluate impacts associated with providing on-site.

12 Notice of Preparation Page 12 of 12 V. FUTURE PUBLIC MEETINGS As noted earlier, the City of Perris will hold a public scoping meeting with the City of Perris Planning Commission on, September 20, 2017 for the proposed Project. The City will provide background information on Environmental Impact Reports, solicit public input, respond to questions, and focus the document on issues of public concern. VI. RESPONSE TO THIS NOTICE OF PREPARATION Please provide written comments to the City of Perris no later than 30 days from the date of this Notice of Preparation. According to Code Section 15082(b) of the CEQA Guidelines, your comments should address the scope and content of environmental information related to your agency s area of statutory responsibility. More specifically, your response should identify the significant environmental issues and reasonable alternatives and mitigation measures that your agency will need to have explored in the Draft EIR; and, whether your agency will be a responsible agency or a trustee agency, as defined by California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Code Sections and 15386, respectively. Please return all comments to the following address: Diane Sbardellati, Associate Planner Planning Division City of Perris Development Services Department 135 North D Street Perris CA, The City of Perris appreciates your conscientious attention to this Notice of Preparation.