TOOL SOFTWARE. PETER C. JAIS Sugarsoft S/C Ltda., Sao Paulo, Brazil

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1 Proc. Int. Soc. Sugar Cane Technol., 24: TOOL SOFTWARE Sugarsoft S/C Ltda., Sao Paulo, Brazil Abstract Tool software developed by Sugar Soft Ltd is a powerful tool that can be used in the industry to help in a variety of chores associated with the design and configuration of a sugar factory with or without a distillery and/or cogeneration. Tool software is pre-modelled. Tool software can be divided into 3 basic categories: Process-Equipment-Setting. The aim of this presentation is to show some of these softwares and illustrate the advantages of a new way of doing things that used to be done in a different way, with the advantage of being able to do them so much quicker and more accurately. Introduction The Tool software is intended to be used in the same way as a reference book is used. It is simple to use, quick to open and easy to consult. The software will enable various factory conditions to be simulated quickly to allow various options to be explored. Overall factory mass balances The 'Balance' software simulates the overall balance of a sugar factory with the following alternatives: 4, 5, or 6 mills; with or without sulfitation; quadruple or quintuple effects; two or three massecuites; with or without alcohol production from molasses or mixed juice; traditional electricity generation or co-generation. The program consists of an overall balance as well as sectorial balances: overall balance; mill balance; clarification for sugar production; evaporation and heating; boiling; - clarification for alcohol production; fermentation;, distillation; economic balance. Apart from the balances, the program indicates the size, capacity and heating surface area of the principal equipment (Figure 1). All the user has to do is enter the variables of his' factory [canelh, % fibre, roller diameters and lengths; roller speeds; groove sizes, angles and pitches. The program then calculates work settings' and provides a scaled graphical output, giving the triangulation of the mill as well as the trash plate curve (Figure 2). Limits to the calculations can be entered [normally given by the mill manufacturer] and the program will warn when these limits are reached. The program will also advise when and where to apply packing below the bottom rollers. This program allows rapid simulation of various conditions and allows all available rolls to be tried, which can mean a big saving in time and money. Simulation of the distillery, evaporation station and boiling house This simulation is similar to the Balance program, though dealing only with an alcohol distillery, evaporation station or boiling house. The program gives the complete mass, steam, and water balances and also calculates the surface areas of the heat exchangers, evaporators etc. (Figure 3). Cogeneration software This software was made specifically for sugar factories with a traditional system of electricity generation, that are thi&ng of going on to co-generation. It simulates the present condition, giving a general mass, steam and electricity balance. It then allows the existing boilers to be replaced with higher pressure % pol, purity etc]. This program is useful for existing boilers and steam generating turbines. It also allows factories. It can assist with factory projects and can for the possibility of substituting steam turbines on be used by consultants and students. cane preparation and mills for electric and/or hydraulic motors. Mill setting The program allows simulation of an off-crop The 'Mill set' software, as the name implies, situation if there is excess bagasse left over, or even calculates the mill settings of a conventional type the possibility of buying bagasse for off-crop generamill with four rollers. The mill may have a vertical or tion. After having prepared the simulation, the inclined [15"] configuration. The required variables program makes a feasibility study calculating the are: investment necessary, financing schemes, paybacks tons cane per hour; and minimum sale price needed for the electricity to fibre % cane; be sold. KEYWORDS: Software, Factory Design, Equipment Specification.

2 Jais, P.C., Proc. Int. Soc. Sugar Cane Technol., 24: Fig. I-Screen dump from the Balance program.

3 1 Jais, P.C., Proc. Int. Soc. Sugar Cane Technol., 24: I I Heaters Clarified juice Fig. 3-Quintuple effect output screen. Condensers and heaters These are typical examples of equipment dimensioning software. They refer to a multi-jet type condenser or a tube and shell heater. For the condenser design, the data required are: * mass of steam to be condensed; temperature of the steam; adopted steam velocity; temperature of thescooling water; permitted temperature of tail pipe water. The program gives you (see Figure 4): flow of water needed; steam pipe diameter; general dimensions of the condenser [with basic drawing] ; general dimensions of the seal pot [with basic drawing]; number of nozzles; pressure head needed on water. For heater design, the required input data are: mass juice flow rate; inlet and outlet temperatures; steam temperature; juice velocity; tube dimensions and no. of passes. The program gives (see Figure 5): heating surface needed; steam consumption; tube lengths; Number of heaters.

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5 il Jais, P.C., Proc. Int. Soc. Sugar Cane Technol., 24: TOOL SOFTWARE Sugarsoft S/C Ltda., Sao Paolo, Brazil RCsumC Tool software, d6veloppc par Sugar Soft Ltd, est un outil puissant qui peut Ctre utilisk dans l'industrie, dans diff6rents domaines associq ii la conception et ii la configuration d'une usine sucrikre, avec ou sans distillerie et/ou cog6nqation. Tool software est pr6-mod6lis6 et peut Ctre regroup6 en 3 cat6gories de base: Fabrication-Equipement-R6glage. Le but de cette prksentation est de d6montrer quelques-uns de ces logiciels et d'illustrer les avantages d'une faqon nouvelle et diffkrente de faire les choses, avec, en plus, la possibilite de les faire beaucoup plus rapidement et avec une plus grande prkcision. Mots el&: Logiciel, conception d'usine, spccification d'kquipement. PROGRAMA TOOL Sugarsoft S/C Ltda., Sao Paolo, Brazil Resumen El programa Tool desarrollado por Sugar Soft Ltd. es una poderosa herrarnienta que puede ser utilizada en la industria para ayudar en una variedad de tareas asociadas con el disefio y configuracidn de una Mbrica de az6car con y sin destileria ylo cogeneracidn. El Programa ha sido pre-modelado y puede dividirse en tres categorias bhsicas: Proceso-Equipos-Configuracidn. El propdsito de esta presentacidn es mostrar algunos de estos programas e ilustrar las ventajas de una nueva forma de hacer las cosas que solian efectuarse de manera diferente, con la ventaja de ser capaz de realizarlas mas rapida y precisamente. Palabras claves: Programa computacional, disefio fgbrica, especificacidn de equipos.