Soil Class Handouts Greeley Colorado October 22 & 23, 2015

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1 Soil Class Handouts Greeley Colorado October 22 & 23, Hand Texturing Flow Chart 2. Table 10-1 Soil Treatment Area Long Term Acceptance Rates by Soil Texture, Soil Structure, Percolation Rate and Treatment Level 3. Table 10-2 Size Adjustment Factors for Methods of Application in Soil Treatment Areas Accepting Treatment Levels 1, 2, 2N, 3 and 3N Effluent Size Adjustment Factors for Types of Distribution Media in Soil Treatment Areas Accepting Treatment Level 1 Effluent 5. Rupture Resistance for Blocks, Peds and Clods 6. Percolation Test Procedure TCHD 7. Report, Site Plan and Design Document Completeness Checklist TCHD 8. Site and Soil Evaluation Completeness Checklist - TCHD 9. Soil Investigation Summary Form TCHD 10. Soil Profile Test Pit Log TCHD 11. Soil Textural Triangle 12. Estimate percent by Volume of Gravel 13. Soil Observation Log






7 PERCOLATION TEST SUMMARY AND DATA FORM Property Address: Legal Description: Saturation and Swelling Date and time presoak water added: Amount of presoak added (gallons): Date and time percolation test was started: Did water remain in hole after the overnight swelling period: Hole 1 Yes No Hole 2 Yes No Hole 3 Yes No Hole 4 Yes No Hole 5 Yes No Hole 6 Yes No Percolation Rate Hole 1 Hole 2 Hole 3 Hole 4 Hole 5 Hole 6 Average Certification I certify that the information on this form is correct and complete to the best of my knowledge and that I performed all tests in accordance with the provisions of Tri County Health Department Regulation O 14. I certify that I have all the competencies needed in accordance with Section 7.13 B. of O 14. Original Signature Print Name Date Company Name Address Phone Aurora E. 14 th Place Suite 309 Aurora, CO Castle Rock 4400 Castleton Court Castle Rock, CO Commerce City 4201 E. 72 nd Avenue Commerce City, CO Greenwood Village 6162 S. Willow Drive, Suite 100 Greenwood Village, CO TCHD S-431 (6/14) Tri-County Health Department services are provided without regard to race, color, sex, age, religion, national origin, or disability

8 PERCOLATION TEST RESULT FORM (Submit additional forms, as necessary) Hole No. Hole Depth (in.) Hole Diameter (in.) Length of interval (min.) Water Start of Interval (in.) Water End of Interval (in.) Drop in Level (in.) Percolation Final Interval (min./in.) Note: 1) Field Notes shall be recorded on this form or in this format; typed copies of field records may be submitted on this form. 2) A four hour test must be conducted unless (a) water remains in the hole after the presoak in which case one 30 min. interval is sufficient, (b) the first 6 of water seeps away in <30 minutes in which case a one-hour test of 6-10 minute time intervals may be used, (c) the test is being conducted in sandy soils in which case a one-hour test of 6-10 minute time intervals may be used,(d) three successive water level drops do not vary by more than 1/16 inch in which case a two-hour test may be conducted, (e) test is in Dawson Arkose, in which case the test must be run a minimum of four hours until the last three successive water level drops vary by less than 1/16 inch. TCHD S-431 (6/14) Tri-County Health Department services are provided without regard to race, color, sex, age, religion, national origin, or disability

9 O 14 Section Regulation O-14: Report, Site Plan and Design Document Completeness Checklist Written Report to Include YES NO N/A 7.9 Results of preliminary investigation 7.9 Results of site visit 7.9 C Dates of preliminary investigation and site visit 7.9 Results of detailed evaluations 7.9 Scale drawing locating features and test locations 7.9 A 7.9 B Name, address, phone number, address and credentials and qualifications of site evaluator Preliminary and detailed evaluations, w/information from site characteristics assessment and soils investigation 7.9 D Graphic soil log, to scale indicating Depth of soil profile test pit, on TCHD Form S 435 Soil description and classification, on TCHD Form S 435 Depth to groundwater, if applicable Type of equipment used to drill or excavate profile hole or test pit Date(s) of soils investigation Name of investigator and company name 7.9 E Table 5 Minimum Horizontal Distances Between OWTS Components and Features 7.9 F Table 6 OWTS Design and Treatment Requirements Distance from STA 7.9 G Scale drawing to include Complete property boundary lines Minimum size of 8.5 x 11 inches If property too large, a detail of the portion of the site with soil profile tests pits and percolation test holes Dimensions North arrow Graphic scale Proposed soil treatment area Soil profile holes or soil profile test pit locations Percolation test holes, if applicable Pertinent distances from proposed OWTS to all features Easements Ordinary high water mark of all relevant water features (e.g. pond, creek etc.) Contours or slope direction and percent slope Locations of any visible or known unsuitable, disturbed or compacted soils The estimated depth of periodically saturated soils and bedrock or flood elevation, if applicable Proposed elevation of the infiltrative surface of the soil treatment area, from established datum TCHD S-432 (6/14) Tri-County Health Department services are provided without regard to race, color, sex, age, religion, national origin, or disability

10 O 14 Section YES NO N/A 7.9 H Anticipated construction related issues 7.9 I 7.9 J Assessment of how known or reasonably foreseeable land use changes are expected to affect OWTS performance A narrative explaining difficulties encountered during the site evaluation and how these were resolved 7.10 Design Document To Include 7.10 B Facility description and proposed use 7.10 B Basis and calculations of design flow and wastewater strength 7.10 C All Plan Details Necessary for Permitting, Installation and Maintenance Including Assumptions and calculations for each component Scale drawing showing location of each OWTS component and distances to features Layout of Soil Treatment Area Dimensions of trenches or beds Distribution method and equipment Distribution boxes Drop boxes Valves Other components used Depths of Infiltrative surface Septic Tank Other components used Specifications of each component Specifications for septic tanks or other buried components must include Loads due to burial depth Additional weight or pressure loads Highest elevation of groundwater Resistance to local water composition, if applicable References to design manuals or other technical materials used Installation procedures Operation and maintenance manuals or instructions Other information that may be useful, such as photos and cross section drawings Aurora E. 14 th Place Suite 309 Aurora, CO Castle Rock 4400 Castleton Court Castle Rock, CO Commerce City 4201 E. 72 nd Avenue Commerce City, CO Greenwood Village 6162 S. Willow Drive, Suite 100 Greenwood Village, CO TCHD S-432 (6/14) Tri-County Health Department services are provided without regard to race, color, sex, age, religion, national origin, or disability

11 Regulation O-14: Site and Soil Evaluation Completeness Checklist Written Report to Include O 14 Section 7.2 PRELIMINARY INVESTIGATION YES NO N/A 7.2 A Property Information: Address Legal Description Existing Structures Location of Existing or Proposed Wells 7.2 B Tri County Health Department Records 7.2 C Published Site Information 7.2 G Topography Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) Soil Data Location of physical features, on and off property that will require setbacks, per Table 5, in Appendix A 7.2 E Preliminary soil treatment area (STA) size 7.2 G Additional information, as available Survey Easements Floodplain Maps Geology and basin maps Aerial photographs Climate information Delineated wetland maps 7.3 RECONNAISSANCE (SITE) VISIT TO EVALUATE Landscape position Topography Vegetation Natural and cultural features Current and historic land use 7.4 DETAILED SOIL INVESTIGATION, TO INCLUDE ONE OF THE FOLLOWING (check one) 1. Visual and tactile evaluation of two or more soil profile test pit excavations 2. Percolation tests plus one or more soil profile test pit excavations 3. Percolation tests plus one or more soil profile holes (allowed until 07/01/16 only) TCHD S-433 (06/14) Tri-County Health Department services are provided without regard to race, color, sex, age, religion, national origin, or disability

12 IF CHECKED #1 EVALUATE TWO OR MORE SOIL PROFILE TEST PITS TO DETERMINE YES NO N/A Soil types Soil structure Restrictive layer Evidence of seasonal high groundwater Best depth of STA infiltrative area One soil profile test pit excavation at portion of STA with most limiting conditions 7.6 Visual and Tactile Evaluation of Soil Requirements 7.6 A Evaluate soils under adequate light conditions 7.6 B 7.6 C Location at or immediately adjacent to STA, but preferably not under the bed or trench Method must allow observation of different soil horizons that constitute the soil profile 7.6 E Minimum depth of soil profile test pit (check one) 7.6 F To periodically saturated layer To bedrock Four feet below proposed depth of STA infiltrative surface, whichever is greater LTAR determined based on soil type at infiltrative surface, or more restrictive type within treatment depth 7.6 G Previous soil data, verified by evaluation of soils profile test pit excavation IF CHECKED #2 EVALUATE ONE OR MORE SOIL PROFILE TEST PITS TO DETERMINE Requirements in #1, plus 7.6 D Utilize soil test pit(s) to Determine whether soils are suitable to warrant percolation tests If soil is suitable to determine depths of percolation tests 7.5 Conduct percolation test in accordance with Section 7.5 IF CHECKED #3 (APPLICABLE UNTIL 07/01/16 ONLY) 7.5 Conduct percolation test in accordance with Section B Soil profile hole, to minimum of 8 feet below ground surface, to determine if groundwater or bedrock are present 7.7 Soil Description for Determination of a Limiting Condition 7.7 A Depth of each soil horizon from ground surface and description of the soil texture, structure and consistency 7.7 B Depth to bedrock 7.7 C Depth to periodically saturated soils as determined by (check one) Redoximorphic features and other indicators of water levels Depth of standing water 7.7 D Any other soil characteristics that need to be described to design a system, such as conditions that will restrict 7.8 Flag or mark percolation holes, profile holes, profile test pit excavations Aurora E. 14 th Place Suite 309 Aurora, CO Castle Rock 4400 Castleton Court Castle Rock, CO Commerce City 4201 E. 72 nd Avenue Commerce City, CO Greenwood Village 6162 S. Willow Drive, Suite 100 Greenwood Village, CO TCHD S-433 (06/14) Tri-County Health Department services are provided without regard to race, color, sex, age, religion, national origin, or disability

13 SOIL INVESTIGATION SUMMARY FORM Property Address: Legal Description: Property Owner Information Name: Address: Phone: Indicate Which Soil Investigation Method You Performed: (check one) 1. Visual and tactile evaluation from two or more soil profile test pit excavations. 2. Percolation test plus one or more soil profile test pit excavations. 3. Percolation test plus one or more soil profile holes (Note: Not allowed after 07/01/2016). If you checked 1: If you checked 2: If you checked 3: Complete Form S 435, Soil Profile Test Pit Log for each profile test pit. Complete Form S 431, Percolation Test Summary and Result Form and S 435, Soil Profile Test Pit Log for each profile test pit. Complete Form S 431 Soil Percolation Test Summary and Result Form. Soil Investigation Results Summary Is there a limiting condition with low permeability, bedrock, ground water or other condition that restricts the treatment capability of the soil? Yes No If yes, design document must explain how the limiting condition is addressed. Recommended Infiltrative Surface Elevation or Depth: Recommended Long Term Acceptance Rate (LTAR), From Table 9: (Note: If method 2 is used, and the average percolation rate and soil class fall into different rows in Table 9, the lesser LTAR shall be used). Aurora E. 14 th Place Suite 309 Aurora, CO Castle Rock 4400 Castleton Court Castle Rock, CO Commerce City 4201 E. 72 nd Avenue Commerce City, CO Greenwood Village 6162 S. Willow Drive, Suite 100 Greenwood Village, CO TCHD S-434 (6/14) Tri-County Health Department services are provided without regard to race, color, sex, age, religion, national origin, or disability

14 SOIL PROFILE TEST PIT LOG (A SEPARATE LOG SHALL BE COMPLETED FOR EACH SOIL PROFILE TEST PIT) Test Pit Number: Date of Logging: Range of Depth of Soil Horizon, Relative to Ground Surface USDA Soil Texture USDA Soil Structure Shape Soil Structure Grade Redoximorphic Features Present? (Y/N) Soil Type (from Table 9, In O 14) Notes: Is there a limiting condition with low permeability, ground water, bedrock, or other condition that restricts the treatment capability of the soil? Yes No If yes, design document must explain how the limiting condition is addressed. Evidence of Past Groundwater (Redoximorphic Features): Yes No Excavation Equipment: Aurora E. 14 th Place Suite 309 Aurora, CO Castle Rock 4400 Castleton Court Castle Rock, CO Commerce City 4201 E. 72 nd Avenue Commerce City, CO Greenwood Village 6162 S. Willow Drive, Suite 100 Greenwood Village, CO TCHD S-435 (6/14) Tri-County Health Department services are provided without regard to race, color, sex, age, religion, national origin, or disability

15 Soil Profile Test Pit Graphic Log Certification I certify that the information on this form is correct and complete to the best of my knowledge and that I performed all tests in accordance with the provisions of Tri County Health Department Regulation O 14. I certify that I have all the competencies needed in accordance with Section 7.13 C. of O 14. Original Signature Print Name Date Company Name Address Phone TCHD S-435 (6/14) Tri-County Health Department services are provided without regard to race, color, sex, age, religion, national origin, or disability

16 Soil Textural Triangle