The European way to Vet Quality Assurance and the Peer Review

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1 The European way to Vet Quality Assurance and the Peer Review International Conference Peer Review in VET Giorgio Allulli Pécs 13/9/2007

2 Topics of the presentation The process for promoting a culture of Vet quality in Europe The Recommendation on Quality The CQAF and the Contribution of the Peer Review approach

3 Council Resolution and Declaration of Copenhagen Enhanced cooperation in Vet through: The development of a single framework for the transparency of qualifications and competences (EQF) A system of credit transfer in VET (ECVET) A framework for quality assurance

4 Implementation of the mandate A technical working group (TWG) was established where member states, the Commission, candidate countries, EFTA-EEA countries and the European social partners were represented. The TWG developed a model and operational instruments for quality on Vet.

5 Instruments developed by the TWG A model: A Common Quality Assurance Framework (CQAF) A set of indicators Instruments for self assessment

6 The Education Council Conclusions (5/2004) To promote the CQAF on a voluntary basis To develop practical initiatives in order to assess its added value in improving national or regional systems

7 The European Network on Quality Assurance in VET (Enqa-Vet) A cooperative platform for structured exchange of information and experience, with the aim: To foster transparency and consistency of initiatives across Europe To contribute to raising awareness among the relevant stakeholders To promote the status of VET within Member States/Countries

8 The membership of the ENQA-VET The members of the network are designated by: Member states Candidate countries EFTA-EEA countries Social partners. 25 countries are represented so far. The Commission, DG EAC, is also represented. CEDEFOP and ETF participate in the network as technical and scientific advisers

9 The instruments of the Network The Network can rely on: A Board, which is the Network executive; it coordinates and facilitates the Network activities and membership National Reference Points, that ensure follow-up of initiatives and dissemination of information at national level A Virtual Community, which provides a communication platform for the Network and for other interested stakeholders

10 The activity of the Network General assembly meetings Board meetings Working groups Peer Learnings Thematic studies

11 The future of the Network The Network will become more autonomous and independent A grant will be given by the Commission (up to 2MEuros) to cover all the activities for 2 years ( ) A general Contractor will take responsibility for the legal and financial management of the grant and will support the Network Fetac (IE) has been chosen as Contractor

12 Toward a Recommendation on Vet Quality The European Ministers (Helsinki 2006) underlined the need to promote a culture of quality improvement A Recommendation to be adopted by the European Parliament and the Council is under discussion The Recommendation is based on the European Quality Assurance Reference Framework (EQARF), which includes: a model, to facilitate a systemic approach to VET goals setting, implementation, evaluation and review monitoring strands for evaluation and review a measurement tool (indicators)

13 The Recommendation (1) The Recommendation invites Member States to: 1. Use the EQARF as a tool to improve, reform and develop national and regional VET systems 2. Commence implementation by 2009, involving all relevant stakeholders and promoting a culture of self improvement 3. Participate in the European Network for Quality Assurance in VET and make effective use of European cooperation

14 The Recommendation (2) 4. Designate and/or further develop a National Quality Assurance Reference Point 5. Make best use of existing and future national and Community policies and financial instruments 6. Undertake a review of the implementation process every 5 years.

15 The National Reference Points role To keep stakeholders informed on the European Network activities To provide active support to the implementation of the Work Programme To take concrete initiatives to promote adaptation of the European Framework to country specific contexts To raise stakeholders awareness of the benefits of using the quality principles, outlined in the European Framework

16 The Common Quality Assurance Framework (CQAF)

17 Planning Planning refers to: setting up clear, appropriate and measurable goals regarding policies, procedures, tasks and human resources defining indicators to facilitate monitoring the achievement of these goals

18 Implementation The essential aspect of implementation is to establish procedures to ensure and promote achievement of goals and objectives. Procedures may vary considerably at provider level, in terms of: the operational system development of the organisational structure resource allocation involvement of stakeholders development of partnerships

19 Evaluation and assessment Evaluation and assessment cover: evaluation of the VET provision (self and external evaluation) assessment of achievement of outcomes at system and individual level. In general, the evaluation and assessment phase consists of two parts: collection and processing of data discussions, evaluation and assessment based on this data. Evaluation requires designing the evaluation mechanism and defining its scope as well as providing information on the findings of evaluation

20 Feedback and procedures for change Feedback and procedures for change form part of a systematic and goal-oriented process that is used to change plans and develop operations The aim is to learn from information acquired in different ways, in order to achieve the targeted outcomes and set new objectives and processes.

21 The Peer Review contribution to CQAF The Peer Review: Combines internal and external evaluation As a systematic procedure follows itself the CQAF model Quality areas follow the CQAF steps (Planning, implementing, evaluating, reviewing) Integrates qualitative and quantitative indicators Increases mutual trust in Europe (transparency, and mutual learning as main aims of Peer Review)

22 Peer Review advantages Peer Review is seen as a "friendly" methodology which generates openness from the Vet Provider. It is not perceived as threatening as other procedures Peer Review has a very flexible organization; it can be managed bottomup building Vet Providers networks Peer Review can be organised on a transnational level facilitating exchange and networking between VET Providers from different European countries

23 The Peer Review in the Enqa-Vet Work Program The Enqa-Vet WP is currently under discussion. Special attention is paid to the outcomes to Leonardo Projects on Quality, and in particular to the Peer Review approach, which seems very promising. The implementation of the PR approach could be incorporated in the Work Programme through the development of its process/structure and a register of Peer Review experts.

24 The European way to Vet Quality Assurance and the Peer Review International Conference Peer Review in VET Giorgio Allulli Pécs 13/9/2007