IC T w orkpla c es : C ultures of Innovation & G ender

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1 IC T w orkpla c es : C ultures of Innovation & G ender Cecilia Castaño Oscar Pérez November 2010 WO M E N A N D IC TS TH R O U G H TH E LIFE C YC LE : A N IN TE R N ATIO N A L C ON FE R E N C E B a rc elona, 8-10 N ovem ber 2010

2 O ur a pproa c h to the C onferenc e What s up in S panish IC T Innovative workplaces that can influence women share? G lobal influences: acros s G eographies & Industries Workplace conditions feeding back parent s advices? (M ila) R eflections from original research (Qli&Qnti) directed to IC T Innovative firms conducted in 2007 in S pain S egmented approach (several IC Ts) Local (S panish) vs. Global cultures M anufacturing vs. S ervices Narrow vs. B road Innovation (Tech vs. No tech) Focus on top res ults & emergent questions

3 M ethods : C om prehens ive a pproa c h Quantitative S econdary data E U harmonized S panish CIS Community Innovation S urvey (2006) Focus: Narrow innovation focus, S M B, S panish Two original surveys to complement Narrow innovation, S MB, S panish Broad innovation, Leading global companies Qualitative Leading multinationals in M adrid North-american & C ontinental E urope S panish multinationals S mall & Medium sized across the country

4 R es ults

5 (Quantitative) Tw o s epa rate w orlds ICT Manufacturing vs. Manufacturing Women s share better than M anufacturing Issue concentrates on gender gap at R &D ICT S ervices vs. S ervices Women s share worse than S ervices R esearch gap comparable to other S ervices

6 (Quantitative) Innovation & Wom en c orrelate Innovation correlates significantly with women share in innovation & managing positions An open collaborative innovation more significant S pecific issue with narrow innovation (negative association)

7 G loba ls (Quantitative) M en a re from M a rs, Wom en a re from Venus M en say that top ba rrier to leadership pos itions 40,0 13,3 13,3 33,3 Work-Fa m ily ba lanc e C ritic a l m a s s N one O ther Wom en say that top ba rrier 32, Loc a ls M en say that.. top ba rrier to leadership positions in innovation technology is 12,9 8,6 25,7 Work-Fa m ily ba lanc e C ritic a l m a s s N one O ther Wom en say that top ba rrier 2 5, ,9 Men & Women agree here ONLY! 25

8 (Quantitative) Polic ies a re being us eful Policies are found significant to bridge gap Transitions after maternity leave, Marketing of equality measures, Kindergarten support, E xtended Leave Narrow innovation, S MB, spanish Apart of work-family balance, lack of candidates big issue G ender equality meas ures & work-family balance: significant Gender equality measures: significant for women at innovation B road innovation, leading global companies Work-family balance biggest issue Talent policies seem significant Flexible/Teleworking not significant

9 (Quantitative) B ut polic ies a re not s olving problem s Many policies, but work family balance still considered the biggest issue (by women) In fact, policies are more frequent at Globals but Women at managing & strategic positions ~15% G lobals similar to locals at line mgmt. positions Develop discussion in Quali

10 (Qualitative) C ultures a s g ender s ens itive c ontexts From Local C ultures E qua lity/r ig id/r ea c tive Ta lent: Func tion/k now ledg e ba s ed To Global Cultures D ivers ity/flexible/p roa c tive Ta lent: M a rket/a ttitude ba s ed

11 (Qualitative) Tw o a pproa c hes to g ender E quality: Traditional/R eactive orientation to gender G ender neutrality dis course: Talent rules G ap explained by lack of candidates Though recognized Discretional role of middle managers R ole of informal networks Long lunchs/meetings D iversity: Innovative/P roactive orientation to gender P roactive to recruiting, retention, promotion of women D iversity contributes to business Cultural asset

12 (Qualitative) Tw o different c ultures R igid: Bureaucratic style R igid space/time dimensions P hysical presence, fixed schedules D irect supervis ion Technological innovation Flexible: P ostbureaucratic style Flexible space/time (IC T enabled) Managament by Objectives, empowerment Broad innovation

13 (Qualitative) Tw o different im plem entation level Low, R eactive implementation level E nvisioned as part of benefit package: Limited scope: discretional & not all positions C ultural res istance in rigid arenas: B ureaucracies Advanced, P roactive implementation level E nvisioned as a cultural asset Aligned to flexible cultures: P ostbureaucracies Understand them as part of culture management Actions towards changing mindsets: employees & mgrs

14 (Qualitative) Is s ue 1: A c om m itm ent ba s ed c onc ept of ta lent Firms state to be driven by talent not gender Talent is dominated by commitment in both cultures This vision seems incompatible with women preferences Local & Globals have their own barriers Locals with functional talent & rigid timing R igid timing is a barrier: flexible timing still is relaxed working Flexible timing perceived as social benefit measure Globals with market talent & flexible timing Flexible timing frequently becomes long & unsocial hours Flexible timing was already there: part of the culture

15 (Qualitative) Is s ue 2: Work-fa m ily ba la nc e is not res olved Work-family balance issues not resolved for strategic/innovative positions Career progression needs commitment Part-time not a real alternative R eaching the top involves family/personal life outsourcing C onnects with Quanti

16 (Qualitative) Is s ue 3 : Trends m a ke s truc tura l pers ona l S tructural limits transferred to individual responsibility: Your call (Joanne) Discourse say it is possible to have it all Just have to try harder But in current Organizations Flexibility is subordinated to company needs Commitment is a must for career sucess C urrent Globals best proposals Time management & tools to set your own limits S abbaticals to recover Moving boundaries back towards organization

17 In c onc lus ion & em erg ing ques tions

18 In c onc lus ion G ender & Innovation D ifferent context for M anufacturing & S ervices Innovation & Women correlate significantly M ore s ignificant with an open, broad innovation E fficiency vs. E quity vs. Organizational factors Men & women don t agree on barriers S tereotyping?, preserving corporate image?, self-presentation? O rganizational cultures are not all the same D iversity vs. E quality//flexible-non//implementation levels P olicies are not solving issues Teleworking/Flexible timing is not work-family balance Boundaryless work arises as key barrier in P ostbureaucracies R esponsibility on individual increases

19 We leave for later dis c us s ion M edium term questions/tactics for bridging the gap Long term questions/strategy for bridging the gap