SRM Training. What Is SRM?

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1 What Is SRM? Safety Risk Management (SRM) is a process within the Safety Management System composed of describing the system, identifying hazards, and analyzing, assessing and controlling risk. The way that we accomplish this process is by performing a Safety Risk Assessment (SRA) using the Change Management/Risk Assessment Worksheet.

2 Who Is Responsible For Performing SRA s After completing this training, all members of management including; Supervisors, Crew Chiefs, the Director of Safety, Safety Coordinators, and the Accountable Executive who are associated with Flight Ops, Maintenance, FBO Services, and Safety are responsible for performing SRA s. They have the authority to make safety risk acceptance decisions and are accountable for assuring the effectiveness of safety risk controls within their areas of responsibility. These members of management have the responsibility and authority to develop, implement, and maintain hazard identification and risk assessment processes when any of the conditions listed on the next slide occur.

3 When Do We Perform SRA s? CFM applies safety risk management under any of the following conditions and will be processed using the Change Management/Risk Assessment Worksheet: Implementation of new system(s)/organization or proposed revision New or proposed revision to a process New or proposed revision to a procedure New or proposed revision to operational environment Ineffective Risk Control(s)

4 SRA s Should Be Accomplished In Small Groups While performing the Change Management/Risk Assessment Worksheet, it is recommended that an individual does not perform the process independently. A small group of individuals who are knowledgeable in the department performing the SRA is recommended in order to produce the most comprehensive assessment possible.

5 Obtaining The Change Management Worksheet The Change Management/Risk Assessment Worksheet is available for download on the Employee Website Safety Page. You must download the form and save it to your computer before the fillable pdf and associated buttons become active. Step by step directions are available by clicking on the Click Here For Directions button on the top right hand corner of the Worksheet. Once the SRA is completed it will be sent to the Director of Safety for review, final acceptance, and documentation.

6 Manager & Supervisor Responsibilities And Authority Adhere to all Employee Responsibilities and Authority (SMS Page 3-8) Addressing safety hazards, concerns and / or suggestions as brought to their attention by employees. If unable to address such issue(s) report safety hazards, concerns and / or suggestions to the Director of Safety. Facilitate, develop, implement, and maintain SMS processes within their areas of responsibilities to include hazard identification, safety risk assessments, and the effectiveness of safety risk controls Authority to make safety risk acceptance decisions Authority to designate qualified individuals to perform basic audit functions Promotion and awareness of the Safety Management System Reporting accidents, incidents, suggestions to the Safety Department Quarterly Safety Meeting attendance as required or requested Timely responses to the Safety Department in regards to safety, audit issues, and discrepancies Sharing of safety information with employees Completion of Internal Audits as assigned or requested

7 Review The Change Management/Risk Assessment Worksheet Click the link provided on the next slide to download a copy of the Worksheet to your computer. Once downloaded, you can then review the worksheet and the associated buttons will be active. Again, the worksheet has been designed to include directions by simply clicking on the Click Here For Directions box located on the top right hand corner of the worksheet. If you need further explanation or have a question, contact the Director of Safety for assistance. A copy of the current worksheet will always be accessible on the Safety Page of the Employee Website.

8 Download The Worksheet IMPORTANT: After downloading the Worksheet return to this training module by clicking the back arrow on your browser, proceed to the final slide and sign into the training roster. %20Mgt%20Worksheet% pdf

9 Click Below To Sign The Training Roster Sign In To SRM Training Roster The End Thank You For Your Time And Attention