Pathways to a Farming Career at Tocal

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1 Pathways to a Farming Career at Preferred Graduate Industry Approved Graduate V1.JH.15

2 Industry Approved Graduate

3 By achieving a specific set of National that lead to a National Qualification. National E.g. AHCMOM202A Operate Tractors AQF- National Qualifications E.g. AHC30110 Certificate III in Agriculture Industry Approved Graduate

4 Case Studies Training Prac Work College helps you achieve these competencies by offering training in the way of Case Studies, Training and Prac Work. National AQF- National Qualifications Industry Approved Graduate

5 Case Studies Training Prac Work National Case Studies are mostly. Training is mostly practical. But. they can be a mix of both. AQF- National Qualifications Industry Approved Graduate

6 Case Studies Training Prac Work Assignments, Quizzes, Presentations, Etc. National Practical Manual- Core is mostly assessed by assignments, quizzes, projects and presentations. are mostly assessed using checklists from the Practical Manual. Only Core skills in the Manual count towards a National Qualification. AQF- National Qualifications Industry Approved Graduate

7 Case Studies Training Prac Work Assignments, Quizzes, Presentations, Etc. Competent National Practical Manual- Core At we use the terms Competent and to indicate when you have been successful at meeting the and Skill requirements of a competency. AQF- National Qualifications Industry Approved Graduate

8 Case Studies Training Prac Work Assignments, Quizzes, Presentations, Etc. Competent Practical Manual- Core If you achieve the right number and type of National you will be awarded a National Qualification. National AQF- National Qualifications Industry Approved Graduate AQF National Qualifications are approved by industry

9 Can I undertake additional Training and achieve above the National Qualifications Standards? Feedback from industry and employers suggest s additional training can lead to a Preferred Graduate Preferred Graduate

10 Yes! If you achieve * you may become eligible for course. such as Graduating with Merit from the Course. E.g. TOC303 Proficiency in Farm * have been developed by in consultation with industry. They are NOT required for a National Qualification. Students are encouraged to achieve these to increase their employment prospects. E.g. Graduating with Merit from the Course * Preferred Graduate

11 Case Studies Training Prac Work You still take part in Case Studies, Training and Practical Work. Preferred Graduate

12 Case Studies Training Prac Work And and are still just as important! Preferred Graduate

13 Case Studies Training Prac Work Assignments, Quizzes, Presentations, Etc. Competent Practical Manual- Core And you still need to achieve the National Qualification of your course. National AQF- National Qualifications National Qualifications still form the minimum requirements of! Preferred Graduate

14 Case Studies Training Prac Work But now there are extra skills that will make you even more employable! Practical Manual- Please Note: ARE NOT required in order to achieve a National Qualification. They are required to achieve. Preferred Graduate

15 Case Studies Training Prac Work Prac Reports Practical Manual- Plus we use Practical Work Reports Please Note: Prac Reports ARE NOT required in order to achieve a National Qualification. They are required to achieve. Preferred Graduate

16 Case Studies Training Prac Work Prac Reports Practical Manual- Attitude & Interpersonal To make sure you have the right attitude and personality for the job. Preferred Graduate

17 Case Studies Training Prac Work Prac Reports Practical Manual- Attitude & Interpersonal You need to be in these to achieve some of s. * Preferred Graduate

18 Case Studies Training Prac Work Extras Prac Reports There are also some Extra requirements depending on what course you are in. Practical Manual- Attitude & Interpersonal Preferred Graduate

19 Case Studies Training Prac Work Extras Either, Prac Reports Individual Study (C3) OR These Extras improve your ability to carry out research and handle new ideas & information. Practical Manual- Attitude & Interpersonal Property Report (C4) Industry Study (C4) Please Note: Individual Studies, Property Report and Industry Study ARE NOT required in order to achieve a National Qualification. They are required to achieve. Preferred Graduate

20 Case Studies Training Prac Work Extras Either, Prac Reports Individual Study (C3) OR You need to be Competent in these to achieve other. Practical Manual- Attitude & Interpersonal Property Report (C4) Industry Study (C4) Competent Preferred Graduate

21 Case Studies Training Prac Work Extras Either, Prac Reports Individual Study (C3) OR Merit is awarded to students who achieve consistently above the minimum standards of their National Qualification. Practical Manual- Attitude & Interpersonal Property Report (C4) Industry Study (C4) Competent Performance worthy of Merit is based on feedback from the employers of students. A Merit level student is generally considered a " Preferred Graduate". Merit Preferred Graduate

22 Case Studies Training Prac Work Extras Achieving the grade of Merit while gaining a National Competency can contribute towards as well. Assignments, Quizzes, Presentations, Etc. Practical Manual- Core Practical Manual- Prac Reports Attitude & Interpersonal Individual Study (C3) OR Property Report (C4) Either, Industry Study (C4) Competent Competent National Merit AQF- National Qualifications Industry Approved Graduate Preferred Graduate

23 The requirements for Merit in a course overall are described in the Student Handbook. Merit is a Award which is given when or have been achieved to a described standard above the minimum National Competency Guidelines. Merit generally requires a higher level of knowledge or skill to be achieved than is required by a National Competency or Qualification guideline. Merit Preferred Graduate

24 Case Studies Training Prac Work Extras Either, Prac Reports Individual Study (C3) OR Assignments, Quizzes, Presentations, Etc. Practical Manual- Core Practical Manual- Attitude & Interpersonal Property Report (C4) Industry Study (C4) Competent Competent National Merit AQF- National Qualifications Industry Approved Graduate Preferred Graduate

25 Case Studies Training Prac Work Extras Either, Prac Reports Individual Study (C3) OR Assignments, Quizzes, Presentations, Etc. Practical Manual- Core Practical Manual- Attitude & Interpersonal Property Report (C4) Industry Study (C4) Competent National Merit AQF- National Qualifications Industry Approved Graduate Preferred Graduate