JOBS1st PA STEM State Competition Rubric No description of a problem or need in the community was defined.

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1 JOBS1st PA STEM State Competition Rubric Phase 1A. /Project Proposal Revised (1000 word document (max) submitted prior to the state competition) 1.A.1. Description of a real-world problem 1.A.2. need 1.A.3. Use of engineering processes and principles No description of a No needs have been No evidence of the team s ability to adhere to the A brief description of a problem or need in the was One need has been Limited evidence of the team s ability to adhere to the A Limited description of a Two needs have been Some evidence of the team s ability to adhere to the A Satisfactory description of the Two or more needs have identified and a way to improve the. Good evidence of the team s ability to adhere to the A Detailed description of a Two or more needs have identified and multiple ways to improve the. Outstanding evidence of the team s ability to follow engineering model: think, 1.A.4. Budget documentation Limit = $750 or $1,250 total Exceeding the limit (-20 pts) 1.A.5. Plan and the costs of improvement (Beyond the competition) 1.A.6. Written including conventions No budget attached. / Project Proposal There is no plan to identify the costs of No terminology was used or it was used inappropriately. Many grammar / interfere with the little detail. There is little evidence of a plan to identify the costs of Proposal used few terms as they applied to the device / prototype. Some grammar / interfere with the out of 24 adequate detail and knowledge of the project. There is some evidence of a plan to identify the costs of Proposal used some terminology as it applied to the Few grammar / seldom interfere with the great detail and knowledge of the project. There is a definite plan to identify the costs of Proposal used many terms as it applied to the Few grammar/spelling errors that DID NOT interfere with Detailed / itemized budget plan with price, quantity, and description of how the items were used in the prototype. There is a detailed plan to identify the costs of Proposal displayed terminology as it applied to the No grammar or spelling errors.

2 Phase 1B. /Project Presentation (20 minutes) 1.B.1. Knowledge of device,, benefits and justifies recent improvements. 1.B.2. Understanding of STEM skills and processes used to identify areas of improvement 1.B.3. Appearance and creativity of the device 1.B.4. the improvements made to device 1.B.5. Scale of the device does not address a local, not supported by do not device; did not outline STEM poor craftsmanship and did not appear to be age did not display creativity in function and/or use of does not represent thoughtful re-design and no improvements were evident. No mention or scale. d for local, but its benefit to not supported by basic device, outlining only 1 specific STEM limited/ below average did not appear to be age did not display creativity in function and/or use of represents thoughtful re-design, but improvements were minimal. Scale was mentioned, but understanding was not d. d for local, but its benefit to supported by some device, outlining 2 exhibits adequate/ average some creativity in represents thoughtful re-design and show noticeable improvements, but either did not make appropriate use of materials, or did not adequately match the specs in the project plan. Scale was mentioned with minimal understanding. provided, or were entirely inaccurate for solves a local is somewhat articulated. supported by clear device, outlining 3 exhibits quality/ above average good creativity in represents thoughtful re-design, appropriate use of materials, and adequately matched the specs in the project plan. showed significant Scale was described with a moderate level of understanding. Calculations were simple and/or somewhat inaccurate for mass production of the device. effectively solves a local is clearly articulated. strongly supported by clear device, outlining 4 exhibits creativity in represents thoughtful re-design and attention to detail, appropriate use of materials, and exactly matched the specs in the project plan. showed Scale was thoroughly articulated and d clear understanding. Calculations were sophisticated/ complex and accurate for mass production of the device.

3 Phase 1B. /Project Presentation (20 minutes) CONTINUED 1.B.6. Local business/ industry connections 1.B.7 Delivery methods 1.B.8. Oral do not identify any partners. do not businesses, Lack of organization and confusing flow of No use of research or data. No visual aids/ media were used. did not use of were not fluent or did not display acceptable posture, body position, and/or volume of their identify a partner. do not businesses, Uses some but not all components - Missing Limited use of research or data. were used, or use was a distraction from the content. d limited appropriate were somewhat fluent or had body position, and the volume of their voice was audible. identify a partner. very limited organization and flow of Some use of research or data to garner support. At least one visual aid/ media was used to provide limited support for the content. d were somewhat fluent and had an adequate posture, and the volume of their voice was acceptable. identify multiple potential company partners. an adequate Clear organization Some use of research or data to garner support. were used and provided some support for the content. d were fluent and had an and projected their identify a comprehensive list of potential company partners. a detailed, thorough Coherent and logical organization Concise and relevant use of research and data to garner support. supported the presentation and did not distract from the content. d were fluent, confident, poised and enthusiastic. had an made eye contact with the panel, and projected their / Project Presentation out of 32

4 2. Building a Stronger PA Presentation (5 minutes) 2.1. STEM business/ industry opportunities 2.2. how STEM is used to solve challenges, now and in the future 2.3. Explanation of how research influenced device/ STEM best practices utilized 2.4. Skills/ training needed to fill jobs in the 2.5. Team reflection 2.6. Delivery methods 2.7. Oral Did not identify No current STEM challenge, potential improvement, or is No research cited, no mention of its No No explanation of team member s roles. Lack of organization, confusing flow of no use of visuals/ media. did not appear confident and did not display body position, and/or volume of their Little identification of One current STEM challenge is identified, but either a potential improvement or is not. A passing mention of research or Limited needed. Aware of team member s roles. organization and flow of use of visuals/ media. confidence, acceptable body position, and the volume of their voice was audible. Some identification of One current STEM challenge, potential improvement, and is somewhat utilized research and/or explained Identified needed, but did not articulate why they are needed. Knowledge of the team member s roles and responsibilities. organization, flow of use of visuals/ media. appeared somewhat adequate posture, and the volume of their voice was acceptable. A good amount of Multiple current STEM challenges, potential solutions/ improvements, and future opportunities are provide a clear explanation of research and or Clearly identified multiple skills/ training needed, and articulated why they are needed. Understanding of the team member s roles and responsibilities. Clear organization supportive use of visuals/ media. appeared mostly and projected their A high level of A wide variety of current STEM challenges, potential solutions/ improvements, and future opportunities are A thorough explanation of research with a comprehensive connection to how it influenced the project. Comprehensive needed, thorough articulation of why they are needed. each team member s contributions and strengths. Coherent and logical organization supportive use of visuals/ media. appeared made eye contact with the panel, and projected their STEM in Your Community out of 28

5 JOBS1st PA STEM State Competition Summary Sheet School Name IU Date Time 1a. Project Proposal Rubric Max 24 Points 1b. / Project Presentation Skills Max 32 Points 2. Building a Stronger PA Max 28 Points Final Totals Max 84 Points Judge Signature