Big Rapids Area Junior Hockey Association. Meeting Minutes: November 14, 2013

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1 Big Rapids Area Junior Hockey Association Meeting Minutes: November 14, 2013 A. Call to Order: Meeting called to order at 6:11 p.m. by Tim Blashill in the Bulldog Room at Ewigleben Ice Arena. B. Board Members Present: Tim Blashill, Joe Spedowski, Jason Andres, Sonya Andes, Tim Jones, Nancy Hogan, Doug Workman, Liane Couch, Susan Jones Members Not Present: Tara Lee C. Agenda 1. October Minutes reviewed, discussed. Concussion Management Program. a. Nancy Hogan questions who is supposed to sign? Joe Spedowski indicates that should be whoever is keeping the records. Sonya Andres suggests it should be our program Safe Rep, which is her. Tim Jones questions the ability for her to be there, and Sonya and Tim Blashill indicated there would be a step-by-step process that needs to be consistent. b. Doug Workman asks whether we are to have one Safe Rep per team, which was confirmed. c. Sonya Andres indicates all this should have been addressed in August. Tim Blashill also indicates this process is setting up for next year since this has been all new this year. Joe Spedowski indicates this is all a learning curve. d. Doug Workman moves, Sonya Andres seconds. Minutes approved. 2. Treasurer s Report - Jason Andres a. Conversion to QuickBooks is in process. Just has current month. b. Accounts receivables are $44,833. c. Approximately $35,000 is in the BRAJHA bank account. Nothing has been rectified to the bank yet because Jason doesn t have everything he needs. Doug Workman questions what is it that is missing. Jason indicates still awaiting a few payments from THRIVA in order to rectify the bank account 1

2 and QuickBooks program. Will be rectifying at the end of the month. d. Joe Spedowski indicates that the QuickBooks set-up began a week or two after the previous month s board meeting. Jason Andres has spent approximately 60 hours inputting data into the new accounting system. e. Thriva doesn t have capabilities to link with our system. Statements from THRIVA indicate what was paid, not what Thriva got paid. Liane Couch questions how much BRAJHA pays for the use of the THRIVA system. f. Doug Workman requests copies of balance sheet. Tim Blashill offers to go make copies. 3. Fundraising a. Raffles. *Susan Jones advises we purchased the ipad from Meijer for $289. The ticket printing cost was $29.15 for 500. All raffle tickets are out in circulation but 10. $5 per ticket. Susan indicates not every family has tickets. Some families refuse to sell them. *Susan Jones indicates the license fee for the raffle was $15. It will cost another $15 for the license to raffle off the big screen television. For future reference, if we request all raffles at one time, it is a one time $15 fee. *Susan is planning to go talk to Eric O Neil at Big Rapids Furniture regarding the big screen. She advises there are some families within the organization that don t want to participate in any further fundraising. Doug Workman doesn t believe it will be a problem covering the cost. Liane Couch questions whether it s the cost or the inconvenience of selling. Susan indicates some families feel overwhelmed with all the fundraising. b. Poinsettias/Wreaths. *Nancy Hogan indicates a few people still owed, but the grand total to run through Match Day is $6,810, with over 200 wreaths sold. Final net amount was still unknown. 4. Treasurer s Report Revisited a. Doug Workman questions why the Peewee team has a negative balance. Jason Andres indicates it is because that team has spent money out of their account without having any money deposited into their account. Jason advises that isn t unusual. Tim Blashill reminds that BRAJHA pays for districts or an away tournament. b. Joe Spedowski explains each team will have its own account and eventually won t be in negative and we will know if teams have overspent. Tim Blashill indicates should have weekly or biweekly updates of the account information forwarded to each team s manager. Ticket-taking money isn t in there yet. 2

3 c. Tim Blashill indicates BRAJHA received the check from Buffalo Wild Wings. d. Joe Spedowski thinks we need to have those negative amounts showing to keep track. e. Doug Workman thinks it s a good idea to track every expense per team because he is very concerned with the money lost from the previous year. Jason Andres indicates we lost approximately $1000 as opposed to the $12,000 that was on a previous statement, but BRAJHA is still getting payments from last year. Doug indicates we need to know where any losses are going and need to be more fiscally solvent. Joe Spedowski indicates can get detailed balance sheets within a few months. Tim Blashill advises we need to get the information. Doug advises we need to know projected expenses each month and if the money isn t coming in to cover expenses, BRAJHA needs to be able to cut back in other areas and be fiscally responsive. f. Joe Spedowski indicates each team s account is building for any expenses. Tim Blashill isn t too worried about individual accounts; the big things are ice, tournaments. Sonya advises we can estimate for trophies. Tim Blashill indicates we need detail to look at. g. Tim Jones questions whether BRAJHA or Ferris tournaments. Tim Blashill advises all go through BRAJHA. Doug Workman questions whether we make money on tournaments. Tim Blashill indicates that we don t profit off Mite tournaments. Sonya questions why not. Tim Blashill indicates not making a lot of money on Mite tournaments because the numbers have increased so much. h. Joe Spedowski indicates program can provide a budget. All the information would take a long time go through all old information. Tim Blashill indicates we need to see certain things broken down. Tim Jones wants to know if the squirt tournament made or lost money. i. Tim Blashill indicates he spoke to the trophy vendor and received $1 off each dog tag medal. j. Tim Jones indicates Ferris is making money off our tournaments and suggests go to the ice arena director and request a percentage off Ferris profit to make up for money lost on Mite tournaments. Tim Blashill advises against that because Ferris is paying for tournament sanctions, and they probably don t need to. Doug Workman indicates we shouldn t rock the boat, but need to know which way the boat swings. k. Doug Workman suggests we iron out how we want our reports to look. Joe Spedowski suggests the standard balance sheet and profit/loss detail. l. Doug Workman also suggests creating a detailed ice bill per team. Tim Blashill disagrees and believes that would be 3

4 creating unnecessary work when we already know that ahead of time. Doug questions how Ferris sends the invoice. Jason Andres provides what Ferris gives him. Doug Workman thinks should be articulated per month. Nancy Hogan advises you don t want to get too small. Doug suggests putting bulk ice time in line item. Joe Spedowski advises will be put in the monthly statement. Tim Blashill wants it broken down for money spent on practices and games and then have tournament in there additionally. Jason Andres questions how many home games per team. Tim Blashill advises 12 for each Squirt team, 14 for the Peewees, and 16 for the Bantams. Doug suggests sit down and go through what is necessary information and what isn t necessary. Tim Jones suggests a subcommittee be formed and present it to the board as a whole. Jason indicates we re at about $45,000 in ice bill to date. Monthly ice bill is $12,000 to $25,000. m. Susan Jones suggests recirculation of trophies to save money with replating/refurbishing. Tim Blashill indicates the Holiday Inn wants to pay for all our trophies. Nancy Hogan suggests pucks are nice. Tim Blashill can get pucks for $2.50. Jason Andres questions if we order them in bulk if we could get them for less. Tim Blashill advises for 300 pucks it works out to $2.50 per puck. Jason suggests ordering in mass quantity to get the cost per puck lowered. n. Sonya Andres suggests taking the old trophies and have refurbished to save money. 5. Thriva/Billing Statements a. Hard copy sent in the mail. Everyone should be getting a monthly statement through and has not happened as of yet. Tim Blashill advises we did this to make less work, and it s creating more work even though it is beneficial. b. Tim Blashill indicates that the front page is still showing Mites receiving a $50 discount for paying early and it shouldn t be; will be trying to negotiate a refund. c. Joe Spedowski asks what percentage charged. Jason Andres indicates 2.5% for credit card, 1% for checks, and a $5 per player fee; almost $1,000 to date. d. Tim Blashill indicates that he received notification of a Thriva payment from one family that hasn t been allowed to play this year due to non-payment. e. Doug Workman asks about Thriva regulating delinquent accounts. Tim Blashill advises that s through us. Joe Spedowski explains that QuickBooks is how we monitor delinquent accounts, but warns that access should be limited and should include the team managers. Tim Blashill suggests we start looking into payments. Nancy Hogan advises that team managers need to be involved. Doug Workman suggests a review in three weeks and if some haven t paid, 4

5 they need to be approached and advised of a cut-off date in which the child will not be allowed to play. Tim Jones warns penalizing the child for what the parents do. Doug Workman agrees, but doesn t want to run the risk of completely losing out on that money and feels they need to be urged to pay. Nancy Hogan reminds of money lost because of being too nice. Tim Blashill advises need to stay up to date and send out warning letters; warning in two weeks. Nancy Hogan suggests monthly payments and trying to get parent prepaying over the summer through Thriva. Tim Blashill says we need to stay on it and stay consistent. 6. Contract with Ferris/Tim a. Doug Workman thinks this needs to be addressed, but not right now. Tim Blashill advises he needs to discuss with new rink manager. Nancy Hogan asks if there is a copy of the old contract available. b. Tim Blashill advises BRAJHA pays him $2,000 a year directly. Jason Andres wants to know what is being paid out to Ferris now. Tim Blashill explains that money is going to the ice arena to pay for Tim s services. c. Doug Workman believes that the by-laws need to protect BRAJHA more and advises that within the by-laws, there is a manager contract that is referenced, which has never been seen. Jason Andres indicates that the contact is supposed to be reviewed annually. Sonya Andres asks if there was a previous one. Tim Blashill doesn t believe there is one, even though the by-laws indicate one exists. d. Nancy Hogan wants to be sure the BRAJHA is in charge of any contract preparation. e. Doug Workman suggests that there be a proposed contract and amended by-laws in June and it be brought before the entire BRAJHA organization at our September meeting. A subcommittee with Doug Workman, Jason Andres, Tim Blashill, and Tim Jones will start working on the contract and by-laws. f. Tim Blashill will look into the player fee agreement with Ferris and the manager contract. 7. Fundraising Revisited a. Nancy Hogan indicates the funds raised through the wreaths/poinsettia fundraiser will be run through Match Day. The fundraiser was successful with selling 220 poinsettias and 180 wreaths, although having to pay $250 delivery fee for the wreaths to be brought from Kaleva. b. Nancy also indicates that the Icedog Card money is coming in slowly. Jason Andres accesses the information and advises that the organization has netted $2,984 with only about 1/3 of the card money turned in. Tim Blashill will be 5

6 sending out an notifying families that if the Icedog card money is not turned in by January 1 st, they will be responsible for that money and it will be charged to their accounts. c. Liane Couch asks if anyone else received an from USA Hockey regarding a fundraising opportunity through Schwan s. No one else had received the , but there was some interest in the fundraising possibility. Liane will look into it further. 5. MAHA Report a. Tim Jones advises all exceptions were granted for Districts. Play-in games will take place the first weekend of January. There is a subcommittee regarding which teams will go, and Tim Jones volunteered for that. b. Joe Spedowski brings up the fact that one representative on the council wants Districts changed to allow for every team to play; which is geographically unreasonable for teams out of metro areas. 6. Community Service Liane Couch poses the question of offering community service possibilities for students for working home games in keeping the score sheets and working the time clock. The board members in general seemed to think that wouldn t be a problem since we are a nonprofit organization. 7. List/Website a. Liane Couch still has not been provided with a complete list. Tim Blashill is to provide that. b. Doug Workman would like reminders sent out each week regarding Wednesday skills sessions. c. Nancy Hogan advises that anyone wanting information on the website needs to get that information to Tara. Roster information still has not been updated from last season. 8. Open Discussion Nancy Hogan has a concern regarding people being on the ice during practice times that are not rostered players. Tim Blashill suggests bringing it up to the coaches. Sonya Andres doesn t see what the problem is if they are helping with the practices. Tim Jones feels that is at the discretion of the coaches. D. December Board Meeting Next BRAJHA board meeting will be December 12, 2013 at 6 p.m. in the Bulldog Room. Motion to adjourn at 8:10 p.m. made by Joe Spedowski, seconded by Doug Workman. Vote approved unanimously. 6