Capability 3) Written procedures for recruiting, selecting, training and managing Staff and volunteers.

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1 Child and Youth Risk Management Strategy V 2.03 PURPOSE The purpose of a Child and Youth Risk Management strategy is to help to identify potential risks of harm to hildren and young people and to implement strategies to minimise these risks. A well-developed strategy will help Matthew Flinders Anglian College ahieve its objetives by providing a lear and onsistent framework to guide and support hildren and young people, parents, employees, volunteers and visitors to our College. 1. Introdution Safe servie environments do not just happen; they require ongoing planning, ommitment and maintenane. The Blue Card system aims to reate safe and supportive servie environments where hildren and young people an reeive servies and partiipate in ativities essential to their development and wellbeing. The Blue Card system has three key omponents: Risk management strategies Blue Card sreening Compliane and ongoing monitoring. 2. Coverage This Child and Youth Risk Management Strategy overs the following eight requirements of the Management and Sreening) At 2000: Commitment 1) A Statement of Commitment to the safety and wellbeing of hildren and the protetion of hildren from harm. 2) A Code of Condut for interating with hildren. Capability 3) Written proedures for reruiting, seleting, training and managing Staff and volunteers. Conerns 4) Poliies and proedures for handling dislosures or suspiions of harm, inluding reporting guidelines. 5) A plan for managing breahes of the Risk Management Strategy. 6) Risk management plans for high risk ativities and speial events. Consisteny 7) Poliies and proedures for managing ompliane with the Blue Card system. 8) Strategies for ommuniation and support. 3. Sope This strategy applies to all Students, Parents, Employees, Volunteers and visitors of Matthew Flinders Anglian College (the College). 4. Struture The following desribes how the strategy doument is to be strutured: Column A Requirement: This sets out the 4 Key Areas and 8 Mandatory Requirements as set out in the Working with Management and Sreening) At 2000 and the Management and Sreening) Regulation Column B Ation/s: Intentional ations, programs and proesses that have been developed and will be implemented. The Ation/s must be speifi and expressed in terms that an be assessed and evaluated as to their effetiveness. Column C Referene: Desribes the poliy, proedures, protools and other guidelines whih form the authority for the partiular Ation/s. Column D Responsible Offier: This identifies the partiular Staff member who has responsibility for the development and/or implementation of a partiular Ation/s. Matthew Flinders Anglian College Child and Youth Risk Management Strategy V 2.03 Published 1 June 2017.dox Page 1

2 Column E Evidene: This identifies those things whih an be objetively examined and will demonstrate that the Ation is in plae and is being applied orretly. Abbreviations ACSQ Flinders Anglian Churh Southern Queensland Matthew Flinders Anglian College Approval Approved by the College Board of Diretors on 21 July Referene: Draft template from the Anglian Shools Offie Sep Related Douments: Code of Condut Staff College Community Code of Condut Reruitment of Staff Poliy Matthew Flinders Strategi Plan Complaints Management Poliy Risk Management Poliy for Exursions and Camps Workplae Health & Safety Poliy and Proedures Manual Managing Breahes of the Child and Youth Risk Management Strategy Student Protetion in Anglian Shools Poliy and Proedures Review: V 2.01 Prinipal 30 May 2016 Review: V 2.02 Prinipal 5 Deember 2016 Review: V 2.03 Prinipal 1 June 2017 Contat: Prinipal s Offie Authorised by: Prinipal Developed: From Anglian Shools Offie template, Sep 2015 Review V2.00 Brue Winther Prinipal Review V2.03 Stuart Meade Prinipal Next Review Due: End of eah year This poliy may be updated or revised from time to time. The College will not notify you eah time the Poliy is hanged. If you are unsure whether you are reading the most urrent version, you should ontat the Prinipal's Exeutivel Assistant. Matthew Flinders Anglian College Child and Youth Risk Management Strategy V 2.03 Published 1 June 2017.dox Page 2

3 Part 1: Commitment Child and Youth Risk Management Strategy Column A Column B Column C Column D Column E Requirement Ation/s Referene Responsible Evidene Offier 1. Statement of ommitment 2. Code of Condut for interating with Students Matthew Flinders Anglian College has adopted the Student Protetion in Anglian Shools Poliy and Proedures, Anglian Churh Southern Queensland. The poliy and proedures provide the written proesses for how Matthew Flinders Anglian College will respond to allegations of sexual abuse, likely sexual abuse, harm or risk of harm of a student by another person or inappropriate behaviour of a staff member or volunteer to a student. The following is the Statement of Commitment adopted by the College s Board of Diretors: Matthew Flinders Anglian College supports the rights of hildren and young people and is ommitted to ensure the safety, welfare and wellbeing of Students. Matthew Flinders Anglian College is therefore ommitted to responding to allegations of student harm resulting from the ondut or ations of any person inluding that of employees. This ommitment inludes the provision of a safe and supportive living and learning environment for all Students and requires all employees, volunteers and visitors to model and enourage behaviour that upholds the dignity and protetion of Students from harm. In support of this ommitment Matthew Flinders Anglian College is dediated to our Child and Youth Risk Management strategy whih inludes having relevant poliies, proedures and training in plae to effetively address the safety and wellbeing of Students in their are. A Code of Condut for interating with Students has been developed one for Staff and a separate Code for the wider College ommunity. Both douments have been approved by the College Board of Diretors: The purpose of the Code of Condut (Staff) is to outline the expeted standards of behavior for employees and ontrators involved when interating with Flinders hildren and young people at the College. The College Community Code of Condut applies to all stakeholders aross the College ommunity inluding: Parents Volunteers College Community all others Student Protetion in Anglian Shools Poliy ACSQ This poliy has been adopted by Matthew Flinders Anglian College Management & Sreening) At 2000 Diretor, Offie of the Diretor of Professional Standards ACSQ Prinipal Prinipal Poliy adopted by the College Board of Diretors on 21/7/16. Statement of Commitment framed. Visible plaement in all reeption areas of the College. Statement of ommitment published on the College s website. The Code of Condut for interating with Students was adopted by the College Board of Diretors on 27 Otober The Code of Condut (Staff) is: Available in hard opy from eah reeption and library desk. Published on the Flinders Staff intranet and College website. The College Community Code of Condut is: Published on the College website Matthew Flinders Anglian College Child and Youth Risk Management Strategy V 2.03 Published 1 June 2017.dox Page 3

4 Part 2: Capability Child and Youth Risk Management Strategy Column A Column B Column C Column D Column E Requirement Ation/s Referene Responsible Evidene Offier 3. Written proesses for reruitment, seletion, training and managing Staff and volunteers EMPLOYEES A suite of hild-foused poliies and proedures have been developed and are in plae for reruiting, seleting, training and managing paid employees that inlude: Management & Sreening) At 2000 HR Manager Pre-Appointment Reruitment of Staff Poliy Position Desriptions for urrent Staff are being updated Position Desriptions for all new Staff inluded relevant student protetion statements Interview Questions Pre-Employment Chek Proedure Pre- Employment Chek Questions Blue Card Poliy Blue Card Proedures Management and Sreening) Regulation 2011 All Reruitment and HR management poliies, proedures and forms are available on the College s intranet and aessible by all Staff. Hard opies of all Reruitment poliies, proedures and forms are available from the HR Manager. Training material for new Staff, volunteer and ontrator indution is available on request. Material used in the annual Student Protetion refresher training for urrent Staff is available on request. Registration details of the Student Protetion Offiers at the College attending Student Protetion training ourses organised by the Anglian Shools Commission are available on request. Post-Appointment Indution Cheklist Indution Pak issued to all new Staff and volunteers Code of Condut for Interating with Students Qualifying Period Review Professional Development Review Proess Enterprise Bargaining Agreement (to be renegotiated during 2017) Complaints Management Poliy Notes from presentations by external parties on speialist hild protetion topis are available. A register is maintained of all ompliane training (inluding ASC Student Protetion) for Employees and Contrators. Currently there is no formal training for Volunteers. These poliies, proedures and forms are used effetively to make sure that only the highest alibre of employees are hired by the College and to deter and identify unsuitable appliants. All new employees are required to undergo Matthew Flinders Anglian College Child and Youth Risk Management Strategy V 2.03 Published 1 June 2017.dox Page 4

5 appropriately detailed indution training that inludes information on student protetion obligations, work health and safety requirements and emergeny proedures. New Staff are required to omplete online training in relation to key ompliane poliies inluding the Anglian Student Protetion in Anglian Shools Poliy and Proedure and Code of Condut (Staff) Poliy. All urrent Staff are required to undergo refresher training on Student Protetion eah aademi year. The Student Protetion Offiers at the College attend a omprehensive Student Protetion training ourse organised by the Anglian Shools Commission on an annual basis. CONTRACTORS & VOLUNTEERS All volunteers will be required to register online that they have read and understand the Student Protetion requirements of the College. This will inorporate the College Community Code of Condut. NOTE: Visitors and invited guests (who are not ontrators or volunteers) to the College are not provided with Student Protetion training as they are aompanied by a Staff member at all times and are never left with Students unattended. NOTE: An online Volunteer Registration form, whih will inlude the College s Student Protetion requirements and the College Code of Condut has been developed. The publiation of this information and registration for Volunteers on the College website is pending dissemination of the information to the College Community (as at 1 June 2017). This staff requirement is inluded in the Staff Code of Condut. Matthew Flinders Anglian College Child and Youth Risk Management Strategy V 2.03 Published 1 June 2017.dox Page 5

6 Part 3: Conerns Child and Youth Risk Management Strategy Column A Column B Column C Column D Column E Requirement Ation/s Referene Responsible Evidene Offier 4. Poliies and proedures for handling dislosures or suspiions of harm inluding reporting guidelines. Management & Sreening) At Prinipal The College has poliies, proedures and forms in plae for handling dislosures or suspiions of harm, inluding reporting guidelines. These douments inlude: Student Protetion in Anglian Shools Poliy and Proedures Protool for Dealing with Complaints (Summary) Protool for Dealing with Complaints (Detail) Form 1 Suspeted Sexual Abuse or Likely Sexual Abuse Report Form Form 2 Notifiation of Report to a State Authority Form 3 Inappropriate Behaviour Report Form Request for Interview Form. The following forms are available from the Human Resoures Manager: QCOT Setion 76 Notie Investigation QCOT Setion 77 Notie Resignation QCOT Setion 78 Notie Dismissal In the event of a dislosure or suspiion of harm report being made, the Prinipal (or his delegate) will be the only person authorised to speak to the media. Student Protetion Poliies and Proedures will be reviewed for effetiveness after eah reported inident and amended if required. Management and Sreening) Regulation The following douments are available on the College website and intranet site. Hardopies are also available on request: Student Protetion in Anglian Shool Poliy and Proedures. Statement of Commitment. Code of Condut (Staff) College Community Code of Condut Complaints Management Poliy The following douments are available on the College intranet site for Staff aess: Form 1 Suspeted Sexual Abuse or Likely Sexual Abuse Report Form Form 2 Notifiation of Report to a State Authority Form 3 Inappropriate Behaviour Report Form Request for Interview Form The following douments are available, upon request, from the HR Offie: QCOT Setion 76 Notie Investigation QCOT Setion 77 Notie Resignation QCOT Setion 78 Notie Dismissal Appropriately qualified External trainers are regularly invited to the College to speak to Students and Staff on speialist hild protetion subjets suh as Cyber Safety. Matthew Flinders Anglian College Child and Youth Risk Management Strategy V 2.03 Published 1 June 2017.dox Page 6

7 5. A plan for managing breahes of the Risk Management Strategy. 6. Risk management plans for high risk ativities and speial events. Proesses for managing breahes of the shool s Risk Management Strategy. Identify levels of breah and ations for managing the response. A breah whih relates to the validity of a urrent Blue Card may inlude immediate stand down of the person until the matter is investigated and ation is determined. A breah of proess may trigger the College s performane management proess, inluding suspension of an employee pending the outome of an investigation and potentially summary dismissal. The proess inludes ommuniation proesses where appropriate to Blue Card Servies, Prinipal or Chairman of College Board of Diretors. The College has an extensive Risk Management system using the MontroCAM Risk Management and Compliane System. All external trips, amps, exursions and tours require the approval of a detailed Risk Assessment. Some internal or on ampus ativities (e.g. Fair/Festival) also require the lodgement of a detailed Risk Assessment. Risk Assessment Forms are available online from the College intranet and are ategorised as follows: Camps Day Trips Interstate or Intrastate travel requiring aommodation On-Campus ativities Overseas Trips Eah Risk Assessment identifies areas of potential risk and lists the orresponding ontrols. Eah Risk Assessment is then evaluated (post ontrols) and given a risk rating using a traditional risk sore table (taking into aount the likelihood of any hazards ourring and the onsequenes that may result). The various Risk Levels are: Negligible Low Medium High Very High Extreme Code of Condut Children (Blue Card) Chek Child and Youth Risk Management Strategy Management & Sreening) At 2000 Child Protetion At 1999 The Workplae Health & Risk Management Poliy Risk Management Poliy for Exursions and Camps Prinipal Approving Staff (exursions and inursions) for risk assessment forms Staff for ompletion of Risk Assessment proesses and forms Prinipal Workplae, Health & Safety Offier The Workplae Health & Risk Management Poliy inludes a setion relating to risk assessments for high risk ativities. Staff are advised to make themselves aware of the Children (Blue Card) Chek and the Child and Youth Risk Management Strategy. Copies of the above douments are available on Staff Intranet. All Risk Management plans for high risk ativities and speial events are hosted on the MontroCAM Risk Management system. Copies of individual risk assessments or the template doument are available on request. The Risk Management Poliy for Exursions and Camps is urrently under review. Matthew Flinders Anglian College Child and Youth Risk Management Strategy V 2.03 Published 1 June 2017.dox Page 7

8 The approval proess inludes a review and approval by the relevant Deputy Prinipal. The WH&S Offier will beome involved should any signifiant risk issues be identified. It is expeted that any proposed ativity with a risk rating of Very High or Extreme would not proeed until further ontrols an be introdued to lower the risk rating. The College also has a omprehensive Work Health and Safety (WHS) Management System in plae to reate a safe environment for Students at the College. The key omponents of the WHS Management System are: WHS Poliy and Commitment Statement Detailed WHS Proedures Regular safety inspetions and follow up Emergeny proedures and regular drills Hazard Report system Aident/Inident report investigations WHS training for all new Staff, ontrators and volunteers Detailed WHS training for Staff working in high risk areas e.g. Failities/ Grounds Annual WHS and Emergeny Proedures refresher training for all Staff. 7. Poliies and Proedures for managing ompliane with the Blue Card System. The College has Blue Card poliies and proedures in plae that set the guidelines for the requirement to hold a Children learane (Blue Card) at the College. A register of all urrent Blue Cards and expiry dates is maintained by the HR Manager (for employees, ontrators and volunteers) that inludes referene numbers and expiry dates. HR provides monthly reports to hek ompliane - eligibility/due dates. Management & Sreening) At Prinipal HR Manager and HR Offiers The Blue Card proedures are available for all Staff to aess on the College intranet system. Hardopies are also available on request. Aess to the Blue Card register is restrited to authorised personnel. However hard opies of reports an be made available on request. Matthew Flinders Anglian College Child and Youth Risk Management Strategy V 2.03 Published 1 June 2017.dox Page 8

9 Part 4: Consisteny Child and Youth Risk Management Strategy Column A Column B Column C Column D Column E Requirement Ation/s Referene Responsible Evidene Offier 8. Strategies for ommuniation and support. The College ommuniates its student protetion ativities and douments in a number of ways: Prinipal Internet The following Child Protetion related douments and information are available on the College website for Parents, prospetive Parents, Community partners, volunteers and the wider ommunity: Statement of Commitment. Student Protetion in Anglian Shool Poliy & Proedures. Student Protetion Information Resoure Sheet. Student Protetion Offiers details and ontat. Protools for dealing with omplaints of sexual harassment, assault or sexually inappropriate behaviour (Summary). Protools for dealing with omplaints of sexual harassment, assault or sexually inappropriate behaviour (Details). College Community Code of Condut. Complaints Management Poliy Children (Risk Management & Sreening) At 2000 Student Protetion related poliies and proedures are available on the College website Aess to the College intranet is restrited to authorised users but an be demonstrated on request. All hard opy douments and training material are available on request. Intranet Student Protetion hubs are urrently being developed on the College intranet for Staff, Parents and Student aess to ommuniate the relevant Child Protetion related douments to eah group. These douments are urrently available on the website as above. Student, Staff and Parent Student Protetion Hubs are being developed on the College intranet with relevant douments in eah Hub. Notieboards A number of douments are posted around the ampus in key loations for Staff and Students. These inlude: Statement of Commitment. SPO ontat details & photos. Various student protetion posters. Hardopies of all douments are available on request. Matthew Flinders Anglian College Child and Youth Risk Management Strategy V 2.03 Published 1 June 2017.dox Page 9

10 Bound opies of the Child Protetion-related Poliies and Proedures are held at: Central, Primary, Seondary and FELC Administration Reeption Desks Primary & Seondary Shool Staffrooms Matthew Flinders Anglian College Child and Youth Risk Management Strategy V 2.03 Published 1 June 2017.dox Page 10

11 Proesses for informing student body, Parents, Staff and College Board of Diretors Target Group Proesses Student Body Brohures made available to all Students (website). Posters advising who to go for for help - in ommon areas. Communiated through pastoral are programs. Students informed through assemblies and form groups. Poliy and proedures plaed on shool website and intranet. Parent Body Regular referenes made in shool newsletters. Presentation at parent information seminars. Brohures made available to all Parents (website). Child Protetion Information in enrolment pak. Poliy and proedures plaed on shool website and intranet. Employees and Volunteers Brohures made available to all personnel inluding volunteers and ontrators (on website). Regular reminders of responsibilities in safeguarding our hildren made at staff meetings. Indution programs for newly appointed Staff. Full training provided to all Staff. Poliy and proedures plaed on shool website and intranet and Inlusion of Statement of Commitment in Staff Handbook. College Board of Diretors Bound opies of the Child Protetion-related Poliies and Proedures are held at: Central, Primary, Seondary and FELC Administration Reeption Desks Primary & Seondary Shool Staffrooms All Poliies and Proedures relating to Child Protetion, inluding this Strategy are made available to Board members and reviewed annually. Matthew Flinders Anglian College Child and Youth Risk Management Strategy V 2.03 Published 1 June 2017.dox Page 11