Using the Paris Declaration for Gender Advancement in Spanish Co-operation New approach, progress and challenges since 2005

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1 Using the Paris Declaration for Gender Advancement in Spanish Co-operation New approach, progress and challenges since 2005 Nava San Miguel Chief Gender Advisor DGPOLDE SECI/MAEC Workshop on Strengthening the Development Results of the Paris Declaration through Work on Gender Equality, Social Exclusion and Human Rights London, United Kingdom, March 2008

2 Presentation Index 1. Context in transformation for Effectiveness and Gender: International and National 2. New Strategy How do we implement the PD in Gender in the Spanish Co-operation? 3. Harmonization and Consistency from elaboration process 4. New approach GID+AE (Aid effectiveness) 5. Mainstreaming levels of Gender Effectiveness 6. Seven steps for Aid Effectiveness in the whole process 7. Advances, opportunities and challenges 8. Lessons learned and proposals towards Accra

3 1. Context in transformation Effectiveness Agenda * International Context: review of Beijing+10, MDGs+5 Paris Declaration * National Context: Director Plan, Transformation Process of the CDE system, from planning to management and evaluation Cross-cutting of Paris Declaration

4 2. How to implement the PD in the Gender Strategy 1. JUSTIFICATION: Problem definition Women situation diagnosis: MDGs, Beijing, CEDAW Analysis of GID evolution in Spanish Co-operation 2. Reference framework: What do we have? Paris Declaration in all points: Harmonization and consistency of actors International policy framework: Paris National policy framework: Equality Law and autonomic policy International and national institutional framework: GENDERNET/DAC Theoretical framework (Doctrine and position): Paris principles, New GEDEA approach, Effectiveness approach: sectorial and multisectorial 3. Intervention framework How to implement Effectiveness in Gender?: QUALITY AND ODA EFFECTIVENESS IMPROVEMENT Horizontal crossing: Effectiveness in 3 levels Mainstreaming Guidelines HR approach. Goal 6 of effectiveness Multisectorial approach Instrumental framework: Traditional and new instruments Geographical lines Implementation process: Dissemination, GEDEA Network and Effectiveness Cascade application

5 2. How to implement the PD in the Gender Strategy 1. Priority Policy framework -Paris declaration 2. Theoretical doctrine framework: -Fundamental and operational principles -Strategic approach: GID+ lessons learned+ Aid Effectiveness - Operative approaches: Sectorial and multisectorial approach 3. Intervention framework: Quality and effectiveness of ODA -Mainstreaming: AE intervention and performance levels - Goal 6 specific to obtain better results opperationally -Instrumental framework: combine traditional and new instruments 4. Process application and transfer to actors - Difussion from consultation process -Transference: training and sensibilization -Constitution of GEDEA network - Cascade Application criteria in instruments 5. Monitoring and Evaluation: Paris criteria, Work for mutual responsibility

6 3. Policy Harmonization and Consistency from elaboration process - Harmonization: Consultative process encourages ownership and complementarity of all actors of the Spanish co-operation at various levels and working groups: Multiplicity of actors in advisory bodies; AECID and field offices, Groups of expert women, Gender Group - Policy consistency: Strengthening with Spanish Ministries, Equality Secretariat and the Institute of Women ( Instrument of Equality Act and PEIO). THE PROCESS FAVORS APPLICABILITY AND ODA QUALITY

7 4. New approach: GID + ODA Effectiveness Conbines two approaches: 1. Content approach: Retrieves evolved GID approach - Lessons learned from International Organisms since Beijing and Spanish co-operation experience 2. Operational approach: For+Quality+Effectiveness Paris Declaration Principles

8 4. New approach: GID and HR +AE agains poverty General Goal: Full exercise of HR (Citizenship) of women, against poverty, through empowerment Specific Goals 1.Economic Rights 2. Social Rights 3. Sexual Rights 4. Civil and political rights 5. Cultural Rights 6. SPECIFIC OPERATIONAL Goal for ODA effectiveness in gender To obtain more and better results Lines for equality Formal Lines for equality Real Specific actions

9 5. Mainstreaming levels of Gender Effectiveness * Cross cutting: HR, Diversity, Environment *Lessons learned, reinforcing the work 1. Integration into mainstream: (Progressive stages are defined) 2. Institutionalization 3. Cross-cutting 4. Complementing gender mainstreaming and empowerment 5. Develops steps to work effectiveness through cross cutting and sectorial intervention:3 Levels: 1. Spanish National Scope, 2. Partner Countries Scope, 3. Harmonization IO

10 6. 7 Steps and advances to implement Effectiveness in GID policy Proposals from Strategy, penetrating the system since 2005 through stages: 1. Declaratory Stage: Real will with Paris Declaration and GID 2. Reaffirm international commitments: DMGs, Beijing, Paris 3. Conceptual and political redefinition: Overcoming more traditional approaches, dual priority GID, new approach GID+AE 4. Transformation in Strategis Planning: Cross cutting in geographical planning and budget planning (in other DES, DEP, PAES, PACI) of GID and Aid Effectiveness 5. Cross cutting in management: DP in new and traditional instruments. Changes in organizational culture, parity. Budget increased 400% Harmonization, policy consistency, ownership by actors 7. Monitoring process and evaluation reflection of planning

11 7. Advances, opportunities and challenges - Consultative process encourages ownership and harmonization of the many actors of the Spanish Co-operation - Decentralized Co-operation and traditional geographic areas new ones - Consistency of Development and Equality policies (Equality Laws and Equality plans with development policy) -Effectiveness approach and DP in all the Strategy -Work in 3 levels and 7 steps: Progressive Building of GEDEA NETWORK for Effectiveness -Complementarity of actors and roles -Harmonization with IO in gender and support for new architectures - Applicability process in cascade at all levels and penetrating in all new and traditional instruments - Policy dialogue: New way to present and approach government organizations and those of civil society in partner countries

12 8. Lessons learned and proposals - Promote a new partnership for Development and Gender with ODA effectiveness and Quality - Work on gender into new instruments, but maintain traditional instruments adopted in the Paris Declaration - Approach and align with government women organizations and those of civil society as a proposal of PD towards Accra