Management Finance Measurement

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1 Construction 1 Management Finance Measurement A.V. Hore, I.G. Kehoe, R. McMullan and M.R. Penton palgrave macmillan

2 A.V. Hore, J.G. Kehoe, R. McMullan and M.R. Penton 1997 All rights reserved. No reproduction, copy or transmission of this publication may be made without written permission. No paragraph of this publication may be reproduced, copied or transmitted save with written permission or in accordance with the provisions of the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988, or under the terms of any licence permitting limited copying issued by the Copyright Licensing Agency, 90 Tottenham Court Road, London WIP 9HE. Any person who does any unauthorised act in relation to this publication may be liable to criminal prosecution and civil claims for damages. First published 1997 by MACMILLAN PRESS LTD Houndmills, Basingstoke, Hampshire RG21 6XS and London Companies and representatives throughout the world ISBN DOI / A catalogue record for this book is available from the British Library. Typeset in Great Britain by Aarontype Limited Easton, Bristol ISBN (ebook)

3 Contents Preface vii 1 Resources 1 Materials 1 Labour 4 Plant 6 Finance 8 Cost value reconciliation 11 Contracts 12 Standard forms 13 2 Organisation and Planning 17 Planning processes 17 Planning stages 21 Site layout 25 Method statements 29 3 Programming 33 Classification 33 Techniques of programming 34 Production of programmes 39 4 Work Study 49 Method study 50 VVork measurement 61 5 Sources of Finance 68 Need for finance Reasons for investment Impact of finance 71 Finance for business 72 Terms of finance 75 Sources of finance 79 Conditions attached to finance 81

4 vi Contents 6 Financial Management 84 Financial planning 84 Financial control 88 Construction project finance 90 Procurement options 94 Contract options 97 7 Cost Planning 99 Accuracy of cost estimates 99 Adjustment of historical cost data 102 Approximate estimating methods Tendering Methods and Cost Control 111 Tendering methods 111 Post-contract processes Measurement Standards 121 Standard approach 121 Standard methods of measurement 122 The SMM7 Measurement Code 124 Presentation of quantities 129 Measurement practice Measurement 138 Mathematical techniques 138 Irregular areas and volumes 145 Scheduling 148 Excavation 149 Pitched roofs 152 Perimeters of buildings Bill of Quantities 159 Functions of a Bill of Quantities 159 Structure of a Bill of Quantities 160 Content of a Bill of Quantities 161 Bill of Quantities types 167 Production of a Bill of Quantities 171 Coordinated Project Information (CPI) Pricing 176 Composition of unit rates 177 Synthesis of unit rates 185 Pricing policy 185 Sources of information 187 Index 189

5 Preface This book studies the principles and techniques of construction resource management, finance and costing, measurement and pricing. This wide range of topics is of practical use to students and practitioners studying and working in building construction, civil engineering, surveying, planning and development. The text is intended to help a wide range of students studying construction and built environment topics. The contents will satisfy the principal requirements of courses and self-study for GNVQ/A levels, BTEC awards, HND/HNCs, degrees and professional qualifications.the style of writing is kept simple and supported by clear explanations, a structured layout, practical examples and diagrams. The highlighted definitions, checklists and keyword summaries will also help students preparing for tests, examinations and assignments. The text assumes a minimum of prior knowledge and uses underlying principles to develop an understanding of topics used by professional practitioners in the construction industry. Some subjects have been distilled into compact treatments which have the advantage of being the first of their type and which will enable everyone to gain a good overview of the construction landscape. However, all the subjects deserve further investigation and we hope that this book will be a starting point for many further studies and careers. Alan Hore, Joseph Kehoe, Randall McMullan, Michael Penton vii