Garden Hills 90 Day Entry Plan

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1 6/24/2016 S TACEY WELSH ABBOTT Garden Hills 90 Day Entry Plan GOALS 1. Gain a thorough understanding of what s strong with Garden Hills academic programs 2. Cultivate positive, constructive relationships with Garden Hills staff to alleviate potential disruption caused by a change in administrative leadership 3. Acquire a comprehensive awareness of Atlanta Public Schools and Garden Hills ideologies, policies, systems, and processes 4. Foster a collaborative culture with all Garden Hills and North Atlanta stakeholders I would like to take this opportunity to let you know that I am humbled, honored and excited to have been selected as your principal. It seems appropriate that in this transition we pause to assess where the school has been, where we are now, and what we see as our priorities in the future. As we begin this new school year together, I have outlined a formal Entry Plan which will allow me to listen to the many voices at our school, learn from you, and introduce myself. This plan will extend over the next 90 days as I meet with the Garden Hills staff, families, community partners, and most importantly our students while reviewing data from multiple sources. The end product will be shared in November. It will include findings along with proposed action steps to allow for our continuous improvement. It is my sincere hope that you will join me in this collaborative entry process designed to unify us through common goals, to be achieved by a common plan, and motivated by a common belief that our caring students will leave Garden Hills as open-minded inquirers, reflective thinkers, risk takers, principled communicators, and well-balanced young citizens.

2 ACADEMIC PROGRAMS BUILDING STRONG STUDENTS Goal #1 : Gain a thorough understanding of what s strong with Garden Hills academic programs Over the next 90 days I will build my own background knowledge of current student achievement and previously defined expectations for teaching and learning. Review lesson plans from previous years to determine previous expectations before presenting own expectations in preplanning Determine existing collaboration structures and attend regularly to establish principal as instructional leader-create if not present Select a content area to observe for announced observation to begin that content s needs assessment ELA seems like place to start particularly based on 3rd grade achievementbegin walks/observations Meet with local school IB coordinator for background information and review first IB units for transdisciplinary plans and critical thinking components Examine STAR and local assessment results for trends and areas of strength Get in every classroom every day while in building to collect anecdotal information about teaching and classroom management, keep notes Determine fidelity of implementation of IB units -August August October August-September August October August October August to October Schedule to meet with Cluster support personnel &/or Teaching and Learning support supervisors (or their equivalents) August September

3 ACADEMIC PROGRAM 90 DAY ENTRY PLAN NOVEMBER 2016 Goal #1 : Gain a thorough understanding of what s strong with Garden Hills academic programs FINDINGS: ACTION STEPS:

4 TALENT MANAGEMENT BUILDING STRONG STAFF Goal #2: Cultivate positive, constructive relationships with Garden Hills staff to alleviate potential disruption caused by a change in administrative leadership Over the next 90 days I will get to know staff as individuals and understand team dynamics as I begin to establish respectful, encouraging relationships with staff. Send and introductory letter to all staff. Find out if they have a callout system to call staff. Dedicate regular time to meet with administration team and instructional leadership team Meet with staff individually discuss what is sacred at GHES, what needs work based on their perceptions, who is their go to person/people, their expectation of their principal, their work & home passions Meet with clerical staff, custodians, and school counselors to discuss current roles & responsibilities and how I support their success Plan opening day staff meeting with a focus on introductions and community building -August& ongoing -August -August Late Study staff list and a yearbook to learn staff names and roles -August Find out who a hiring supervisor is and meet regarding hiring protocols to be prepared for possible vacancies Hold an ice cream social for celebrations and recognition within 1st 9 weeks acknowledging all our new team has accomplished and discovered October

5 TALENT MANAGEMENT 90 DAY ENTRY PLAN-NOVEMBER 2016 Goal #2: Cultivate positive, constructive relationships with Garden Hills staff to alleviate potential disruption caused by a change in administrative leadership FINDINGS: ACTION STEPS:

6 SYSTEMS & RESOURCES BUILDING A STRONG SCHOOL Goal #3 Acquire a comprehensive awareness of Atlanta Public Schools and Garden Hills ideologies, policies, systems, and processes Over the next 90 days I will study available resources and meet with key personnel to be able to effectively execute the operations and organization components of this position. Review Board Policies regarding discipline policies Meet with site coordinator for International Baccalaureate program to gain historical perspective and identify current status/needs Study Go Team handbook and begin implementation check to see if training is necessary Meet with Associate Superintendent on nonnegotiables and Instructional Vision Meet with HR to learn about staffing needs & protocols Review various budgets and understand their planned supports title I, local school, foundation, PTA, etc. Meet with district instructional specialists and technology facilitators to understand direction as outlined in district strategic plan Meet with Associate Superintendent to follow up on entry plan Prior to 1st day of classes -August June- June- -August August-September November

7 SYSTEMS & RESOURCES 90 DAY ENTRY PLAN-NOVEMBER 2016 Goal #3 Acquire a comprehensive awareness of Atlanta Public Schools and Garden Hills ideologies, policies, systems, and processes FINDINGS: ACTION STEPS:

8 CULTURE BUILDING A STRONG SYSTEM Goal #4: Foster collaborative relationships and culture with all Garden Hills and North Atlanta stakeholders Over the next 90 days I will get to know the incredibly supportive community of Garden Hills and continue to build confidence and trust in the school and school leadership of Garden Hills. Update website to include introductory letter, photo and profile Arrange Meetings with community partners & sponsors Arrange meet and greet for parents 2 on campus and possibly 1 off campus at a local business Host Coffee and conversations with the PTA Board get to know the Board Find out how PTA meetings are scheduled and be prepared for various roles Host an informal gathering for the Acorns to Oaks Foundation study principal role in Foundation policies and protocols Visit 2-3 local businesses a week and introduce myself finding out their needs and perception Join NAPPS consult with associate superintendent about other organizations with whom to participate Upon appointment September -September -September By September

9 CULTURE 90 DAY ENTRY PLAN-NOVEMBER 2016 Goal #4: Foster collaborative relationships and culture with all Garden Hills and North Atlanta stakeholders FINDINGS: ACTION STEPS: