Reporting template for the reporting process

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1 United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification ICCD/CRIC(16)/INF.1 Distr.: General 25 August 2017 English only Committee for the Review of the Implementation of the Convention Sixteenth session Ordos, China, 7 13 September 2017 Item 3 of the provisional agenda The UNCCD reporting and review process in view of the integration of the Sustainable Development Goals and targets into the implementation of the UNCCD Improving the procedures for communication of as well as the quality and formats of reports to be submitted to the Conference of the Parties Reporting template for the reporting process Note by the secretariat Summary This document contains background related to the draft reporting template developed by United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification institutions in the light of the future strategic framework of the Convention. In addition, the draft template has been annexed to this document to enable Parties to view the different sections related to qualitative and quantitative reporting. GE (E)

2 Contents Annex Paragraphs Page Introduction Reporting template for the reporting process

3 Introduction 1. In line with document ICCD/CRIC(16)/5, the secretariat has prepared a draft template for the forthcoming reporting period starting immediately after the thirteenth session of the Conference of the Parties (COP 13). At the beginning of July 2017, the secretariat circulated the draft template for consideration and comments by Parties, together with the proposed future strategic framework as included in document ICCD/COP(13)/3. Furthermore, the secretariat incorporated into the draft template comments received by Parties, which are contained in this document. 2. Members of Intergovernmental Working Group on the future strategic framework of the Convention unanimously requested that future reporting should, apart from the reporting on progress indicators, focus on voluntary narrative reporting along with some predefined topics which are included in the draft reporting template in the annex. Following the proposed future strategic framework, the forthcoming reporting period will focus on (a) progress indicators, mainly using statistical data; and (b) the implementation framework, which will involve collecting experiences in implementing the future strategic framework through narrative sections. 3. Considering that the land-based progress indicators (Trends in land cover, trends in land productivity and trends in carbon stocks above and below the ground) for the Convention are being proposed to compute Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) indicator (Proportion of land that is degraded over total land area), it is desirable that all Parties fill in the. Developed country Parties may report on these indicators on a voluntary basis (as indicated in the table below) with the understanding that received can be used for reporting on SDG indicator by the secretariat, as the custodian agency for this indicator. 4. Moreover, Parties participating in the Land Degradation Neutrality Target Setting Programme (LDN-TSP) implemented by the Global Mechanism also have the opportunity to use the data submitted through the LDN-TSP interim report for the United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification (UNCCD) reporting process, thereby easing the reporting burden considerably. 5. The table below presents the reporting attribution for future reporting once Parties agree on the future strategic framework at COP 13. The reporting template is contained in the annex of this document. 3

4 Affected country Parties Developed country Parties ICCD/CRIC(16)/INF.1 Table Reporting requirements for the future strategic framework: progress indicators and narrative reporting for strategic objectives and the implementation framework of the proposed future strategic framework, and their reporting attributions Indicator Indicator name SO1-1 Trends in land cover X * SO1-2 Trends in land productivity or functioning of the land X * SO1-3 Trends in carbon stocks above and below ground X * SDG indicator Proportion of land that is degraded over total land area X * SO2-1 Trends in population living below the relative poverty line and/or income inequality in affected areas SO2-2 Tends in access to safe drinking water in affected areas X SO3-2 Trends in abundance and distribution of selected species X Additional indicators for strategic objectives 1, 2 and 3 Strategic objective ( ) on drought SO5-1 N/A Narrative reporting Trends in international bilateral and multilateral official development assistance SO5-2 Trends in domestic public resources X SO5-3 Trends in number of co-financing partners X X SO5-4 Resources mobilized from innovative sources of finance, including from the private sector Notes: Reporting on the implementation framework of the proposed future strategic framework will be voluntary. Parties will be provided with the opportunity to share experiences on how particular initiatives and processes have been managed at national level (affected country Parties) and/or supported (developed country Parties). * Developed country Parties can submit for these indicators on a voluntary basis for the purpose of reporting under the Sustainable Development Goal process (particularly encouraged for indicator ). X X X X X 4

5 Annex Reporting template for the reporting process The following is reproduced as extracted from the performance review and assessment of implementation system (PRAIS) to provide Parties with an accurate presentation of the reporting templates. 5

6 United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification Performance review and assessment of implementation system Seventh reporting process Report from [Party name] [Date of submission] 6

7 Contents I. Strategic objectives A. Strategic objective 1: To improve the condition of affected ecosystems, combat desertification/land degradation, promote sustainable land management and contribute to land degradation neutrality Indicator SO1-1: Trends in land cover Indicator SO1-2: Trends in land productivity or functioning of the land Indicator SO1-3: Trends in carbon stocks above and below ground Sustainable Development Goal indicator : Proportion of land that is degraded over total land area Voluntary targets B. Strategic objective 2: To improve the living conditions of affected populations Indicator SO2-1: Trends in population living below the relative poverty line and/or income inequality in affected areas Indicator SO2-2: Trends in access to safe drinking water in affected areas Voluntary targets C. Strategic objective 3: To generate global benefits through effective implementation of the United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification Indicator SO3-1: Trends in carbon stocks above and below ground Indicator SO3-2: Trends in abundance and distribution of selected species Voluntary targets D. Additional indicators for strategic objectives 1, 2 and 3 E. Strategic objective ( ): To mitigate and manage the effects of drought and enhance the resilience of ecosystems and the preparedness of affected populations, and improve response and recovery capabilities. F. Strategic objective 5: To mobilize substantial and additional financial and non-financial resources to support the implementation of the Convention by building effective partnerships at global and national level Indicator SO5-1: Trends in international bilateral and multilateral official development assistance Indicator SO5-2: Trends in domestic public resources Indicator SO5-3: Trends in number of co-financing partners Indicator SO5-4: Resources mobilized from innovative sources of finance, including from the private sector II. Implementation framework A. Financial and non-financial resources B. Policy and planning C. Action on the ground 7

8 Strategic objectives Strategic objective 1: To improve the condition of affected ecosystems, combat desertification/land degradation, promote sustainable land management and contribute to land degradation neutrality SO1-1 Trends in land cover Land cover Quantitative data National level estimates of the distribution of the main land cover classes (in kilometres squared (km 2 )). Validate default data OR replace them with national data. Default data are derived from the European Space Agency s Climate Change Initiative Land Cover dataset ( [or] Default data are derived from data already reported by the Party within the framework of the Land Degradation Neutrality Target Setting Programme (LDN-TSP) if the Party agreed to use this data for reporting. Year Forests Shrubs, grassland and sparsely vegetated areas Land cover (km 2 ) Cropland Wetlands Artificial surfaces Bare land and other areas Net area change Validation Would you like to validate the default data? If yes is selected, then the default data are validated and the table above becomes uneditable. If no is selected the default data can be replaced with national data and the table above becomes editable. In the absence of national data, the table can also be left empty. Yes No Please answer the following question if you have replaced default data on land cover with national data. Sources of Provide the source of national data. 8

9 Strategic objectives Strategic objective 1: To improve the condition of affected ecosystems, combat desertification/land degradation, promote sustainable land management and contribute to land degradation neutrality Qualitative assessment Interpretation of the indicator Based on the quantitative data, describe the most significant negative or positive land cover changes as well as their direct and/or indirect drivers. Land conversion Driver(s) Description of From To Direct Indirect changes and drivers (Choose one or more items) (Choose one or more items) Hotspots/ brightspots Describe where in your country the most significant negative or positive land cover changes have taken place. Complementary Provide any complementary you deem relevant and upload any complementary document into the space provided on the reporting portal. 9

10 Strategic objectives Strategic objective 1: To improve the condition of affected ecosystems, combat desertification/land degradation, promote sustainable land management and contribute to land degradation neutrality SO1-2 Trends in land productivity or functioning of the land Land productivity dynamics Quantitative data National level estimates of land productivity dynamics within each land cover type: area covered by each class of land productivity dynamics (in km 2 ). Validate default data OR replace them with national data. Default data are derived from the New World Atlas of Desertification ( and refer to the period [or] Default data are derived from data already reported by the country in the framework of the Land Degradation Neutrality target setting programme if the Party agreed to using this data for reporting. Land cover class Forests Shrubs, grassland and sparsely vegetated areas Cropland Wetlands Artificial surfaces Bare land and other areas Declining Net land productivity dynamics (km 2 ) Early stage Stable but Stable but Increasing of declining stressed not stressed No data Estimates of land productivity dynamics for areas where a land conversion to a new land cover type has taken place (in km 2 ) Land conversion Net land productivity dynamics (km 2 ) Net area change From To Declining Early stage of declining Stable but stressed Stable but not stressed Increasing Validation Would you like to validate the default data? If yes is selected, the default data are validated and the table above becomes uneditable. If no is selected, the default data can be replaced with national data and the table above becomes editable. In the absence of national data, the table can also be left empty. Yes No 10

11 Strategic objectives Strategic objective 1: To improve the condition of affected ecosystems, combat desertification/land degradation, promote sustainable land management and contribute to land degradation neutrality Please answer the following questions if you have replaced default data on land productivity dynamics with national data. Other metrics If your country uses a different metric to assess land productivity (e.g. Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI), Enhanced vegetation Index (EVI)), specify which metric your country uses and provide the national data here. Sources of Provide the source of national data. Qualitative assessment Interpretation of the indicator Based on the quantitative data, describe the most significant negative or positive changes in land productivity as well as their direct and/or indirect drivers. Land productivity dynamics Direct (Choose one or more items) Driver(s) Indirect (Choose one or more items) Description of changes and drivers Hotspots/ brightspots Describe where in your country the most significant negative or positive changes in land productivity have taken place. Complementary Provide any complementary you deem relevant and upload any complementary document into the space provided on the PRAIS portal. 11

12 Strategic objectives Strategic objective 1: To improve the condition of affected ecosystems, combat desertification/land degradation, promote sustainable land management and contribute to land degradation neutrality SO1-3 Trends in carbon stocks above and below ground Soil organic carbon stocks Quantitative data National level estimates of the soil organic carbon (SOC) stocks in topsoil (0 30 cm) within each land cover type (in tonnes per hectare). Validate default data OR replace them with national data. Default data are derived from the SoilGrids system of the International Soil Reference and Information Centre (ISRIC) ( [or] Default data are derived from data already reported by the country within the framework of the LDN-TSP if the Party agreed to use this data for reporting. Soil organic carbon stock in topsoil (tonne/hectare) Year Forests Shrubs, grassland and sparsely vegetated areas Cropland Wetlands Artificial surfaces Bare land and other areas Estimates of change of organic carbon stock in soil due to land conversion to a new land cover type Land conversion Soil organic carbon (SOC) stock change ( ) Initial Final SOC Initial SOC Final SOC Net area change SOC SOC stock stock total stock total From To stock stock change tonne/ km 2 tonne/ha tonnes tonnes tonnes ha Validation Would you like to validate the default data? if yes is selected, the default data are validated and the table above becomes uneditable. If no is selected, the default data can be replaced with national data and the table above becomes editable. In the absence of national data, the table can also be left empty. Yes No 12

13 Strategic objectives Strategic objective 1: To improve the condition of affected ecosystems, combat desertification/land degradation, promote sustainable land management and contribute to land degradation neutrality Please answer the following question if you have replaced default data on soil organic carbon stock with national data. Sources of Provide the source of national data. Qualitative assessment Interpretation of the indicator Based on the quantitative data, describe the most significant negative or positive changes in organic carbon stock in soil as well as their direct and/or indirect drivers. Soil organic carbon stock change Direct (Choose one or more items) Driver(s) Indirect (Choose one or more items) Description of changes and drivers Hotspots/ brightspots Describe where in your country the most significant negative or positive changes in soil organic carbon stock have taken place. Complementary Provide any complementary you deem relevant and upload any complementary document into the space provided on the reporting portal. 13

14 Strategic objectives Strategic objective 1: To improve the condition of affected ecosystems, combat desertification/land degradation, promote sustainable land management and contribute to land degradation neutrality SO1 Proportion of land that is degraded over total land area (Sustainable Development Goal indicator ) Proportion of land that is degraded Indicate the total area of land that is degraded (in km 2 ) and the proportion of degraded land relative to the total land area (defined as the total surface area of a country less the area covered by inland waters, like major rivers and lakes), and the year. Total area of degraded land Proportion of degraded land Year Method Indicate the methods used to assess the proportion of degraded land: Remote sensing Field surveys Expert knowledge Other (e.g. participatory assessments, etc.) Provide the rationale for and an explanation of the methods indicated above. Level of confidence Indicate your country s level of confidence in the assessment of the proportion of land that is degraded: High (based on comprehensive evidence) Medium (based on partial evidence) Low (based on limited evidence) Describe why the assessment has been given the level of confidence selected above. 14

15 Strategic objectives Strategic objective 1: To improve the condition of affected ecosystems, combat desertification/land degradation, promote sustainable land management and contribute to land degradation neutrality Complementary Provide any complementary you deem relevant and upload any complementary document into the space provided on the reporting portal. 15

16 Strategic objectives Strategic objective 1: To improve the condition of affected ecosystems, combat desertification/land degradation, promote sustainable land management and contribute to land degradation neutrality SO1 Voluntary targets Land degradation neutrality targets Has your country set any land degradation neutrality (LDN) target(s)? Yes No List any LDN target your country has set and indicate the expected year of achievement and level of application (e.g. national level, subnational level, specific targets). Target Year Level of application Is your country planning to set any LDN target(s)? Yes No Other targets List any other target relevant to strategic objective 1 that your country has set and indicate the expected year of achievement and level of application (e.g. national, subnational). Target Year Level of application Relevant strategic objective 16

17 Strategic objectives Strategic objective 2: To improve the living conditions of affected populations SO2-1 Trends in population living below the relative poverty line and/or income inequality in affected areas Relevant metric Choose the metric relevant to your country: Proportion of population below the international poverty line Income inequality Proportion of population below the international poverty line Quantitative data Estimates of the proportion of population below the international poverty line (percentage) The international poverty line is currently set at USD 1.90 a day based on 2011 purchasing power parity. Year Proportion of population below the international poverty line Sources of Provide the source of national data. Income inequality Quantitative data Estimate of income inequality (Gini index) Year Income inequality (Gini index) 17

18 Strategic objectives Strategic objective 2: To improve the living conditions of affected populations Sources of Provide the source of national data. Qualitative assessment Interpretation of the indicator Based on the quantitative data, describe the most significant negative or positive changes in the indicator as well as their direct and/or indirect drivers. Change in the indicator Driver(s) Description of Direct (Choose one or more items) Indirect (Choose one or more items) changes and drivers Hotspots/ brightspots If disaggregated data (e.g. per administrative division, urban vs. rural, affected areas, etc.) are available in your country, describe where the most significant negative or positive changes in the indicator have taken place. Complementary Provide any complementary you deem relevant. 18

19 Strategic objectives Strategic objective 2: To improve the living conditions of affected populations SO2-2 Trends in access to safe drinking water in affected areas Proportion of population using an improved drinking water source Quantitative data Estimates of the proportion of population using an improved drinking water source. Year Inhabitants (thousands) Rural Urban Total % Inhabitants (thousands) % Inhabitants (thousands) % Sources of Provide the source of national data. Qualitative assessment Interpretation of the indicator Based on the quantitative data, describe the most significant negative or positive changes in the indicator as well as their direct and/or indirect drivers. Change in the indicator Direct Driver(s) Indirect Description of changes and drivers (Choose one (Choose one or more or more items) items) Hotspots/ brightspots If disaggregated data (e.g. per administrative division, urban vs. rural, affected areas, etc.) are available in your country, describe where the most significant negative or positive changes in the indicator have taken place. 19

20 Strategic objectives Strategic objective 2: To improve the living conditions of affected populations Complementary Provide any complementary you deem relevant. 20

21 Strategic objectives Strategic objective 2: To improve the living conditions of affected populations SO2 Voluntary targets Targets List any target relevant to strategic objective 2 that your country has set and indicate the expected year of achievement and level of application (e.g. national, subnational). Target Year Level of application Relevant strategic objective 21

22 Strategic objectives Strategic objective 3: To generate global environmental benefits through effective implementation of the United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification SO3-1 Trends in carbon stocks above and below ground Trends in carbon stock above and below ground is a multipurpose indicator used to measure progress towards both strategic objectives 1 and 3. Quantitative data and a qualitative assessment of trends in this indicator are reported under strategic objective 1, progress indicator SO1-3. SO3-2 Trends in abundance and distribution of selected species Quantitative data Red List Index of species survival: Year Red List Index Sources of Provide the source of national data. Qualitative assessment Interpretation of the indicator Based on the quantitative data, describe the most significant negative or positive changes in the indicator as well as their direct and/or indirect drivers. Change in the indicator Driver(s) Description of Direct (Choose one Indirect (Choose one or more items) changes and drivers or more items) Hotspots/ brightspots Complementary If disaggregated data (e.g. by ecosystems, habitats and other political and geographic divisions) are available in your country, describe where the most significant negative or positive changes in the indicator have taken place. Provide any complementary you deem relevant. 22

23 Strategic objectives Strategic objective 3: To generate global environmental benefits through effective implementation of the UNCCD SO3 Voluntary targets Targets List any target relevant to strategic objective 3 that your country has set and indicate the expected year of achievement and level of application (e.g. national, subnational). Target Year Level of application Relevant strategic objective 23

24 Strategic objectives Additional indicators for strategic objectives 1, 2 and 3 SO1, 2, 3 Additional indicators Nationally relevant indicators Which additional indicators is your country using to measure progress towards strategic objectives 1, 2 and 3 and related targets? Indicator Relevant strategic objective or target Qualitative assessment Comments on the trends and explanation of how they relate to desertification/land degradation and drought Complementary Provide any complementary you deem relevant and upload any complementary document into the space provided on the reporting portal. 24

25 Strategic objectives Strategic objective ( ): To mitigate and manage the effects of drought and enhance the resilience of ecosystems and the preparedness of affected populations, and improve response and recovery capabilities SO ( ) Indicators Nationally relevant indicators Which indicators is your country using to measure progress towards strategic objective ( ), related targets and/or specific expected impacts? Indicator Qualitative assessment Comment on the trends and explain how they relate to desertification/land degradation and drought Complementary Provide any complementary you deem relevant. SO ( ) Voluntary targets Targets List any target relevant to strategic objective ( ) that your country has set and indicate the expected year of achievement and level of application (e.g. national, subnational). Target Year Level of application Relevant strategic objective 25

26 Strategic objectives Strategic objective 5: To mobilize substantial and additional financial and non-financial resources to support the implementation of the Convention by building effective partnerships at global and national level SO5-1 Trends in international bilateral and multilateral official development assistance Quantitative data Total amount of bilateral official development assistance (ODA) committed for activities relevant to the implementation of the Convention over the previous four years. Default data, if available, are derived from reported to the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) Development Assistance Committee (DAC), based on the Rio marker classification for desertification. Please review and edit the if necessary. Year Total official development assistance committed for activities relevant to the implementation of the Convention Sources of If you have added to or replaced the data in the table above, please provide the source of national data. Qualitative assessment Complementary Provide any complementary you deem relevant, including trends emerging from the data as indicated above and how they relate to financing the implementation of the Convention, and the types of projects and/or regions or countries on which your country has focused to the greatest extent. 26

27 Strategic objectives Strategic objective 5: To mobilize substantial and additional financial and non-financial resources to support the implementation of the Convention by building effective partnerships at global and national level SO5-2 Trends in domestic public resources Qualitative assessment Trends in amount of domestic desertification financing Choose the option representing the trend in the total amount of financing relevant for implementation of the Convention committed at the national level during the four-year period from 2012 to Trend in national-level financing for activities relevant to the implementation of the Convention Up Stable Down Unknown ~ Sources of Provide the source of trend. Complementary Provide any complementary you deem relevant, including trends emerging from the data as indicated above and how they relate to financing the implementation of the Convention, and the types of projects and/or regions on which national-level financing has focused to the greatest extent. 27

28 Strategic objectives Strategic objective 5: To mobilize substantial and additional financial and non-financial resources to support the implementation of the Convention by building effective partnerships at global and national level SO5-3 Trends in number of co-financing partners Qualitative assessment Trends in number of cofinancing partners Choose the option representing the trend in the number of co-financing partners for activities relevant to the implementation of the Convention between 2012 and Trend in number of co-financing partners for activities relevant to the implementation of the Convention Up Stable Down Unknown ~ Sources of Provide the source of trend. Complementary Provide any complementary you deem relevant, including trends emerging from the data as indicated above and how they relate to financing the implementation of the Convention, and the types of projects and/or regions or countries on which co-financing partners have focused to the greatest extent. 28

29 Strategic objectives Strategic objective 5: To mobilize substantial and additional financial and non-financial resources to support the implementation of the Convention by building effective partnerships at global and national level SO5-4 Resources mobilized from innovative sources of finance, including from the private sector Qualitative assessment Trends in resources mobilized from innovative sources of finance Choose the option representing the trend in the resources mobilized from innovative sources of finance, including from the private sector, for activities relevant to the implementation of the Convention for the four-year period between 2012 and Trend in amount of resources mobilized from innovative sources of finance, including from the private sector for activities relevant to the implementation of the Convention Up Stable Down Unknown ~ Sources of Provide the source of trend. Complementary Provide any complementary you deem relevant, including trends emerging from the data as indicated above and how they relate to financing the implementation of the Convention, and types of projects and/or regions or countries on which innovative sources of finance have focused to the greatest extent. 29

30 Implementation framework Financial and non-financial resources Increasing mobilization of financial and non-financial resources for the implementation of the Convention from international and domestic, public and private sources as well as from local communities, including non-traditional funding sources, and climate finance Increasing mobilization of resources Would you like to share an experience on how your country has increased the mobilization of resources? Yes No If yes, was this Financial resources Non-financial resources What sources were mobilized? International Domestic Public Private Local communities Non-traditional funding sources Climate finance Other Provide more detail below. Narrative 30

31 Implementation framework Financial and non-financial resources Support Has your country supported other countries in the mobilization of financial and non-financial resources for the implementation of the Convention? Yes No If yes, describe your experience below. Taking advantage of the opportunity of using land degradation neutrality as a framework to enhance the coherence, effectiveness and multiple benefits of investments Using LDN as a framework to increase investment Would you like to share how your country has taken advantage of the LDN concept to enhance the coherence, effectiveness and multiple benefits of investments? Yes No Narrative If yes, describe your experience below. 31

32 Implementation framework Financial and non-financial resources Improving the use of existing and/or innovative financial processes and institutions (such as the Global Environment Facility (GEF) or other newer funds) Improving existing and/or innovative financial processes and institutions Would you like to share an experience on how your country has improved the use of existing and/or innovative financial processes and institutions? If yes, is your experience about using Existing financial processes Innovative financial processes Yes No The GEF Newer funds Narrative If yes, describe your experience below. Support Has your country supported other countries in the improvement of existing or innovative financial processes and institutions? Yes No If yes, describe your experience below. 32

33 Implementation framework Policy and planning Developing, implementing, revising and regularly monitoring, as appropriate, national, subregional and regional action programmes and/or plans as effective tools for UNCCD implementation Action programmes Would you like to share an experience on how your country/subregion/region/institution has developed or helped develop, implement, revise or regularly monitor action programmes? Yes No If yes, at which level has this happened or is it happening National level Subregional level Regional level If subregional level, please indicate which one. Is your experience about Implementing action programmes Revising action programmes Regularly monitoring action programmes Other: Describe your experience below. Narrative 33

34 Implementation framework Policy and planning Establishing policies and enabling environments for promoting and implementing solutions to combat desertification/land degradation and mitigate the effects of drought, including prevention, relief and recovery Synergies Would you like to share an experience on how your country institution has established or helped establish policies and enabling environments to promote and/or implement solutions to combat desertification/land degradation and mitigate the effects of drought? Yes No If yes, those policies and enabling environments aimed at: Promoting solutions to combat DLDD Implementing solutions to combat DLDD Is your experience about: Prevention of the effects of DLDD Relief efforts after DLDD has caused environmental and/or socioeconomic stress on ecosystems and/or populations Recovery efforts after DLDD has caused environmental and/or socioeconomic stress on ecosystems and/or populations Engagement of women in decision-making and implementation, and promotion of their land rights Other: Narrative Describe your experience below. 34

35 Implementation framework Policy and planning Support Has your country supported other countries in establishing policies and enabling environments for promoting and implementing solutions to combat desertification/land degradation and mitigate the effects of drought, including prevention, relief and recovery? Yes No If yes, describe your experience below. 35

36 Implementation framework Policy and Planning Leveraging synergies and integrating DLDD into national plans related to the multilateral environmental agreements (MEAs), in particular the other Rio conventions and other international commitments, as appropriate, within their respective mandates, optimizing efficacy and eliminating duplication of efforts. Synergies Would you like to share an experience on how your country has leveraged synergies and integrated DLDD into national plans related to other MEAs, in particular the other Rio conventions and other international commitments? Yes No If yes, the actions have aimed at: Leveraging DLDD with other national plans related to the other Rio conventions Integrating DLDD into national plans Leveraging synergies with other strategies to combat DLDD Integrating DLDD into other international commitments Other: Narrative Describe your experience below. 36

37 Implementation framework Policy and Planning Mainstreaming DLDD as appropriate into economic, environmental and social policies, with a view to increasing the impact and effectiveness of the implementation of the Convention Synergies Would you like to share an experience on how your country is mainstreaming DLDD in economic, environmental and social policies, with a view to increasing the impact and effectiveness of the implementation of the Convention Yes No If yes, DLDD was mainstreamed into: Economic policies Environmental policies Social policies Other: Narrative Describe your experience below. 37

38 Implementation framework Policy and Planning Establishing national policies, measures and governance for drought preparedness and management, including drought contingency plans according to the mandate of the Convention. Synergies Would you like to share an experience on how your country established/is establishing national policies, measures and governance for drought preparedness and management, including drought contingency plans? Yes No 1- If yes, does your country have a drought contingency plan? Yes No 2- If yes, is your country establishing: National policies for drought preparedness and management Measures for drought preparedness and management Narrative Describe your experience below. 38

39 Implementation framework Policy and Planning Support Has your country supported other countries in establishing policies, measures and governance for drought preparedness and management, including drought contingency plans in accordance with the mandate of the Convention? Yes No If yes, describe your experience below. 39

40 Implementation framework Action on the Ground Implementing sustainable land management practices Synergies Would like to share experiences on how your country is implementing sustainable land management (SLM) practices to address DLDD? Yes No If yes, what types of SLM practices are being implemented? Narrative Describe your experience below. Support Has your country supported other countries in the implementation of SLM practices? Yes No If yes, describe your experience below. 40

41 Implementation framework Action on the Ground Implementing restoration and rehabilitation practices in order to assist with the recovery of ecosystem functions and services Synergies Would like to share experiences on how your country is involved in restoration and rehabilitation practices in order to assist with the recovery of ecosystem functions and services? Yes No If yes, what types of practices are being implemented? At what level does your country implement the restoration and rehabilitation practices? a. National level b. Subnational level c. Other (please specify: ) Narrative Describe your experience below. Support Has your country supported other countries in the restoration and rehabilitation practices in order to assist with the recovery of ecosystem functions and services? Yes No If yes, describe your experience below. 41

42 Implementation framework Action on the Ground Developing and operationalizing drought risk management, monitoring and early warning systems and safety net programmes, as appropriate Synergies Would you like to share how your country is developing drought risk management, monitoring and early warning systems and safety net programmes to address DLDD? Yes No If yes, would you like to share experiences on: Drought risk management Monitoring and early warning systems Safety net programs Narrative Describe your experience below. Support Has your country supported other countries in developing drought risk management, monitoring and early warning systems and safety net programmes to address DLDD? Yes No If yes, describe your experience below. 42

43 Implementation framework Action on the Ground Promoting alternative livelihoods Synergies Does your country promote alternative livelihoods practice in the context of DLDD? Yes No 1. If yes, could you list some practices implemented at your country level to promote alternative livelihoods? 2. Would you like to share experiences in engaging women and youth in promoting alternative livelihoods? Narrative Describe your experience below. 43

44 Implementation framework Action on the Ground Establishing systems for sharing and knowledge and facilitating networking on best practices and approaches to drought management Synergies Has your country established systems for sharing and knowledge and facilitating networking on best practices and approaches to drought management? Yes No If yes, would like to share/list the established systems available in your country for sharing and knowledge and facilitating networking on best practices and approaches to drought management? Yes No Would like to share experiences on programmes/activities that promote women s access to knowledge and technology? Yes No Narrative Describe your experience below. 44