Insightful feedback of S3 implementation Evidences from the Italian experience

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1 Insightful feedback of S3 implementation Evidences from the Italian experience Marco De Maggio Unit 1 Sustainable development and smart growth Project and Policy Instruments Area JRC Seville 11th June 2018

2 Introduction: structure of the presentation The present analysis reports some evidences from Italian experience in implementing S3 approach, some consideration about strengths and weaknesses emerging in the debate with Regions and the aspects that mainly need to be worth considering. Main sources of the following information are: A. a desk analysis of the regional and national documentation and of the calls related to the S3 implementation, B. the periodic interview to the Managing Authorities of the Regional Operative Programs, C. surveys related to monitoring system, governance and future perspective for post 2020, regional needs related to the next steps of the support actions of the Italian Agency for Territorial Cohesion.

3 Smart Specialisation in Italy: regional and national dimension 21 Regional S3 5 Less Developed - GDP < 75% EU27 avg 3 In Transition - 75% =< GDP < 90% EU27 avg 13 More Developed - GDP > 90% EU27 avg A heterogeneous picture of the ways Regions conceived their way to S3. Different objectives, timing, approaches 1 National S3 5 thematic areas Coordinated governance Integration of Funds, NOP R&I I&C, Strategic Plans (DCF)

4 Regional S3 implementation Insights from Managing Authorities and public calls According to the Italian Partnership Agreement, TO1 (Annex 1- Expected Results and Actions) is articulated on Mission-oriented actions strongly related to the S3 objectives and implementation: larger and more expensive projects Close to market Collaborative R&S Piloting Complex projects Research Infrastructures Diffusion-oriented actions suitable to promote a wider diffusion of innovation processes within the enterprise system: lower unitary costs of the single project Researchers engagement Innovation voucher System actions Service qualification Start-up e Spin-off Experimental actions thought to stimulate the adoption of new policy instruments, like PCP and Open innovation settings PCP Living Labs

5 Thematic Objective 1: launched actions Number of calls

6 Thematic Objective 1: launched actions Value of calls

7 Thematic Objective 1: Mission oriented actions Number of calls

8 Thematic Objective 1: Mission oriented actions Value of calls

9 Thematic Objective 1: Diffusion oriented actions Number of calls

10 Thematic Objective 1: Diffusion oriented actions Value of calls

11 National S3 (SNSI) implementation Integration of resources, coordinated governance and regional participation Aree$tematiche$ Aerospazio*e*difesa! Salute,*alimentazione,* qualità*della*vita! Industria*intelligente*e* sostenibile,*energia*e* ambiente! Agenda*Digitale,*Smart* Communities,*Sistemi*di* mobilità*intelligente! Turismo,*Patrimonio* culturale*e*industria* della*creatività! Traiettorie$di$sviluppo$ Riduzione!dell impatto!ambientale!(green!engine)! Avionica!avanzata!nel!campo!dei!network!di!moduli!hw!e!dell interfaccia!uomo<macchina! Sistema!air!traffic!management!avanzato! UAV!(Unmanned!aerial!veicle)!a!uso!civile!e!ULM!(ultra<Léger!Motorisé)! Robotica!spaziale,!per!operazioni!di!servizio!in!orbita!e!per!missioni!di!esplorazione! Sistemi!per!l osservazione!della!terra,!nel!campo!delle!missioni,!degli!strumenti!e!della!elaborazione!dei!dati! Lanciatori,!propulsione!elettrica,!per!un!più!efficiente!accesso!allo!spazio!e!veicoli!di!rientro! Sistemi!e!tecnologie!per!la!cantieristica!militare! Active!&!healthy!ageing:!tecnologie!per!l invecchiamento!attivo!e!l assistenza!domiciliare! E<health,!diagnostica!avanzata,!medical!devices!e!mini!invasività! Medicina!rigenerativa,!predittiva!e!personalizzata! Biotecnologie,!bioinformatica!e!sviluppo!farmaceutico! Sviluppo!dell agricoltura!di!precisione!e!l agricoltura!del!futuro! Sistemi!e!tecnologie!per!il!packaging,!la!conservazione!e!la!tracciabilità!e!sicurezza!delle!produzioni!alimentari!! Nutraceutica,!Nutrigenomica!e!Alimenti!Funzionali! Processi!produttivi!innovativi!ad!alta!efficienza!e!per!la!sostenibilità!industriale! Sistemi!produttivi!evolutivi!e!adattativi!per!la!produzione!personalizzata! Materiali!innovativi!ed!ecocompatibili! Tecnologie!per!biomateriali!e!prodotti!biobased!e!Bioraffinerie! Sistemi!e!tecnologie!per!le!bonifiche!di!siti!contaminati!e!il!decommissioning!degli!impianti!nucleari! Sistemi!e!tecnologie!per!il!water!e!il!waste!treatment! Tecnologie!per!le!smart!grid,!le!fonti!rinnovabili!e!la!generazione!distribuita! Sistemi!di!mobilità!urbana!intelligente!per!la!logistica!e!le!persone! Sistemi!per!la!sicurezza!dell ambiente!urbano,!il!monitoraggio!ambientale!e!la!prevenzione!di!eventi!critici!o!di!rischio! Sistemi!elettronici! embedded,!reti!di!sensori!intelligenti,!internet!of!things! Tecnologie!per!smart!building,!efficientamento!energetico,!sostenibilità!ambientale! Tecnologie!per!la!diffusione!della!connessione!a!Banda!Ultra!Larga!e!della!web!economy! Sistemi!e!applicazioni!per!il!turismo,!la!fruizione!della!cultura!e!l attrattività!del!made!in!italy! Tecnologie!e!applicazioni!per!la!conservazione,!gestione!e!valorizzazione!dei!beni!culturali,!artistici!e!paesaggistici! Tecnologie!per!il!design!evoluto!e!l artigianato!digitale!

12 National S3 (SNSI) implementation Integration of resources, coordinated governance and regional participation The implementation of the National S3 relies on National Operational Programs R&I I&C (ERDF) Strategic Plans approved by a specific Board of the Government Precidency (DCF) A Leading Administration for each Strategic Plan establishes a Committee representing the institutional partnership and identifies the unique responsible for the Plan implementation. It includes two representatives of Regions. This Committee coordinates the calls for the implementation of the Plan, and promotes the participation of Regions also through the development of a multi-regional Plan.

13 National S3 (SNSI) implementation Integration of resources, coordinated governance and regional participation The first Plan to be implemented was Space Economy, articulated on three project lines: SATCOM, MIRROR COPERNICUS, MIRROR GALILEO. The Plan required 350 mln DCF, and a cofunding mechanism integrating other national and regional recources, activating a total investment of about 1,1 mld. With a decree of the leading administration (Ministry for Economic Development) it was defined the Innovation Agreement as implementation instrument. The Conference of Regions approved also a memorandum of understanding related to the governance and implementation rules of the SATCOM Multiregional plan, with the level of participation of each Region, for a total amount of 100 mln. The participating Regions/Administrations are 13: Abruzzo, Basilicata, Campania, Emilia Romagna, Lazio, Lombardia, Piemonte, Puglia, Sardegna, Toscana, Umbria, Valle d Aosta, PA Trento.

14 Scouting regional needs through capacity building initiatives National Laboratory for Research and Innovation Policies Unit 1 Sustainable development and smart growth Monitoring and Control Unit Section 1 Project Support Action to the S3 implementation and monitoring (PON GOV ) Recognition of implementation troubles Coordination of implementation and monitoring activities Platform for sharing and exchange of information and experiences Institutional Agreements with - Research Institutions (e.g. INFN, ENEA) - Public Administrations (e.g. ER, AgID) Discussion arguments proposal Collaborative solution providing Models diffusion Scouting of opportunities for synergies

15 Scouting regional needs through capacity building initiatives Governance e organizational models for R&I policies 7 June 2018 Regional innovation systems internationalization 8 June 2018

16 Scouting regional needs through capacity building initiatives 3 surveys have been conducted to deepen the needs of Regions related to specific aspects of S3 implementation: A. June 2017 Analysis of S3 regional monitoring systems promoted by the Unit for monitoring and control; B. January 2018 Contribute of the Unit for monitoring and control to the Survey on the RIS3 experience about all the European regions, conducted by the European Commission (Territorial Development Unit of Directorate Growth and innovation of JRC), about: monitoring and stakeholder involvement; governance structures; post C. March 2018 Investigation about: policy instruments; thematic projects and regional chains; themes to be developed within the framework of the collaboration agreement with Regione Emilia Romagna.

17 Scouting regional needs through capacity building initiatives Monitoring systems - Evidences of regional involvement in territorial investigations and research to define specific indicators for specialisation areas; - Diffusion of platforms and thematic working groups to involve stakeholders in the implementation phase (e.g. Abruzzo, Basilicata, Calabria, Campania, Molise e Sicilia); - Limited evidence of the outcome of the monitoring activity of S3 implementation and of the discussion about results of the public intervention. To consolidate the NMS (national monitoring system) of regional S3, in addition to the regional systems, the Unit for monitoring and control guided Regions to define a model to trace back their 84 specialisation areas to a unique taxonomy, to allow comparison and a shared codification of the regional choices. The proposal was intended to reconcile with the 12 areas selected by the National Research Plan , and to create a table of conformity with the 5 areas of National S3. An agreement with IGRUE will allow also to track in the unitary database each project with an area corresponding to one of the twelve.

18 Scouting regional needs through capacity building initiatives Governance and organizational models Surveys by the Unit for monitoring and control showed the level of advancement of the regional structures devoted to - strategic functions, engaged in defining and revising goals and strategic priorities, dealing with the difficulties of managing the multilevel governance; - managerial functions, ensuring the connection with stakeholders among thematic working groups, that face the need to better coordinate the different administrative units and local actors in the implementation of S3. This was also one of the priority themes selected by Regions to be discussed in the kick-off meeting of the National laboratory.

19 Scouting regional needs through capacity building initiatives Governance and organizational models Regions expressed the need to define shared methodologies for the processing and exchange of data at national level, to improve the programming of R&I policies; develop common criteria to profile and qualify subjects of innovation (e.g. fablab, high tech start-up); co-design governance models and rules to create frameworks adaptable to different territorial contexts; share platform standards to facilitate the development of collaborative interregional projects. The co-existence of a strong national dimension of S3 with the regional ones, also in terms of policy instruments (e.g. Clusters), makes it strongly perceived the priority represented by the multi-level governance model.

20 Scouting regional needs through capacity building initiatives Outward looking dimension Some Regions feel weak in creating structured networks and collaboration needed to develop the outward dimension of their actions. They propose to improve the S3 method to stimulate the international potential of the territorial innovation systems, starting from an increase in the national collaboration; to update networking tools, defining new technical solutions to be more present at EU level; to empower the common position about the need to harmonize the rules governing different funds in the perspective of an easier application of SoE and other ways to benefit from Horizon Europe.

21 First insights for a SWOT analysis: Strenghts - Great value of the learning process related to the definition of the S3: Regions started thinking strategically in R&I Policies and understanding (some of them for the first time) the relevance of an integrated view. - The stakeholder involvement (in designing, implementing, monitoring) was the turning point. - Calls elaborated under the S3 approach have been mainly appreciated from the territories, reducing the risk to be abandoned (deserted). - They learned to pay more attention to the input from the territory: many of them are actually proud of their S3 design and implementation process, and of the way now they are more connected with institutional, entrepreneurial, academic and social parts of their environment. - They say that the process to define S3 didn t influence negatively the timing of the implementation of the program. - There was a contamination of the S3 process methodology for other policy design processes, in other fields.

22 First insights for a SWOT analysis: Weaknesses - Sometimes public administrations (especially regional ones) were not prepared to face the challenge of using new policy instruments. - Especially for Italy, multi level governance represents a relevant point: the role of central government in coordinating and supporting Regions is fundamental since the two levels of government are deeply intertwined to avoid overlapping and contradiction. - The outward looking dimension is very weak, in particular for less developed regions: some of them present few experience and openness to the other territories. - Territories need taxonomies and standards: they must be free to make their strategic choices, but once they have done, they need clear and standardized instruments, codes and methodologies to refer to. - They ask for a European effort for a better harmonization of rules governing structural funds and other European funds to facilitate integration and synergies.

23 First insights for a SWOT analysis: Threats - Some Regions, especially the most peripheral ones, feel the risk to be excluded from the long European value chains also in the setting of projects pipelines; it needs a rethinking of some processes related to the promotion and access to European platforms and partnerships for FP. Cohesion has a precise goal. - There is a realistic risk of generating ambiguity if we don t proceed in improving methods, definitions, standards, rules. Method is a fundamental dimension of S3, this is the time to deepen the endowment of instruments (managerial and policy ones). - Especially for Italy, the national dimension of S3 is fundamental: when thinking to processes related to updating, monitoring, observing regional S3, the central perspective needs to be included. - Since we are in a second phase of S3, it is important from now on to avoid a bureaucratic attitude towards S3, without dropping out the search for simplification.

24 First insights for a SWOT analysis: Opportunities - The revision phase is a big opportunity to confirm the approach (Regions seem to agree to this direction) and to improve it to some extent. - The definition of the rules for the next programming period represents an opportunity for a better convergence of the ways structural funds and other funds are managed, to facilitate integration and synergies, strengthening the inclusion of less developed regions. - Till now S3 approach has been presented with great emphasis: it is useful to maintain the same attitude. - Methodological aspects need a continuous care, deepening some specific processes and models on the basis of the first experience. - It is extremely important for different European Countries to share the way data and information are produced, elaborated and exchanged, to become comparable and understandable without ambiguity.

25 Thanks for your attention Marco De Maggio Unit 1 Sustainable development and smart growth Project and Policy Instruments Area