Effective Governance Action Plan Updated January 2017

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1 Brighstone C.E Aided Primary School Head Teacher Mrs. T. Fox New Road Brighstone Isle of Wight PO30 4BB Telephone (01983) Charity Number: Effective Governance Action Plan Updated January 2017 Author Brighstone Primary School Governing Body Effective Governance Action Plan updated January 2017 Page 1 of 8

2 Priority 1: Strengthen policy review processes to ensure that an impact assessment is completed as part of the review cycle. Priority 2: Strengthen its existing monitoring arrangements by ensuring that a comprehensive governor monitoring plan to cover all aspects of the school improvement priorities is drawn up. The plan should include opportunities for governors to gather information from a range of internal and external sources. Ensure that governor visits have a clear strategic focus, and that they are linked to school improvement priorities. Priority 3: Implement a strategic GB development programme Governors to monitor policy effectiveness as part of review cycle. Information to be gathered from a number of sources including from: school data (e.g. attendance data); through visits: and by asking questions of senior leaders and stakeholders. Draw up a comprehensive GB monitoring plan, linked to the current SIP Develop a governor visits schedule Agendas to include space for feedback and evaluation of information gathered from visits Governor visits policy to be revised and agreed with staff Raise online/data training to be arranged Construct a GB training and development plan based on discussions with individual governors, and information from skills audit. Identify and book individual or whole group training as required and according to budget Update the GB action plan to take GB Ongoing The GB is better informed about how policies impact upon the work of the school. HT/COG/Wo rking group HT/COG/ Working group Clerk/HT/CO G Clerk/EGAP DTG/GB January 2017 GB paperwork including minutes and visit reports record the GB gathering and evaluating information about policy effectiveness as part of the review cycle. The governing body has a comprehensive monitoring plan in place, linked to the current GTGP priorities. It uses this effectively in order to triangulate information gathered from a number of sources, including internal and external school data, and focused governor visits. Agendas and minutes; training records; Governor visits records; GB development plan. New Governor visits policy Effective Governance Action Plan updated January 2017 Page 2 of 8 DTG DTG Working Ongoing The governing body is well trained to collectively fulfil its responsibilities. It takes and proactive and continuous approach to development. A clear, costed, and relevant training and development strategy is in place, which also takes account of succession planning. New governors are promptly inducted and are supported to quickly become

3 Priority 4: Implement the recommendations from the Pupil Premium Review. Priority 5: Ensure the GB action plan is current and is monitored regularly account of recommendations from external review of governance. Add training to each agenda to encourage feedback and discussion of learning. Create a succession plan for the GB leadership with clearly identified development opportunities. Induct new governors promptly, including establishing a buddying scheme HT to share the PP Review with governors and prepare an action plan Governors to hold leaders to account for the spending of the PP and the impact of interventions aimed at diminishing the difference. Monitoring to take place through discussions at S&P committee meetings and focused visits by the inclusion governor. ( Diminishing the Difference is the new Ofsted terminology which replaces narrowing/closing the gap ). Value for money (in terms of impact on pupil outcomes) is regularly discussed and challenged by governors (e.g. is PP having the impact we anticipated?). Update the school website Update the existing GB action plan based on the outcomes of the external review of governance Effective Governance Action Plan updated January 2017 Page 3 of 8 group Clerk/Chair/ HT Chair/VC/ DTG CoG/All HT S & P/All/ Inclusion gov Finance and S&P HT Working group Ongoing December confident in their role. GB self evaluation is conducted regularly and informs the GB development plan. Agendas; minutes; GB training plan; training feedback reports; conversations with governors; GB training records. Recommendations from the Pupil Premium review have been implemented. PP children have good outcomes due to effective interventions put in place by the school. Governors systematically monitor the progress and outcomes for PP children to ensure that the difference is diminished. Agendas; minutes; visit feedback reports. Website Governors are effective in supporting and challenging leaders, understand the strengths and

4 Priority 6: Work with the new headteacher to ensure that it engages with a broad range of internal and external information, including school data. Priority 7: Review the governance structure to ensure that opportunities to hold school leaders to account, to monitor the work of the school, and to ask support and challenge questions, take place within quorate GB or committee meetings. Ensure the plan informs the SEF and both documents are kept under regular review A standing item about the impact of GB work should be added to FGB agendas. Governors regularly evaluate their own effectiveness and this informs the evaluation of school leadership. Focus on the tracking of pupil groups, including disadvantaged pupils, those with SEN, and the most able. Governors to use school data to inform and increase the support and challenge questions they ask school leaders, when holding them to account. Governors to undertake NCTL RAISEonline training GB to review status of working groups and consider re-implementing committee structure Review and adapt committee terms of reference as necessary Review the GB meeting cycle and forward agendas to ensure that they mesh with the Getting to Good Plan cycle HT/working group HT/Clerk/Co G All S & P/ Inclusion gov/ All S & P/ Inclusion gov/ All All FGB Ongoing Annually Autumn/ Spring term areas needing improvement at the school. GB action plan, School Improvement Plan, Self- Evaluation summary, Governor skills/experience audit, Agendas, minutes. Governors have a detailed and accurate understanding of the school's overall performance. Governors have an understanding of the data which they use to cross reference and challenge what they are told by school leaders. Agendas, minutes, training, Visits. The work of the governing body is effectively delegated. The well organised GB meeting cycle supports effective governance and school improvement. Minutes of GB meetings show that governors use their meetings to systematically offer support and challenge to the school leadership and to hold leaders to account for school performance. Agenda, minutes Effective Governance Action Plan updated January 2017 Page 4 of 8

5 Priority 8: Ensure that all the requirements to publish statutory information online have been met. Priority 9: Ensure that the GB has a clear overview of quality of teaching in the school and can demonstrate how this links to pay and performance management. Priority 10: Build upon existing strategies for parental engagement. Review DfE guidance about requirements for publishing information online. Upload information onto the school website as required, and keep the website content under regular review. Update Edubase with required governor details. Review membership of the Pay Panel and ensure that the same governors making recommendations about HT pay are not also members of the Pay Committee. Governors undertaking HT performance management to be appropriately trained. The cycle of governor monitoring to include the opportunity for an annual audit of performance management. Governors systematically monitor the quality of teaching in the school and use this information to inform decisions about pay. Review the protocols in place for Meet the Governors events and amend as necessary. Agree a policy with the headteacher about the reporting of strategic level information gathered at Meet the Parents events. Clerk/HT Clerk/HT Clerk/HT Clerk/HT/Co G DTG S&P PM governors and pay committee Ongoing The GB is transparent and accountable. The school website contains all the required current statutory information, and Edubase has been updated. Policy, school website, Edubase. Effective Governance Action Plan updated January 2017 Page 5 of 8 All Asap December The GB has a clear overview of the quality of teaching within the school, and understands the link between pay and performance. Governor questions demonstrate a relentless drive for improvement, and include questions around evaluating the impact of staff CPD. The membership of the pay committee is in line with the pay policy and all members of the committee have undertaken relevant training. An annual audit of performance management forms part of the governor monitoring cycle. Agendas, Minutes, Policies. Clear protocols are in place for governor meetings with parents. These ensure that all governors are clear about the boundaries of their role, and that they know how to deal with any complaints that may be raised. Agreed arrangements are in place for governors to report back any relevant strategic issues that may have been raised by parents.

6 Protocol, Minutes. Impact Assessment Monitoring activity (date and description of activity) Evidence of outcomes (minutes, reports, etc.) Evaluation of impact 1. Strengthen policy review processes to ensure that an impact assessment is completed as part of the review cycle. Discussion at EGAP meetings Set up monitoring schedule to record governor visits Suggest questions for governor visits Governors undertaking Safeguarding level 2 training 2. Strengthen its existing monitoring arrangements by ensuring that a comprehensive governor monitoring plan to cover all aspects of the school improvement priorities is drawn up. Ensure that governor visits have a clear strategic focus, and that they are linked to school improvement priorities. Draw up a comprehensive GB monitoring plan, linked to the current GTGP Develop a governor visits schedule Agendas to include space for feedback and evaluation of information gathered from visits 3. Implement a strategic GB development programme Book governors on appropriate training courses Appoint a Development and Training Governor Arrange bespoke courses where necessary 4. Implement the recommendations from the Pupil Premium Review. EGAP minutes from , and Monitoring schedule developed and approved at FGB. Pre-planned questions for visits on policy impact devised and put on visit forms. Safeguarding training certificates. EGAP minutes from , , and FGB Monitoring schedule developed and approved at FGB. Pre-planned questions for visits on policy impact devised and put on visit forms. Governor visits policy approved Induction training undertaken by all new governors on 09/11/ DTG in place, training record up to date, predict/request training budget for Governors more focused on what impact policies have in the classroom by asking pertinent questions. Greater understanding on the process and procedures in both Child Protection and Safeguarding policies. Governors are more focused on areas in the GTGP which need monitoring to ensure progress of pupils. Governors have a good understanding of the school and can articulate its strengths and weaknesses. Governors can more effectively monitor, review and challenge through evidence based visits New governors are trained and have a clearer understanding of their roles and responsibilities. DTG assessed skills and training needs are identified so the GB is broadly knowledgeable across the board. Governors understand progress data Minutes of S&P Nov and FGB Governors have a greater understanding of the interventions put in place for PP pupils. Effective Governance Action Plan updated January 2017 Page 6 of 8

7 Review at Finance, S&P and FGB Meetings Monitor progress of PP pupils at S&P and FGB 5. Ensure the GB action plan is current and is monitored regularly Review at EGAP, committee and FGB meetings Governor self-evaluation annually Skills audit annually 6. Work with the new headteacher to ensure that it engages with a broad range of internal and external information, including school data. Pupil premium audit to be undertaken LLP reports at governor meetings Review data at the S&P meetings 7. Review the governance structure to ensure that opportunities to hold school leaders to account, to monitor the work of the school, and to ask support and challenge questions, take place within quorate GB or committee meetings. 8. Ensure that all the requirements to publish statutory information online have been met. Check the website is up to date Review DfE guidance about requirements for publishing information online. Upload information onto the school website as required, and keep the website content under regular review. Update Edubase with required governor details. 9. Ensure that the GB has a clear overview of quality of teaching in the school and can demonstrate how this links to pay and performance management. Review membership of the Pay Panel Governors undertaking HT performance management to be appropriately trained. Schedule annual audit of performance management EGAP minutes of , , and FGB Governors SEF document Governors skills audit Pupil Premium audit report September LLP reports Minutes of S&P meeting and FGB meeting Minutes of FGB meeting confirming structure of FGB, 2 committees and working groups when needed. Compliant website Edubase up to date Minutes of FGB Training certificate of HT PM Governors workplan Governors have a clear view of where money needs to be spent on interventions The FGB has a range of experience and knowledge to cover all skills needed by the school Governors have a greater understanding of where our pupils are in terms of Age Related Expectations, comparison with national average, other comparable schools, where the gaps are between different groups e.g. boys, girls, SEND, PP, etc. and what interventions are in place and what is the impact. Governors are more engaged with governance and have a greater depth of knowledge in their chosen areas Governors will be legally compliant with regulations Quality of teaching to improve bringing better outcomes for pupils. Effective Governance Action Plan updated January 2017 Page 7 of 8

8 10. Build upon existing strategies for parental engagement. Review the protocols in place for Meet the Governors events and amend as necessary. Agree a policy with the headteacher about the reporting of strategic level information gathered at Meet the Parents events. EGAP minutes and FGB minutes Improved relationships with parents due to better communication process. Effective Governance Action Plan updated January 2017 Page 8 of 8