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1 INDEX FOR QUANTITATIVE MEASUREMENT OF THE SCIENTIFIC LEVEL OF TERTIARY EDUCATION IN DEVELOPING COUNTRIES: THEORY AND APPLICATION Anatoliy Shyian 11, Liliya Nikiforova Annotation New quantitative index for measurement of the sientifi level of tertiary eduation in developing ountries is onstruted. Index shows the level of readiness of the new generation to funtion in a developed ountry. Index haraterizes the degree of intimay of knowledge and ompetenies of the new generation for the onditions, whih the domesti ountry strives to ahieve. Index is based on the alulation of the quantity of talents in siene, who are able to adapt to the onditions of working and living in developed ountries. The available statistial data uses as example for index alulation. Surprisingly, the values of the index for the level of tertiary eduation in Russia and Ukraine are extremely low. Keywords: tertiary eduation, siene level, developing ountries, measurement, index, empirial analysis Introdution The quality of human apital is foundation for eonomial growth and development (Aemoglu 009; Aemoglu & Autor 01). The system of tertiary eduation is prinipal institution, whih prepares a new generation for eonomis ativity. The system of tertiary eduation gives a signal to employers about the level of work s performane for graduates (Spene 1973; Stiglitz 1975). The talent has a highest level of performane. The term talent is often used without definition e.g., see (Aemoglu 1995). Suffiiently meaningful definition is given in (Mihaels, Handfield-Jones and Axelrod 001): What do we mean by talent? In the most general sense, talent is the sum of a person s abilities his or her intrinsi gifts, skills, knowledge, experiene, intelligene, judgment, attitude, harater, and drive. It also inludes his or her ability to learn and grow. This definition is unonstrutive: the riteria, whih are neessary for identifiation of a talent, are absent. Shiyan and Nikiforova (011) define the talent (whih they named as oordinator ) as follows: the people who have the ability to introdue new information or to adequately reover it missing part. The paper uses the term talent in the sense (Shiyan and Nikiforova, 011). Today, the individual rankings of universities, suh ARWU (Shanghai), THES (QS Times) and Webometris, are widespread (Salmi 009). But small part students learn in universities, whih were named in these rankings (espeially in ARWU and THES). Therefore, these rankings give inomplete information about the level of tertiary eduation in the ountry as a whole. The onstrution of University s ranking is still ontinues: for example, Boni and Gasper (01) propose a list of dimensions for a human development orientation in researh, teahing, soial engagement and university governane. 11 Corresponding author. 37

2 The finding of the integral parameters (indexes or indiators), whih ould to desribe the individual vetors for development in tertiary eduation for a ountry, still is an open problem. The identifiation of suh index is espeially important for developing ountries, as it speifies the potential opportunities for eonomi growth. Human Development Index (Human Development Report 011) is an integral harateristi and desribes the ountry as a whole. This index still improves. For example, there are the propositions of the methods for improving this index in field both of the per apita GDP (Herrero et al. 01) and of the internal migrational status (Harttgen and Klasen 011. We propose to improve this index vu using of quantitative index for the level of tertiary eduation in developing ountries. Human Development Index uses a data, whih ignores the quality of tertiary eduation. For example, it fouses on the averaged number of years for resident s training. That is, Human Development Index makes the impliit premise that the quality of eduation in all ountries is the same. For orreting this error, we need to have an independent index for the quality of higher eduation in the ountry. This index an be used as a weight for finding of human apital quality in the ountry. Thus, obtained in paper the quantitative index for the level of tertiary eduation in developing ountries an to use for improving of Human Development Index. Reently U1 Ranking of National Higher Eduation Systems 01 was published (Williams et al. 01). But there are a number of problems, whih arises with appliation of these results. For example, a question is: Ranking of Higher Eduation for Ukraine (5 in ranking) is higher, than the ranking both Poland (7 in ranking) and Italy (30 in ranking). Can we say that the European employer prefers the graduates from Ukraine more, than graduates from Poland or Italy? Naturally, answer is No. Probably, there is a mistake in reation of U1 Ranking of National Higher Eduation Systems 01 (Williams et al. 01). We think that this mistake exists only for developing ountries. It takes plae owing to the absene an index, whih desribes the quality of tertiary eduation. For improving it, the ability to suessfully ompete in the international labor market should be desribed for the graduates of ountry. For developed ountries, this ability is built into the system of tertiary eduation. Therefore the results of the U1 Ranking of National Higher Eduation Systems 01 (Williams et al. 01) are orret for developed ountries only. In ontrast to developed ountries, the ability to suessfully ompete in the international labor market is not inluded in systems of tertiary eduation in many developing ountries. Thus, similar mistake exists for developing ountries both in Human Development Index (Human Development Report 011) and in U1 Ranking of National Higher Eduation Systems 01 (Williams et al. 01). There is a plethora of statistial data on various parameters for developed ountries. They also have many speialists who study the dynamis of human apital. In ontrast, muh statistial data in developing ountries was not measured, or it is hard to express them in terms of western statistis. For instane, in Ukraine the perentage of graduates who have not found the work within six months after graduation is not measured. The paper onstruts an index for measurement of the level of tertiary eduation in developing ountries. This index answers on question: How is the level of domesti system of tertiary eduation for preparing of talented people to the life and work in developed ountry? This index is aggregate, sine it takes into aount both general preparation for life in a developed ountry, and training for work in a developed ountry. The talent is used as a marker for measurement of the level of tertiary eduation. An important feature is that for the alulation of this index the statistial data on tertiary eduation and sientifi institutions are used only from the developed ountries. 38

3 The remainder of the paper proeeds as follows. The seond setion desribes the method for alulating of index for a level of development for tertiary eduation in a developing ountry. The third setion desribes as developing ountry may use the index. The fourth setion desribes an example of the alulation of the index using previously obtained data. The fifth setion desribes the reasons for the low values of the indiator for Russia and Ukraine. The sixth setion desribes the reasons for differene between indexes for India and China. The final setion enompasses onlusions. In Appendix the detailed derivation of relative error for an index is desribed.. Methodology In developing ountry the tertiary eduation should outpae the urrent state of its eonomy. New jobs, whih will have higher labor produtivity, an be reated only in this ase. Therefore tertiary eduation is a key element for eonomi development in developing ountries. Employees with tertiary eduation oupy jobs with higher wages. Tertiary eduation is the soial elevator, whih is the most affordable for the majority of the population in developing ountries. Young people oriented to obtaining of tertiary eduation already at the stage of seondary eduation. Therefore, in developing ountry the tertiary eduation is a model for the young people. A speifi feature of tertiary eduation in developing ountries is the following. It simultaneously prepares a new generation for partiipation in both eonomi and soial life in the developing ountry. Teahing of publi life skills in university should to outpae the urrent state of the soiety s development level, too. Thus, tertiary eduation should to prepare a new generation for eonomi and soial ativities, whih are typial for developed ountries. Only in this ase the ountry will be able to onstantly develop. The sientifi level of tertiary eduation in developing ountry may be determined by omparison with the sientifi level of its development in developed ountries. The indiator, whih haraterizes the proportion of graduates from tertiary eduation, who have suessfully adapted to sientifi job and life in developed ountries, an be used. For any ountry, the next relationship is true: t p ol (1) Here t the quantity of realized sientifi talents, p the ountry s population, o proportion of population, whih is involved in tertiary eduation (mostly students), l the level of development of tertiary eduation. In (1) the value of l is in the range 0<l<1. Value l=1 notes that all the sientifi talent orretly identified, seleted and taught by a system of tertiary eduation in a ountry. Why is our attention drawn to talent? Firstly, the talents are the most ative partiipants in ountry s development. Seondly, the system of tertiary eduation has the greatest ratio of development when the fration of identified talents is the highest. Thirdly, the talents onstitute the most visible and outstanding part of soiety; they implement the adjustment the intensity of signal for employers (Spene 1973). From (1) is followed that parameter l haraterizes the level of suess in funtioning of tertiary eduation in a domesti ountry. In this sense (1) an be applied to any ountry (both developed and developing). 39

4 Equation (1) ontains several indiators, whih are unknown for developing ountries: the quantity of talents and level of development of tertiary eduation. Fortunately, the statistial data from developed ountries an be used. Migration from developing to developed ountries exists, and talents omprise a part of this migration. Statistial data for migration are always monitored in developed ountries. The indexes for migration from developing ountries are well known. The problem is only how to determine the quantity of talents, whih ame from a developing ountry and whih ame true in a developed ountry. Let we hoose the talents, whih have suessfully implemented the aademi areer in a developed ountry. Here a talent uses all ompetenies, whih he/she learned in the domesti ountry. Here a talent from developing ountry has a priority in as ompared with average person (from developing or developed ountries). The level of implementation of aademi areer for a talent will be exatly depended on his/her level preparing for adaptation to onditions of work and life in developed ountries. The level of suess for aademi areer an be measured as a level of itations. The realized talent is a highly-ited researher. Thus, the sientometri data an be used for measuring of the quantity of talents from developing ountries. The sientometri data is well developed today and have a high level of reliability and breadth of sientifi publiations. Of ourse, the systems of tertiary eduation in developed ountries are imperfet, - but better is absent in the world. The differenes in the tertiary eduation systems of various developed ountries are not ounted in this method. As a result, the level of tertiary eduation in the developing ountry an be measured as follows. l d () p t o m Here l is a sientifi level of tertiary eduation in the developing ountry; t d is a quantity of highly-ited sientifi researhers from the developing ountry, whih working at aademi areer in a developed ountry; p is the number of people in the developing ountry; o is a proportion of the population, whih is involved in tertiary eduation in the developing ountry; m is a proportion of the population, whih migrates from the developing ountry. The equation () is based on several assumptions (some of them briefly summarize the arguments from above). 1. The perentage of migration from the developing ountry is equal for all eduational levels.. The talent, who hose an aademi areer, serves as a marker for the level of tertiary eduation (this talent has been oriented on the higher eduation in the developing ountry). For example, during of seondary eduation, he/she is preparing to take part in tertiary eduation. And he/she is a hard-working student and preparing for tertiary eduation. He/she has knowledge about university, whih is based only on universities in developing ountry. 3. Proportion of the migrants with developing ountry s tertiary eduation, whih hooses an aademi areer in a developed ountry, is idential for the people from different developing ountries. 4. The tertiary eduation in developing ountry influenes not only on a sientifi talent readiness to sientifi ativity. The system of tertiary eduation should also prepare a sientifi talent for life in the sientifi ommunity. It should prepare a sientifi talent for ommuniation with environment in developed ountries and for organization their private lives in a developed ountry. 5. The proportion of sientifi talents in every population is equal. The arguments see in (Shiyan and Nikiforova, 011). It is interesting that the opposite point of view is raism. 330

5 The index for the sientifi level of tertiary eduation in developing ountries an be used for them omparing. Developing ountries an be lassified aording to their level of development of tertiary eduation. The time, whih needs for sientifi talent for ahieving of the highly-ited status in a developed ountry, an be estimated at 10-0 years (it depends on the area of sientifi ativity and the level of talent). Therefore, the data for () should be hosen as the average quantity over the time interval of 10 years, from 10-0 years ago to the present time. Of ourse, the harateristis will hange during this period of time. So the result the index for a sientifi level of higher eduation in a developing ountry l will be measured with some auray only. Let us estimate the error in the alulation of index introdued in equation (). Relative error of the index value () an be alulated by the formula (see Appendix) (3) l td p o m Here ε l is the relative error in the index; ε td is the relative error in the quantity of talents; ε p is the relative error in the quantity of population in a developing ountry; ε o is the relative error in the proportion of aess to tertiary eduation; ε m is the relative error in the ratio of migration from developing ountries. All relative errors are alulated as the relationship of the standard deviation to the mean value of the investigated parameters. There is ertain arbitrariness in determining of the quantity of sientifi talents. However, one an to onsider more quantity of people, when the requirements for the level of talent will be reduing. For example, only the sientists, who have middle-ited or high-ited papers (not highly-ited ), an be seleted. The orretness an be inreased for the index by this way. The duration for a time delay for the index an be redued. The analysis of high-ited or middle-ited researhers an be used. For this ase, a time delay an be up to 5 years. In addition, the quantity of suh researhers will be inreased. The statistial data about PhD students from developing ountries, who ame in developed ountries 4-5 years ago, an be promising for index alulation, too. As sientifi talents we an take a quantity of young researhers from the developing ountries, whih have the papers in peer-reviewed sientifi journals with high impat fator. It should be taken into aount that the level of the height for impat fator will be different for different areas of siene. One an ount the quantity of sientifi talents at the next proedure, too. Talent, whih migrated from developing ountries, ould ahieve of suess not only in siene. Sientifi talent makes progress in other areas of eonomi and soial ativity after arriving to developed ountries. But the riteria for the seletion of sientifi talent will be less lear for these ases. The ability to use several different databases an allow obtaining the values of the index for different points of time for developing ountries. This allows identifying the trend of development of tertiary eduation in a developing ountry. Thus, the index for a sientifi level of tertiary eduation an be alulated from different non-overlapping databases for the same period of time. This allows assessing the validity of the index and alulating its reliability. 331

6 3. Purpose of the index Introdued index an offer a framework for ation toward an inreasing of a level of tertiary eduation in a developing ountry. Firstly, the index inreases when the level of involvement of university professors in the reation of a sientifi produt rises. This primarily reflets in the inrease of a quantity of teahers publiations in international sientifi journals (espeially with high impat-fators). Only the teaher, who reates sientifi result, is able to teah students speifi patterns of sientifi ativity. Seondly, professor should be able to inlude his/her sientifi results in the training ourses. Students should reeive modern sientifi information. Author of sientifi results (university professor) is the most effetive soure of information about the new knowledge. Thirdly, university professor should be involved into the eonomi and soial ativities. Ativities for implementation of reeived sientifi results are the most appropriate. Sientifi result is firstly obtained in the world (for example, the attempting to publish a sientifi result again (with new name for author) is regarded as plagiarism). Thus, publiation of sientifi results is regarded as fixing opyright and intelletual property rights. Professor should involve students in ativities in implementation of sientifi results. As result, students get the neessary skills for partiipation in eonomi and soial life. It is important that suh implementation an be arried out also abroad, in developed ountries. Thus, developing ountry, whih hooses inreasing the index of tertiary eduation, should reate the next onditions: 1. University professor should be able to obtain the sientifi results.. Professor should be able to use (and be enouraged to use) these results in teahing students. 3. University professor should be able to implement the sientifi results. 4. Students should to join to professor s work, partiipate on their own (under the leadership of the university professor) in all steps of reation of sientifi knowledge. Note that via establishing suh onditions we simultaneously provide an environment neessary for establishing of the effetive innovation institutes in a ertain developing ountry (Shiyan and Nikiforova, 01). 4. Example of index alulation Weinberg (011) studied the proess of brain drain from developing ountries. He used information of the birthplaes of the highly-ited sientifi researhers in the world. The highly-ited researhers were investigated within period Weinberg s paper ontains statistial data that an be applied for alulation of the level of tertiary eduation in some developing ountries. Table 1 presents the data for proportion of highly-ited sientifi researhers based on their plae of birth. This Table is Table from (Weinberg 011). We display only the part of the data, whih we will to use for following alulation. The proportions for sientifi talents from the developing ountry in the total number of sientifi talents (highly-ited researhers) were presented in (Weinberg 011). Naturally, the alulated index allows omparing the levels of tertiary eduation only in the database in (Weinberg 011). Data from Table 1 an be used for alulation of the sientifi level of tertiary eduation in developing ountries. 33

7 Table 1 Birth ountries of highly-ited researhers (only the part of the data from (Weinberg 011)) East Asia: Total former Total rest of ommunist: developing world: Peoples Republi Hungary India of China Poland Israel Hong Kong Russia Argentina Republi of Korea Romania Iran Ukraine Mexio Turkey Brazil Egypt Lebanon Moroo The time, whih the sientifi talents use for oming to highly-ited state in database (Weinberg 011), is unknown. Therefore we use the data for the period at the beginning of the 000s for alulation of the index. This led to unontrolled relative error, whih we estimate in the range of 0-30%. The error has origin from variation of quantities of population, migration rate and proportion of population, whih involved in tertiary eduation. We hope that the values of these parameters an not to reeive a sharp hange during for investigated ountries. Therefore, we will use alulated values for sientifi indexes of tertiary eduation in different ountries only for preliminary test of method. We used the World population data obtained by World Bank for 000 year (Population total 01). Tertiary eduation data are extrated for the period (Human Development Report 011). The oeffiient of migration is used for (Human Development Report 009). In our alulations we multiplied all numeri values by idential number 10n in order to bring them to the range from 0 to 10. Table shows the results the level of tertiary eduation in some developing ountries from Table 1. They were alulated by equation (). We omitted the data from Table 1 for ountries ontaining less than 4 talents. Despite the fat that for different ountries numerial values in equation () had 10-fold differenes, the values for the index were in the same range. This testifies that the introdution of the indiator is orretly defined. For China, India and Brazil the data have a large error, sine the statistial data on migration oeffiient has a large error (these oeffiients ontained only one signifiant digit). Index signifiantly differs within the data in Table for Russia and Ukraine. Firstly, these indexes have similar values, although all parameters in the equation () signifiantly differ. This indiates that this index is an objetive harateristi. Seondly, a small value for the index of the level of tertiary eduation in Russia and Ukraine requires a separate explanation. At first glane, this value of the index seems even impossible. In the next setion we show that tertiary eduation in these two ountries really orrespond to low values of this index. Weinberg s (011) data allow making a omparison of the averaged levels of effiieny for systems of tertiary eduation in developed and developing ountries. Table 1 show that the proportion between the number of talents from developed and developing ountries is to (the ountries listed in the footnote, inluded as well). The population in developed 333

8 and developing ountries an be set equal to 1 to 5 (in billions of people, at 000). Then an be regarded as an index to the average level of tertiary eduation in developed ountries, and (= / 5) as an index of the level of tertiary eduation in developing ountries. Thus, the averaged level of tertiary eduation in developing ountries is 34 times less than its level in developed ountries. Calulated index for measurement of the level of tertiary eduation in some developing ountries Country Index for measurement of the level of tertiary eduation East Asia Hong Kong 1.17 Peoples Republi of China Republi of Korea Former ommunist Hungary Romania Poland Russia Ukraine 0.039* Rest of developing world Israel.14 India Argentina Iran Lebanon 0.671* Brazil 0.567* Moroo 0.565* Egypt 0.304* Turkey 0.05 Mexio Note: * 4 highly-ited researhers. Table 5. Analysis of the systems of tertiary eduation in Ukraine and Russia The state of systems of tertiary eduation requires an independent and more areful study in Russia and Ukraine. The indexes for the level of tertiary eduation in these ountries are muh lower than in others. It is even more surprising that Russia and Ukraine have a number of harateristis, whih are similar to developed ountries. For example, the spae researh (Russia, Ukraine) and military equipment (Russia) are at frontier. We made a detailed analysis of systems of tertiary eduation in Russia and Ukraine in the frame of studying of innovation institutions in (Shiyan and Nikiforova 01). We showed that the gap between siene and tertiary eduation has historially originated in the late 190s early 1930s. It emerged during the transition from market to the ommunist ideology as a temporary measure. However, the gap still persists today. The systems of tertiary eduation are preserved the tradition of the Soviet Union in Russia and Ukraine (Shiyan and Nikiforova, 01). Today situation an be haraterized as follows. 1. Researh institutions are separated from the higher eduation. 334

9 Quantity of University. The university professors simply paraphrase textbooks years of pratial training are needed for graduate of the University. 4. University professors, students, and the majority of people in Russia and Ukraine (inluding Government offiials, parliamentarians and Government experts, et.) do not have any information onerning funtioning of developed eonomis (espeially about the market eonomy works.) Thus, the institutions for training of a new generation for experiene in both ativity in siene and onditions of living in the market eonomy are absent in Russia and Ukraine. Therefore the many barriers exist for migrants from Russia and Ukraine for their adaptation in sientifi ommunity and for work in a market eonomy. Espeially big obstale for youth is the lak of knowledge and skills for operating in a market eonomy. The data about ited publiations for Ukrainian universities are available at the database Sopus. The data for quantity of universities, whih have most 500 ited publiations in years, presented in Fig. 1. We used the data from (Rating of University, 014), (Rating of University, 015) and (Rating of University, 016) Quantity of ites Figure 1. Distribution of Universities by the number of itations in the Sopus database Ukraine has 69 universities, whih are inluded in the Consolidated ranking universities in Ukraine in 016 (Consolidated rating, 016). It is shown from Figure 1, only 1 Universities (4.5%) have more than 5,000 itations and only 30 Universities (11.%) have more than 1,000 itations in the Sopus database. Thus, Ukrainian universities are muh weaker than the universities of developed ountries in the sientifi field. The situation is more tragi in eonomis. Tom Coupé (008) investigated the quantitative ontribution of Ukrainian eonomists in the world eonomy: A total of 86 Ukrainians published in journals that are indexed in Eonlit in the period They together ontributed to 11 artiles. If we attribute oauthorship proportionally, 9 papers have been written by these Ukrainian authors. Note in this list of 86 we do not only have aademis, we also have politiians like former Prime Minister Yekhanurov and President Yuhenko. Moreover, remember that our initial searh in EonLit gave us 9 publiations related to Ukraine sine these 11 artiles inlude several artiles that are on subjets unrelated to Ukraine, most of the international researh on Ukraine has been done by foreign researhers. Coupé (008) notes: The more reent publiations are typially written by Ukrainian eonomists with a Western Ph.D. degree, and not by eonomists with a Ukrainian Candidate or Dotoral Degree. That things are improving is hene mainly due to the fat that the number 335

10 of Ukrainians with Ph.D.s is inreasing at least 35 Ukrainians graduated with a Ph.D. from a Western University sine Thus the tertiary eduation in Ukraine has no professors who an teah people of a modern market eonomy. The Peer Review of the Ukrainian Researh and Innovation System was arried out by the Horizon 00 Poliy Support Faility in 016 year (Peer Review, 016). This analysis shown that the system of tertiary eduation in Ukraine must be essentially modified. Osipian (01) shown that the orruption in dotoral eduation was widespread in Russia. He wrought: Fake dotorates undermine the redibility of real, earned dotorates, and erode the gold standard of quality in researh and sholarship. Thus, the talents of the new generation in Russia will have inorret knowledge about tertiary eduation in developed ountries. Atkinson, Ezell and Stewart (01) shown that the indiators for eduation in Russia were in lower ranges. The low value for index for sientifi level of the tertiary eduation alulated in our paper is onsistent with these results. The state of one of the leading universities of Ukraine Ternopil National Eonomi University was estimated in (Norén et al., 010). They showed that many serious problems arise due to failure of management, whih takes plae at the level of the University. As a result, university professors do not use they sientifi potential in teahing; their sientifi results are very low. Students are very rarely involved in researh and pratie. This situation in Ukraine is the norm, and is typial for many universities. These reasons lead to suh low values of the index for the level of tertiary eduation in Russia and Ukraine. Conlusion The paper onstruts a quantitative index for measurement of the level of development of tertiary eduation in developing ountries. This indiator haraterizes the system of tertiary eduation for the ountry as the whole. The quantity of talents, whih have suessfully implemented the aademi areer of a sientist in a developed ountry, is used for index alulation. The statistial data from developed ountries an be used for index alulation. The index an to use for omparing of different developing ountries. The relative error of the index value is investigated. The statistial data on highly-ited researhers from (Weinberg 011) is used for alulation of index a number of developing ountries. The indexes for Russia and Ukraine are signifiantly smaller in omparison with other developing ountries. We disussed the reasons for this situation. Appendix Derivation of relative error for the index for measurement of the level of tertiary eduation in developing ountries The absolute error Δy for indiret measurements an be alulated with using the funtion y=f(x 1,x,,x n ) by the formula (Grabe 005) y n i1 f x i x Here Δx i are the dispersion of the measurements for i-th variable. i (A1) 336

11 It is easy to see that the relative error ε y =Δy/y m, where y m are the average value of (A1), we an obtain with following formula. Logarithm of formula () is expressed as n ln f y xi (A) i1 xi lnl lnt ln p ln o ln m (A3) d When we substitute (A3) into (A), we obtain l 1 t d t d 1 p p 1 o o 1 m m (A4) td p o m (A4) is idential to (3). Referenes Aemoglu, D. (1995) Reward Strutures and the Alloation of Talent, European Eonomi Review 39, pp Aemoglu, D. (009) Introdution to Modern Eonomi Growth, Prineton, Prineton University Press. Aemoglu, D. and Autor, D. (01). What does human apital do? A review of Goldin and Katz s the rae between eduation and tehnology, NBER working paper 1780, Cambridge, National Bureau of Eonomi Researh. Atkinson, R. D., Ezell S. J. and Stewart L. A. (01) The Global Innovation Poliy Index, SSRN, [ Boni, A. and Gasper, D. (01) Rethinking the Quality of Universities: How Can Human Development Thinking Contribute?, Journal of Human Development and Capabilities, 13(3), pp Consolidated rating (016). Consolidated rating Ukrainian universities in 016 year. [ Coupé, T. (008) The visibility of Ukrainian eonomists , The Journal of Soio- Eonomis, 37, pp Grabe, M. (005). Measurement Unertainties in Siene and Tehnology, Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg. Harttgen, K. and Klasen S. (011), A Human Development Index by Internal Migrational Status, Journal of Human Development and Capabilities, 1(3), pp Herrero, C., Martнnez, R. and Villar A. (01) A Newer Human Development Index, Journal of Human Development and Capabilities, 13(), pp Human Development Report. (009). United Nations Development Programme. Human Development Report. (011). United Nations Development Programme. Mihaels, E., Handfield-Jones H. and Axelrod B. (001) The War for Talent. Boston, Mass., Harvard Business Press. 337

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