Organizational Report

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1 [[Company Name]] - Organizational Report This report summarizes the feedback of your employees in response to the [[ABC survey]] conducted by Great Manager Institute 1

2 Great People Manager Study Companies realize the need to be great workplaces. They want to deliver the best possible experience for their employees. In spite of having same organizational policies, two employees in the same organization may have different experiences. Managers are the Link! Through Great People Manager Awards we aim to help companies to: Understand Employee Experience Evaluate Manager Expertise Know Their Employer Brand Employees join great companies, but leave because of bad managers. Q. Why don t companies talk about how great the managers in their companies are? Ans. Because they are not able to benchmark their managerial talent with that in the industry. Q. Why don t employees join companies with great managers in the first place? Ans. Because they don t know where to look for these managers! 2

3 Overview Have you ever asked anyone about their experience of working with a "Great Manager"? They narrate the same experience: Great Managers deliver strong and sustained performance. They lead their people differently. People enjoy working with these leaders. They stay on, they give their best, and they grow. But what do these Great Managers do to deliver such a consistent experience? Can we draw common principles underlying their varying styles? We say YES! How did we identify the traits of a Great Manager? We studied a number of Great Managers to understand what makes them Great. We explored some Great Organizations to deconstruct their cultures. We read through a significant number of expert advises. underlying principles behind their actions : While every Great Manager develops a personal style when leading people or building relationships, there are three Connect with employees by communicating regularly and clearly, caring for them, and being fair. Develop employees by providing and seeking constructive feedback while providing growth opportunities. Inspire employees to give their personal best by recognizing their contribution and celebrating together. 3

4 Overview The three dimensions of People Manager Effectiveness lndex can further be represented by the framework based on their various sub-dimensions. G r e a t P e o p l e M a n a g e r Connect Fair Treatment Information Sharing Approachability Clarity of Thought Feedback Seeking Reliability Care for Individual Work-Life Balance Develop Involvement in Decisions Feedback Sharing Development Focus Guidance Career Growth Inspire Personal Best Expectation Setting Recognition Fun & Celebrations INSPIRE 4

5 Your Managerial Competence R e s p o n s e R a t e : Number Administered No. of Responses Response Rate % No. of Managers in Organization No. of Managers eligible for scorecard C o m p a r i s o n w i t h B e n c h m a r k s : This section looks at the scores of key perception metrics of your organization in comparison with Benchmarks. Grand Mean is the average of the score of your company for the 17 People Manager Effectiveness Index statements. Overriding Sentiment is the engagement indicator. It is the response to the statement I want to work with this organization for a long time. Overriding Sentiment 70 Grand Mean Your Score Benchmark 1 Benchmark 2 YOUR ORGANIZATION s People Manager Effectiveness Index score [[lags by [#] points from BENCHMARK 1]] / [[is at par with BENCHMARK 1]] / [[leads by [#] points from BENCHMARK 1]]. [[same for benchmark 2]] 5

6 Big Picture This section benchmarks your organization's average performance with the chosen benchmarks on the 3 key abilities of Great People Managers - ability to Connect, Develop and Inspire. C o n n e c t : 9 86% 72% D e v e l o p : 54% 9 9 I n s p i r e : Your Organization [[Benchmark1]] [[Benchmark2]] For Managers in your company: Connect is [[Insert message according to score]] Develop is [[Insert message according to score]] Inspire is [[Insert message according to score]] 6

7 Dimension-Wise Scores Sub-Dimensions of Connect Work-Life Balance Care for Individual Reliability Feedback Seeking Clarity of Thought Approachability Information Sharing Fair Treatment Company Benchmark of Choice1 Benchmark of Choice2 [[Statement]] has the biggest gap when compared to [[Benchmark1]] 7

8 Dimension-Wise Scores Sub-Dimensions of Develop Career Growth Guidance Development Focus Feedback Sharing Involvement in Decisions Company Benchmark 1 Benchmark 2 [[Statement]] has the biggest gap when compared to [[Benchmark1]] 8

9 Dimension-Wise Scores Sub-Dimensions of Inspire Fun & Celebrations Recognition Expectation Setting Personal Best Benchmark of Choice2 Benchmark of Choice1 Company [[Statement]] has the biggest gap when compared to [[Benchmark1]] 9

10 Sub-Dimensions v/s Grand Mean G r a n d M e a n : It is the average score of your company for the 17 People Manager Effectiveness Index statements. Grand Mean Fun & Celebrations -55% Recognition Expectation Setting Personal Best -5 Career Growth -45% Guidance -75% Development Focus -7 Feedback Sharing Involvement in Decisions Work-Life Balance -65% Care for Individual -8 Approachability Reliability Feedback Seeking Clarity of Thought Information Sharing Fair Treatment % %

11 Demography-Wise Scores G e n d e r : Your Organization 65% 55% 45% Men Women % Benchmark1 55% 45% Men Women 65% Benchmark2 55% 45% Men Women %Population People Manager Effectiveness Index 11

12 Demography-Wise Scores A g e : 4 Your Organization 3 25% 14% 16% 25% < > 55 4 Benchmark1 3 25% 14% 16% 25% < > Benchmark2 25% 14% 16% 25% < > 55 %Population People Manager Effectiveness Index 12

13 Demography-Wise Scores E m p l o y e e s Te n u r e i n C o m p a n y : Your Organization 3 25% 5% 25% 5% 14% 16% 18% 5% 2% Benchmark1 3 25% 5% 25% 5% 14% 16% 18% 5% 2% 3 25% 5% 25% Benchmark2 5% 14% 16% 18% 5% 2% %Population People Manager Effectiveness Index 13

14 Demography-Wise Scores E m p l o y e e s Te n u r e w i t h C u r r e n t M a n a g e r : % 5% Your Organization 25% 14% 16% 25% % 5% Benchmark1 25% 14% 16% 25% % 5% Benchmark2 25% 14% 16% 25% 14 % Population People Manager Effectiveness Index

15 Demography-Wise Scores M a n a g e r i a l L e v e l s : This section gives the scores for different levels of managers where every level is defined by the number of tiers of reporting. In the graphs below, L1 L4 are the levels, where L1 is the lowest tier of manager Your Organization 25% 14% 16% 25% L1 L2 L3 L4 > L4 25% 14% 16% 25% Benchmark1 Benchmark2 L1 L2 L3 L4 > L4 25% 14% 16% 25% L1 L2 L3 L4 > L4 %Population People Manager Effectiveness Index 15

16 Special Demographic Scores This section gives the People Manager Effectiveness Index scores with respect to the following demographics Function 45% 25% 5 25% HO Sales Manufacturing % Population Grand Mean % 5 25% Location 45% Mumbai Delhi Kolkata % Population Grand Mean 16

17 Drivers of Employee Retention This section uses statistical analysis to identify the themes which have the highest impact on overall employee perception, i.e. "Taking everything into account, I want to work in this organization for a long time". Statement Your Score Benchmark1 Score Benchmark2 Score My manager helps me see growth opportunities in the organisation. My manager involves me in decisions that impact my work directly. I am treated fairly by my manager

18 Benchmark Sub-Dimension Overview (2x2 Grid ) This section compares the sub-dimensions w.r.t to your organization s Grand Mean & the selected Benchmarks. Differentiators: Your organization s core strength. Potential Differentiators: Your organization s potential strength. Further strengthening these areas will push them to the Differentiator quadrant. Potential Risk: These areas are at potential risk of moving to the concerns quadrant if the gap with the benchmark widens. Concerns: These areas need immediate attention. With respect to Benchmark1 Potential Risk Differentiators Concerns Connect 1. Fair Treatment 2. Information Sharing 3. Approachability 4. Clarity of Thought 5. Feedback Seeking 6. Reliability 7. Care for Individual 8. Work-Life Balance Grand Mean Develop 9. Involvement in Decisions 10. Feedback Sharing 11. Development Focus 12. Guidance 13. Career Growth Potential Differentiators Inspire 14. Personal Best 15. Expectation Setting 16. Recognition 17. Fun & Celebrations 18

19 Benchmark Sub-Dimension Overview (2x2 Grid ) This section compares the sub-dimensions w.r.t to your organization s Grand Mean & the selected Benchmarks. Differentiators: Your organization s core strength. Potential Differentiators: Your organization s potential strength. Further strengthening these areas will push them to the Differentiator quadrant. Potential Risk: These areas are at potential risk of moving to the concerns quadrant if the gap with the benchmark widens. Concerns: These areas need immediate attention. With respect to Benchmark2 Potential Risk Differentiators Concerns Connect 1. Fair Treatment 2. Information Sharing 3. Approachability 4. Clarity of Thought 5. Feedback Seeking 6. Reliability 7. Care for Individual 8. Work-Life Balance Grand Mean Develop 9. Involvement in Decisions 10. Feedback Sharing 11. Development Focus 12. Guidance 13. Career Growth Potential Differentiators Inspire 14. Personal Best 15. Expectation Setting 16. Recognition 17. Fun & Celebrations 19

20 Word Cloud from Open-Ended Comments 20

21 Sample Comments This section will contain Sample Comments of employees, strategically picked up by our Opinion Behaviour Mapping & Analytics ( OBMA ) Tool. OBMA is a proprietary AI tool that uses Text Analytics and Machine Learning, to understand behaviour of manager using comments about them, and quantify the same. 21

22 Summary K e y Ta k e a w a y s : Your Grand Mean score is [[76]]. In comparison to [[BENCHMARK 1]], Your Organization is [[X points below BENCHMARK 1]] Comparing the sub -dimensions of your organization with[[benchmark 1]], [[X]] [[and]]] [[Y]] [[is a relative strength/are relative strengths]] [[A]] [[and]] [[B]] [[is a relative opportunity area / are relative opportunity areas]] Compared to [[Benchmark 1]], the key demographic groups to focus for action are: [[Female employees]] [[Tenure above 20years]] [[Age less than 25 years]] [[Managerial roles]] Amongst other Demographics the following need focus: [[A]] [[B]] [[C]] Drilling down into key themes using our 2x2 GRID [[A, B, C]] emerge as Differentiators [[E, F, G]] emerge as Concerns Concerns voiced by employees in open ended comments are - [[A]] [[B]] [[C]] 22