Enhancing Your Students Global Employability. Nanne,e Ripmeester Exper6se in Labour Mobility. 23 & 24 April 2014 Denmark

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1 Enhancing Your Students Global Employability Nanne,e Ripmeester Exper6se in Labour Mobility 23 & 24 April 2014 Denmark Exper6se in Labour Mobility Knowledge Broker for Interna2onal Labour Mobility Issues! Our focus is to enhance interna6onal labour mobility for all stakeholders involved.! Our clients are businesses, governments, the higher educa6on sector and (to some extent) individuals.! Our work involves research, wri6ng and presen6ng.! And... We represent the European Office of i- graduate running the ISB in con6nental Europe. Today s topic of discussion! How to ins6ll a global mindset in your students.! Why is it important?! How to ins6ll...! Understanding cultural differences in job hun6ng.! Perspec6ves that shape your world.! How to be successful in the global job market.! Skills required to get hired. A global mindset 1

2 Deem employers interna6onal exposure a factor of importance in the recruitment process for recent grads? Why aim for a global mindset? If you can compare apples to apples, you go for the one with the global experience. AON Hewi, It is a differen6ator that makes you stand out from the crowd. IBM It is an asset which proves you re able to work in an ever changing environment. Philips Source: EAIE Handbook, Business as Consumer of Global Talent, Ripmeester, 2014 WHAT EMPLOYERS WANT? What makes prospec2ve students decide for a certain study loca6on? Important Please indicate factors how important each of the following is to you when choosing INTERNATIONAL STUDY Source: StudentPulse 2014 i- graduate Very Important Important Unimportant Very unimportant Improving my career prospects (1256) 76% 20%! Communica6on skills Broadening my experience (1261) 66% 29%! The ability to work in a team Improving my language skills (1222) 55% 34% 8% 3%! A posi6ve actude Par2cular course of study not offered in my country (1013) 22% 36% 28% 15%! and cultural sensi3vity Family wants me to study in another country (1004) 16% 30% 38% 16%! Sources: Millennial Branding & Exper2se in Labour Mobility Unable to obtain a place at my university of choice in my home country (874) 16% 22% 36% 27% Pressure to leave my home country (e.g. poli2cal reasons) (878) 13% 16% 36% 35% 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100% SP data copyright Copyright 2014Exper2se i- graduate in Labour Mobility 8 2

3 WHAT DO STUDENTS WANT? Employability! Careers! Jobs! is what graduates want Employability Career Advice and Work experience are the top 3 men2oned by interna2onal students as the most important drivers for an interna2onal study experience a global mindset So why should an HEI aim for a global mindset? is the star3ng point for success 3

4 Cultural differences in job hunting Perspec6ves: How we view the world underlines how we will act in it. Culture is the so;ware of the mind... Successful Expatriate Skills ü Flexibility ü Cultural Sensitivity ü Adaptability ü Team work skills ü Perseverance ü Emotional stability ü Be able to handle insecurity ü Craving for adventure ü Knowledge of languages ü Communication skills Source : Expertise in Labour Mobility 4

5 How to be succesful in the global job market Which skills are required to get hired YOUR ELEVATOR PITCH! Say WHAT & WHO What are you trying to do And with whom are you trying to do it Which skills are interna6onal best- sellers? Are these the same everywhere? Forget HOW As this is often too process oriented (and in business often not considered interesting!) Limit the list: People need to be able to remember Give them an action (make a contact) Provide them with something tangible (hand out CV or business card) 5

6 Maturity Interna2onal orienta2on Language skills Criteria Indicator wrigen applica2on Indicator interview * ability to handle failures/mistakes * CV with different experiences in life * reflec6ons to provoca6ve or * level of coping skills surprising ques6ons * tolerance towards uncertainty * self- evalua6on * puts things into perspec6ve * reflec6ons on/explana6ons of * considers different opinions success and failure in life * personal responsibility * willingness to stand for his/her opinion * aware of cultural differences * previous stays abroad * handling of prejudices * knowledge of the country of des6na6on (labour * statements that reveal knowledge of * analysis of cultural differences market possibili6es?) country and/or labour market interest of interna6onal issues * eager to be exposed to other cultures (both Curiosity abroad and at home) *open mindedness * tolerance towards others * knowledge of the language * documentary evidence of * fluency understanding * level of fluency: spoken level and wri,en level qualifica6ons * test! * poten6al in second/third foreign language * cer6ficates Content of survey Intercultural competence is no longer a so; skill... Interpersonal skills * good ambassador for home culture * flexibility/adaptability * sociability * eager to learn from others * teamwork ability * teamwork and leadership * appearance experience (voluntary work counts * presenta6on too, as do holiday and student jobs * self- confidence without arrogance for school leavers/recent graduates) * awareness of/actude towards * extracurricular ac6vi6es ( why s and social issues how s in CV ) Communica2on skills * coherent argumenta6on * ability to convey a message clearly and convincingly * ability to mo6vate * listen carefully Prac2cal skills good problem solver mo6va6on persistence Exper?se in Labour Mobility 2014 * structure and wording of CV and * convincing presenta6on applica6on le,er * coherent argumenta6on * good listener * body language *extracurricular ac6vi6es ( why s and * analysis of/solu6ons to problems how s in CV ) *interest in culture/country/city of Copyright des6na6on 2014Exper2se in Labour Mobility * awareness Copyright 2014 and Exper2se mo6va6on in Labour Mobility Bauhaus Universität Weimar, Germany Some good practice examples 6

7 25/04/14 Technical University Delo, Netherlands Copyright 2014Exper2se in Labour Mobility Careers Made in Ro,erdam, Netherlands Copyright 2014Exper2se in Labour Mobility Jönköping University, Sweden Copyright 2014Exper2se in Labour Mobility Holland Alumni, Nuffic, Netherlands Copyright 2014Exper2se in Labour Mobility 7

8 Looking for work in career guides Thank you for your agen2on Because looking for work abroad needs more than transla2ng your CV Order from follow us on Twi,er and Facebook 8