Scheme of Delegation 2018 Effective from

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1 Scheme of Delegation 2018 Effective from

2 Governance framework rea Decision Delegation Members Trust Board TB Finance committee Members: ppoint/remove Directors: ppoint/remove Role descriptions for members People Role descriptions for directors/chair/specific roles/committees/lgb s: agree < s/lgb s: elected < /LGB chairs: appoint and remove < Clerk for Trust board and LGB s: appoint and remove ppoint Executive Head ppoint Head of < < < People - recruitment ppoint business manager < < ppoint Deputy of /Trust < < < ppoint Class teacher > > Page 1

3 ppoint support staff rticles of association: review and agree < < Governance structure for the Trust: establish and review annually < Systems and structures Scheme of Delegation: agree annually < Terms of reference for the Trust board and finance committee: agree annually < Terms of reference for the LGB and any LGB > committees: agree annually Systems and structures Skills audit: complete and recruit to fill gaps <> < nnual self-review of board and LGB s Chair s performance: carry out 360 review periodically Director and governor contribution : self -review annually Succession plan <> < Systems and structures nnual schedule of business for Board < nnual schedule of business for LGB > < Page 2

4 Reporting rea Decision Members Trust Board TB Finance Reporting Publication on school websites of all governance arrangements: ensure nnual report on performance of the Trust: submit to members and publish nnual report and accounts including accounting policies, signed statement on regularity, propriety and compliance, incorporating statement demonstrating value for money: submit < < < < nnual report on the work of the LGB: submit to Trust and publish < Page 3

5 Being Strategic rea Decision Members Trust Board TB Finance Being strategic Determine Trust wide policies reflecting ethos and values (facilitating discussion with unions where appropriate) including: admissions; charging and remissions; complaints; expenses; health and safety; data protection and FOI; staffing policies including capability, discipline, conduct and grievance: approve Determine school level policies which reflect the school s ethos and values to include: admissions; SEND; safeguarding and child protection; curriculum; behaviour; anti-bullying: approve < > Central spend/top slice < < Management of risk: establish register, risk management policy : review and monitor < <> Engagement with stakeholders Page 4

6 Being Strategic Trust s vision and strategy agreeing key performance indicators KPI s against which progress towards the vision can be measured: determine s vision and strategy agreeing key performance indicators KPI s against which progress towards the vision can be measured: determine Executive Head: appoint and dismiss Being Strategic (Cont.) Members Trust Board TB Finance < > Head of : appoint and dismiss < < Being strategic Budget plan to support delivery of Trust key priorities: agree Budget plan to support delivery of school key priorities: agree < < Trust staffing structure: agree < < staffing structure: agree Page 5

7 Holding to ccount rea Decision Members Trust Board TB Finance Holding to account uditing and reporting arrangements for matters of compliance (e.g. safeguarding, H+S): agree Reporting arrangements for progress on key priorities: agree <> < <> Performance Management of the Exec Head: undertake Performance Management of the Head of : undertake Director monitoring: agree arrangements < Governor monitoring: agree arrangements cademy committee overall performance monitoring: agree arrangements < Page 6

8 Ensuring Financial Probity rea Decision Members Trust Board TB Finance ppoint auditors ppoint accounting officer for delivery of Trust s detailed accounting processes < < Ensuring financial probity Trust scheme of financial delegation: establish and review < External auditors report: receive and respond < < EH pay award : agree Head of pay award: agree < < Staff appraisal procedure and pay progression: review and agree Benchmarking Trust s value for money: ensure robustness < Benchmarking school s value for money: ensure robustness Develop Trust wide procurement strategies and efficiency savings programme Review and approve Trust wide procurement strategies and efficiency savings programme Page 7

9 KEY ction to be undertaken at this level Provide advice and support to those accountable for decision making <> Direction of advice and support Pale Blue box Function cannot be legally carried out at this level Page 8