MID YORKSHIRE HOSPITALS NHS TRUST. Operational Agreement 2011/12. Clinical Service Group 3

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1 MID YORKSHIRE HOSPITALS NHS TRUST Operational Agreement 2011/12 Clinical Service Group 3 Author: Sue Hillyard Director of Performance Date: May

2 PURPOSE 2011/12 is a critical year for the Trust in the journey towards becoming an FT. It is necessary to demonstrate a grip on the delivery of the key performance and financial indicators to facilitate a positive assessment of the organisations readiness for FT. This agreement is intended to document the responsibilities of the CSG in its contribution towards delivering the Trust s objectives in relation to national and local performance and productivity delivery and detail the remedial action plans in areas where significant recovery is required. It details the required levels of activity to be delivered in relation to the contractual commitments, the support requirements of the CSG to enable improvement and the delivery of the CIP commitments to ensure financial sustainability. This agreement, supplemented by monthly key performance indicator reports and the performance recovery plans, will then be used as the basis from which delivery and performance is tracked and measured. DEMAND AND SUPPLY PLANS Appendix A is the agreed CSG production plan in relation to both core and 18 week/rtt recovery. The CSG must deliver the plan, and through that, it s contribution to the Trust s SLA. The production plan assumes that the level of demand is consistent with that agreed through the SLA. Discussions will be held with the CSG if there is a need to flex delivery plans accordingly if demand deviates significantly from agreed activity figures and this will be conducted within the context of a formal capacity review with the commissioner. It is recognised that not all services may be able to fully deliver their contribution to the plan within core capacity. The CSG production plan identifies where additional capacity may be required to deliver demand and CSGs will be required to track this activity to enable it to be reported via the 18 week internal recovery programme supported via the PMO. Where necessary, the CSG must take responsibility for engaging with other internal partners to make arrangements to deliver their plans. FINANCE & WORKFORCE The CSG is expected to deliver services within their agreed budgets. Core supply must be delivered in core budget. Where the CSG has identified core plus activity/cost, this will be fed into budgets and the CSG will then be expected to deliver the total agreed activity within this financial envelope. Key to delivering financial balance in 2011/12 is implementation of a balanced and affordable workforce plan and sign up to the delivery of the CIP plans. The CSG will be responsible for monitoring and tracking the key deliverables within the plan and reporting via the performance review meetings progress and exceptions. Appendix B details the CIP plan. 2

3 In preparation for delivery of the Foundation CSG programme, the CSG will be required to contribute to the implementation of the required development and delivery plans following assessment. TRUST OBJECTIVES AND TARGETS Appendix C highlights the National headline and supporting measures and Local standards and targets which the CSG is required to meet, to enable the Trust to meet its obligations. In addition, the CSG is expected to deliver the upper quartile productivity and efficiency requirements in the QIPP programmes and these will be reflected in the local supporting measures outlined. In addition the CSG will be required to deliver their agreed contribution to the 11/12 CQUINs metrics All relevant performance recovery plans are detailed in Appendix C with the associated metrics and work programmes outlined. All performance recovery plans will detail where lead accountability sits within the organisation and contain agreements on the support requirements needed to enable delivery. CSG 3 will significantly contribute to the delivery of the 18 week/rtt recovery plan in support of CSG 2 and in addition provide lead accountability for the Theatre Efficiency group workstream including working towards delivery of the agreed set of metrics. BUSINESS PLANS The CSG has created a business plan and this is summarised in Appendix D. The expectation is that agreed developments in relation to safety, service delivery and patient experience will be delivered to agreed timescales and budget. GOVERNANCE The CSG is required to produce regular, timely governance reports which are outcome focused and fully meet the requirements. The template for 2011/12 is currently under development and the final signed off version of this will be provided under Appendix E. The reports should include hard outcome measures in the areas of: Patient outcome measures National standards (e.g. NPSA and NICE); Audit areas agreed with commissioners; Locally agreed standards/audits. PERFORMANCE MANAGEMENT REGIME 3

4 The CSG should develop a standard business cycle, consistent with that of the Trust as detailed in Appendix E which incorporates the requirements of the national DH Planning Timeline. CSG level performance monitoring will include: Delivery against the agreed key targets Delivery against the financial plan Productivity and Efficiency (QIPP) Quality and Safety Patient and staff satisfaction KMS will agree a key set of relevant monitoring reports to be produced within a agreed time line and these will be RAG rated to clearly demonstrate the performance of the CSG each month. The following structure for performance monitoring will then apply until September 2011when there will be a planned review. Board sign off of key performance recovery plans. FSRB/Management Board monthly headline report detailing exceptions to recovery and CIP plans. Quarterly Performance Stocktake chaired by CEO with Executive team, CSG Chair/ADO/ADN. Monthly Performance review meetings with CSG Chair as accountable officer, ADO and ADN, Director of Performance, Director of Finance (nominated lead), Head of Information to track progress, identify risks/mitigations/support needs/interventions. Initial focus until September on performance and finance recovery plans. Performance and financial reports will form the basis of the review meetings and it is expected that exceptions to delivery of action plans will remain a key focus at these meetings. There will be quarterly Performance Stocktake with the Executive Team and chaired by the Chief Executive and CSGs will be formally required to account for all exceptions to delivery. In addition there will be a monthly summary briefing provided to the FSRB/Management Board for assurance. SIGN OFF In signing this agreement you are confirming that: 4

5 you have sufficient information to understand and discharge your responsibilities as outlined above; you will be held to account for delivering a balanced budget position, the requirements of the SLA and those targets that are applicable to your CSG; you accept the performance management framework set out in this agreement and will provide the relevant information for the organisation to track and review CSG performance. You will agree up front any support needs you have identified in relation to maximising delivery of the key priorities of the organisation. Signed: Dr Simon Enright Clinical Service Group Chair: Ms Lynne Hall Bentley Associate Director of Operations: Mr Steven Fenn Associate Director of Nursing Mrs Julia Squire Chief Executive DATE: 5

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