An emerging model of life planning education and career guidance in education and community settings (Part I) 學校與社區中的生涯規劃教育與事業輔導 : 蛻變中的新模式 ( 第一節 )

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1 An emerging model of life planning education and career guidance in education and community settings (Part I) 學校與社區中的生涯規劃教育與事業輔導 : 蛻變中的新模式 ( 第一節 ) Professor Victor Wong, Principal Investigator (Community), CLAP for JC

2 The Map of 3W(3W 地圖 ): Work for, Work with & Work by Youth 由青年掌控生涯職志 WORK BY 領導力及創新 Leadership & Innovation 為青年提供多元工作 WORK FOR 資源及機會 Resources & Opportunities 青年 ( 多樣性 ) YOUTH (Multiplicity) 合作伙伴及網略 Partnerships & Networks 與青年並肩同行上路 WORK WITH 2

3 The 4D Principle (4D 原則 ) Development of supportive infrastructure 建設支持的社會基礎 Providing resources and opportunities to young people through policy input and mobilization of social capital. 透過政策以及社會資源的投入, 為青少年提供各種適切的資源, 機會及網絡 Differences as resources 以差異性作為資源 Seeing differences as resources for collaboration and innovation purposes rather than as the base for rivalry competition and conflict 以青少年的差異性作為資源, 推動協作與創新, 而不以差異性作為競爭和衝突的根源 Diversity for acknowledging individuality 認同多樣化的個人特性 Acknowledging the heterogeneity of youth and multiplicity of pathways 認同青少年的殊異性和多元出路 Dialogue as platform for changes 以對話作為推動變化的契機 Facilitating dialogue and communication among youth and between youth and multiple stakeholders, and promoting personal and social advocacy 促進青少年與青少年之間, 以及青少年與其他持份者之間的對話與溝通 3

4 The 6C Orientation (6C 方向 ) Caring for others 服務他人 Commitment 委身承擔 Connectivity 積極聯繫 Contribution to myself 自我提昇 Creativity 勇於創新 Criticalness 敢於判斷 4

5 Stakeholder Engagement: 6 Parties 六福 : 發動跨界別協作力量 Government 政府 Organizations 組織團體 Business 商界 Individuals 個人 Community & NGOs 社區及非政府組織 Volunteers & Mentors 義工及師友 Parents 家長 Youth 青年 (users, ex-users, non-users) 5

6 Engagement with Supportive Community 推動支持青年人成長的社會環境 Engagement Self- Understanding & Development Multiple Career Pathway Exploration Planning and Career Management Career Identity 啟發參與 自我認識及發展 探索多元出路 生涯規劃及管理 生涯職志身份 Development of the Supportive Infrastructure for Youth towards Meaningful Engagement 推動支持青年人成長的社會環境, 以達致他們在生涯職志中的有意義聯繫及參與 6

7 社區服務對象 Service Targets 歲正面對前路迷惘及缺乏人生目標的青少年 Youth aged 15-21, loss of hopes and lack of life goals 處於 待學待業 狀態的青少年 Youth in a NEET situation 高危青少年 ( 易於陷入雙待狀態 ) Youth at risk of NEET 特別需要學生 Students with special needs Unemployed 連續失業 14 天, 並具求職動機 Disengaged Discouraged 連續失業 14 天, 並缺乏求職動機, 因超過兩個月失業或未曾成功尋覓工作而放棄求職 Under-employed 在職, 但連續兩個月未曾為同一僱主工作達 4 星期及每周工作時數少於 18 小時 非華裔 學生 Non-Chinese speaking students 特殊教育需要 學生 Students with special education needs 追求主流社會不接納的生活模式, 如參與違規活動 網絡成癮 / 濫用藥物等 Unavailable 受 隱蔽 問題困擾 擔任家庭照顧者或父母的角色 Potential school dropouts/ early school leavers 仍有學生 / 受訓者身份, 但處高危中途退學 / 輟學狀態 低動機 / 去動機 學生 Unmotivated/ demotivated students 新來港 學生 New Arrival students 入住院舍 已連續 7 天沒有上學, 或 於一個月內累計 14 天 ( 上課日 ) 缺課 跨境 學生 Cross-border students

8 Conventional Notion of Work (CNOW) 主流工作模式 Nature 性質 Unpaid Work 無酬工作 Paid Work 有酬工作 Work 工作 Examples 例子 Work exposure and VET programmes 工作探索活動及職業培訓 Agency visits, Job tasting, Job shadowing, Job placement, Vocational & Education Training, Apprenticeship Qualifications seeking 職業探訪工作體驗影子工作工作實習職業培訓學徒計劃資歷獲取 Paid work without employment relationship 試工計劃 ( 無僱傭關係 ) Work Trial Scheme, Other schemes providing income or allowance, e.g. youth employment and training programmes 試工計劃及其他有酬之職業訓練計劃 Paid work with employment relationship 正式就業 Full-time work, Part-time work, Self-employment, Social enterprise 全職工作兼職工作自僱人士社會企業 Settings 場所 Non-formal 非正規 Quasi-formal 半正規 Formal 正規 8

9 Expanded Notion of Work (ENOW) Nature Unpaid Work Paid Work Work/ Occupation Examples Serious leisure Sports, Youth cultures, Heritage preservation, Environmental protection, Human rights, Animal rights Domestic/ Neighborhood provisioning Casual volunteering, DIY work, Housework, Self-provisioning, Household provisioning, Neighborhood provisioning Voluntary work in organizational settings Volunteering, Mentoring, Service learning, Community service Work exposure and VET programmes Agency visits, Job tasting, Job shadowing, Job placement, VET, Apprenticeship Qualifications seeking Work trials (without employment relationship) Work Trial Schemes, Other schemes providing income or allowance, e.g. youth employment and training programmes Paid employment (with or without employment relationship) Full-time work, Part-time work, Self-employment, Social enterprise Settings Informal Non-formal Quasi-formal Formal 9

10 延展工作模式 無酬工作 有酬工作 性質 專注興趣 / 堅趣 ( 個人或小組 ) 家居 / 鄰舍照顧 ( 非正式部門 ) 義務工作 ( 於機構組織 ) 工作探索活動及職業培訓 試工計劃 ( 無僱傭關係 ) 正式就業 例子 文化活動體育活動青年文化歷史保育環境保護人權倡議動物權益 自發的義務工作家居照顧鄰舍照顧自家手作 義務工作師友同行服務研習社區服務 職業探訪工作體驗影子工作工作實習職業培訓學徒計劃資歷獲取 試工計劃及其他有酬之職業訓練計劃 全職工作兼職工作自僱人士社會企業 場所 非正式 非正規 半正規 正規 10

11 ENOW informed by occupational perspective Nature Work/ Occupation Examples Non-Work Occupation Non-work intentional occupation Play, Casual leisure, Entertainment, Interest development, Daily routines, Social interaction, Social gathering Unpaid Work Paid Work Serious leisure Sports, Youth cultures, Heritage preservation, Environmental protection, Human rights, Animal rights Domestic/ Neighborhood provisioning Casual volunteering, DIY work, Housework, Selfprovisioning, Household provisioning, Neighborhood provisioning Voluntary work in organizational settings Volunteering, Mentoring, Service learning, Community service Work exposure and VET programmes Agency visits, Job tasting, Job shadowing, Job placement, VET, Apprenticeship Qualifications seeking Paid work without employment relationship Work Trial Scheme, Other schemes providing income or allowance, e.g. youth employment and training programmes Paid work with employment relationship Full-time work, Part-time work, Selfemployment, Social enterprise Settings Informal Non-formal Quasi-formal Formal 11

12 在職能視野觀照下之延展工作模式 性質 非工作職能 無酬工作職能 有酬工作職能 有意向的非工作職能 專注興趣 / 堅趣 ( 個人或小組 ) 家居 / 鄰舍照顧 ( 非正式部門 ) 義務工作 ( 於機構組織 ) 工作探索活動及職業培訓 試工計劃 ( 無僱傭關係 ) 正式就業 例子 玩樂輕趣娛樂興趣發展日常起居社會互動 文化活動體育活動青年文化歷史保育環境保護人權倡議動物權益 自發的義務工作家居照顧鄰舍照顧自家手作 義務工作師友同行服務研習社區服務 職業探訪工作體驗影子工作工作實習職業培訓學徒計劃資歷獲取 試工計劃及其他有酬之職業訓練計劃 全職工作兼職工作自僱人士社會企業 場所 非正式 非正規 半正規 正規 12

13 The lens of occupation Occupation as doing, being, and becoming (Wilcock, 1998) Occupation is doing that is purposeful and goal directed Occupations tend to be performed consciously and intentionally Occupations are temporally, historically, and socio-culturally situated in context Occupations tend to be personally meaningful within the situated context of situated lives (Carlson et al, 2012) 13

14 Career identity Aspirational identity Work-life mix Career planning status & decidedness/ certainty of choice Meaningful engagement 14

15 6C Characteristics (6C 特性 ) Connectivity 積極聯繫 Commitment 委身承擔 Creativity 勇於創建 Criticalness 敢於判斷 Contribution to Others 服務他人 Caring for Myself 關愛自己 Graphic Design by Raymond (HKCS) and Daniel (CYS) HKJC Charities HKJC & Charities Community. & Community. All rights reserved. All rights reserved. Community-based Team, CLAP for Community-based JC Team, CLAP for JC

16 NEET 雙待年青人 Negative Identity 負面身份 Not aware of CLP? 沒有意識開展生涯規劃? Not equipped to develop CLP? 不懂得如何開展生涯規劃? User Journey in CLAP 賽馬會鼓掌. 創你程計劃 服務使用者歷程圖 Pillar 1 Work by 由青年掌控生涯職志 Work with 與青年並肩同行上路 Work for 為青年提供多元工作 Process & Goals 介入過程及任務 Social Context & Platforms 社會狀況及平台 Engagement 啟發參與 Multiple Pathway Exploration 探索出路 Pillar 3 Pillar 2 Self-Understanding & Development 自我認識及發展 Planning & Career Management 生涯規劃及管理 Pillar 4 V A S K I New Positive & Aspirational Identity 建立新的正面志向身份 Meaningful engagement 投入有意義的發展 Aspiration/Clear goal 志向 / 清晰目標 Self awareness & reflection 意識及反省 Take Action to Achieve Multiple Pathways 以具體行動以實現多元出路 Use of and contribution to support network 雙向支援網絡之建立 Principles & Values 原則及價值 Resourcing & Networking 獲取資源及建立網絡 16

17 VASKI 青年人在不同的生命場域中累積寶貴經驗 態度 (Attitudes) 技能 (Skills) 及知識 (Knowledge), 以至價值 (Values) 及身份 (Identity), 轉移至有酬與無酬工作世界, 以及擴展至非工作領域 17

18 Domains of Core Competencies 核心能力的多個領域 4 Pillars 四柱 Engagement 啟發參與 Self-Understanding & development 自我認識及發展 Exploring multiple career pathways 探索多元出路 Planning & Career Management 生涯規劃及管理 Core Competencies 核心能力 1. Able to engage in new experiences 能夠投入新經歷 2. Extend one s connections with others and with the community 擴闊個人與他人及社區的聯繫 3. Maintain the interest to participate in activities related to career and life planning 保持對參與職業生涯相關活動的興趣 1. Able to engage in selfreflection and selfenhancement activities 能夠自我反省及參與自我增值的活動 2. See & realize ways of relating self with groups and the community 體認到個人與小組及社區聯繫的方式 3. Know who one is and his/her hopes and dreams about work and life 認識自己 認清個人對工作及生活的期盼及夢想 1. Know how to explore multiple pathways and multiple forms of work and career 懂得探索多重出路及各式各樣的工種及職業 2. Able to compare pathway alternatives and prioritize them 能夠比較各種出路, 並把它們排優次 3. Know how to set career and life goals 懂得訂立職業及生涯目標 1. Able to seek support and seize opportunities for overcoming obstacles to achieve career and life goals 向他人尋求支援及把握機會, 以克服職業及生涯目標所帶來的挑戰 2. See building career capacity and maintaining work-life balance as a lifelong process 視發展職業技能及平衡工作與生活為終生過程 3. Develop a positive sense of identity 培養正面的自我身份認同 18

19 Conditions for transferability of competencies within and across domains 縱橫領域間能力轉移的條件 R Resources 資源 Opportunities 機會 Networks 網絡 O Domains of Core Competencies 核心能力領域 N 19

20 Five-Arm Star Metaphor( 五角星比喻 ) Provision of resources, opportunities & networks Support 支援 Identity 身份 5 Arms of the Star Five 星星的五個角 Status-driven identity vs. Identity based on self-esteem Status 地位 Status achievement in terms of employment, education or training Conscious of different areas for learning & participation Awareness 覺察 Action 行動 A variety of actions taken for learning & development purposes 20

21 Double five-arm star metaphor ( 雙連五角星比喻 ) Meaningful Engagement ( 青年投入有意義的參與 ) From No Support to 從 零支持 Support from and to family, peers, community, society 獲取家庭 朋輩 社區及社會支持 From Unawareness to 從 零認知 Awareness of interest, desire, aspiration, occupations, environment, etc. 認清個人興趣 盼望 志願 職志 社會景況等 Status From Disconnection to 從 零連繫 Support 支援 Support Awareness 覺察 Identity Identity 身份 身份 有意義連結 Action Action 行動 From Nobody to 從 零身份 Positive and aspirational identities (e.g. mentor, volunteer, innovator, etc.) 具意義身份 ( 如師友 義工 創新者等 ) Awareness Status 地位 From NEET to 從 零地位 EET (Student, worker, trainee) 學生 在職人士 受訓者 Connection with the world (e.g. people, learning, job, life, etc.) 與世界連繫 ( 如人際 學習 工作及生活等 ) 21

22 Eight Bases of Supportive Infrastructure 建立支持青少年發展的八重基礎 獲取資源 Resourcing 建立網絡 Networking 介入平台 Intervention Platforms 介入任務 Intervention Goals Supportive Infrastructure 介入過程 Intervention Processes 價值及信念 Values & Beliefs 原則 Principles 多重情景 Multiple Contexts 22

23 Personalized career & life counselling & guidance in community settings Processes & Goals: Process of intervention can be linear, reversible, disrupting or elongating; Tasks are specific to each of the four pillars of intervention Resourcing & Networking: Social Context & Platforms: Principles & Values: Engagement of multiple stakeholders for resourcing purposes; Training for practitioners, parents, mentors & volunteers for supporting youth Taking personal, community & societal contexts into consideration; Use of various platforms, i.e. online, community, home, organizational, both local & overseas for intervention Youth as partners in self-enhancement, social innovation & volunteering endeavors; Expanded notion of work & expanded model of practice 23

24 Holistic Intervention Model Supportive Infrastructure Services at community Referrals & community based outreaching Rapport building Use of multiple initial engagement platforms Work with significant others if necessary Enhancement of Motivation Initial activities consistent with users interest Engagement Recognition of users activities (skills & knowledge), including current activities and shining experience Cultivation of attitudes and hopes A comprehensive and orchestrated model with lasting impact and wide coverage Self-Understanding & Self-understanding Development Enhance self-understanding Identify one s interests, abilities, skills, knowledge, hopes, purposes, dreams, etc. Self- assessment Personal & career assessment Work and life expectations Interest-based learning Experiential activities Preparation before show or volunteering Process involvement Review of experience Purposes for self-improvement and serving others Deliver career information and market knowledge Career information Personalized career & life counselling & guidance in community settings Multiple Pathway Exploration Industry and market knowledge Job skills / attitude (transferability) Career-related Experience Job visits, tasting, shadowing, internship, placement Mentoring schemes adult, corporate, ex-user, peer, parents, etc. Career Planning & Mgt Strengthening capacity & portfolio building Skills, competence and qualifications Planning & decision-making, self-management Job searching & interviewing Social capital building Networking and mentoring for help-seeking and contribution purposes Create, plan, implement, monitor, review & revise (if necessary) career-life goals & plan Appreciation of alternative org. practice and multiple * ways Explore of and career plan for & life -planning Different (work-life forms of mix) for achieving personal & career goals - Accessing, using, seizing, and creating career & life opportunities Processes & Goals: Resourcing & Networking: Social Context & Platforms: Principles & Values: Process of intervention can be linear, reversible, disrupting or elongating; Tasks are specific to each of the four pillars of intervention Engagement of multiple stakeholders for resourcing purposes; Training for practitioners, parents, mentors and volunteers for supporting youth Taking personal, community and societal context into consideration; Use of various platforms, i.e. online, community, home, overseas for interaction and intervention Youth as partners in self-enhancement, social innovation and volunteering endeavors; Expanded notion of work, and expanded model of practice

25 Action Research 行動研究 IPAOR Model 界定問題 Identification of the problem 重新計劃 Re-plan 進行反思 25

26 Definition 定義 Practice Research 實踐研究 Research conducted in close collaboration between stakeholders so as to generate evidence to inform practice improvement; it is hence about a process of learning and/ or building knowledge from, in/ on, and for practice 指透過持分者的緊密合作, 從而引證並改善相關的實踐 ; 所以它是一個從實踐 在實踐中或為了實踐的一個學習或建構知識的過程 Close Collaboration 緊密合作 Stakeholders 持分者 Evidence 證明 Practice Improvement 實踐改善 Equalizing relationship 平等關係 Reflection 反思 Researcher 研究員 Practitioner 工作員 Participant 參與者 Evidence-based 循證實踐 Evidenceinformed 依據實踐 Theoretical/ Conceptual understanding 理論 / 概念理解 Quality of practice 實踐的質素 Goldkuhi, 2011; Julkunen, 2011; Uggerhoi,

27 Practice Research 實踐研究 Three Interrelated Practices 三個相互連繫的實踐 Research Perspective Local Practice Perspective Theorizing/ Conceptualizing Empirical Work Situational Inquiry Change Work Local Operational Practice Research Practice Inquiry Through Collaboration Local Work Practice Goldkuhi,

28 Practice Research (PR) 實踐研究 CBT-DST Meeting 社區支援小組與生涯規劃服務隊之會議 CD 會議 每 2-3 個月 會議後 3 星期內 會議後 6 星期內 會議紀錄 ( 作實踐用途, 包括會議概要及跟進事項 ) 會議逐字稿 ( 作研究用途 ) 服務與研究 相互溝通及支援 下次會議 2 星期前 共同設定下次會議議程 下一次 CD 會議 下次會議 1 星期前 提交與會議有關的資料 28

29 Insights from PR: Past experience Past experience seems to be a missing component Drawing on previous life experience may help increase readiness for planning and transition ahead Deemed important to link the past to the present and the future when experiencing a transition The past, present, and future have implications for working with youth Both the past and the future can be unpacked to give young people more space for reflections and making a change 29

30 Insights from PR: Different levels of occupation Occupational activities & interests (participation & exposure) Occupational performance & competencies (development of ASK) Occupational goals, values & identities (in search of higher levels of awareness & action) Start where the user is can be read as Start from the user s occupation Broadening occupational exposure and enhancing occupational competencies have to go with conversations and reviews with the support of personal archived records/ e-portfolio which can help young people develop a higher level of occupational awareness and take occupational action situated in the web of social relationships CONVERSATIONS ARCHIVES REVIEWS 30

31 Examples of review questions Which activity or episode you find most impressive? Can you share with me more? What is the most distinctive skill or knowledge you have learned from this? Where is the place you find most comfortable with? Can you tell me what happened there? When did you start to make a change with yourself?... Do you think it is related to your dream? Who is the one that you would like to share with the performance you did well in the show? Select the person from whom you would like to request a reference. How would s/he appraise you? Why do you consider joining the project important to you? How do you think your service offered to people in need? How would you plan for further developing your interest?... Do you think your investment in developing your interest can be turned into your career? 31

32 Use of archives ( 有我的世界 ) Photos with photo-voice Videos with video-voice Blog post with youth voice Post voice Portfolio with youth voice Apps with youth voice Notes written to the person Cards addressed to the person Letters addressed to the person Certificates presented to the person Awards awarded to the person 32

33 Six Landscapes (6L) ( 六種地景 ) Six Landscapes = Landscapes of Five-Arm Star + Landscape of Temporality 六種地景 五角星地景 + 時間流地景 = Status 地位 Identity 身份 Support 支援 Awarenes s 覺察 Temporality 時間流 Action 行動 33

34 Meaningful Engagement ( 青年投入有意義的連結 ) Double Five-Arm Star Metaphor ( 雙連五角星的比喻 ) Community 社區 From Unawareness to 從 零認知 Economy 經濟 Community with Youth, Youth with the Community ( 社區與青年協作上路, 青年與社區伙伴同行 ) From No Support to 從 零支持 Support from & to family, peer, community, society 獲取家庭 朋輩 社區及社會支持 Awareness of interest, desire, aspiration, occupations, environment, etc. 認清個人興趣 盼望 志願 職志 社會景況等 Support 支援 Consciousness 意識 Awareness 覺察 Identity 身份 有意義 Economy 連結 From Disconnection to 從 零連繫 Action 行動 Status 地位 From Nobody to 從 零身份 Occupation 職能 Positive and aspirational identities (e.g. mentor, volunteer, innovator, etc.) 具意義身份 ( 如師友 義工 創新者等 ) From NEET to 從 零地位 EET (Student, worker, trainee) 學生 在職人士 受訓者 Society 社會 LOCAL 本地 Connection with the world (e.g. people, learning, job, life, etc.) 與世界連繫 ( 如人際 學習 工作及生活等 ) Polity 政治 GLOBAL 全球 Distal Past Recent Past Near Past PRESENT Near Future Foreseeable Future Distal Future 34

35 Let s work together to make a Paradigm Shift! 讓我們一同創造範式轉移! Seven dimensions Conventional practice CLAPPABLE PRACTICE Principles & values of youth development Notion of work Purpose of youth engagement Work for youth & work on youth Paid work (conventional notion of work) Status achievement (in employment, education or training) Work for/work with/work by youth (3W) Development, Diversity, Difference, Dialogue (4D) Both paid & unpaid work (expanded notion of work) Intervention model 3-pillar model 4-pillar model Practice underpinnings Individual efforts & personal adaptation Meaningful engagement (status, identity, support, awareness & action) Empowerment practice, mutuality & reciprocity Relationship between work & life Paid work-oriented Work-life mix Notion of partnership Business sector as the key Multiple stakeholders (6 parties) 35