Chairpersons Report Chairpersons Name

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1 Chairpersons Report Chairpersons Name Rob Forster Committee Name IM&T Strategy Committee Date of Meeting Name of Receiving Committee Trust Board Date of Receiving Committee meeting February 2013 Please detail a key success or achievement discussed at the meeting 1. Joint working by clinical teams on the ICU / CCU system releasing savings via a Philips procured solution 2. Awarding of the CSU data centre hosting to WWL ( 1m+ contract) 3. Consultant comparison tool 4. Think privacy day Details of the top three risks identified during the course of the meeting and initials of primary member of staff actioning 1. ICU/CCU current system (KONTRON) outdated (see success above) 2. Clinical records risks risk report: change of rule of IAO / IAA 3. HIS tender ensuring it contains correct clinical criteria 4. Multi tone tender failure increase in solution price, requested to go back to tender 5. Attendance at the meeting (please highlight): Excellent (well attended) Acceptable (some apologies) x Unacceptable (quorate) Unacceptable (not quorate) Was the agenda fit for purpose and reflective of the Committees terms of reference? Yes Narrative report of the key issues of the meeting A lively meeting, received an excellent presentation from the ICU / CCU project team (including Dr Naqvi) exemplifying how clinical and IT teams can work together for the good of the organisation. HIS was discussed and it was agreed to approach neighbouring partners to be specifically named on the tender to highlight WWLs desire for joint working. A discussion and request for clear IT prioritisation was made and the team agreed to take this forward. The issue of clinical records, data quality and need for information asset awareness was also discussed. Agreed actions from the meeting S Dobson to bring a further report to the next meeting summarising the role of the IAA / IAO, identifying named people for each area, timescales for putting people in place and any training requirements R Forster to liaise with Q&S leads in terms of medical records and bring an overall report on progress against Name of primary lead for the actions S Dobson R Forster Chairman: Les Higgins Chief Executive: Andrew Foster CBE Template Version 2 reviewed June 2011, next review June 2012 your hospitals, your health, our priority 1

2 all the areas requested to the Q&S Committee including a summary of the actions being taken S Dobson to link with C P Stubbs and R Armstrong on the scoring methodology for the HIS tender S Dobson to contact Salford, Bolton and Bridgewater seeking permission to include their organisations in the tender M Smith / G Hodgson to produce a future report giving an overview of the related financial implications and look at project and pipeline prioritisation and how this can be presented to the Committee K Foster to provide the Committee with definitive milestones, timescales and targets for achievement of the IG toolkit R Forster to look at drafting a communication to Data Quality Committee attendees re poor attendance S Dobson S Dobson M Smith K Foster R Forster Chairman: Les Higgins Chief Executive: Andrew Foster CBE Template Version 2 reviewed June 2011, next review June 2012 your hospitals, your health, our priority 2

3 MINUTES OF A MEETING OF THE IM&T STRATEGY COMMITTEE HELD ON MONDAY 21 JANUARY 2013 AT 2PM IN THE THQ BOARDROOM PRESENT 2012 Robert Armstrong, Non Executive Director A Robert Forster, Director of Finance and Informatics A Andrew Foster, Chief Executive Gill Harris, Director of Nursing and Performance A A A Christine Parker Stubbs, Non Executive Director Umesh Prabhu, Medical Director A A A Neil Turner, Non Executive Director - A Fiona Noden, Acting Director of Performance - - A Pauline Jones, Acting Director of Nursing - - A A A IN ATTENDANCE Stephen Dobson, Head of IM&T Karen Foster, Head of Business Intelligence - Pam Green, Head of Clinical Coding and Data Quality Paul Hampson, Head of IM&T Business Analysis - Lynda Hancock, Acting Corporate Services Administrator Helen Hand, Trust Board Secretary A Garry Harris, Head of IT Services A A Jawad Husain, DMD for Surgery A A Steve Izzat, Clinical Director for IM&T - - Fiona Noden, Deputy Director of Operations Martyn Porter, DMD for Specialist Services A A A Tony Clayson, Interim DMD for Specialist Services A - Martyn Smith, Head of Production and Modernisation Louise Barnes, SID/NED Les Higgins, Chairman Ray Green, Chief Pharmacist Martin Farrier, Consultant Paediatrician Brian Mangan, Head of Procurement Audrey Cushion, Acting Deputy Director of HR - - A - A - Sanjay Arya, DMD Medicine - - A Ann Highton, Head of Governance and Assurance Steve Aspinall, DDOP Medicine Andrew Budory, Head of Commercial Planning and A Investment? Les Richmond, Procurement - Pauline Law, Deputy Director of Nursing - 1. PRESENTATION CRITICAL CARE PROJECT Resolved: The Committee approved the continuation of the critical care project Tom Richens attended the meeting to update the Committee on the progress being made with the procurement of a new ICU/CCU system. He advised that the current system is no longer fit for purpose and does not have a support contract which leaves the Trust open to risk should the system fail. He noted that issues have arisen in the past as data from ICU has to be stored on CDs and on one occasion a disc has become corrupt and resulted in the loss of patient data. Continuing with the current system could leave the Trust open to possible legal challenges. It was felt that a joint procurement with CCU was the best option as this would reduce costs significantly. The procurement process was completed with clinical representation and site visits were carried out. The process concluded with Phillips as the preferred supplier. He advised the Committee of the cost

4 saving benefits, cost breakdown and the timescales involved. R Forster thanked T Richens for his presentation and noted that it was encouraging that a unified solution had been found. He went on to thank N Naqvi for bringing the project together. The Committee agreed in its support of this business case. This will be presented at Trust Board later this month for final approval. 2. APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE As noted in the table above. 3. COMMITTEE CHAIRS OPENING REMARKS R Forster welcomed all to the meeting and noted the challenges of the full agenda. 4. MINUTES a. MINUTES OF THE IM&T STRATEGY COMMITTEE These were agreed as accurate. 5. MATTERS ARISING a. ACTION LOG FROM THE MEETING HELD ON No actions from the last meeting. b. WORK PLAN 13/14 The Committee received and noted the work plan for this coming year. c. INFORMATION RISK MANAGEMENT STRATEGY AND POLICY Resolved: The Committee approved the strategy and policy S Dobson asked the Committee for approval of the Information Risk Management Strategy and Policy. He noted that only minor amendments had been made. The Committee approved the strategy and policy. 6. BAF SCORING a. AGREE THE BROAD SPECIFICATION AND COMMENCE FORMAL PROCUREMENT OF A NEW HIS BY THAT MAXIMISES OPPORTUNITIES FOR VERTICAL INTEGRATION OF SYSTEMS (CURRENT SCORE OF 12) Resolved: The Committee agreed to reduce to 8 Following discussion it was agreed to reduce this BAF objective to (2x4) 8 as it is unlikely that the Trust will not have gone to formal procurement for a new system by the 31 st March RISK ESCALATIONS FROM REMC None received this meeting. 8. RISK REPORT S Dobson gave a presentation to the Committee on issues with medical records. Recent datix incidents have raised concerns around information governance, casenote availability and information quality. He advised that he, P Jones and D Evans were looking at the process together as there were various strands to the issue. It is felt that moving to an electronic system would mitigate this in the long term but that in the short term the Trust would need to endorse the role of the Information Asset Administrator (IAA) and Information Asset Owner (IAO) to drive changes to data quality. The Committee felt that it was not clear in the paper circulated what the role of the IAA / IAO would be so it was requested that a further paper was brought to the next Committee summarising the two roles, identifying named people in each area, timescales for putting these people in place and any training requirements. R Forster advised that he would liaise with Q&S leads 2

5 and bring an overall report on progress against all the areas requested to the Q&S Committee including a summary of the actions being taken. S Dobson to bring a further report to the next meeting summarising the role of the IAA/IAO, identifying named people for each area, timescales for putting people in place and any training requirements R Forster to liase with Q&S leads and bring an overall report on progress against all the areas requested to the Q&S Committee including a summary of the actions being taken 9. DATA CENTRE TENDER UPDATE S Dobson noted that IT services had been tasked with looking for income generation possibilities for the data centre. The team have tendered for a couple of things and have been successful in a bid to provide IT services for all of the PCTs in GM. This is worth close to a million in income with good potential for profit going forward. The Committee congratulated the team for the hard work that went into winning this bid. 10. HIS STRATEGY PROGRAM UPDATE S Dobson advised the Committee that the procurement process will be finalised and ready to begin in the first week of February. The past few months have been spent finalising the tender documents and locking down requirements. He advised that discussions have also been taking place with Bolton and Salford in terms of joint procurement. He advised that Bolton remained uncertain as to whether they would be joining a procurement with WWL but it may be that this position changes in the future and they may opt to join. It was agreed that a section would be included on the tender to allow other organisations to be included at a later stage. The other organisations would need to be named on the document, S Dobson will Bolton, Salford and Bridgewater to confirm that this is acceptable to them. It was agreed that further work was required on the scoring methodology. S Dobson will link with CP Stubbs and R Armstrong to discuss this further. S Dobson to link with CP Stubbs on the scoring methodology S Dobson to contact Salford, Bolton and Bridgewater seeking permission to include their organisations in the tender 11. PROJECT PRIORITIES STATUS REPORT M Smith advised the Committee on the progress with the current IM&T programme. A couple of Lorenzo workshops had been arranged and the team would encourage as many people as possible to attend. The EPR business case has been signed off and will go out to tender shortly. A lot of work has been done around paperless records to identify volunteers to pioneer paperlite. It has been agreed that ophthalmology will be the first to do this. The endoscopy system has been installed and training has taken place. This is on target for go live by the end of February. The business case for an upgrade to digital dictation has been agreed. It was advised that Telecomms were preparing for a major upgrade on Wednesday though this would be dependent on the weather. He noted that the main lowlight was the failure of the multi-tone procurement. Costs are now more than previously believed so that Trust must decide on whether to take the hit in terms of costs or to go out to a full re-procurement which would be a lengthy process. It was agreed that this would go out to re-procurement. 3

6 The Committee agreed that it would like to have better visibility of the decisions that are being made in terms of project prioritisation. It would also like to see the projects in order of priority as well as pipeline projects in order of priority. M Smith will look at how best to take this forward and come back to the next Committee with a suggestion. M Smith/G Hogdson to produce a future report giving an overview of the related financial implications and look at project and pipeline prioritisation and how this can be presented to the Committee 12. CONSULTANTS REVIEW A demonstration of the new consultant productivity tool was given to the Committee. K Foster advised that this had developed from a need for robust activity reports and to allow consultants to get to full service line management. The Committee welcomed the use of this new tool. 13. IG UPDATE PRESENTATION K Foster gave the Committee an update in terms of information governance progress towards the IG toolkit. She noted that it was recognised that there were a number of areas that the Trust was not doing too well on and the team will be looking to improve scores over the coming months. Internal Audit will be re-auditing in March to check progress. Some concern was expressed that the Committee were not seeing targets or timescales for achievement. The Committee would like to see definitive milestones for the organisation and whether or not it is achieving targets. Currently it is not felt that there is a suitable level of assurance being given. K Foster to provide the Committee with definitive milestones, timescales and targets for achievement of the IG toolkit 14. ITEMS RECEIVED BY THE COMMITTEE FOR INFORMATION The Committee received and noted the following items for information: Data Quality Committee minutes Information Security Committee minutes Information Security strategy Information Security plan C P Stubbs noted some concerns around the Data Quality Committee, in particular actions not being closed off quickly enough around the 18 week pathway patient data cleansing. There was also some concern raised at lack of attendees. R Forster will look to draft a communication to attendees. R Forster to look at drafting a communication to Data Quality Committee attendees re poor attendance 15. ANY OTHER BUSINESS P Green advised that Salford had approached her with a view to WWL providing e- learning training modules for them. She advised that there was also an opportunity to potentially sell the WWL e-learning booking system. This was agreed to be an excellent opportunity for collaboration. 16. TOP 3 SUCCESSES / TOP 3 RISKS Key successes were identified as: Joint working from clinical teams on the CCU/ICU IT project 4

7 CSU data centre tender Consultant comparison tool Think privacy day Key risks were identified as: Continuing risk from the CCU / ICU system Clinical records risk HIS tender Multi tone tender failure Attendance at Data Quality Committee 17. DATE / TIME AND LOCATION OF NEXT MEETING 18 th March 2013, 2.00pm, THQ Boardroom 5