The Circuit Approach 34 Judging Effectiveness 35 Explaining Communication Breakdowns 35 Origins 36 Evaluation 38

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1 Conclusion 24 Key Concepts 24 Drill Down Exercises 25 Ancillaries 25 Notes 25 Chapter 2: Examinin g Communication Approaches 27 The Arrow Approach 28 Judging Effectiveness 30 Explaining Communication Breakdowns 31 Origins 33 Evaluation 34 The Circuit Approach 34 Judging Effectiveness 35 Explaining Communication Breakdowns 35 Origins 36 Evaluation 38 Communication as Dance 39 Communication Is Used for Multiple Purposes 39 Communication Involves the Coordination of Meanings 40 Communication Involves Co-Orientation 41 Communication Is Rule Governed 41 Communicators Develop a Repertoire of Unconscious Skills 42 Communication Can Be Viewed as a Patterned Activity 43 Conclusion 45 Key Concepts 45 Drill Down Exercises 46 Ancillaries 46 Notes 46 Chapter 3: Scrutinizing Ethical Issues 49 Fundamental Assumptions 52 Every Communication Decision Has an Ethical Dimension 52 Communication Ethics Involves Both Motives and Outcomes 53 Fundamental Ethical Principles Should Guide Decision Making 53 Ethical Dilemmas 54 Secrecy 54 Dissent 55 Leaks 56 Rumors and Gossip 57 Lies 58 Euphemisms 60 Ambiguity 60 Apologies 60 A Strategic Approach to Corporate Ethics 61 Corporate Culture 64

2 Organizational Policy 65 Personal Commitments 69 Conclusion 72 Key Concepts 72 Drill Down Exercises 73 Ancillaries 73 Notes 73 Chapter 4: Imparting the Organizational Culture 77 What Is Culture? 80 Does Culture Matter? 81 Culture Affects the Bottom Line 81 Culture Influences How an Organization Analyzes and Solves Problems 82 Culture Influences How the Company Will Respond to Change 82 Culture Affects Employee Motivation and Customer Satisfaction 83 How Can We Discover the Culture? 84 Examine the Corporate Slogans, Philosophies, and Value Statements 84 Reflect on the Type of People in the Organization 85 Study Symbols and Heroes 86 How Can We Evaluate the Culture? 87 Does the Organization Seek to Close the Gap Between the Stated Culture and Actual Culture? 87 Is the Actual Culture Suited for the Organizational Challenges? 87 Does the Actual Culture Fit the Employees Beliefs and Values? 88 How Can Leaders Effectively Impart the Culture? 88 Craft Actionable Cultural Statements 89 Appropriately Socialize Employees 90 Develop Symbolic Reminders of the Core Values 91 Link Values With Specific Behaviors 92 Filter Information Through the Values 93 Tell the Right Stories and Create Opportunities to Originate Stories 94 Use Rewards as Powerful Reminders 95 Manage Conflict Through the Values, Not the Hierarchy 95 Routinely Evaluate Progress on the Core Values 96 Assist in the Evolution of the Meaning of the Values 96 Conclusion 97 Key Concepts 98 Drill Down Exercises 98 Ancillaries 98 Notes 98 SECTION 2: COMMUNICATION CHALLENGES 101 Chapter 5: Selecting and Using Communication Technologies 103

3 The B C Model: A Deeper Look 106 Attributes 106 Benefits 107 Costs 108 Value 109 How Perspective Shifts Value 110 User Perspective 110 Time Perspective 112 Micro/Macro Perspectives 113 What to Do? 113 Promote a Robust Mind-Set of the Benefits and Costs of Communication Channels and Technologies 114 Consciously Decide on the Appropriate Cost Benefit Trade-Offs 119 Detect and Respond to Patterns That Develop With Technology Usage 125 Embrace the Promise of Social Media While Managing Its Risks 130 Conclusion 137 Key Concepts 137 Drill Down Exercises 137 Ancillaries 138 Notes 138 Chapter 6: Managing Data, Information, Knowledge, and Action 143 The D-I-K-A Model 145 Data = Representations of Reality 146 Information = Data That Provide Relevant Clues or News 147 Knowledge = The Framework or Schema for Organizing the Relationships Between Pieces of Information 147 Action = The Deeds or Decisions Made Based on Knowledge 148 Variations of the Model 148 The D-I-K Loop 150 The K-A Loop 151 The I-A Loop 151 Managing the Data Information Relationship 152 Recognize the Inherent Flaws of All Data and Information 152 Determine What Employees Really Need to Know 153 Analyze Both Quantitative and Qualitative Data 154 Harness the Power of Product-Embedded Information (PEI) and Just-in-Time Information (JITI) 155 Use Imagery to Dramatize Information and Summarize Complex Data Sets 156 Reduce the Number of Links in the Communication Chain 158 Managing the Information Knowledge Relationship 160

4 Evaluate the Credibility of the Evidence 160 Organize the Same Information in Different Ways 162 Identify What You Don t Know 164 Discern the Underlying Patterns 165 Test Models and Theories 166 Managing the Knowledge Action Relationship 167 Create Strategic Knowledge-Sharing Communities 167 Focus Reports on Actionable Issues 169 Speed Up the Transformation Process, Even at the Expense of Accuracy 170 Conclusion 171 Key Concepts 171 Drill Down Exercises 171 Ancillaries 172 Notes 172 Chapter 7: Providing Performance Feedback 177 Performance Feedback Principles 178 Everyone, Whether They Acknowledge It or Not, Has Performance Standards 179 High Performance Standards Foster Employee Development and Organizational Viability 180 All Employees Receive Feedback About Their Performance 180 The Ideal Feedback System Drives Employees to Identify, Perform, and Commit to the Evolving Performance Standards 181 Implementing a Successful Feedback System 181 Do Employees Know Their Job Responsibilities? 182 Do Employees Know the Standards by Which They Are Being Evaluated? 183 Do Employees Receive Useful Informal Feedback? 184 Do Employees Receive Useful Feedback From Performance Appraisals? 184 Communicating Performance Feedback 186 The Method 187 The Message 190 Conclusion 198 Key Concepts 199 Drill Down Exercises 199 Ancillaries 199 Notes 199 Chapter 8: Communicating Across Organizational Boundaries 203 The Nature of Boundaries 206 Potential Problems of Boundaries 207 Investment Losses 207 Customer Service Failures 208 Unmotivated Employees 208

5 Contributing Factors 209 Language Differences 209 Culture 210 Use of Space 213 Structure of Rewards and Punishments 214 The Arithmetic/Geometric Factor 214 What to Do? 216 Select and Train the Right People 216 Implement Error Correction Processes 217 Encourage Activities That Promote Shared Experiences and Common Goals 219 Integrate Boundary Spanning Into the Structure of the Organization 222 Promote a Collaborative Communication Style 224 Conclusion 226 Key Concepts 227 Drill Down Exercises 227 Ancillaries 227 Notes 228 Chapter 9: Communicating About Change 231 Approaches to Change 233 Top-Down 234 Bottom-Up 235 Integrative Approach 235 Selecting the Degree of Communication 236 Undercommunicating 236 Overcommunicating 237 Goldilocks Zones 237 Reactions to Change 237 The Iceberg Model 240 Contextual Analysis 244 Audience Analysis 247 Strategic Design 250 Tactical Preparation 255 Conclusion 261 Key Concepts 261 Drill Down Exercises 261 Ancillaries 262 Notes 262 Chapter 10: Cultivating the Innovative Spirit 265 Misconceptions 267 Myth 1: Innovation Is Risky 268 Myth 2: All Innovations Spring From Revolutionary Big Ideas, Paradigm Shifts, or Grand Schemes 269 Myth 3: Innovation Is Product Focused 270 What Is Innovation? 270 Idea Generation 270

6 Feasibility Analysis 271 Viability Assessment 272 Implementation 272 Implications 273 A Perspective on Success and Failure 275 Potential Success 276 Failure 276 Temporary Success 277 Enduring Success 277 Implications 277 Strategic Traffic Signals 278 Cultivate an Innovative Culture 279 Develop Company Programs, Policies, and Practices That Foster Innovation 281 Properly Reject Bad Ideas 283 Conclusion 285 Key Concepts 285 Drill Down Exercises 285 Ancillaries 286 Notes 286 Chapter 11: Building a World-Class Communication System 289 Assess 292 Communication Audits 293 Pulse Process 294 Strategize 295 What Is a Communication Strategy? 297 How Do You Craft a Communication Strategy? 298 What Makes a Communication Strategy Effective? 303 Implement 307 Assess Strategize Implement in Action 309 Conclusion 309 Key Concepts 310 Drill Down Exercises 310 Ancillaries 310 Notes 311 Glossary 313 Index 321 About the Author 331