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2 TOOLKIT COnTEnTS 2 TOPIC TOOLS PAGE Leadership Change management Developing self and others 4 levels of leadership Leadership styles Action-centered leadership Practices of exemplary leadership Leading successful change 5 roles of a leader in change Reactions to change Moving through change ADKAR individual needs during change Learning cycle CRC feedback CAR feedback Johari window 12 brain rules Performance = DxOxMxA

3 Working with others Building trust and credibility Zoom in zoom out 20 5 critical success factors 21 Interaction styles 22 Meeting business and personal needs 23 Catching the moment a quick conversation 24 Coaching continuum change your approach 25 Positive management Issue/concern identification 26 7 steps for effective communication 27 Communication plan 28 4 factors for influencing others 29 Delegation plan 30 Trust equation 31 5 levels of trust at work Trust tree

4 McCormack & Associates April 2015 WL Conflict management Time management Decision making and problem solving Conflict prevention 5 reactions to conflict Interest-based approach Perceptual positions Conflict resolution process 6 critical skills of time management SMART goals Prioritisation important/urgent matrix Managing interruptions worth my time test? Seizing opportunities action/priority matrix Steps to more effective meetings 44 Energy pyramid 45 Take back your life 46 in 10 steps 46 Effective decisions 47 6-step process 48 Participatory decision-making 49 Innovation continuum 50

5 4 LEvELS OF LEADERSHIP Individual contributor Team leader Leader of leaders Organisation leader 5

6 Democratic LEADERSHIP STyLES Affiliative Pace-setting visionary Coaching 6 Commanding you?

7 7 Team maintenance Maintain discipline Build team spirit Encourage, motivate Delegate to others Develop the group Ensure good group communication Task functions Define Plan and adjust when needed Allocate work/resources Quality control Check performance against plan Communicate task to others ACTIOn-CEnTERED LEADERSHIP Individual needs Attend to personal problems Give feedback to others Develop the individual Identify and utilise individual abilities Give status/ recognition to others

8 PRACTICES OF ExEMPLARy LEADERSHIP MODEL the way InSPIRE a shared vision CHALLEnGE the process 8 EnABLE others to act EnCOURAGE the heart

9 LEADInG SUCCESSFUL CHAnGE Implementing and sustaining change Make it stick Don t let up Create short-term wins Engaging and enabling Enable action Communicate for understanding and buy-in Creating a climate for change 9 Get the vision right Build a guiding team Create a sense of urgency

10 Communicator 5 ROLES OF LEADERS DURInG CHAnGE Resistance manager Advocate Change Liaison Coach 10

11 REACTIOnS TO CHAnGE Innovators 2.5% 11 Early adopters 13.5% Pragmatists early majority 34% Conservatives late majority 34% Laggards late adopters 16%

12 MOvInG THROUGH CHAnGE Performance before change Denial How good things were Commitment Where am I heading? Performance after change Resistance Anger, loss and hurt Exploration What s going to happen to me? 12

13 ADKAR InDIvIDUAL needs DURInG CHAnGE Reinforcement ADKAR Change Awareness Ability Desire 13 Knowledge

14 LEARnInG CyCLE Experience Action Reflection/ feedback Insight/ learning 14

15 CRC FEEDBACK COMMEnD RECOMMEnD COMMEnD I liked the way you... It was really good how... It worked really well when... It was effective when you (behaviour) because (impact) I d recommend you... I would suggest... Next time try... I think it would be good to try (behaviour) because (impact) 15

16 CAR FEEDBACK Context Action Result If a change in behaviour is required, use the next steps Alternative 16 Result

17 Known to self Not known to self johari WInDOW Known to others Arena Blind spot Not known to others Facade Potential 17

18 12 BRAIn RULES Exercise boosts brain power. We don t pay attention to boring things. Repeat to remember. Remember to repeat. Sleep well, think well. Stressed brains don t learn the same way. Stimulate more of the senses. Vision trumps all other senses. 18

19 PERFORMAnCE = DxOxMxA Performance = To perform well people need D x O x M x A Direction Opportunity Motivation Ability 19

20 zoom In zoom OUT Get perspective and the right level of detail 20

21 5 CRITICAL SUCCESS FACTORS FOR HIGH PERFORMInG RELATIOnSHIPS Communication Outcomes Trust Leader Approach 21 Commitment

22 InTERACTIOn STyLES HIGH ASSERTIvE RELATIOnSHIP ORIEnTATED Expressive Feels and acts Amiable Feels (Friendship) Driver Thinks and acts Analytical Thinks (precision) TASK ORIEnTATED 22 LOW ASSERTIvE

23 MEETInG BUSInESS AnD PERSOnAL needs GROW Goal Reality Options Way forward + Five Interpersonal skills Acknowledge others Listen and empathise Share Seek involvement Encourage responsibility 23

24 CATCHInG THE MOMEnT A quick COnvERSATIOn G R O Goal Reality Options What do you want to achieve? What is happening now? How would you like it to be? What ideas? How? 24 W Way forward What and when?

25 COACHInG COnTInUUM CHAnGE your APPROACH Direct Seek 10% Tell 90% Tell 10% Seek 90% Confidence and competence Delegate 25 Develop

26 POSITIvE MAnAGEMEnT ISSUE/COnCERn IDEnTIFICATIOn 1 What is happening? 2 Evidence? 3 Impact? 4 Importance? 5 Desired actions? 6 Issue statement remember observation and fact specific and Precise. 7 Complete conversation planner. 26

27 7 STEPS FOR EFFECTIvE COMMUnICATIOn Message / clarification Sender Receiver Receiver Sender 27 Field of experience Response / feedback Field of experience

28 COMMUnICATIOn PLAn What Purpose (why) Who When How 28

29 4 FACTORS FOR InFLUEnCInG OTHERS Build credibility Connect emotionally Search for shared ground 29 Provide compelling positions and evidence

30 DELEGATIOn PLAn 30 Task Purpose/ context Date Reporting to Key people Specifics Authority Check points When to refer back Resources available

31 TRUST EqUATIOn (S x E) T=R (Strategy x Execution) Trust = Results 31

32 Self-trust 5 LEvELS OF TRUST AT WORK Relationships Organisation Reputation/ market 32 Public/ society

33 Admit mistakes Make commitments you can keep Test assumptions Request and accept feedback TRUST TREE Break promises Make assumptions Spread rumours Shoot the messenger Sugar-coating GROW TRUST Cover yourself Bypass people Give mixed messages Share too much or too little Acknowledge others Encourage responsibility 33 Listen and empathise Share Seek involvement

34 COnFLICT PREvEnTIOn 1 Identify areas of actual or potential conflict. 2 Communicate consistently in ways that seek to minimise conflict. 3 Express yourself / your ideas in ways that help people understand the message. 4 Work out your key stakeholder s style and present information in a way that works for them. 34

35 HIGH Concern for task completion 5 REACTIOnS TO COnFLICT Constructive discontent Railroading HIGH MIDDLE WAy LOW Concern for relationship Harmony Withdrawal 35 LOW

36 InTEREST-BASED APPROACH Make sure that good relationships are the first priority Keep people and problems separate Pay attention to the interests that are being presented Listen first; talk second Set out the facts Explore options together 36

37 PERCEPTUAL POSITIOnS See the situation from another point of view 4th position (System Organisation ) 2nd position (Other you ) 37 1st position (Self I ) 3rd position (Observer They )

38 COnFLICT RESOLUTIOn PROCESS 1 Set the scene 2 Gather information 3 Agree on the problem 4 Brainstorm possible solutions 5 Work together to find a solution 38

39 6 CRITICAL SKILLS OF TIME MAnAGEMEnT 1 Set goals. 2 Prioritise. 3 Schedule. 4 Deal with interruptions. 5 Manage yourself. For leaders there is a sixth critical skill 6 Leverage people and technology. 39

40 SMART GOALS Identify what you want to achieve 40 1 Set SMART goals 2 Write goals down 3 Review them regularly 4 Update them when they change Specific Measurable Achievable Results orientated Time bound 5 Remember the progress principle

41 PRIORITISATIOn HIGH Important goals Critical activities Importance Distractions Interruptions LOW 41 LOW Urgency HIGH

42 MAnAGInG InTERRUPTIOnS Responding to unplanned requests Is it worth your time? 1 Am I the right person? 2 Is this the right time? 3 Do I have the necessary information? 4 What is the value? 5 Would I pay for this? 6 What happens if I don t do this? 42

43 SEIzInG THE OPPORTUnITIES: ACTIOn/PRIORITy MATRIx HIGH Quick wins Major projects Impact Fill ins Hard slogs LOW 43 LOW Effort HIGH

44 5 STEPS TO MORE EFFECTIvE MEETInGS 1 Have a clear purpose 2 Prepare 3 Take meaningful notes/ minutes 4 Facilitate the meeting 5 Take action 44

45 EnERGy PyRAMID 45 Rituals Rituals Rituals Spiritual capacity Mental capacity Emotional capacity Physical capacity

46 TAKE BACK your LIFE In 10 STEPS 1 Get sufficient sleep every night 2 Move more 3 Eat less, more often 4 Renew more 5 Invest in those you love 6 Give thanks 7 Do the most important thing first 8 Practice reflection 9 Keep learning 10 Give back 46 Source:

47 EFFECTIvE DECISIOnS ED = RD x CD Effective decision = right decision x commitment to the decision 47

48 6-STEP PROCESS FOR DECISIOn-MAKInG AnD PROBLEM SOLvInG 1 What s going on? 2 What do we need to achieve? 3 How can we do this? / What are the options? 4 What will we do? 5 What could go wrong? 6 Put it into action 48

49 PARTICIPATORy DECISIOn-MAKInG Business as usual Divergent zone Groan zone Convergent zone Closure zone New topic? 49

50 InnOvATIOn COnTInUUM Innovation 50 Evolutionary Incremental Continuous improvement Total quality Making things better Revolutionary Breakthrough Transformation Re-engineering Making things different